darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Imaginators
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Hunters: Buuzer, TTD

Skylanders: Imaginators
Title Author Posts Last Post
Skylanders General Discussion Topic - Spoiler Warning [STICKY] TTD 31768 11:26 18/06/2024
by cookieeater
[OFFICIAL TOPIC] Official Bug/Glitch Tracking Thread [STICKY]
Pages: 123
PwnageFTW 126 15:39 26/04/2021
by Drednaw
[OFFICIAL TOPIC] Share Your Imaginators! [STICKY]
Pages: 12345 ... 1213141516
TheToyNerd 755 19:55 21/04/2021
by ThunderEgg
[OFFICIAL] System Patch Notes | Update Version 1.02 [14/02/2017] + [07/04/2017] [STICKY] ImDoubleTrouble 44 12:33 05/05/2019
by Peppins
[OFFICIAL TOPIC] The Definitive Skylanders and Vehicles Tier List [STICKY]
Pages: 123
GigaCamo 112 14:53 17/11/2018
by cookieeater
[OFFICIAL TOPIC] Upgrade Path Recommendations! (Sensei + Imaginators) [STICKY]
Pages: 123
Buuzer 146 03:18 22/10/2017
by Luminous35
Everything we know about Skylanders: Imaginators (13/01/2017) [STICKY] [CLOSED] TTD 32 17:00 13/01/2017
by TTD
older skylanders are weaker? cookieeater 7 13:11 27/01/2025
by Akseyomiht
Wii-U How to Backup Game File for patch ?? AlexBobSpoons 5 16:36 05/09/2023
by Muffin Man
Activision CEO Wants Skylanders To Return On Xbox TTD 10 23:33 24/08/2022
by ThunderEgg
Sensei voices in Skylanders: Imaginators
Pages: 12
JLrosen 99 13:12 14/08/2022
by Bifrost
Skylanders imaginators for switch EmperorKaos 5 12:17 11/08/2022
by Muffin Man
Suggestion discussion for a future game - legacy stuff? Bifrost 14 19:04 17/07/2022
by CountMoneyBone
Favorite and Least Favorite NPC Todd 10 15:13 17/07/2022
by ThunderEgg
Playing Skylanders Imaginators with PS4 remote play yuvalyly 2 13:35 15/07/2021
by zookinator
Best Level ThunderEgg 4 18:49 03/05/2021
by ThunderEgg
favorite/least favorite levels? ThunderEgg 6 18:23 02/05/2021
by Halvmorke
Skylanders set for comeback according to leak TTD 35 10:33 02/05/2021
by CountMoneyBone
Scrapped Battle Classes Info skylandsfan 7 08:18 18/04/2021
by skylandsfan
How rare is the Switch version? QuakeMarine 14 23:44 31/03/2021
by zookinator
Happy Valentines Day matteo 6 12:58 15/02/2021
by Halvmorke
A Little Discussion About Art Styles BlueFox 10 07:38 02/02/2021
by Drawdler
leveling up characters quickly ThunderEgg 2 02:34 03/12/2020
by Wishblade
Imaginator parts max stats?
Pages: 12
Android Kain 88 23:04 11/11/2020
by Peppins
How does racing work in Imaginators? cyberstudio 3 19:03 09/11/2020
by ThunderEgg
Random Skylanders Thoughts
Pages: 12
BlueFox 98 18:36 23/10/2020
by BlueFox
Fan Game In Development: Skylanders Armor Knights BlueFox 5 21:48 16/10/2020
by Bifrost
Skylanders Development Commentary Coming January 25th! SkyFan91 21 23:20 10/10/2020
by BlueFox
Favorite Skylander and Villain Sensei? Chompy-King257 17 23:09 01/08/2020
by ThunderEgg
Switch Update After All These Years? ninja9351 2 13:25 07/07/2020
by Drawdler
What went wrong with Skylanders?
Pages: 1234
TTD 199 22:49 28/06/2020
by cookieeater
question about lost imaginite mines cookieeater 3 17:02 23/06/2020
by Halvmorke
do you think the franchise is dead forever or could it return one day? cookieeater 5 20:24 03/06/2020
by CountMoneyBone
how to identify the difference between blue chest keptman 3 16:38 19/05/2020
by CaptainBiggs
Series Remodeling BlueFox 5 15:18 15/05/2020
by ThunderEgg
Revisiting childhood Camo Lover 5 10:54 27/04/2020
by Skylander3112
Rail Grind Challenges? Slivers 27 20:50 07/04/2020
by Adamsouth05
if anything happens for the 10th anniversary what do you think it'll be cookieeater 9 20:36 31/03/2020
by Barrysun
Update Patch Saving For Future??? AlexBobSpoons 2 11:46 17/03/2020
by CountMoneyBone
Custom Imaginator Figures Are Being Delivered --- Post Yours! Shippin 469 18:31 12/01/2020
by ThunderEgg
Will Skylanders: Imaginators Win Game of the Year 2019? Swap Force Fan 6 20:35 14/12/2019
by SkyFan91
Interesting Finds within the Files skylandsfan 10 19:02 05/12/2019
by SkyFan91
Redesign That Skylander BlueFox 30 22:10 01/12/2019
by BlueFox
Hello everyone! SkyFan91 8 03:01 26/11/2019
by Drawdler
Wait for Chompy Mage? zookinator 2 11:09 13/11/2019
by Buuzer
Rave About That Skylander BlueFox 6 03:03 01/10/2019
by Drawdler
Your Dream Skylander BlueFox 6 22:09 24/09/2019
by BlueFox
Translations Squicman 2 22:06 20/03/2019
by Bifrost
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