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Hunters: Buuzer, TTD

Skylanders: Trap Team
Title Author Posts Last Post
Blades predictions HQ GigaCamo 3 13:42 26/07/2014
by milton310
price to traps? Pheonix W 6 13:38 26/07/2014
by NINJAsk11
Dual elemental gates Skylander3112 10 00:17 26/07/2014
by melvimbe
nw core skylanders for trap team bushrush 2 22:54 25/07/2014
by uttster13
Trap Holders
Pages: 12
lcopley98 64 21:13 25/07/2014
by Technos
Returning characters Skylander3112 17 18:59 25/07/2014
by TrapShadowFan
YouTube videos getting strikes.
Pages: 12
GothamLord 62 18:27 25/07/2014
by Sleepy0429
Create A Trap Master! xXBeavcoonXx 41 11:52 25/07/2014
by Skylander3112
Does Trap Team ditch old special skylanders? akatora 7 07:36 25/07/2014
by Skylander3112
It Could Be Much Worse... (Joke Topic) Toynerd14 14 03:54 25/07/2014
by shroom boom
The Most Important Question That Hasn't Been Asked..... YerMomsFaceHere 12 02:08 25/07/2014
by GigaCamo
Posters Kiroq 33 15:23 24/07/2014
by uttster13
Dark Edition In UK GIANTSRULE 8 15:12 24/07/2014
by dark52
Quick question. boba772 5 15:11 24/07/2014
by boba772
What Are You Expecting Out Of Comic Book #0? ninja9351 48 13:54 24/07/2014
by oogamania
Date added feature wreckingballbob 5 00:49 24/07/2014
by Yoshicrashcart8
spyro serie 4 trigger happy serie 4 ? Pheonix W 11 23:52 23/07/2014
by Iganagor
Release Date Predictions Technos 3 21:50 23/07/2014
by uttster13
Trap team figures already in Gamestop?!?!?!?!?!?! Str8ballin 47 21:06 23/07/2014
by Windumup
mystery of sidekicks Pheonix W 26 04:26 23/07/2014
by hardcoreignitor
Some Advice Please. [CLOSED] zookinator 23 22:15 22/07/2014
by zookinator
Money Cheats GIANTSRULE 15 14:40 22/07/2014
by xXBeavcoonXx
walkthroughs melvimbe 5 08:07 22/07/2014
by pennyman
Trap collectors Tray GIANTSRULE 8 04:26 22/07/2014
by GothamLord
Purple bow n arrow in trap team? [CLOSED] Gnarlytreesnex2 2 14:56 21/07/2014
by Matteomax
Trap team voting contest new character and trap edition Gnarlytreesnex2 2 14:29 21/07/2014
by Qcumber
Your ideas for the shroom boom name gnarlytreesnex 33 02:05 21/07/2014
by GhostRoaster
Table trap Pheonix W 3 21:57 20/07/2014
by Pheonix W
the wicked game ( STT) Pheonix W 3 19:43 20/07/2014
by Gnarlytreesnex2
Skylanders Contest: Cores Dyno-Mite 33 18:35 20/07/2014
by Qcumber
The three new dark characters [CLOSED] Gnarlytreesnex2 4 16:23 20/07/2014
by Matteomax
Here is the revealed trap sculpts so far... CountMoneyBone 21 15:13 20/07/2014
by CountMoneyBone
3DS Starter Pack GIANTSRULE 12 13:26 20/07/2014
Do you guys think that there will be new Battle Packs [CLOSED] Skylander3112 17 12:35 20/07/2014
by Kevin16
How will you use the old characters melvimbe 17 09:50 20/07/2014
by sky-dragon
Adventure Packs in Trap Team: Nightmare Express and Mirror of Mystery milton310 38 20:05 19/07/2014
by milton310
New Characters Attacks Speculation! Kiroq 11 19:49 19/07/2014
by GhostRoaster617
Which leaked Skylander do you want to see at Comic-Con? Qcumber 26 18:53 19/07/2014
by talon4000
Outlaw Brawl and Chain Pre Order In The Uk GIANTSRULE 12 18:13 19/07/2014
by Qcumber
Would previous adventure packs unlock levels in TT Skylander3112 3 17:56 19/07/2014
by TheShadowDragon
Will the Villains get back stories and artwork? HeyitsHotDog 13 12:43 19/07/2014
by Skylander3112
Why Are They Being Such Butts About Info? [CLOSED] Toynerd14 19 12:39 19/07/2014
by Dark fhoenix
Poll:Would you rather have new or returning villains Monkey Rocket 14 12:30 19/07/2014
by Skylander3112
What Is The Most Unique Skylander In Trap Team ninja9351 28 11:03 19/07/2014
by Skylander3112
Possibly more than 4 Villains per Element. Qcumber 7 18:51 18/07/2014
by Mrmorrises
Trap sculpt for Outlaw Brawl & Chain? diddy50 2 18:46 18/07/2014
by Matteomax
Outlaw brawl and chain Canada SkylanderSteve 1 17:05 18/07/2014
by SkylanderSteve
Wave 1 Speculation truegamer64 16 12:55 18/07/2014
by Rickorio
Leaked Trap Team figure images!
Pages: 12
UncleBob 99 21:14 17/07/2014
by Razz
Am I the Only One assassinelf 26 16:46 17/07/2014
by Punk Bomb
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