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The bosses [CLOSED]
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#1 Posted: 21:41:53 12/02/2008 | Topic Creator


Okay, aside from the Dark Master being the last (and hopefully most difficult boss), what others do you guys think/hope there'll be?

I'm hoping for at least one other dragon that's following the Dark Master.
Dragongyrl1000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1939
#2 Posted: 22:04:35 12/02/2008
*shrugs* IDK, perhaps a powerful dragon? smilie
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who do matter don't mind." - Dr. Suess
Zerodius Yellow Sparx Gems: 1194
#3 Posted: 22:34:28 12/02/2008
Actually, I hope that:

-the Dark Master is NOT the last boss (would be cool to fight some kind of supernatural embodiement of evil or getting the revelation that all along, the Dark Master was a scapegoat/puppet for a greater evil)

-the Dark Master is NOT the pushover that Cynder and Cynder Memory (from ANB and TEN respectively) were.

-that it will feature more bosses, that they will be more difficult, and that they will NOT be palette/texture swaps of ANB and TEN bosses.
HIR Diamond Sparx Gems: 9026
#4 Posted: 22:50:49 12/02/2008
Quote: Zerodius
Actually, I hope that:

-the Dark Master is NOT the last boss (would be cool to fight some kind of supernatural embodiement of evil or getting the revelation that all along, the Dark Master was a scapegoat/puppet for a greater evil)

-the Dark Master is NOT the pushover that Cynder and Cynder Memory (from ANB and TEN respectively) were.

-that it will feature more bosses, that they will be more difficult, and that they will NOT be palette/texture swaps of ANB and TEN bosses.

I agree with one and two...

...but I doubt you'll get your third wish. I have this sinking feeling. ._.
Congrats! You wasted five seconds reading this.
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#5 Posted: 23:00:34 12/02/2008
Maybe Ripto, maybe???? If it takes place in Avalor, he might be a boss. But there's still that debate on whether or not this is a prequel, a reboot, or something else. But it would be nice to have him back in the game. I loved beating him in "Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage/Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer". We won't know for sure until the game is released, or until more information on the upcoming game is released.
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
Techno Spyro Fodder
#6 Posted: 01:21:02 13/02/2008
The Dark Master could very well be the last boss in the game; however, Spyro became Dark Spyro in the end of The Eternal Night. What if Spyro must battle Dark Spyro in the end.
Dark_Spyro999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4713
#7 Posted: 03:13:21 13/02/2008
EEEEK! scary. Spyro battle Dark Spyro? Certainly a weird twist.
I is ded
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#8 Posted: 03:42:47 13/02/2008
maybe it's all the bosses (except cynder)from anb and ten
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
sillyworld Gold Sparx Gems: 2060
#9 Posted: 05:37:33 13/02/2008
Quote: SD-King
maybe it's all the bosses (except cynder)from anb and ten

that would be HORRIBLE! it would be like playing the same game again and again and again.
i don't think they'd do that to us!
Last edited at 05:38:31 13/02/2008 by sillyworld
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#10 Posted: 06:55:38 13/02/2008
I'm hoping that the Dm is not the last boss or even the true evil guy. I'm hoping that he's (this is the only way I can put it directly) soughta like a heretic who realised something that no one else did and then got painted as a bad guy to shut him up. That'd provide a lengthy story along with the juicy revelation-leading-to-fighting-your-former-friends plot that I love most. Betrayal tastes sweet but the revenge that ensues is so much sweeter.
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#11 Posted: 16:14:10 13/02/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Maybe Ripto, maybe???? If it takes place in Avalor, he might be a boss. But there's still that debate on whether or not this is a prequel, a reboot, or something else. But it would be nice to have him back in the game. I loved beating him in "Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage/Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer". We won't know for sure until the game is released, or until more information on the upcoming game is released.

ANB was a reboot, not a prequel, the devlopers themselves saying that. They could still recreate Ripto for this game though.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#12 Posted: 20:46:54 13/02/2008
if ripto comes back im gonna scream i hate that little guy!
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#13 Posted: 20:56:16 13/02/2008
*Sigh* I'm telling you! Cynder has stolen all the love!

No DM final boss! That would be a bad cliche and would ruin the meaning of surprise I'm hoping for. I loved the unknowness of YotD. When I saw the Sorceress' hand stick out of the lava, I couldn't help but play on to find out the mystery of that.

