darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Stuff and Nonsense > Role Play > ♛ Total Drama Skyland! [Private] ♛
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#1 Posted: 15:00:04 18/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Competition 10 Beginning August 10th at 9:00 PM EST What TDS! Is: Total Drama Skyland! is a role play reality TV show that is a spinoff of Total Drama Island. Instead of having humans, though, Total Drama Skyland! has Skylanders as contestants. The host, Luminous, and his assistant, Nightshade, will put these contestants up to many challenges to fight for the grand prize: one million coins and the ability to level up to level 25. A contestant will be eliminated every week (except Vacation Week) by a vote from other contestants, and this will happen until only two contestants remain, and the Ultimate Doom Challenge takes place. Whichever contestant wins that will be the grand winner. But in this process, there will be many alliances, rivalries, bonds, heartbreaks, pain, and total drama that takes place. Who will win? Stay tuned to find out! Rules for Contestants: Hello, contestant! I would like to give you a personal warm welcome to Total Drama Skyland!. Now, I know that you may still be confused, but do not worry, I will explain everything you need to know about this odd role play to you as thoroughly as I can. Firstly, I will discuss the teams. Yes, I did randomly generate the teams, but I did it by your name. If you have two Skylanders, I placed them both on the same team to cause less complication and chances of cheating (I did make one exception, though: night bomb guy. I placed his Skylanders on separate teams because they are rivals. I have no favoring for him over the rest of the contestants). If you have a problem with the team you are on, please contact me as soon as possible so we can make a compromise on your request. Secondly, I will discuss how to properly format your responses/comments that you post on this role play. There are standard role play rules of course, such as type OOC: before anything that you type out of character, do not godmod, and do not speak as any character that you are not, but I have some rules that are not common for role plays to have. First, speak in first person. I prefer that you do this so it will be easier for spectators to understand that this is supposed to be like a reality TV show. Second, place the emoticon and name of the character that is speaking at the top of your post. For example: :luminousemoticon: Luminous. If you are role playing as multiple characters and would like to speak as your second character in the same comment, just put the emoticon and the name of the character you will speak as next before you type what that character says, and so forth. Third, whenever you do an “outhouse talk,” write the talk in italics and between tildes. If you have watched Total Drama Island, you know what I am talking about. If you have not, let me explain. An “outhouse talk” is something that a character in Total Drama Island did to get away from other contestants and talk about their feelings to a camera in an outhouse. It would allow contestants to talk to the fans about their private feelings without any other contestants knowing. For example, ~I ain’t got nothin’ to do with ‘dat girl! Uh uh!~ is what it would be like if you did an outhouse talk. So, follow these rules and basic role play rules, and we won’t have a problem. Thirdly, I will discuss the challenges. I will post what the fake challenge is on this thread, and then I will PM the contestants the Skylanders-based questions to the contestants, the actual challenges. You will have 96 hours (4 days) to respond to the questions from the point I PM the questions to you. These questions are randomized, and each question will be worth one to five points, one being the easiest questions, and five being the hardest (you are allowed to research these questions, but you are not allowed to dicuss the questions with other contestants. If I figure out that you discussed a question with another contestant, your team will automatically lose the challenge for the week). You may have more questions to answer in each challenge as the season progresses. If you get the question wrong or do not respond in 96 hours, you will not score any points for your team (if you do not respond for three challenges in a row, your Skylander will be disqualified). The team that has the most points at the end of the challenge will gain immunity (meaning they will not have to vote a