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Rave About That Skylander
BlueFox Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#1 Posted: 02:43:09 30/09/2019 | Topic Creator
The opposite of Redesign That Skylander. I want to read some wholesome content. Like, Pokémon Center reviews levels of wholesome. Only fun allowed.

Slobber Tooth: A very good boy who deserves all the microphones in the world! He's got a winning smile and a healthy appetite. And this noise? I fell in love the very first time I heard it, back when people questioned if he'd even speak at all and if some characters would return to gibberish. It's so breathy and animalistic, just perfect! Reminds me of an alligator or crocodile gaping: Wrecking Ball did it first, but I think Slobber Tooth perfected gourmandizing. He savors his food. It's all in the animations, the little details. He reminds me of Ray Harryhausen dinosaurs and tokusatsu monsters, here to wreck your city and eat your cars. But he also takes care of his teeth, and that's very admirable of him. This is actual lore, not me messing around. Godzilla doesn't do that. I bet Wrecking Ball doesn't do that. Slobber Tooth, you're doing amazing, sweetie. If Skylanders had made high-quality plush and widened their horizons, I would've got him in a heartbeat. He looks like a hugger. I'm also partial to big dunderheads so...yeah, he’s one of my favorites. It would’ve been cool if he kept the two heads(not talking about the Magic character, there’s another design in Strata where it’s literally two-headed Slobber Tooth, one with a horn erupting from the top of his nose), but I like ‘im. Glad he wasn’t scrapped.
Where’s the account deletion button when you need one?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 03:14:26 30/09/2019 by BlueFox
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10626
#2 Posted: 14:09:34 30/09/2019
Hex is gud. Gud dress, gud silhouette, gud powers (and arsenal if you go Master Caster), gud voice acting, great S2 figure. She is so so nice.
(What I need is never what I want)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#3 Posted: 19:01:39 30/09/2019
Spyro: wow hes just great hes the leader of the skylanders and hes a dragon and aw geez hes from another game no way???!!
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
BlueFox Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096
#4 Posted: 00:00:47 01/10/2019 | Topic Creator
Quote: ThunderEgg
Spyro: wow hes just great hes the leader of the skylanders and hes a dragon and aw geez hes from another game no way???!!

whoa. spyro’s from another game? dude. how many games are there?! is cynder there too?

I’ve never played an original Spyro game. Or the Legend series. I’m actually kinda interested in Reignited tho?
Where’s the account deletion button when you need one?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:02:59 01/10/2019 by BlueFox
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