I'm hoping this game even so beats YotD. That would be great!
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#14 Posted: 20:58:31 13/02/2008
how did you post so fast ?
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#15 Posted: 20:59:58 13/02/2008
A resurrected Gaul who has become empowered by the Dark Master as the final boss? A Dark Master-possessed Ripto?
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#16 Posted: 21:55:45 13/02/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Dark_Spyro999
EEEEK! scary. Spyro battle Dark Spyro? Certainly a weird twist.

Spyro and Dark Spyro are the same people.

Quote: SD-King
maybe it's all the bosses (except cynder)from anb and ten


Quote: Twilight
I'm hoping that the Dm is not the last boss or even the true evil guy. I'm hoping that he's (this is the only way I can put it directly) soughta like a heretic who realised something that no one else did and then got painted as a bad guy to shut him up. That'd provide a lengthy story along with the juicy revelation-leading-to-fighting-your-former-friends plot that I love most. Betrayal tastes sweet but the revenge that ensues is so much sweeter.

:/ What?
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#17 Posted: 02:21:03 14/02/2008
The bosses are all the main bosses from every single spyro game?
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#18 Posted: 02:25:38 14/02/2008
Quote: Zerodius
Actually, I hope that:

-the Dark Master is NOT the last boss (would be cool to fight some kind of supernatural embodiement of evil or getting the revelation that all along, the Dark Master was a scapegoat/puppet for a greater evil)

I suspect that any such greater evil will be there as something to leave open the possiblity of more games, like it causes purp;e dragons to go bad and Spyro will have to seek and destroy it later or become like the Dark Master.
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#19 Posted: 03:02:29 14/02/2008
wow.*sounding impressed*
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
SpyroRox Fodder
#20 Posted: 07:48:37 14/02/2008
Uhh, Ripto got K.O'd in Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer unfortunately... And THEN they brang him back in Spyro Adventure and Spyro Fusion... Geez, Krome must REALLY like Ripto for that to happen. Even if Krome didn't create him(I don't know who did...).
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#21 Posted: 11:25:16 14/02/2008
If Ripto is brought back I'll eat my iRiver. I honestly don't know why so many people want him back. In my mind he died in GTG (RR) and that's that.
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
Gwenio Gold Sparx Gems: 2454
#22 Posted: 14:00:16 14/02/2008
Quote: SpyroRox
Uhh, Ripto got K.O'd in Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer unfortunately... And THEN they brang him back in Spyro Adventure and Spyro Fusion... Geez, Krome must REALLY like Ripto for that to happen. Even if Krome didn't create him(I don't know who did...).

None of the games by Krome have Ripto in them. The problem was the epolue of RR/GtG show Ripto as alive.
Michael Yellow Sparx Gems: 1326
#23 Posted: 14:04:30 14/02/2008
Yep, and seeing how these new games are totally unconnected to the old games in continuity, Krome can easily have Ripto in this game if they want him to.
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#24 Posted: 14:06:33 14/02/2008
I wonder if he will be as short is he is in the original games.
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
#25 Posted: 17:30:35 14/02/2008
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#26 Posted: 20:08:43 14/02/2008
If so, it will be his 6th apperance!
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
Anonymous Fodder
#27 Posted: 20:35:37 14/02/2008
Quote: Twilight
If Ripto is brought back I'll eat my iRiver.

If you do, post videos on Youtube plz.
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#28 Posted: 20:54:24 14/02/2008
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#29 Posted: 21:52:01 14/02/2008
Mother crisps! I hated Ripto after his appearances in everygame after GTG. A boss is interesting up until he is over used, with Ripto that was his 2nd appearance, now I'm sick of him. Krome will need a lot of fresh thinking to make Ripto interesting. Although the best idea will be just to leave him out.
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#30 Posted: 22:10:52 14/02/2008
I like Ripto cause of his attacks/abilities
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Sophia_S_ M Blue Sparx Gems: 997
#31 Posted: 22:13:31 14/02/2008
something say to me sparx can be evil in this game,like dark spyro and dark cynder....
"Oh Brother."-smilie,TEN
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#32 Posted: 22:16:30 14/02/2008
WOW!I never thought of that.
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#33 Posted: 23:16:15 14/02/2008 | Topic Creator
For all you hoping for Ripto: ...You don't rememeber that the LoS series is based BEFORE any of the original games, do you? Ripto appeared in S2: Ripto's Rage/Gateway To Glimmer, so if he appeared in the thrid LoS, it'd screw EVERYTHING up.