team member off), while the losing team will then have to vote a Skylander off (the organization of this will change once the amount of contestants gets so small that teams will cease, which will probably be when there are eight Skylanders remaining, or when one team gets too small to continue). This will then move on to the voting session. Lastly, I will discuss the voting. Everytime a challenge ends (which will be every Sunday at 9:00 PM EST), a voting session will begin. This then means each team member of the losing team will need to PM me which Skylander they would like to be casted off of Total Drama Skyland!. Each team member will have 48 hours to do so. Once the voting is closed, I will announce who had the most votes, and that Skylander will be eliminated from Total Drama Skyland! (once this happens, you will no longer be able to role play as this character on the thread and I will no longer PM you questions for this character. If both of your Skylanders are eliminated, you will no longer be able to comment on the thread and I will no longer PM you questions or notices for Total Drama Skyland!). If there is a tie, I will PM both of the users a question to commence a tiebreaker. They will each have 12 hours to respond to his or her question. Once one of them gets a question wrong or does not respond in time, the loser will be voted off. This makes Total Drama Skyland! so competitive! Well, that pretty much wraps it up. Give yourself an applause, because this will hopefully be the last time you will have to read through a huge list of guidelines for Total Drama Skyland!. If you have any questions or concerns about these rules or your participation in Total Drama Skyland!, please PM me so we can discuss it. I look forward to you and your Skylanders’ participation in Total Drama Skyland! Go for the win! Rules for Spectators: These rules are pretty simple. You are free to view and enjoy this topic as much as you like, but please do not comment. I am doing this to prevent confusion and less enjoyment among other spectators. Also, once someone is eliminated from TDS!, he or she is considered a spectator. Our Sponsor: DreamTeam's Skyvivor! Make sure to check it out. |
Edited 50 times - Last edited at 01:56:03 01/08/2016 by Swap Force Fan
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#3 Posted: 15:00:55 18/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Teams & Characters:
(10 Contestants Remaining) Host: Luminous (Swap Force Fan) Personality: Devious, deviant, and devilling; likes trolling the contestants and producing risky competitions. Asst. Host: Nightshade (Pokemon2) Personality: Clever, sneaky, smart, and cocky. Looking to help Luminous with his devious competitions. Teams: The Chivalrous Chompies: (Wins: 4 Losses: 5) Flashwing (Spyrocovexity) Personality: Regale and high strung. Why She Joined: She got bored of fighting evil and krushing Kaos, so she joined TDS! for new challenges. Sonic Boom (Felines) Personality: Kind and motherly; she hates bullying and violence and will do anything to protect her hatchlings from other contestants. Why She Joined: She wants to demonstrate her family's worth and power through the competition. Sunburn (Felines) Personality: Very mischievous, but always means well; he is willing to fight for his friends and his team. Why He Joined: He wants to show the world that his unique heritage is not the only thing that is special about him. Zoo Lou (MugoUrth) Personality: Loves lifting weights and is dedicated to doing tough jobs (whether he can do the jobs quickly or not is a different story... he is a sloth). Why He Joined: TDS! is just another challenge he wants to take on. Although, he better get plenty of food! The Grandiloquent Greebles: (Wins: 5 Losses: 4) Cynder (Eevee88) Personality: Sly and mischevious; loves pranking other contestants, but on the inside, she is warm-hearted and friendly. Why She Joined: To build friendships and to win the grand prize. Dark Spyro (Pokemon2) Personality: Quite dark, smart, and sneaky; Tends to be crafty too. Why He Joined: To differentiate himself from Spyro. Drobot (StormDragon21) Personality: Quite shy and reclusive, but easily flattered and loves compliments. He does not care about insults, but if you insult his armor, beware. Why He Joined: To win the grand prize. That's it. No ulterior motive at all. Grim Creeper (night bomb guy) Personality: Short-tempered and hot-headed; has a rivalry with Legendary Chop Chop (Goes by Grim) Why He Joined: He does not have much concern with winning, he just likes being