darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > New Frito-Lay Promo!
Blue Sparx
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#201 Posted: 12:50:04 25/10/2013
I went back the other day to check on the code that I got before. Checked through 3 boxes of the bags. All codes the same. Nothing is preventing a person from buying a single bag and using the same code each day. There is nothing preventing someone from going to the store, writing the code down and entering without a purchase. Given the unknowns surrounding this contest at this point I decided to send out a bunch of post cards as well. Don't know if that will better my chances but it isn't expensive to do and considering how the distribution problems we had with the Fright Rider bags I wanted to do whatever I could in hopes of winning. Who knows? Maybe I will get the same code for every post card I sent in?
http://www.ghostery.com/ Knowledge + Control = Privacy My new favorite web browser add-on. |
Emerald Sparx
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#202 Posted: 13:05:25 25/10/2013
One thing that might work in the favor of us DarkSpyro fans is the fact that these bags have been put out early in some places.
Many casual fans might buy and eat the chips before Nov 3 and forget about all of this by the time the contest starts!
For Trade: EyeSmall, Punch Pop Fizz, Lava Barf Eruptor(black): PM to deal! |
Yellow Sparx
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#203 Posted: 16:56:28 25/10/2013
Just found some bags at Walmart. Different code than what was posted.
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested. |
Yellow Sparx
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#204 Posted: 19:10:51 25/10/2013
Read rules on bag...they say ONE use per code....confusing with same codes and it beingon ooutside of bag.
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. ![]() |
Platinum Sparx
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#205 Posted: 22:32:39 25/10/2013
I'm putting it together now.
Since people are finding only one code out there, the first person to use it wins the figure, and if others use the same code, they loose. There's probably no "used" codes mentioned on the website.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
Gold Sparx
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#206 Posted: 00:06:29 26/10/2013
Quote: Matteomax
Lets hope thats not it Matteomax....that would mean that only 50 to 100....maybe a little more, for all of the US? ![]() Im thinking the.... "one prize awarded for every 15 minutes" ...is each code only works every 15 minutes. Once its won...will have to wait 15 minutes before it will win again. |
Yellow Sparx
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#207 Posted: 00:20:05 26/10/2013
On the bag it says "limit one play per game code. "
So I don't understand how the same code could be on all bags.
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. ![]() |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:21:04 26/10/2013 by shelly9871
Platinum Sparx
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#208 Posted: 00:28:17 26/10/2013
Quote: shelly9871
Some are different.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
Gold Sparx
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#209 Posted: 00:37:41 26/10/2013
Quote: shelly9871
Im thinking they forgot to rewright that part...because the paragraph looks just like the other one on the older bags(Fright Rider, Sidekicks...ect.). I think they copyed and pasted a bit to much...lol...or we can hope they did. By the way...i found some bags in my local Krogers today. And yes the codes where all the same....and yes they are different from the one TheGooch posted. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:39:48 26/10/2013 by Phoenix_Lord
Emerald Sparx
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#210 Posted: 01:45:59 26/10/2013
My speculation
GITD QuickDraw = Frito lay exclusive No GITD = everywhere else.
dark52 let me change my username you coward |
Yellow Sparx
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#211 Posted: 01:50:09 26/10/2013
Well for those who are noticing the asterik after the word "exculsive" and seeing the date, I noticed on my Fright Rider bag that it also has the same thing where the word "exclusive" is. That one says it's exclusive until 11/16. May not mean these things will see retail sale, just that they are exclusive until the contest ends and then they don't have any to give. Hoping I'm wrong though, but that's the way I'm seeing it.
Rainbows are nature's rainbows! |
Yellow Sparx
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#212 Posted: 19:20:30 26/10/2013
Found some bags in Tampa, Fl. All had the same codes
S:SA: 37/37, 3 variants & 4 SK S:G: 54/54, 14 variants & 4 SK S:SF: lost count... |
Yellow Sparx
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#213 Posted: 19:59:28 26/10/2013
What store posreject?
