If Skylanders were to be rebooted, would you mind if everything became Nicolas Kole-ified? Or if characters got redesigned?
Personally I think a character or two could use some pizzazz, and I've wondered for quite some time what would happen if you gave him a Skylander to work with. But I still like the general art direction of the franchise.
darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Imaginators > A Little Discussion About Art Styles
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BlueFox Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096 |
#1 Posted: 20:02:41 01/10/2020 | Topic Creator
Where’s the account deletion button when you need one? |
Prismatic Sparx
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#2 Posted: 21:23:23 01/10/2020
I'm not sure we know much how he'd do the humans, but I'd be glad to give it a chance! Crash showed he knows to keep most of what made the character work even if there's some drastic changes, and no two designs feel like they have the same silhouette.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Emerald Sparx
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#3 Posted: 14:50:02 02/10/2020
hmmm, i haven't really thought about this.
i find kole's style pretty appealing, so i'd want to at least see his concepts for skylanders characters. i think the initial skylanders style is fine, but you bring up a good point that were it to get a reboot, it's likely the artstyle will significantly change. maybe he could just do redesign of a couple of characters? i'm not sure if a reboot would include all of the skylanders -- meaning maybe only a few get new interpretations. personally, i think riptide could do with some tweaks. he doesn't have a bad design, but something about him doesn't make sense to me. i think high volt could use some extra color here and there to give his design more energy. i'd also want to see humanoid female characters get a more diversified body type. by trap team, i think they sort of course corrected, but most of them otherwise look like they could be the same person in a different costume. i think it's something about the big, round head and tiny bodies. i'm not sure if kole would think these things need to be changed, because i'm mostly nitpicking, but i think he could provide some interesting new interpretations. his lineless style is a bit of a no-brainer for concept art that will be turned into a 3d model. i'm surprised i haven't see more concept art rendered that way.
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60) |
BlueFox Emerald Sparx Gems: 3096 |
#4 Posted: 23:36:25 02/10/2020 | Topic Creator
If anything, it apparently means a new art book, one that is actually available to the public. I'm so down for that.
Where’s the account deletion button when you need one? |
Emerald Sparx
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#5 Posted: 23:01:27 03/10/2020
heck yeah. artbooks are just the best.
it's too bad the skylanders artbooks were so obscure. i didn't even know they existed until forum members mentioned snagging some ![]()
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60) |
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#6 Posted: 04:28:00 29/01/2021
I'd be up for that! I'd actually love to see a new Skylanders game with a significantly cut roster (by significant, I mean massive. 8-16 Skylanders maybe?) and really flesh out these Skylanders' personalities, motives and really explore the dynamics of the group. Obviously, that means cut the toy aspect. Maybe offer bonus' for people who already have a collection of skylanders (kinda like amiibo in various games) such as bonus treasure, items etc. Seeing that accumilate in a beatiful, stylised world with character designs by Nicolas Kole would be incredibly exciting.
Emerald Sparx
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#7 Posted: 03:30:00 31/01/2021
it'd make sense to limit the characters, but i feel like it could also be the skylanders version of dexit
(sorry i just wanted to type that)
I AM ETERNAL! https://i.imgur.com/8H3ij0j.png (banner by skylandersfan60) |
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#8 Posted: 03:28:19 01/02/2021
It really depends how they go about it imo. If they cut the roster, they really have to showcase a reason for doing show - how does it benefit the gameplay, the story and the overall experience? It they cut the roster for the sake of cutting it, then yeah I could see some justifiable backlash.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:28:38 01/02/2021 by TTD
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