darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure > Anyone else who thinks this is the only fun skylanders game?
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Anyone else who thinks this is the only fun skylanders game? [CLOSED]
Pop Thorn Green Sparx Gems: 408
#1 Posted: 01:34:13 18/02/2014 | Topic Creator
Ok well. Let me get started on why this is the best skylanders game. First of all, the boss fights. Let's just take the Super Evil Kaos battle from SSF. EASY! All you had to do was fight weak enemies. But let's take the final boss battle in SSA. They actually tried to make it hard. I'm not saying it is hard, despite my comment on the post "boring?". Ok. Now on to the next thing. The levels. The levels Motleyville and Iron Jaw Gulch are pointless if you really think about it. But let's take the levels in SSA. They all have a reason. Except the adventure packs. They are just there for fun. Here are the reasons for all the levels in SSA.

Chapter 1: Shattered Island: The introduction to the game, so you can meet all the characters and overall get a basic view of the game.
Chapter 2: Perilous Pastures: This level probably is the most pointless in the game but at least it has a reason. You have to rescue Cali. She is a main part of the story.
Chapter 3: Sky Schooner Docks: The reasoning for this level is to get what is needed for the next level (Stormy Stronghold).
Chapter 4: Stormy Stronghold: Getting the air source is crucial in achieving the goal of the game (to rebuild the core of light).
Chapter 5: Oilspill Island: You need to do something to get Gurglefin to help you.
The other chapters until chapter 22 are the same reason as Chapter 4
Chapter 22: Lair of Kaos: Every game needs a boss fight.

Ok. Now moving on to the next thing. The storyline. An ugly guy trying to take over the world. Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah. EVERY VIDEO GAME I'VE PLAYED! At least SSA has a real goal in it. To rebuild the core of light. Now moving on to one thing that may not seem that bad, but it is. The graphics. According to Activison, the graphics 'improved'. But tell me. Did they really improve? In my opinion, no. I can already see someone saying "But your username is Pop Thorn! Pop Thorn only appeared in swap force! You must be a swap force fan!". No. I'm not. I just like Pop Thorn's design and think he's a cool character in general. Ok. On to why SSA is better than SG. First of all, just like with SF, the pointless chapters. Kaos found Arkus just fine without Drill-X. What was the point of playing the first chapter? It didn't affect the storyline. They could have just as easily made a cutscene for that chapter. Now onto the next thing. Acti taking out the best characters. I know you might say "No! You can still play with them in giants!" but they still didn't get a wowpow. Let's take Ghost Roaster. He's probably the best (in my opinion) undead skylander of all time. Notice how I say in my opinion. They could have taken out someone like Hex or Chop Chop. They both (again, in my opinion) suck. I'm wondering if anyone agrees with me about that statement since everyone hates Ghost Roaster for some odd reason. That's all the reasons I have. If you agree and have more reasons, feel free to post them down below. If you disagree and have reasons for that, feel free to post that down below too. Or you can just post what you want.
I am probably forgotten by now, but bye.
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 02:51:13 18/02/2014 by Pop Thorn
Arc of Archives Yellow Sparx Gems: 1486
#2 Posted: 02:30:59 18/02/2014
Actually, I think Giants was fun too. SF has the best game design but it feels like it has the least heart and I thought it was the least "fun" to play.

To be honest, I really do think the first two games are more fun for me mainly because Skylanders was much fresher then and I believe in the case of these games that (in terms of the toys) less is more. I have more nostalgic feelings and warmer memories of them. However, I do agree SA and Giants do some things better than SF and not all of it is just nostalgia, and I hope that both TFB AND VV bring some stuff the older games had back in future sequels. But I've gone over it so many times I don't want to write about it again. I'll be turned into a broken record! D:
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:31:45 18/02/2014 by Arc of Archives
azz01 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3313
#3 Posted: 12:10:04 18/02/2014
Well the reason Ghost Roaster who is my favourite undead lander did not get a repose is because he was not popular.The reason being is the parents of countless children thought he was to scary and give them nightmares so they were not allowed buy him which I think is really stupid.I have to agree out of all the games the SSA chapters always had something to do with advancing the plot.SG had some very unnecessary chapters such as Drill-X's Big Rig,yes a nice boss fight but Kaos got there without him.In SF the were many unnecessary chapters such as Iron Jaw Gulch,Boney Islands and I have to disagree with Motleyville since it was needed to get Sharpfin but ehh.

