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A Stupid Idea. [CLOSED]
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#1 Posted: 22:30:57 18/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Many people will agree that Enter the Dragonfly is the worst Spyro game ever/so far. So, what if a group of people remake Enter the Dragonfly and make it better, and not so glitchy?
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7911
#2 Posted: 23:27:39 18/03/2012
It wouldn't be so bad.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#3 Posted: 20:20:39 20/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Really? Well.. I guess it depends on the people who remake it, right?
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#4 Posted: 23:18:00 20/03/2012 | Topic Creator
^ But everything else is bad about it, mostly the glitches and gameplay.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#5 Posted: 01:00:40 21/03/2012 | Topic Creator
^That's what I meant. I really wish it could be remade on the PC by some group o' people who add what the original idea was about.
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#6 Posted: 02:25:10 21/03/2012
Unlike most people I really like this game and I don't get too bothered by glitches, but this is actually a pretty genius idea...
Mariofanstar Blue Sparx Gems: 500
#7 Posted: 16:19:10 21/03/2012
Quote: Spyrobaro
I would like the game if the people who remake it follow the original story of the game before it was rushed. With, y'know, Gnasty Gnorc stuffed in it as well, and a bunch more levels.

So maybe, just maybe, recreating the game wouldn't be such a bad idea. But if they only fix the glitches, then it wouldn't be worth it. They already fixed a ton in the Gamecube version.

I've got the Gamecube version 'cause I didn't have a PS2 at the time. The only things I like about the game are the voice acting and the music.
I'm officially leaving at 9:00pm.
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#8 Posted: 20:44:00 21/03/2012
Quote: Mariofanstar
Quote: Spyrobaro
I would like the game if the people who remake it follow the original story of the game before it was rushed. With, y'know, Gnasty Gnorc stuffed in it as well, and a bunch more levels.

So maybe, just maybe, recreating the game wouldn't be such a bad idea. But if they only fix the glitches, then it wouldn't be worth it. They already fixed a ton in the Gamecube version.

I've got the Gamecube version 'cause I didn't have a PS2 at the time. The only things I like about the game are the voice acting and the music.

I like and play this game mainly (or only) because it is Spyro game. If its creators worked on it a bit more, it could be a good game, because idea was good
Any Osu fan here?
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#9 Posted: 22:35:31 21/03/2012
This game NEEDS a remake. I:
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
Convexity Blue Sparx Gems: 933
#10 Posted: 01:44:25 22/03/2012
I personally like the game, but I'm all for this idea.
Everything deserves a little improving.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#11 Posted: 20:32:12 22/03/2012 | Topic Creator
Huh, maybe it's not such a bad idea. Now to find some people..
Kariana Emerald Sparx Gems: 3057
#12 Posted: 14:36:57 24/03/2012
I am actually surprised nobody thought of this before, so thanks SpirowdeDragoon for the genius idea.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#13 Posted: 02:17:34 25/03/2012 | Topic Creator
^You're welcome. smilie
AshETERNAL Green Sparx Gems: 387
#14 Posted: 05:47:19 28/03/2012
That would be nice. I like the game and all, but it could've been so much better. Sometimes it's so glitchy, that the glitches come out of nowhere, and scare the **** out of me. Like the entire level almost disapearing...
*Previously on this site as GlitchGirl. Heheh. I hate losing passwords and forgetting what of 5 emails you registered with smilie*
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#15 Posted: 06:57:07 28/03/2012
IF they actually fully finished making that game including more homeworlds, levels, and dragonflys and less glitches as planned, it probably would have been even better than Year of the Dragon!
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#16 Posted: 20:50:25 28/03/2012 | Topic Creator
^.. I don't think that's possible.. But fixing them glitches and adding what was planned would be great.
AJAwesome Platinum Sparx Gems: 6701
#17 Posted: 13:14:55 06/05/2012
25 levels,120 dragonflies,different #s of dragonflies on each level.(original plans)
I'm a girl. My name is Reese. :3
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 13:15:30 06/05/2012 by AJAwesome
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#18 Posted: 14:44:52 06/05/2012
Yes, this one definitely deserves to be remade.
All these glitches needs to be fixed, and all the original plans that they were going to have need to be input.
ExtremeSpyro Ripto Gems: 112
#19 Posted: 20:15:24 06/05/2012
Yeah, it really needs to.
If it weren't for the constant lagging, glitches, and long loading times, I would like this game. The graphics aren't bad and the music is quite good.
And since they rushed it for the holiday season, well, it's E.T. all over again minus the video game crash. We've learned the same lesson twice, guys.
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#20 Posted: 23:36:20 06/05/2012
I love the game, but if they remade the story to what it was supposta be, then I'm in!
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#21 Posted: 18:27:11 11/05/2012
spyro has this retarded look on his face, hunter has put on a lot of weight and bianca sounds like that woman advertising barbies. they disturb me now -.-
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#22 Posted: 00:03:00 18/05/2012
I love Spyro's design in this game! <3
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#23 Posted: 14:33:07 23/06/2012
i wish Insomniac would remake it, but they wont thanks to skylanders (narrows eyes at neighbour who is playing skylanders)
Wojowu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1415
#24 Posted: 18:52:23 23/06/2012
^ Maybe even not Insomniac. This game is so underdeveloped... Every companion would make this game better, seriously
Any Osu fan here?
Winston1 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#25 Posted: 02:34:09 24/06/2012
Quote: ilovespyro11
i wish Insomniac would remake it, but they wont thanks to skylanders (narrows eyes at neighbour who is playing skylanders)

I doubt they'd ever even want to be associated with this game, let alone remake it. Ted Price even said that it was really bad for them because a lot of people assumed they made Enter the Dragonfly.
ilovespyro11 Gnorc Gems: 334
#26 Posted: 15:57:52 25/06/2012
I hate it when people assume...-.-
sapphix Yellow Sparx Gems: 1239
#27 Posted: 00:50:41 15/07/2012
unlike allot of people i liked this game but in all honesty it wasn't the developers fault it got rushed Universal studio's forced them to rush it for the sheduled winter release so it was kinda snide really but still this sounds like a brill idea, i've been writing s continuation from LOS so that it weaves into the original Spyro series that everyone loves but including my own characters...i was going somwhere with this give me a moment...oh yeah i'm trying to rewrite original Spyro games starting with this one and try to bring Gnorc into it too, include my own new lands (i don't mean like a full remake as in explore lands add challenges though i may do that eventually) but add cutscenes rewrite cutscenes that sort of thing...smilie
my apologies a ranted on with myself
Fire Bad---Tree Pretty smilie
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#28 Posted: 10:54:42 15/07/2012
I may actually pay for it even if it was just the game as is with fewer glitches and updated graphics.

Quote: AJAwesome
25 levels,120 dragonflies,different #s of dragonflies on each level.(original plans)

Then if they felt incredibly generous, they could include the current levels a bit and add an extra 16 levels. Plus new bosses and Gnasty Gnorc. I actually had this idea for a while and I would love to see it happen smilie

Gnasty Gnorc could [KID ICARUS UPRISING SPOILERS] pop up once you beat Ripto with the extra levels, in a manner similar to Hades. [/END SPOILERS]
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#29 Posted: 16:04:26 08/08/2012
You might be onto something there.
Hello from Seattle
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