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. ![]() |
Platinum Sparx
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#214 Posted: 20:58:11 26/10/2013
I have a feeling this is one per area. There are over 17,000 towns in the US, and some have no common stores (Walmart, Target, supermarkets, etc), so one or two winners per town = over 5,000.
I'm not sure that this is correct, though. If they pulled this off, this is a very cheap move.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
Yellow Sparx
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#215 Posted: 05:01:16 27/10/2013
Im in need of a recap here...
when and where will the contest page be held? what was the code again, jees, im so disorganized.
WTB: Molten Hot dog c/._.c\ Dancin puddin /b._.\b |
Yellow Sparx
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#216 Posted: 05:27:09 27/10/2013
Found 5 bags at a local store WINCO, there were no codes on the bags though? is it a sticker that can be removed?
Blue Sparx
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#217 Posted: 12:33:36 27/10/2013
The bags finally hit the Watertown, NY WalMart. Got Three bags (there was four left when I had a chance to grab them from the shelf). Two bags have a matching code, but the third has a different one.
Didn't know the codes were duped so heavily...probably a good idea on Frito-Lay's part as many people won't even try the codes (possibly a majority). I've also noticed the site for redeeming these codes went down as of recent (couple days now according to post on Frito-Lay's facebook wall)...A real bummer indeed.
NinNetID: Its.AWal || 3DS FC: 5241-1904-9333 || SSA: 37/37 +3 17/17 SG: 63/63 +4 8/8 || SSF: 75/75 +1 9/9 || STT: 42/72 18/60 8/8 || SEE: 8/8 |
Platinum Sparx
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#218 Posted: 18:45:02 27/10/2013
Quote: posreject
Hey where in Tampa did you find them? I'm in Tampa and can't find them anywhere. Update: Found mine at my local Publix, the code was at the bottom next to the Exp. date.
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:56:11 29/10/2013 by AJAwesome
Yellow Sparx
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#219 Posted: 00:34:46 28/10/2013
Found the bags at 3 different stores in Beaverton, Oregon and none of them have codes on the outside of the bags? Am I missing something or are people stealing the codes?
Emerald Sparx
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#220 Posted: 21:45:36 28/10/2013
They hit LA.got 2 bags no code!
dark52 let me change my username you coward |
Blue Sparx
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#221 Posted: 21:51:11 28/10/2013
I just found the bags at a Wal-Mart in South Central PA. All the bags had the same code. Code is different than the one previously posted.
Blue Sparx
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#222 Posted: 00:04:35 29/10/2013
I just found these bags at Walmart. They all had the same code, so I only bought one bag. There's really no point in buying multiples if there's no difference.
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#223 Posted: 00:12:24 29/10/2013
Just found one. Only got one
Blue Sparx
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#224 Posted: 00:50:11 29/10/2013
Found bags. Got 2.
Different code. The code was on the bottom of the bag.
Do you even pose? |
Emerald Sparx
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#225 Posted: 02:16:56 29/10/2013
Bought two if these last night at target in NY. Got one purple bag and one blue, will update about codes etc when I open them tonight.
Blue Sparx
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#226 Posted: 02:37:18 29/10/2013
Quote: SlayerX11
The code is on a sticker on the outside front of the bag. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:37:37 29/10/2013 by Zer0
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448 |
#227 Posted: 03:15:25 29/10/2013
Where are you guys finding the codes on the bags? I checked all over several bags at my local Walmart today and didn't find a code. Is it the string of numbers/letters to the right of the stamped date on the bag? If so, half the digits were blurred and misaligned on the bags. There was no sticker with a code as others have pointed out.