challenged and having fun. But, he would appreciate the win. Spyro (ShadeTheDragon) Personality: Arrogant, but fun and loving; in other words, he's, "All fired up!" Why He Joined: He's always up for a challenge. Also, he thinks TDS! is a good opportunity to make new friends and be with his best friend, Cynder. Torch (StormDragon21) Personality: Fiery and competitive; tends to be prideful and allow her temper to slip, but she never cheats. Why She Joined: To win, and to outlast every other competitor in the process. Alliances: Dark Spyro ~ Spyro Dark Spyro ~ Grim Creeper Rivalries: N/A Lovebirds: Cynder ♥ Spyro Bash ♥ Flashwing Eliminated Contestants: (In Order by Elimination) Camo (MugoUrth) (CC) Personality: Loves to have fun and is always smiling. Loves to eat fruits and vegetables, especially coconuts and bananas. Why He Joined: To experience living life on an island. He doesn't care for victory or prizes, because his prize is the fun. Spotlight (gary) (CC) Personality: BFF of Echo Why She Joined: To be the best of TDS! with Echo. Hex (DreamTeam) (GG) Personality: Ambitious and willing to do anything to win (except cheat), but she will find a loophole! Why She Joined: She was sent by Lord Eon to train. Wrecking Ball (DreamTeam) (GG) Personality: Befuddled and confused; does not know what is going on or where he's at usually. Why He Joined: He didn't... He just wandered off one day, and poof! He was on TDS!. Whirlwind (Eevee88) (GG) Personality: Naive and easily fooled, but is very friendly to other contestants. Why She Joined: Just to have fun. Blades (Spyroconvexity) (CC) Personality: Cocky and a showoff; he especially enjoys showing off to the ladies. Why He Joined: He wanted a new challenge to face. Legendary Chop Chop (night bomb guy) (CC) Personality: Highly over-competitive; he is obsessed with winning. (Goes by L-Chop Chop) Why He Joined: To win the grand prize, in order to be wealthy and famous. Echo (gary) (CC) Personality: BFF of Spotlight Why She Joined: To be the best of TDS! with Spotlight. Guests & Others: (Controlled by Swap Force Fan) Chef Pepper Jack Personality: Rude and menacing; He is a strict cook that takes every aspect of culinary arts seriously. He also has quite a way with words... Saying them wrong, at least. Appearance: "Critique of The Cook" (Day 3) Eruptor Personality: Greatly influenced and oriented with the world of Hip Hop; brother and rapper with Volcanic Eruptor. Appearance: "Rap of Réjectź" (Day 5) Volcanic Eruptor Personality: Very formal and classy about his dedication to Hip Hop; brother and rapper with Eruptor. Appearance: "Rap of Réjectź" (Day 5) Bash Personality: Loving and shy; he has a crush on Flashwing and a dream of having wings. Appearance: "Brawl of Bashfullness" (Day 7) Dark Bash Personality: Dark form of Bash, born from Dark Spyro praying to Satan. Very arrogant, evil, and annoying, but came into realization of his dastardly way after being exposed to other variants, and merged back with Bash. Appearance: "Brawl of Bashfullness" (Day 7) Dreamcatcher (Controlled by DreamTeam) Personality: Bossy and critical; also, the host of Skyvivor! Appearance: "Dream of Deviance" (Day 9) |
Edited 52 times - Last edited at 01:57:37 01/08/2016 by Swap Force Fan
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#4 Posted: 15:01:08 18/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Team Assembling: 5/29/16 ✓ Competition 1: 6/1/16 - 6/5/16 ✓ Elimination 1: 6/7/16 ✓ Competition 2: 6/8/16 - 6/12/16 ✓ Elimination 2: 6/14/16 ✓ Competition 3: 6/15/16 - 6/19/16 ✓ Elimination 3: 6/21/16 ✓ Competition 4: 6/22/16 - 6/26/16 ✓ Elimination 4: 6/28/16 ✓ Competition 5: 6/29/16 - 7/3/16 ✓ Elimination 5: 7/5/16 ✓ Competition 6: 7/6/16 - 7/10/16 ✓ Elimination 6: 7/12/16 ✓ Competition 7: 7/13/16 - 7/17/16 ✓ Elimination 7: 7/19/16 ✓ Competition 8: 7/20/16 - 7/24/16 ✓ Elimination 8: 7/26/16 ✓ Competition 9: 7/27/16 - 7/31/16 ✓ Elimination 9: 8/2/16 Vacation Week: 8/3/16 - 8/9/16 Competition 10: 8/10/16 - 8/14/16 Elimination 10: 8/16/16 Competition 11: 8/17/16 - 8/21/16 Elimination 11: 8/23/16 Competition 12: 8/24/16 - 8/28/16 Elimination 12: 8/30/16 Competition 13: 8/31/16 - 9/4/16 Elimination 13: 9/6/16 Competition 14: 9/7/16 - 9/11/16 Elimination 14: 9/13/16 Reunion Week: 9/14/16 - 9/18/16 Special Elimination: 9/20/16 Competition 15: 9/21/16 - 9/25/16 Elimination 16: 9/27/16 Ultimate Doom Competition: 9/28/16 - 10/2/16 Winner Announced: 10/4/16 (Note: Dates are in US format.) Memorable & Funny Quotes: Quote: Eevee88
~~~ Quote: night bomb guy
~~~ Quote: Swap Force Fan
