

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Hunters: Spyro Fanatic

Forum Games
Title Author Posts Last Post
Finish the Sentence!
Pages: 12
Kat-Kun 66 08:46 18/04/2017
by DS D
Give the above user ONE command. Lunarz 8 08:37 18/04/2017
by DS D
Guess who the above user likes on here
Pages: 1234
Eevee88 182 01:42 17/04/2017
by whirlwind fan
Which user does the above user remind you of?
Pages: 123456789
whirlwind fan 404 23:39 07/04/2017
by redwes
Rate the Song! SUPER REBOOT FAILSAFE EDITION TheToyNerd 18 01:09 01/04/2017
by Project_Unnamed
Trick or Treat?
Pages: 12
Skyhunter 74 04:16 28/03/2017
by gary
You and the above avatar are strapped to a bomb. Your reaction? Gengar Guy 28 02:10 18/03/2017
by redwes
Make a headcannon about the user above you prextail202 8 22:37 14/03/2017
by emeraldzoroark
Batman Game` King-Pen Krazy 4 14:18 11/03/2017
by King-Pen Krazy
Will You Press The Button?
Pages: 12
Kat-Kun 58 22:50 10/03/2017
by Gengar Guy
The above TWO avatars are for sale. Whom do you buy as a pet? [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345678
redwes 355 00:16 28/02/2017
by Skyhunter
Murder Party (It's like Town of Salem) Arko 5 00:49 26/02/2017
by Arko
Ship the above user with a fictional character
Pages: 1234
prextail202 173 14:52 18/02/2017
by TheToyNerd
Above avatar presents offer... pet or owner? [reboot] [CLOSED] redwes 30 02:03 18/02/2017
by Skyhunter
Guess that quote! V.2 Spyroconvexity 7 04:09 17/02/2017
by Alydol
Tribal Lords Samius 19 12:59 10/02/2017
by Samius
Find above avatar in your local zoo... reaction? [reboot] [CLOSED] redwes 19 00:46 10/02/2017
by redwes
You are being hunted down by the above Character
Pages: 123
prextail202 146 20:01 04/02/2017
by Skyhunter
Kiss or Kill the above Avatar (Borrowed from another form)
Pages: 12345
prextail202 233 17:11 04/02/2017
by StalkerSnake
Would you rather ___ or ___ ? [reboot] redwes 2 02:52 02/02/2017
by Skyhunter
The above avatar drank too much. What do they do?
Pages: 12
Kat-Kun 96 02:36 31/01/2017
by Drawdler
The above avatar arrives at your door in a (giant) box... reaction? [CLOSED] redwes 531 10:21 22/01/2017
by Drawdler
Above avatar says above signature V2 Shagaru Magala 35 23:11 21/01/2017
by DreamTeam
Unscramble the words! Kat-Kun 11 03:49 17/01/2017
by Skyhunter
Word Search Spyroboy 1 10:15 16/01/2017
by Spyroboy
The Impossible Game gillgrunt987 12 06:57 16/01/2017
by KeybasHedKey
Boys vs Girls 13 [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
thumper 2500 22:25 09/01/2017
by weebbby
What Skylanders element would the above avatar be?
Pages: 12
Pokemon2 79 07:54 06/01/2017
by Shagaru Magala
You and the avatar above are bound back to back. You?
Pages: 123456
night bomb guy 284 07:14 28/12/2016
by Drawdler
Guess what country the above user is from
Pages: 12
Shagaru Magala 51 19:33 20/12/2016
by Shagaru Magala
Tags. gary 35 05:51 17/12/2016
by gary
Five Nights at Freddy's: Postive / Negative Kat-Kun 15 03:44 17/12/2016
by Eevee88
Taken to Jail [UPDATE!!!] Kat-Kun 14 14:29 11/12/2016
by DreamTeam
Guess the Game.... DS D 3 18:06 09/12/2016
by Spyro Fanatic
If The Above User Was Ripto'd, What Would It Be For?
Pages: 12345
whirlwind fan 229 19:41 04/12/2016
by DS D
dS Million Dollars But StriderSwag 19 22:22 23/11/2016
by Mesuxelf
Rate the music posted above
Pages: 12345678
MrW 361 02:02 21/11/2016
by Project_Unnamed
Riddle Me This Kat-Kun 8 21:14 15/11/2016
by Shagaru Magala
Guess the song.
Pages: 123456
Pokemon2 253 11:11 15/11/2016
by Pokemon2
The CinemaSins sins Game! King-Pen Krazy 1 12:53 13/11/2016
by King-Pen Krazy
Funniest post contest! Kat-Kun 7 23:10 11/11/2016
by Kat-Kun
Boys VS Girls 12 [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
thumper 2500 16:40 10/11/2016
by King-Pen Krazy
Name That Quote! [REBOOT}
Pages: 12
StormDragon21 66 23:13 07/11/2016
by Alydol
itt: we write a song one line at a time hardcoreignitor 25 22:56 01/11/2016
by Kat-Kun
Yum or yuck # 3 [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 1213141516
gary 778 05:19 01/11/2016
by Kat-Kun
EarthBound Combat! Kat-Kun 1 10:00 28/10/2016
by Kat-Kun
Count to 100 until a Forum Games hunter posts. Kat-Kun 26 22:51 27/10/2016
by Kat-Kun
The above avatar says the above signature... Version 2.0 PwnageFTW 494 17:43 27/10/2016
by SoulFly
Who did it? Kat-Kun 11 18:07 17/10/2016
by StormDragon21
You and the above CHARACTER are GLUED to each otther.
Pages: 12
BlackWing116 71 14:57 14/10/2016
by Shagaru Magala
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