Quote: SD-King
The bosses are all the main bosses from every single spyro game?

...They'd be VERY easy with Spyro's new abilities.
SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#34 Posted: 23:27:39 14/02/2008
Ripto- n....o
more bosses- yes
harder bosses- of course

And I am becoming find of the idea that the DM was just like a body for a great evil to reside in and direct his commands through.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
SpyroGamer2008 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4203
#35 Posted: 23:28:35 14/02/2008
Quote: Michael
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Maybe Ripto, maybe???? If it takes place in Avalor, he might be a boss. But there's still that debate on whether or not this is a prequel, a reboot, or something else. But it would be nice to have him back in the game. I loved beating him in "Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage/Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer". We won't know for sure until the game is released, or until more information on the upcoming game is released.

ANB was a reboot, not a prequel, the devlopers themselves saying that. They could still recreate Ripto for this game though.

But if it's a reboot, then why are they including characters from "Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage/Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer"????
3DS Friend Code: 0447-5243-6111
P.M. me if you want me to add you.
SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#36 Posted: 00:06:18 15/02/2008
oh come on. Just because they have Hunter in it does not make it a reboot.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6124
#37 Posted: 01:27:21 15/02/2008
*sniffles* I miss Gaul already.
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#38 Posted: 01:34:11 15/02/2008
Quote: SD-King
I like Ripto cause of his attacks/abilities

I must like him for his evil villian atitude!smilie
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#39 Posted: 02:44:04 15/02/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Razz
*sniffles* I miss Gaul already.

*hands you a Gaul plushie*
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#40 Posted: 11:05:18 15/02/2008
If Ripto will make an apperance, maybe Crush and Gulp will too!
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#41 Posted: 19:00:39 15/02/2008
^Sure will!
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#42 Posted: 20:25:34 15/02/2008
i wanna gaul plushie! i hate ripto...never come back ripto.......JUST DIE ALREADY RIPTO!
Last edited at 20:25:57 15/02/2008 by Tango
Ross Gold Sparx Gems: 2159
#43 Posted: 20:34:18 15/02/2008
Ripto sounds like a good idea. SxC, we know TLoS is a reboot for more reasons than Hunter. Especially how in 2006 when we heard about ANB it was clearly stated "After many complaints and mess-ups of the original Spyro series, there is no way anyone could branch a good game onto that series. Therefore, we are making a reboot series."

Ripto could be added happily, but Hunter (and Ripto if he does miraculously appear) will probably have a different personality to the one we know.

Or there could be a strange twist which could work well. It could even have a bit of atomic Science in it. Maybe Spyro gets confused with all these strangers and that him and his former self are different dimensional creatures. As discovered by men that were tutored by Albert Einstein, if you fire neutrons at radioactive atoms you could split them and do wonderous things. But if you're just a bit off shot then a giant atomic explosion happens (that's how A-Bombs work). Maybe Spyro could pinpoint his power to such a point that he can fire neutrons and maybe a big end to the game could be you having to fire a neutron correctly at the target on the atom, or be destroyed in a firey explosion. That would pose a hard and confusing point. This split could open a bridge between the two dimensions and they could see each other.

Voice: Ah, Spyro. So sorry you had to meet, er... Spyro like that. Because now you know too much, and I'm afraid I'll have to destroy you.

smilie gasps. Right behind him is the dark dragon himself. The colossal spirit of the Dark Master.

smilie: You-you-you're...

smilie: Huge? Scary? Evil? Teeth-chattering? Colossal? Evil? Scary? Tee--

DM fires a gigantic blast of dark energy at smilie and he turns into Dark smilie!

DM: Now, friend. Destroy this whelpling!

smilie: With pleasure!

smilie: Sparx! Stop!

Then a battle between the hero and his sidekick commences. What a funny event, eh? So... once smilie is down to his last hit, smilie accidently kinda butts him off the edge. Sparx, unconscious, loses his dark power but falls down to his fate.

smilie: This is all your fault! Dragons were never meant to be evil and you've soaked up too much power! If only you were careful. But now, because of your greed, you've put the world in serious danger. Stop this madness and stop conceeding!

DM: Mwahahahahaha!!! Your words are foolish, young one. It appears your friend was no match for you, but don't think you've won yet!