~~~ Quote: Pokemon2
~~~ Quote: Eevee88
~~~ Quote: Swap Force Fan
~~~ Quote: Pokemon2
~~~ Quote: Swap Force Fan
~~~ Quote: night bomb guy
~~~ Quote: Pokemon2
Quote: Swap Force Fan
~~~ Quote: StormDragon21
Quote: Swap Force Fan
~~~ Quote: Swap Force Fan
~~~ Quote: StormDragon21
Quote: Swap Force Fan
~~~ Quote: night bomb guy
(Note: Conversations are split by '~~~'.) |
Edited 38 times - Last edited at 01:58:53 01/08/2016 by Swap Force Fan
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503 |
#5 Posted: 21:08:20 18/05/2016
Knightmare and KightLight can compete
i dont know what else to say, xox Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore |
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503 |
#6 Posted: 21:11:16 18/05/2016
Not afraid to get hands dirty Joined TDS as a spy from master eon to keep an eye on the hosts
i dont know what else to say, xox Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#7 Posted: 21:14:52 18/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814 |
#8 Posted: 23:29:44 18/05/2016
Can I have Nightshade?
Nightshade's personality is clever, sneaky, smart, cocky He wanted to help Luminous with his devious plans. Can I be Hammer Slam Bowser, Dark Spyro and Hex? Hammer Slam Bowser's personality is arrogant, cocky, nicer Hammer Slam Bowser joined because he wants to be the winner and finally win. Dark Spyro's personality is dark, sneaky, smart, crafty Dark Spyro joined because he wants to become his own separate Skylander from Spyro. Hex's personality is dark, mysterious, serious Hex joined because she wanted to make some friends.
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there. |
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 23:36:48 18/05/2016 by Pokemon2
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#9 Posted: 01:59:49 19/05/2016
Skylander: Camo
Personality: Camo is a creature that loves to have fun, and always has a smile on his face. He also loves fruits and vegetables, and never gets sick of eating coconuts and bananas. Why Your Skylander Joined TDS!: Camo joined more because he wanted to see what it was like to live an islander life rather than for any prize or reward. Winning wouldn't hurt, but ultimately Camo just wishes to have fun. |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#10 Posted: 12:28:29 19/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Pokemon2
Hm...if you want, you can be Nightshade, but you will basically be a moderator. If you believe you can be that dedicated to this thread, then I will mark you down as him. But, you can only be one contestant, in that case. Please notify me whether you'd rather be Hex or Dark Spyro. You can't be Hammer Slam Bowser, since you can only be cores. Quote: MugoUrth
Alrighty! Thank you! Note to Everybody: You can only register as TWO CORE Skylanders. |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#11 Posted: 22:49:39 21/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Bump. Eight days until this starts.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752 |
#12 Posted: 23:42:58 21/05/2016
Personality: Sly, likes playing pranks, but in reality, wants some friends and is nice on the inside.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter... |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#13 Posted: 02:36:51 22/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: Eevee88
Thank you for joining, I really appreciate it! ^.^ But, can you tell me why Cynder joined? I would appreciate it. |
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752 |
#14 Posted: 03:56:45 22/05/2016
Oops. Sorry
She joined to try to get more friends, plus she wants the reward.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter... |
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758 |
#15 Posted: 11:39:36 22/05/2016
Skylander: Drobot
Personality: Drobot is more shy and reclusive than the other dragons, but he is easily flattered and will talk to anyone who compliments his robotic armor forever. He rarely cares about mean comments anymore, but insult his armor and beware. Why he joined: He wants to win the prize. That's it. No ulterior motive. At all.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503 |
#16 Posted: 20:25:33 23/05/2016
Skylander: Hex
Personality: Will do anything to Win! Accept break the rules.. But will find a loophole! Why Joined: She was sent by Master eon to Train! But Uncovers some stuff that might by the end for the Skylanders... (Extra) What is Plan with money: Nothing much... Just Plays for Training, Fun and To Uncover the truth...
