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Spirow Makes Her Own Art Topic [CLOSED]
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#1 Posted: 22:20:35 20/09/2012 | Topic Creator
Title says all. Here's the stuff I have in the Community Art Topic.

And here's the first page of the comic I'm currently working on. Hopefully most of the text is readable.
Here's the second paaaage.

Here's some of my best pixel arts. (Ignore the watermark pls.)
[User Posted Image]
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Edited 2 times - Last edited at 22:31:08 22/09/2012 by SpirowdeDragoon
fluffy Os Green Sparx Gems: 283
#2 Posted: 23:11:31 20/09/2012
Like that Pinkie Pie one.
smilie smilie smilie smilie
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#3 Posted: 23:12:51 20/09/2012 | Topic Creator
Ohohoho~ Thanks.
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4247
#4 Posted: 13:27:21 22/09/2012
Second page: Grammer fail! We'd should? Really? Otherwise they're all good.
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
Hunter 4eva Blue Sparx Gems: 537
#5 Posted: 18:23:49 22/09/2012
Quote: miniquiny999
Second page: Grammer fail! We'd should? Really? Otherwise they're all good.

Seriously smilie you havnt made spelling mistakes at all? Btw nice art
Tell me are you the ghost of jealosy?!
miniquiny999 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4247
#6 Posted: 19:58:16 22/09/2012
im not dead but only in theory since i never use this heckin site anymore. send me a pm if you want i'll try to get back to ya this century
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#7 Posted: 22:03:08 22/09/2012 | Topic Creator
Thanks, but that first thing you said. It's a mistake and there's no reason to address it the way you did.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#8 Posted: 03:17:47 24/09/2012
Awesome drawings. :3
I am glad you've made your own art thread. ;p
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#9 Posted: 20:24:25 24/09/2012 | Topic Creator
Thank you.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#10 Posted: 20:58:32 24/09/2012 | Topic Creator

[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

Ponymon and my fanpony. Basically ponies.
TheFlyingSeal Diamond Sparx Gems: 8537
#11 Posted: 21:13:05 24/09/2012
This is seriously REALLY good art.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#12 Posted: 21:26:25 24/09/2012 | Topic Creator
Thank you so much!
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#13 Posted: 21:49:08 24/09/2012
I love that first picture, I think they look amazing!
The designs are awesome, as well as the colouring. :3
The second one is rather funny. X3

Great job with them both! smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#14 Posted: 21:58:01 24/09/2012 | Topic Creator
Thanks. Not sure what else I can say other than that.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#15 Posted: 22:04:39 24/09/2012
Haha, it's alright. And no prob. :3
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#16 Posted: 21:13:05 25/09/2012 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

More ponies? More ponies.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#17 Posted: 01:04:22 30/09/2012 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

Something that's actually Spyro-related.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#18 Posted: 23:22:24 01/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Thanks. The pony hind leg "chubbiness" is intended.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#19 Posted: 21:56:20 03/10/2012
Oh, I like the Spyro one. smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#20 Posted: 22:15:50 03/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Thank you.

I drew something that I actually quite like. It's kinda creepy and since it has a bit of blood, I'm spoiler-ing it.
[User Posted Image]
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#21 Posted: 23:20:25 03/10/2012
Haha, that is a bit creepy, but I like it! Great job! smilie
I love your colouring, and I do not know how you had the patience to colour the background. X3

And no prob. :3
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#22 Posted: 23:46:48 03/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Thank you. I hated coloring the damn background, that took forever.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#23 Posted: 00:50:17 04/10/2012
Quote: SpirowdeDragoon
Thank you. I hated coloring the damn background, that took forever.

No prob. And it must have... I know that feel. D:
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#24 Posted: 21:25:00 04/10/2012
Quote: miniquiny999
Second page: Grammer fail! We'd should? Really? Otherwise they're all good.

Latest post of all.
But, you, my good person gotta stop being this big-smartass grammar nazi. Seriously. We ALL make mistakes.
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#25 Posted: 00:34:53 05/10/2012 | Topic Creator Has some blood, but there's no point in spoiler-ing a link. Oh right, this is the third page of my comic.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:45:41 05/10/2012 by SpirowdeDragoon
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#26 Posted: 00:37:37 05/10/2012
Oh.... Trolly is mean. D:

But nice comic. smilie
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#27 Posted: 00:47:09 05/10/2012 | Topic Creator
I'd go off on an explanation of how Trolly is much worse than "mean", but I'll just say thank you.
Bolt Hunter Gems: 6135
#28 Posted: 00:50:32 05/10/2012
Haha, yes, I was just being silly. By the looks of it, she is way worse than mean.
And you're welcome. :3
you don't know me. i break things
I draw stuff.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#29 Posted: 22:40:05 05/10/2012 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

Whitenoise24 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3079
#30 Posted: 23:38:12 09/10/2012
Nice but ummmm uhhhh.
the horn is in the wrong spot.
beautiful pic though. Looks amazing.
My DeviantART account.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#31 Posted: 23:44:03 09/10/2012 | Topic Creator
I see I got it mixed up with the position her horn is in when she faces left or right. Thanks though.
werespyro Red Sparx Gems: 96
#32 Posted: 08:17:05 11/10/2012
ooh your pony art is adorable smilie loving the last rarity pic!
36/37 SSA skylanders
Want smilie
uni student/game artist!
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#33 Posted: 21:07:10 11/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Thank yous.
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#34 Posted: 21:59:18 11/10/2012 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

dA Description: This is a remake of the unused icon in the Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg demo. On the top is the different steps I took to make it. Here's the original along with other beta stuff, ripped by me. [User Posted Image] Title explains.

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Some stupid things I drew.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 00:06:41 24/10/2012 by SpirowdeDragoon
Zaifuten Green Sparx Gems: 103
#35 Posted: 04:56:54 24/10/2012
That Articuno is so cute and ticked! smilie
Detailed Spyro RP.
My Deviant Art.
daimondcynder21 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1218
#36 Posted: 21:17:56 24/10/2012
wow, your art is great!
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#37 Posted: 22:42:07 24/10/2012 | Topic Creator
Thank you both.
daimondcynder21 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1218
#38 Posted: 01:51:00 25/10/2012
your welcome
your drawings look like the real deal!
SpirowdeDragoon Blue Sparx Gems: 600
#39 Posted: 22:25:48 26/10/2012 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]

BEHOLD It's not that great and watermarks.
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