DM fires a dark energy ball at smilie.

smilie: No! Although the dark power makes me stronger, I cannot absorb it again! I've done so two times too many!

So smilie dives out of the way, narrowly dodging.

The DM prepares a bigger shot. So, thinking of his power of time, smilie says the triggering words that are...

smilie: Make it stop!

Dragon Time commenses. Ok, to get out of Dragon Time he has to repeat the phrase. And--

DM: Make it stop!

Dragon Time stops. Shame, since smilie is then hit by the ball.

DM: Don't think I don't possess your powers, too! I think you've forgotten that that comes with all purple dragons.

Commense 'Battle of the Purple Dragons'. This could be a weird battle indeed. At the end, smilie hits DM right in his spirit of a mouth. He attempts to say the golden words so he can make some distance and replan. He attempts to say it, but his dark power overpowers his words.

smilie: Make it-- Make it-- Make it--

Chronicler (in his head): Spyro... don't let it happen. Choose your words carefully. Dragon Time is 'stop', dark explosion is 'destroy', but other words are the path.

smilie: Make it-- Make-- it-- SAFE! Make it happy! Make it--

A flashback of smilie's memory is shown. All those defenseless apes that he defeated. And Gaul. He was so weak he was sorta crying and was so bad he could only want it to end, but smilie destroyed him. All of those creatures who didn't even know of smilie but when they were attacked lost and they hadn't even done anything. Then smilie makes his choice.


smilie is incased in light power and surrounds the two dragons. A flurry of elemental effects escape him and in a shattering burst he explodes into light, which soon sucks into itself and the two are no more.

Chronicler: A sad ending, most would say. But, in truth, it's a happy ending for all. Spyro made the right choice. He saved existence from his and the Dark Master's power. He vanquished himself for good and peace.

Roll credits. After that could be a message of reassurance for smilie fans. Or, if this really is the last game, maybe not.
"My life is meaningless now that my blue line is incomplete" - Quoting Me. It's not random, there is a story behind saying that.
Shrazer320 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3564
#44 Posted: 22:18:29 15/02/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Crush
If Ripto will make an apperance, maybe Crush and Gulp will too!

Crush and Gulp were pretty pointless to me... they were too easy. Ripto was a tad easy, but he was a bit difficult because he had three life bars.

Quote: Ross
Ripto sounds like a good idea. SxC, we know TLoS is a reboot for more reasons than Hunter. Especially how in 2006 when we heard about ANB it was clearly stated "After many complaints and mess-ups of the original Spyro series, there is no way anyone could branch a good game onto that series. Therefore, we are making a reboot series."

Ripto could be added happily, but Hunter (and Ripto if he does miraculously appear) will probably have a different personality to the one we know.

Or there could be a strange twist which could work well. It could even have a bit of atomic Science in it. Maybe Spyro gets confused with all these strangers and that him and his former self are different dimensional creatures. As discovered by men that were tutored by Albert Einstein, if you fire neutrons at radioactive atoms you could split them and do wonderous things. But if you're just a bit off shot then a giant atomic explosion happens (that's how A-Bombs work). Maybe Spyro could pinpoint his power to such a point that he can fire neutrons and maybe a big end to the game could be you having to fire a neutron correctly at the target on the atom, or be destroyed in a firey explosion. That would pose a hard and confusing point. This split could open a bridge between the two dimensions and they could see each other.

Voice: Ah, Spyro. So sorry you had to meet, er... Spyro like that. Because now you know too much, and I'm afraid I'll have to destroy you.

smilie gasps. Right behind him is the dark dragon himself. The colossal spirit of the Dark Master.

smilie: You-you-you're...

smilie: Huge? Scary? Evil? Teeth-chattering? Colossal? Evil? Scary? Tee--

DM fires a gigantic blast of dark energy at smilie and he turns into Dark smilie!

DM: Now, friend. Destroy this whelpling!

smilie: With pleasure!

smilie: Sparx! Stop!

Then a battle between the hero and his sidekick commences. What a funny event, eh? So... once smilie is down to his last hit, smilie accidently kinda butts him off the edge. Sparx, unconscious, loses his dark power but falls down to his fate.

smilie: This is all your fault! Dragons were never meant to be evil and you've soaked up too much power! If only you were careful. But now, because of your greed, you've put the world in serious danger. Stop this madness and stop conceeding!

