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I've noticed another thing.... [CLOSED]
EmeraldDragon Blue Sparx Gems: 881
#1 Posted: 11:22:27 13/07/2008 | Topic Creator
Spyro's claws look yellow. They used to be white.
Sometimes you have to let go of someone...if they really love you, they'll come back
Last edited at 11:22:47 13/07/2008 by EmeraldDragon
Night Owl Yellow Sparx Gems: 1942
#2 Posted: 11:56:30 13/07/2008
Thats just the light.
Back from hibernation.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#3 Posted: 15:52:45 13/07/2008
i think they are yellow, so are his eyes, they used to be white.
Spyla Fodder
#4 Posted: 16:26:33 13/07/2008
Quote: Tango
i think they are yellow, so are his eyes, they used to be white.

Whaaaaaaaaat? spyro's claws were always yellow and his eyes were always purple.
Tango Gold Sparx Gems: 2076
#5 Posted: 16:44:54 13/07/2008
not his Pupils. the bit where it usully white.
Spyla Fodder
#6 Posted: 16:57:54 13/07/2008
no really spyro's eyes were purple!pupils r those black parts.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#7 Posted: 17:01:03 13/07/2008
I think they just wern't with shading colering etc. I bet in the final version they will be White.smilie
Spyla Fodder
#8 Posted: 17:06:47 13/07/2008
sorry 2 disagree but they r still purple.
Cynder_Rox Gold Sparx Gems: 2322
#9 Posted: 17:10:54 13/07/2008
Oh I was answering the first post on this topic not yours.smilie (Sorry about the mixup)
Spyla Fodder
#10 Posted: 17:12:31 13/07/2008
it Ok.sorry 2 awnser your comment.
EmeraldDragon Blue Sparx Gems: 881
#11 Posted: 18:25:47 13/07/2008 | Topic Creator
Spyro's claws where white in ANB and TEN. And other games I think.
Sometimes you have to let go of someone...if they really love you, they'll come back
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