i dont know what else to say, xox Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#17 Posted: 21:30:41 23/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Thank you so much, Guys! ^.^
(Note to MugoUrth, Eevee88, StormDragon21, and DreamTeam: You can still enter in as one more contestant!) |
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#18 Posted: 00:40:45 24/05/2016
OOC: I don't know if I am even going to be hear for much longer. Some of the people here, not naming names, make me want to smash stuff.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4752 |
#19 Posted: 02:19:42 24/05/2016
Ooc: I'm sorry if it's me, I have been a bad RPer in the past because I kept leaving for stupid reasons. I promise I'll stay
Whirl Wind Personality: Naive, easily fooled, but friendly. Why She Joined: She wanted to have fun.
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter... |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#20 Posted: 14:25:49 24/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: MugoUrth
Ah, I understand. If you would like, I will take Camo out and you don't have to participate. Quote: Eevee88
Thank you for the 2nd entry. c: I still need at least 6 more contestants... Anyone know any forum members who would enjoy this role play? |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:26:03 24/05/2016 by Swap Force Fan
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234 |
#21 Posted: 16:30:27 24/05/2016
OOC: Nah, I'll stick around. To be honest, I only put that up there just in case. Also, Eevee88, I admit that has been an annoyance concerning you, but your fine. You don't have to worry. Also, I have somewhat of a soft spot for Whirlwind. I can't stand her voice, but I always thought she looked cool. She looks so angry and serious.
Anyway, I'll play the first non-dragon. Skylander: Zoo Lou Personality: Zoo Lou is always looking to do some heavy lifting, and is the kind who can always get a tough job done. ...Whether he can do it FAST or not is another story. He IS a sloth, after all. Why he entered: This is basically a new challenge for him. He's always looking to challenge himself. He doesn't like the idea of not getting a lot of food, though. |
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503 |
#22 Posted: 21:26:33 24/05/2016
Skylander: Wreaking Ball
Personality: Confused. Dosent know whats going on or how he go thre. Why he joined:He didnt! He wandered of and POOF he was there! 2nd entry <3
i dont know what else to say, xox Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore |
Pokemon2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3814 |
#23 Posted: 09:48:03 25/05/2016
Quote: Swap Force Fan
Lunarz, Felines, a couple others
Moved to TimDrake, talk to me there. |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#24 Posted: 15:21:44 25/05/2016 | Topic Creator
I just want to say to all of the users whom have already joined, I love the personalities you have for the contestants! I really appreciate the originality. c:
Pokemon2, thank you. I may try to get in contact with them. |
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503 |
#25 Posted: 22:10:19 25/05/2016
Skylander: Flashwing
Personality: Rich *****! Thinks is better then everyone else because is rich! Why joined: To Brag
i dont know what else to say, xox Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#26 Posted: 22:52:29 25/05/2016 | Topic Creator
DreamTeam, you are only allowed to be two contestants, but I suppose if I do not get 12 contestants by May 29th, then I will let you be three contestants.
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#27 Posted: 02:22:11 26/05/2016
Spotlight and Echo
Personality: depends those protected Why Join: to be the best
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#28 Posted: 03:02:24 26/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: gary
Are they like Kadie and Sadie (best friends)? |
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#29 Posted: 03:53:24 26/05/2016
OOC: Spotlight and Echo are best friends.
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
QueenChrysalis Green Sparx Gems: 465 |
#30 Posted: 19:28:25 26/05/2016
Was thinking of joining this with Stormblade, but since it is very late at night, I will make a thing for her tomorrow. So just lock it in for me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:28:54 26/05/2016 by QueenChrysalis
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#31 Posted: 20:12:30 26/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: QueenChrysalis
Your character has to be a core. |
night bomb guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1538 |
#32 Posted: 23:51:44 26/05/2016
Rattle Shake and Enigma, plz
This account has been closed in favor of a new account name. |
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758 |
#33 Posted: 00:06:10 27/05/2016
Skylander: Torch
Personality: Torch is a fiery competitor. She's sometimes a bit prideful, and has a bit of a temper. However, as a rule, she doesn't cheat. Why she joined: To win, and maybe beat everyone else while she does it.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#34 Posted: 01:19:14 27/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: night bomb guy
They have to be core Skylanders. Also, please list their personalities and why each of them joined. |
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758 |
#35 Posted: 02:13:07 27/05/2016
Also, could you let me know if we can get more because of lack of interest?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#36 Posted: 02:17:26 27/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: StormDragon21
Sure, but right now, I think I will have 12 contestants by Sunday at 9:00 EST |
QueenChrysalis Green Sparx Gems: 465 |
#37 Posted: 04:53:28 27/05/2016
Quote: Swap Force Fan
I don't understand what you mean. Stormblade is canon... :/ |
Felines Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10238 |
#38 Posted: 05:15:44 27/05/2016
OOC: Alright, I'm finally here. Her are my characters.