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448 |
#228 Posted: 03:20:54 29/10/2013
Quote: Matteomax
I highly doubt this winners per town theory. Collectors widely vary per area and they would never distribute winnings like that. There are plenty of Walmarts and Targets across the country in areas which probably have little to no collector base. Heck...while on vacation this past summer, I stopped by a Walmart in Ketchikan, Alaska where it seemed many of the Skylanders on the pegs hadn't been touched in a while and they still had plenty of the glow in the dark figures which haven't been seen on pegs in my area (central NJ) in a long time. If it was region-based winning, by all means I'd be trying to get a bag/code from Alaska. |
Gold Sparx
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#229 Posted: 11:45:08 29/10/2013
Quote: mastermc54
Upper left corner of the bag if you are looking at it. There is a picture on the back of the bag showing you where to look. |
Gold Sparx
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#230 Posted: 13:43:47 29/10/2013
^It verys location from bag to bag. Some are in the upper left corner, some are in a white box, some are on a sticker. Mine is in the middle...just above the snakes head, right under the "Use By: DEC 17" date. Its 11 digits, mines 2nd an 3rd are letters.
longsh0t Yellow Sparx Gems: 1293 |
#231 Posted: 14:42:36 29/10/2013
Found two bags but neither one had a code. I guess someone peeled the stickers off. Of course, I only realized it AFTER I had already bought them. UGH. Such a poorly conceived promotion this time around.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:45:04 29/10/2013 by longsh0t
longsh0t Yellow Sparx Gems: 1293 |
#232 Posted: 14:52:52 29/10/2013
Just got off the phone with customer service to complain about there not being a code and I was told that the code that needs to be used is the "manufacturer's code" which is printed after the expiration date. It's an 11 digit code but I can't confirm that this is true since the website isn't up yet. Both codes are different on my bags by 1 digit but likely because they're from the same lot. Guess I'll try after the 3rd.
Blue Sparx
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#233 Posted: 14:58:31 29/10/2013
Can I ask all of you a question? I hope I am not coming off condescending because I am truly not trying to be.....but why are some of you still trying to actively search for the bags of chips with for this promotion? All the codes are printed on the outside of the bags so there is no need for you to purchase any of them. Your odds of winning aren't enhanced if you do make a purchase. We have all the information we need to send in free code requests directly to Frito-Lay. The only work that really needs to be done here is to fill out some index cards, send away for the codes and then probably call customer service at or around the time the promotion is live to get your codes (since email hasn't been a very reliable means of obtaining them at this point). Post cards even work, I know this because that is what I used for the Fright Rider promo. I bought 15 postage paid post cards for something like $5.50, I filled them out and sent them away. That costs less that one bag of chips, most likely saves money on gas and we are all healthier because of it. I guess I understand it from a collectors point of view if someone wants to keep an empty sack but I just don't get why anyone else is interested in searching out the bags.
http://www.ghostery.com/ Knowledge + Control = Privacy My new favorite web browser add-on. |
Yellow Sparx
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#234 Posted: 15:44:21 29/10/2013
Longsh0t--That is what I am thinking. ..
There has to be something else other than one code on outside of bag for all to use.
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. ![]() |
longsh0t Yellow Sparx Gems: 1293 |
#235 Posted: 15:56:19 29/10/2013
Quote: TheGooch
I can't answer for anyone else but for me I was already at the grocery store this morning before work. I checked to see if the bags were there (like I do anytime I'm at the store) and there happened to be 2. We use the chips for lunches/snacks for my girls so it's something we typically buy anyway so spending $6 a bag isn't really that big of a deal. *shrugs* I actually already have 3x5 cards filled out as well and will be mailing them off today to get some additional codes to give away. |
Emerald Sparx
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#236 Posted: 17:56:17 29/10/2013
Quote: TheGooch
Since I couldnt find the fright ones i bought them just to say i found them sort of thing, besides i need the chips for my son's snack. |
Blue Sparx
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#237 Posted: 18:05:23 29/10/2013
Quote: shelly9871
According to the description on the back of the bag, you only need to enter the code. If something else was required, they would have listed it, I would think. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:05:42 29/10/2013 by Zer0
Green Sparx
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#238 Posted: 18:16:01 29/10/2013
Quote: TheGooch
Where do we have the information for the post cards? I was planning on sending cards in again this time as well, but with the site being down i didn't know where to find the official rules containing the mailing address for this promo and/or what needs to be on the cards. |
Blue Sparx
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#239 Posted: 18:29:47 29/10/2013
2013 Frito-Lay/Skylanders Rattle Shake Instant-Win Game Code Request PO Box 760017 Dept. 882-702 El Paso, TX 88576-0017 3x5 card info: full name, address, date of birth, email address
Have extra Amazon FS, GITD FR, Pumpkin FR, Jade FW, Molten HD, TF Chop Chop, Scarlet Ninjini, QDRS |
Green Sparx
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#240 Posted: 18:47:04 29/10/2013
The site is not as "down" as it was... now it comes up with "server happy"... guessing that means it will be up soon.
