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doubts about flying ability [CLOSED]
the doctor Yellow Sparx Gems: 1617
#1 Posted: 09:59:23 13/07/2008 | Topic Creator
Ok basically at my uncles i play this game called justice league heroes and you play with 2 characters and the can both fly....
however, when you fly, there's not many places you can go, and the other character always follows you, and a load of other stuff which doesnt make 2 characters and flying very good...
basically what im saying is if DOTD is going to be like this, then this could make the game bad smilie

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But a memory can last forever...
Night Owl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1942
#2 Posted: 11:02:25 13/07/2008
I dunno...
Back from hibernation.
AntauriWolf Yellow Sparx Gems: 1248
#3 Posted: 22:50:40 13/07/2008
I doubt the flying in this game is going to be bad...they're putting alot of work and effort into this one.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#4 Posted: 22:57:13 13/07/2008
AntuariWolf is right. They are putting a ton of effort into this game. I am pretty sure they would have already fixed the problem the other video game you reffered to had.smilie But all we can do is wait and see. I am sure it will be cool.smilie
BJ Fodder
#5 Posted: 00:00:18 14/07/2008
I agree, too. It looks like the new company and Sierra are trying to do their very best for Spyro. I'm wondering if this will even make Spyro a well-known franchise.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#6 Posted: 00:03:23 14/07/2008
Hopefully.smilie I have been wishing for that.smilie
Aang Green Sparx Gems: 370
#7 Posted: 00:42:56 14/07/2008
I'm trying to spread the word smilie.
You kicked who in the what now?
Spyro LUVA Blue Sparx Gems: 638
#8 Posted: 01:02:19 14/07/2008
Wait and see, that's the only way we'll know for sure.
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spyroking16 Blue Sparx Gems: 776
#9 Posted: 21:04:28 14/07/2008
I think there putting a height meter in the game because I notice a bar on the top a screenshot where spyro was flaping his wings and I think thats a measurement of how high you can fly.
Embrace The Darkness
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#10 Posted: 21:34:07 14/07/2008
Quote: spyroking16
I think there putting a height meter in the game because I notice a bar on the top a screenshot where spyro was flaping his wings and I think thats a measurement of how high you can fly.

yea i think your right
not yr babe
Axel Yellow Sparx Gems: 1975
#11 Posted: 01:25:29 15/07/2008
You mean co-op flying? If your flying with 2p you can move away, but if you go too far something will just lightly push you back, and something will keep a space between you.
Wanna go for a ride?
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