Skylander: Sonic Boom Personality: Kind and motherly. She hates bullying and would go at any length to protect her hatchlings and the Skylands. Why she joined: She wants to demonstrate her family's worth and strength through the competition. Skylander: Sunburn Personality: He's very mischievous, but always means well. He is willing to fight evil and always protect his friends. Why he joined: Wants to show that his unique heritage is not the only thing special about him.
Real friends will be there... when you need them the most. |
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758 |
#39 Posted: 11:11:17 27/05/2016
Quote: QueenChrysalis
He means the basic Skylander. Not a Giant, not a Swap Force, not a Trap Team, not a villain, and not a SuperCharger. I hope this makes a bit more sense.
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#40 Posted: 14:33:58 27/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: StormDragon21
What he said. You can have a Skylander from any of the five games, but it can't be a special Skylander, I guess I could say. Not a gimmick Skylander. I would allow people to have gimmick Skylanders, but I am not for future purposes. So yeah, you can have:
I hope that helps everybody. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:46:35 27/05/2016 by Swap Force Fan
QueenChrysalis Green Sparx Gems: 465 |
#41 Posted: 16:58:11 27/05/2016
Oh! Thank you for specifying.
Well.. I wanted Stormblade for the character, not the Sky-Slicer. Couldn't I just have Stormblade without the Sky-Slicer? Which was what I was planning on doing anyway, since I figured having the Sky-Slicer would be an unfair advantage. Maybe that could be tied into her backstory: She somehow wrote off the Sky-Slicer and needs the money to build a new one. |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#42 Posted: 17:18:24 27/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: QueenChrysalis
...You need to be a core... |
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109 |
#43 Posted: 18:27:55 27/05/2016
night bomb guy Yellow Sparx Gems: 1538 |
#44 Posted: 20:33:10 27/05/2016
Legendary Chop Chop
L-Chop Chop, as his friends call him, is highly over-competitive and always wants to win. L-Chop Chop just joined this to win the prize and be rich and famous. Grim Creeper Grim Creeper is just called Grim by his friends. Grim is short-tempered and has a rivalry against L-Chop Chop. Grim doesn't necessarily want to win mainly. He just likes the challenges and having fun. But he still wants to win.
This account has been closed in favor of a new account name. |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#45 Posted: 22:04:12 27/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: ZapNorris
No way. You need to give me his personality and reasoning to joining, though. |
QueenChrysalis Green Sparx Gems: 465 |
#46 Posted: 05:24:59 28/05/2016
Quote: Swap Force Fan
Ok. No offense but I think I'm going to have to drop out then b/c I'm worried I know where this is going... |
StormDragon21 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5758 |
#47 Posted: 12:22:50 28/05/2016
Quote: QueenChrysalis
What do you mean?
"sTORM, my parents just told me something that RUINED MY LIFE. DID YOU KNOW that Smarties have different flavors?!" ~ShadowMewX |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#48 Posted: 14:45:04 28/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: QueenChrysalis
Drop out? But you weren't even in yet... But, I understand. It's just my rule. I don't have any secrets or anything. |
gary Prismatic Sparx Gems: 11539 |
#49 Posted: 16:10:10 28/05/2016
OOC: Where we start?
"let go inside"Gary Sparkle said. ( are my collecting skylander) |
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124 |
#50 Posted: 16:29:14 28/05/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: gary
The team assembling will happen tomorrow at 9:00 PM EST. I will also explain the whole setup then too. The first competition will start Wednesday at 9:00 PM EST. |
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