DM: Mwahahahahaha!!! Your words are foolish, young one. It appears your friend was no match for you, but don't think you've won yet!

DM fires a dark energy ball at smilie.

smilie: No! Although the dark power makes me stronger, I cannot absorb it again! I've done so two times too many!

So smilie dives out of the way, narrowly dodging.

The DM prepares a bigger shot. So, thinking of his power of time, smilie says the triggering words that are...

smilie: Make it stop!

Dragon Time commenses. Ok, to get out of Dragon Time he has to repeat the phrase. And--

DM: Make it stop!

Dragon Time stops. Shame, since smilie is then hit by the ball.

DM: Don't think I don't possess your powers, too! I think you've forgotten that that comes with all purple dragons.

Commense 'Battle of the Purple Dragons'. This could be a weird battle indeed. At the end, smilie hits DM right in his spirit of a mouth. He attempts to say the golden words so he can make some distance and replan. He attempts to say it, but his dark power overpowers his words.

smilie: Make it-- Make it-- Make it--

Chronicler (in his head): Spyro... don't let it happen. Choose your words carefully. Dragon Time is 'stop', dark explosion is 'destroy', but other words are the path.

smilie: Make it-- Make-- it-- SAFE! Make it happy! Make it--

A flashback of smilie's memory is shown. All those defenseless apes that he defeated. And Gaul. He was so weak he was sorta crying and was so bad he could only want it to end, but smilie destroyed him. All of those creatures who didn't even know of smilie but when they were attacked lost and they hadn't even done anything. Then smilie makes his choice.


smilie is incased in light power and surrounds the two dragons. A flurry of elemental effects escape him and in a shattering burst he explodes into light, which soon sucks into itself and the two are no more.

Chronicler: A sad ending, most would say. But, in truth, it's a happy ending for all. Spyro made the right choice. He saved existence from his and the Dark Master's power. He vanquished himself for good and peace.

Roll credits. After that could be a message of reassurance for smilie fans. Or, if this really is the last game, maybe not.

Take it easy there! smilie
Twilight Blue Sparx Gems: 742
#45 Posted: 02:32:47 16/02/2008
My opinion's reason is long and complicated so I'll just get straight to the opinion. The protagonist/s should survive their adventure/task/trial, not unchanged but definitely survive. The antagonist surviving is also becoming quite a popular prospect aswell, but not nearly as important.
As long as I don't have to do anything, I'm kool with it.
Last edited at 02:33:28 16/02/2008 by Twilight
SD-King Yellow Sparx Gems: 1082
#46 Posted: 02:07:59 17/02/2008
I'm turning 12 on July the 9th.By then I will officially retire,and may never return to darkSpyro.
ignitus Ripto Gems: 311
#47 Posted: 13:20:09 18/02/2008
Quote: Zerodius
Actually, I hope that:

-the Dark Master is NOT the last boss (would be cool to fight some kind of supernatural embodiement of evil or getting the revelation that all along, the Dark Master was a scapegoat/puppet for a greater evil)

-the Dark Master is NOT the pushover that Cynder and Cynder Memory (from ANB and TEN respectively) were.

-that it will feature more bosses, that they will be more difficult, and that they will NOT be palette/texture swaps of ANB and TEN bosses.

If you make the DM the first boss the game will end after that!
SpyroxCynder Yellow Sparx Gems: 1906
#48 Posted: 14:00:22 18/02/2008
sorry there guys, miss-typed in my last post, I meant to say that just because they have Hunter in the game, it doesn't take away the fact that it's a reboot.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Dr. Seuss
DragonGod Green Sparx Gems: 221
#49 Posted: 09:36:25 24/02/2008
Quote: SpyroGamer2008
Maybe Ripto, maybe???? If it takes place in Avalor, he might be a boss. But there's still that debate on whether or not this is a prequel, a reboot, or something else. But it would be nice to have him back in the game. I loved beating him in "Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage/Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer". We won't know for sure until the game is released, or until more information on the upcoming game is released.

Ripto?! you mean that short guy with the napoleon complex. Im not sure if I want to see HIM again
no cause is lost as long as there is at least one fool left to fight for it
Crush Gold Sparx Gems: 2812
#50 Posted: 15:56:03 24/02/2008
It will be his 6th apperance if he does.
You can lie... *Smirks* But your bladder can't. Ha ha ha!
Quote: dark52
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