http://www.fritolayholiday.com/ |
Yellow Sparx
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#241 Posted: 19:00:47 29/10/2013
Zer0...that is a good point. This contest seems to be a mess. I just. Found bags and none have any codes at all. I got them from the back out of the box. But directions clearly state that there is an 11 digit code on outside of bag....
Who knows. We will see what happens. ![]()
Please see my guestbook for the remaining packs I need---Any help is appreciated. ![]() |
Blue Sparx
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#242 Posted: 20:00:59 29/10/2013
I guess we're just going to see how it...
![]() ...Shakes out. ![]() YEEEAAAAHHHHHHHH! |
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158 |
#243 Posted: 21:02:45 29/10/2013
Well done, portalflip, well done. However, the shades go on BEFORE the pun.
I think I'm going to see how this one sorts out a bit even if I do find the bags. When the system comes up, a TON of people will be entering codes right away, particularly since I'm good on chips for a bit. It sounds like the codes are very inconsistent in how they are being distributed. They definitely have some weirdness happening. |
Platinum Sparx
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#244 Posted: 21:40:06 29/10/2013
Good one.
Server happy... Hmm, does tha give a hint for a Springtime Trigger Happy promo? ![]()
Will still be checking the forums every now and then! |
Yellow Sparx
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#245 Posted: 21:44:44 29/10/2013
I was at my local Walmart and Wegmans today and saw 10-15 Quickdraw bags at each store. (I'm sure they were Quickdraw bags)
Oddly NONE had a single sticker on them. Did a scalper hit my area or are they not being put on bags anymore? All bags still had the info on them that tells you to check the corner of the outside of the bag for the code. I bought my bag about 2 weeks ago and luckily it still had a sticker on it because I didn't know to check for it until I got home and read the instructions on the bag. Since then I have thrown my bag out, its not going to ask me like for a bar-code now is it? because if so I'm screwed. |
Yellow Sparx
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#246 Posted: 23:31:03 29/10/2013
Saw 12 bags at walmart in Culpeper, VA. None of the bags had codes on them. Guess a scalper got there first.
Blue Sparx
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#247 Posted: 00:22:15 30/10/2013
Attention Frito-Lay shoppers: If you aren't finding the codes on a white printed box on the outside of the bag look around for the black print on the bag that shows the use by date. After the date (mine says USE BY Dec 17) there will be an 11 digit alpha numeric code directly after. That my friends is your missing code. I noticed that all the bags of chips I found tonight had the same code but different from the one I posted on here that I found earlier this month. Be careful if you plan on actually purchasing the bags, some of the printed codes where highly smudged to the point where you couldn't even decipher the last 4 or 5 digits of the code. A friendly warning to my fellow Portal Masters, grab your sacks with caution!
http://www.ghostery.com/ Knowledge + Control = Privacy My new favorite web browser add-on. |
Yellow Sparx
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#248 Posted: 00:36:06 30/10/2013
^is the black printed code the same as the white sticker codes?
Yellow Sparx
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#249 Posted: 00:39:21 30/10/2013
Quote: TheGooch
I always do Gooch!
Thinkin' 'bout droppin' out. |
Yellow Sparx
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#250 Posted: 00:40:51 30/10/2013
Found bags in Palm Coast, FL.
Thinkin' 'bout droppin' out. |
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