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Hunters: JCW555, Bolt

The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon
Title Author Posts Last Post
do u think some 1 will die [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
DARK CINDER 90 02:45 18/07/2008
by Spyro LUVA
TIC-TAC-TOE ... [CLOSED] Eternal Night 2 13:39 17/07/2008
by dark52
G4 on Spyro [CLOSED] BJ 8 03:40 17/07/2008
by Cynder_Rox
idea of possibility [CLOSED] Spyrosflame 13 23:38 16/07/2008
by CynderGirl3
Gameplay trailor? [CLOSED] Robo-Spyro 25 22:05 16/07/2008
by Blackholes_Wolf
does spyro have new melee attacks? [CLOSED] dark_fury912 18 19:45 16/07/2008
by RenanSpyro
how long do you guys want DotD to be [CLOSED] omarthedragon 39 22:24 15/07/2008
by Ice Fire
Trailer realese date revealed!!!! [CLOSED] Miles Tails 39 07:35 15/07/2008
by Eternal Night
will spyro and cynder swim?? [CLOSED] spyroblack 18 07:30 15/07/2008
by Eternal Night
doubts about flying ability [CLOSED] the doctor 11 01:25 15/07/2008
by Axel
What is the trailer going to be like? [CLOSED] oval30 30 23:35 14/07/2008
by Miles Tails
Hit Combo System [CLOSED] AntauriWolf 10 20:10 14/07/2008
by spyroking16
Mark Hamill as Malefor [CLOSED] Spyla 22 19:10 14/07/2008
by spyroking16
light breath [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
Robo-Spyro 69 17:58 14/07/2008
by cynder4ever
New attacks! [CLOSED] Robo-Spyro 6 16:34 14/07/2008
by SilverDragon
Anyone thinks the same? [CLOSED] Crush 20 16:24 14/07/2008
by Crush
Darkest Hour??? [CLOSED] Malefor 4 15:40 14/07/2008
by Robo-Spyro
Wayne Brady [CLOSED] BJ 29 08:21 14/07/2008
by Spyro Technics
Pages: 12
DARK CINDER 56 02:42 14/07/2008
by irondmandragon
Guard [CLOSED] Spyla 5 01:27 14/07/2008
by Spyla
how would you play most as ? [CLOSED] spyroblack 42 00:35 14/07/2008
by Aang
I've noticed another thing.... [CLOSED] EmeraldDragon 11 18:25 13/07/2008
by EmeraldDragon
what do you guys think hunter shod look like [CLOSED] omarthedragon 19 15:59 13/07/2008
by Tango
Think this place is important? [CLOSED] Tiff 4 15:49 13/07/2008
by RenanSpyro
A couple of new screenshots [CLOSED] dark52 36 12:18 13/07/2008
by spyroking16
What about DARK Spyro? [CLOSED] bionicle2809 16 10:29 13/07/2008
by Cynder_543
I had an idea... [CLOSED] Spyro LUVA 4 03:10 13/07/2008
by SequoiaDragon
True relese date??? [CLOSED] Elemental Spyro 15 21:05 12/07/2008
by Night Owl
how do you think the gurdeins will look like on the xbox360 [CLOSED] omarthedragon 12 18:04 12/07/2008
by spyroking16
To: Xbox owners [CLOSED] Cynder_Rox 1 15:58 12/07/2008
by Cynder_Rox
Should I get this game? [CLOSED] funnyguy67 3 13:37 12/07/2008
by spyroking16
I find blood in one DotD photo!!! [CLOSED] Eternal Night 29 04:18 12/07/2008
by spyroking16
Dark Masters Lair [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
Spyroboy 51 21:13 11/07/2008
by spyro luver
Which Cynder is best? [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
cynder4ever 52 18:55 11/07/2008
by cynder4ever
New on Sierra Forums for Spyro [CLOSED] dragonwar2 8 16:49 11/07/2008
by SilverDragon
Wait... [CLOSED] Dragonhope 4 10:53 11/07/2008
by matesds
Is Sierra presenting DotD to E3? [CLOSED] DragonFriend244 18 21:37 10/07/2008
by Cynder_Rox
what rating do you guys want the game to be [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
omarthedragon 57 19:17 10/07/2008
by torok
Time Control? [CLOSED] JaydaTheFox 15 16:58 10/07/2008
by DragonFriend244
DS Version Preview [CLOSED] dark52 2 15:14 10/07/2008
by DragonFriend244
New Extras in dotd [CLOSED] spiro101 25 07:06 10/07/2008
by Robo-Spyro
This game is gonna be "off the hezei!" (sorry if that's misspelled) [CLOSED] ThatsSoRaven 24 03:02 10/07/2008
by SD-King
What do you think about Cynder's abilities? [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
Felines 51 00:09 10/07/2008
by Felines
Complaints? Ideas? Compliments? [CLOSED] zacoda1 45 20:36 09/07/2008
by SD-King
The final Title [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
RenanSpyro 62 20:21 09/07/2008
by SD-King
Post your thoughts about The Legend of Spyro: The Darkest Hour [CLOSED] crashpro 48 17:33 09/07/2008
by Coocie2
Dawn of the Dragon pause menu!!!!! [CLOSED] Eternal Night 22 08:55 09/07/2008
by Eternal Night
who thinks spyro and cynder will have baby dragons [CLOSED] spyro dragon29 13 04:37 09/07/2008
by Spyla
Will the dragon elders be in the new game???? [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
SpyroGamer2008 74 04:18 09/07/2008
by SD-King
The bosses [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
Shrazer320 72 21:18 08/07/2008
by SD-King
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