I also have more fun with the first game since only 32 skylanders is good.Now in total we have 136 skylanders not including varients.Way too much IMO.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ!
Avatar by Trix Master
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#4 Posted: 14:29:30 18/02/2014
Big Whoop about WOW POW i am still getting my tooshie kicked by S1 Drobot . smilie

Chop Chop and Hex are easier to buy as singles and they are pretty much classic cultural icon types . I was attracted to Hex the first time i saw her and who has not seen a skeleton with a sword and shield ?
Ghost Roaster is a ghost wearing a jester outfit with a tail that ends in a chain mace / morning star ? . Its a cool original ghost figure but ducky imprint clones like hex and chop chop always win . We like collecting the familiar . And yes Darklight crypt looks too scary i would not buy one for a child age seven and below.

I dont have a problem with either Giants or SSA Each game had their good and bad moments . I loved the Drill X sing a long Boss fight . I will agree the Giants story line was less epic and Robo Kaos fight was icksim .

I prefer to collect the original SSA figures because they can jump between all the games . Does not matter if Ghost Roaster never got an S2 . He is now super rare and a most wanted skylander . If you own him kudos to you . smilie
The rest of us probably need to fork out 35 bucks on ebay for a loose Ghost Roaster .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#5 Posted: 15:29:38 18/02/2014
Although I enjoyed Giants too (Swap Force, not so much) I do agree that this is, in my opinion, the best Skylander game thus far.
There's just something about this one that captures my interest much better than the sequels, though I'm still holding out for Skylanders 4 to drag me back in like this one did.

Although, Ghost Roaster for me is the best Undead Skylander, and I agree it's a shame he doesn't have a repose yet. I liked him much, much more than Chop Chop, and I personally felt he had more of a personality too.
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voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#6 Posted: 18:38:36 19/02/2014
the only fun one? nope
the best one? by a longshot
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Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#7 Posted: 09:31:35 21/02/2014
When people dont know if a new game and concept is going to sell or not , they tend to spend more blood ,sweat and tears creating a masterpiece . That is why the first one is the best .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 09:32:56 21/02/2014 by Dark fhoenix
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#8 Posted: 13:46:07 22/02/2014
This is my 2nd Favorite. I see it as the Shrek when it comes to games. Good Game and had good set up for a Huge adventure SG I see as Shrek 3. It was a dud compared to the previous game. It felt slower. (SSBM vs SSBB ) The story was clunky like I was in snow now Im at a River dam trying to find a valt. The game had so many unmemorable characters and was too short. SSF I see as Shrek 2. It was awesome. The speed was very quick and Its new features and characters are SO awesome that I cant believe people call it the worst. Skylander 4 well I guess it will be like Shrek 4. I guess it will be good but feel like a ok game and be between in the games. It might be as good as SSF or as bad as SG.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:30:36 22/02/2014 by GigaCamo
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#9 Posted: 16:07:45 22/02/2014
I like all of the games, but I think this one had me hooked the most by far.
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
Star Dragon Platinum Sparx Gems: 5323
#10 Posted: 21:19:20 22/02/2014
When it comes to gameplay I like Swap Force the most.
Spyro's Adventure had the best story.
Giants was the weakest. Some of the levels just felt pointless.
What! Marco sent you here? I've got a restraining order against him! - Rapunzel, Spyro 3
Donatron Green Sparx Gems: 494
#11 Posted: 23:25:13 23/02/2014
I find all the games to be fun. As for the storylines, I actually found SSA to be boring, with not much substance. The quest itself is a fun idea, but the plot played out very predictably with no surprises or character development. After you got the first Eternal Source, you knew exactly how the rest of the story would play out; repeat the same thing 7 more times, then defeat Kaos. During this time, you didn't really learn anything about the Skylanders Universe (aside from the Arkeyans). The story didn't reveal anything further about the characters, or the mythology. In essence, it was like a really long version of a "collect 8 of these" quest that you find in MMORPGs and Disney Infinity.

