- In the Wii version, you can shut people up and go to the next checkpoint, whereas on PS3 in game you must listen to them the entire time (on re-play though they enable the skip). I'm talking about script talk...not the skip that's present when you defeat a minion etc.
- In Heroic Challenges, on PS3 you cannot skip Cali's audio introduction but you can speed up the shut off by holding down X. On Wii you can shut her up immediately.
- On Wii, when you've completed a Heroic challenge you must listen to it. On PS3, you can hold down X to speed up the shut up.
- On Wii, Cali has different sayings when you complete a Heroic Challenge. On PS3, as far as I've seen, I've only heard ONE accolade from her.
- On non-PS3, when you get 3 stars...Flynn says "Boom" and each of the stars animate. On PS3, no star animation and no audio from Flynn. (Not talking about the fireworks in Giants, the stars you get for each of the level achievements).
I'm also noticing gameplay behavior differences, but wanted to get the ball rolling.