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what do you guys think hunter shod look like [CLOSED]
omarthedragon Fodder
#1 Posted: 15:44:58 11/07/2008
i dont know yet
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#2 Posted: 15:58:19 11/07/2008
We already know what he will look like. He appeared at the end of TEN when he found Spyro, Sparx, and Cynder trapped in the crystal.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#3 Posted: 16:05:17 11/07/2008
Well for some reason I have thought Hunter would be cool as a girl. Since a lot of people think there should be more females in the series like Cynder why not Hunter? I think it would be an interesting idea.
spyroking16 Blue Sparx Gems: 776
#4 Posted: 16:24:37 11/07/2008
if hunter was gonna be a girl shouldn't they put a girl name instead of hunter
Embrace The Darkness
omarthedragon Fodder
#5 Posted: 17:59:52 11/07/2008
i dout hunter would be a girl because they codent do that because he is a prsin from the old sires and in the old sires he was a boy they codint sang him to a girl
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#6 Posted: 18:07:07 11/07/2008
No he is a guy but I just thought it would be interesting if he was a girl.smilie
omarthedragon Fodder
#7 Posted: 18:11:27 11/07/2008
it was a good idea Cynder-Rox im sory if i made you mad
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#8 Posted: 18:13:32 11/07/2008
Thanx!smilie And no you didn't make me mad either.smilie
omarthedragon Fodder
#9 Posted: 18:17:26 11/07/2008
your Wlcome and i think your kool i think everybodey here is kool
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#10 Posted: 18:23:17 11/07/2008
smilie Maybe we should get back on topic though..smilie
omarthedragon Fodder
#11 Posted: 18:25:58 11/07/2008
yeah les get back on topic
omarthedragon Fodder
#12 Posted: 18:27:41 11/07/2008
i think that hunter shod look more cat like
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#13 Posted: 18:28:55 11/07/2008
Ya. Also Hunter is also going to act more tough in this game too.
omarthedragon Fodder
#14 Posted: 18:31:51 11/07/2008
yep and also with some armer on him too
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#15 Posted: 18:34:26 11/07/2008
I wish we could have a better pic of him.smilie
omarthedragon Fodder
#16 Posted: 18:55:29 11/07/2008
yeah me to
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#17 Posted: 15:39:38 12/07/2008
he should be.....purple! coz every thing has to be purple.
spyroking16 Blue Sparx Gems: 776
#18 Posted: 15:50:35 12/07/2008
No he shouldn't be purple cause that really wouldn't make any sense.
Embrace The Darkness
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#19 Posted: 15:59:03 13/07/2008
but purple cool. smilie
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