I'm only halfway through Giants at the moment--which seems to be the least favorite amongst forum members--but I'm enjoying the discovery of Kaos's past.
Activate: Donatron | Xbox Live: The Donatron
SSA: 32/32 | SG: 16/16 | SSF: 28/32
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#12 Posted: 23:01:33 24/02/2014
Kaos background story is a great plus point for Giants . I for one cannot imagine that Swop Force is better then giants but i will find out in time i guess.


Here is an annoying thing about SSA . You can restart it so easy and lose all your hard work again and again . Guess what just happened.
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:07:14 02/03/2014 by Dark fhoenix
yelvy Gold Sparx Gems: 2450
#13 Posted: 18:28:18 02/03/2014
Quote: Star Dragon
When it comes to gameplay I like Swap Force the most.
Spyro's Adventure had the best story.
Giants was the weakest. Some of the levels just felt pointless.

This. Spyro's adventure was a fun debut to the franchise, though I did question the graphics at times.

Giants. Arrgghh, this game was really pointless, especially the "hub" (The dread yacht) And The characters seemed a bit samey of the first game ( Hothead = Eruptor all over again, same with tree rex and stump smash) The chapters were Ok, but lacked the new and interesting parts of the first game.

Swap force. This game is Ok. I find the characters a bit "mature" like some other users have said before (apart from scratch, which I have to wait forever to get released :/ ) IMO The levels are too long and get boring. I would prefer there to be double the amount of levels but half the size.

Skylanders 4. Hope this game will "revive" the franchise. From those characters we've seen though, dragonfly one = Camo 2, undead one = Hex and Roller brawl, and the water one = Thumpback and terrafin.
Donatron Green Sparx Gems: 494
#14 Posted: 16:18:02 14/03/2014
Finally finished Giants and on to Swap Force. I'm only 2 levels in, so I'll wait until I finish the game to give my final thoughts. But so far, my opinion of the games vary considerably from the everybody else's in this thread. But I'm looking at the series from a different perspective; I'm playing all three games back-to-back, so I'm not influenced by nostalgia or expectation.
Activate: Donatron | Xbox Live: The Donatron
SSA: 32/32 | SG: 16/16 | SSF: 28/32
Dark fhoenix Emerald Sparx Gems: 3166
#15 Posted: 12:14:38 17/03/2014
Well i just picked up a Dark Swop Force PS3 but it is to be wrapped up for easter . I just finished the story on Swop force DS last week and i think i enjoyed it much more than SSA or Giants DS .

I ran around kicking chompie butt with Flameslinger , Pop Thorn and Volcanic Eruptor . If life got too tough i bonked em with my battlehammer .
Hey Skylander your health is low and we have a chainsaw
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:18:03 17/03/2014 by Dark fhoenix
Shroomy_Boomy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1143
#16 Posted: 21:46:48 28/03/2014
Quote: Sunny Castanets
I like all of the games, but I think this one had me hooked the most by far.

Easily SSA. I def agree... this was the one that had me hooked the most too!! smilie
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Stella Green Sparx Gems: 172
#17 Posted: 11:11:26 07/04/2014
I personally love skylanders but giants is fun too! smilie
It doesn't matter how spyro looks, he's still the purple dragon we all love! smilie smilie
scratchking22 Blue Sparx Gems: 725
#18 Posted: 19:28:10 07/04/2014
The series has been more "kidified". SSA graphics are darker and more edgy, then we have Swap Force with plastic-like world. What? Why?
~ Clinton/Kaine 2016 ~
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