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favorite/least favorite levels?
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#1 Posted: 02:08:48 30/04/2021 | Topic Creator
i'm playing through imaginators again bc it's the only skylanders game i have properly set up

i hate scholarville. i always forget the boss fight with kaos isn't the end of the level, so i get all prepared to finish up and then i realize there's still more to do there
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4774
#2 Posted: 13:43:00 30/04/2021
Level design is one of the things in Imaginators that disappointed me the most, above all concerning elemental realms.

There's only a few levels I truly love and enjoy replaying: Dragon Temple, Gryphon Park Observatory, Thumpin' Wumpa Islands and Cursed Tiki Temple (yeah, most of them are DLC...); and Death and Water sensei realms.

Among those levels that are ok and I kind of enjoy playing sometimes are Cradle of Creation, Mushroom River, Shellmont Shores and Enchanted Elven Forest, despite of how the last one kind of disappointed me because it had a lot of potential (how can we have those charming forest levels in previows games and we don't have a single decent one in this one...); and Light and Dark sensei realms.

Levels I truly hate, consider boring, awful and disappointing and usually avoid playing: Fizzland, The Golden Arcade; and Earth and Life sensei realms.

The rest of the levels... I just don't give a damn, I'll play them when bored or if I just want to try something different from time to time. Tech sensei realm is just tiring.

Gosh, I wish this game had the level designs of Trap Team and/or Spyro's Adventures, it would be way WAY better. Most of the concepts behind these levels try too hard to be fresh, different and assorted, and at the end they fail absolutely.
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ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4307
#3 Posted: 21:18:25 30/04/2021 | Topic Creator
FIZZLAND OH YEAH THAT LEVEL UGH. that section with the globs is so annoying. i originally played the ps3 version of that level and i remember stuff looked especially bad as they had to reduce the size of the models or something. i don't remember what exactly it was.

i agree, thumpin wumpa is one of the best levels in the game. the cut-scene animations are really fun, and even the side-minigames for crash and cortex
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Halvmorke Emerald Sparx Gems: 4774
#4 Posted: 18:23:54 02/05/2021
I actually like shelmont shores, I usually love sea-themed levels. I don't see the pain, it has a bit of everything and is overall well balanced. Not one of the best levels probably, but quite a decent one IMO.
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