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Tech Tiki Single! [CLOSED]
skylandsfan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5644
#1 Posted: 18:37:19 12/04/2015 | Topic Creator
You heard me! [User Posted Image]
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#2 Posted: 20:34:59 12/04/2015
The main question is; Where?

It could EASILY be fake. In fact, it looks fake since the glue looks off.

Yep, going with fake. I can see obvious rips in the bottom.
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:36:04 12/04/2015 by Matteomax
Portal___Master Emerald Sparx Gems: 3718
#3 Posted: 20:55:50 12/04/2015
^ Was thinking this as well Max.
Guinness Book of World Records holder for Largest SkyLanders Collection.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#4 Posted: 20:59:56 12/04/2015
Honestly the plastic bubble in which the trap is embedded looks wrong too...

Isn't it the Snake one...?
Doesn't look like it should contain the Tiki mold.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
skylandsfan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5644
#5 Posted: 21:34:56 12/04/2015 | Topic Creator
Quote: Matteomax
The main question is; Where?

It could EASILY be fake. In fact, it looks fake since the glue looks off.

Yep, going with fake. I can see obvious rips in the bottom.

The guy said best buy.
My life will not be complete until I own Sun Dragon
TakeYourLemons Gold Sparx Gems: 2350
#6 Posted: 21:52:43 12/04/2015
I can say that Best Buy looks like they got some sort of Wave 3 refresh of sorts (Trailblazer and Cobra there for those hollering last week they couldn't find them) but mine didn't have anything worth saying here.
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#7 Posted: 22:15:48 12/04/2015
Quote: Drek95
Honestly the plastic bubble in which the trap is embedded looks wrong too...

Isn't it the Snake one...?
Doesn't look like it should contain the Tiki mold.

Yeah, that's what I thought.
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
UncleBob Ripto Gems: 4565
#8 Posted: 23:20:27 12/04/2015
Holy crap.

Someone post something.
Someone else calls it fake. They yell for "pics or it's fake!"
Someone posts pics.
Someone still claims it is fake.

I mean, seriously, some random dude posts a pic of stuff he got at Bust Buy and the internet detective force comes out to prove him wrong.
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#9 Posted: 23:36:04 12/04/2015
Quote: UncleBob
Holy crap.

Someone post something.
Someone else calls it fake. They yell for "pics or it's fake!"
Someone posts pics.
Someone still claims it is fake.

I mean, seriously, some random dude posts a pic of stuff he got at Bust Buy and the internet detective force comes out to prove him wrong.

Try searching "Tech Tiki Trap Single Pack" on the Internet and tell me if you can find some image, because I couldn't find any.
This doesn't happen with other molds.

I said it looked fake, I'm not sure if it is.
But you have to admit it would be strange, since we never got infos about a Tech Tiki Single Pack, and yet we know every pack that has been released so far. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:37:27 12/04/2015 by Drek95
crstofer Emerald Sparx Gems: 4446
#10 Posted: 00:01:43 13/04/2015
Just like my Life Toucan trap with Riot Shield Shredder in it. The internet detective force swore it was fake and NOT real but i have it and there hasnt been another like it so far.... Hmmmm... Oops forgot the hack issue, but if so.. There hasnt been another so called Fake and or Hack trap like it.. Acoording to internet detectives, UncleBob speaks of... Its NOT REAL.... I must say its Rare... I'll eventually post and be rid of it on Evil Bay.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:23:00 13/04/2015 by crstofer
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10537
#11 Posted: 00:16:36 13/04/2015
It's still kinda hard to even understand what you meant. You're still judging people over the internet about the photo being of a legit thing even if it's hard to tell.How can you even hack a Tech Tiki into a package?
(What I need is never what I want)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:28:26 13/04/2015 by Bifrost
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#12 Posted: 01:20:59 13/04/2015
I guess the only way to know for sure is to simply wait and see it in person.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#13 Posted: 14:12:31 13/04/2015
I think it is healthy to have a dose of skepticism on new things, even with images. Images make a better case than words, but it is still not definitive at times. There are things there that raise questions:

- The the trap really isn't a match for the plastic molding. They tend to be a lot closer in shape.
- The edges/glue do look a little suspect.
- Best Buy tends to not be the "first place" for anything to show up.
- This would be something outside of the current circulating wave assortments.

Now, it could be the beginning of Wave 5, and that store could just be one of the first to have gotten it. But, I wouldn't go running out to every Best Buy in town looking for them just yet. In fact, that is exactly the reason we need to be skeptical of things like this. People will run from store to store, wasting gas and time all over someone's bad idea of a joke if it isn't real. It isn't harmless. If you want to be upset at people being skeptical, be mad at everyone that thought it was funny to post fake info - because they chose to degrade the reliability of the forum on purpose. Unchecked this place would turn into a mound of unquestioned Wicked Thumpback-like "sightings".

And if it is real, it will be revealed soon enough and they will be redeemed. Besides, no one is attacking - they are posting honest opinions - if that insults someone then the Internet probably isn't a good place for them to be. If that is a problem, then don't share - it will be found by others eventually as well.

If you are going to post something no one has ever seen, it is appreciated if it is real - and that will be proven so eventually.
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#14 Posted: 14:39:10 13/04/2015
Honestly the molding looks like it fits a hammer...
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out!
mastermc54 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3448
#15 Posted: 14:47:07 13/04/2015
Does it even matter??? Most of us have one and there are insanely few in-package completionists who must have every Skylanders item released in each unique packaging released. Face it...99.9% of people who wanted all traps got this in the 8 pack chasing after Steamed Broccoli Guy.
defpally Emerald Sparx Gems: 4158
#16 Posted: 15:01:21 13/04/2015
No it doesn't matter. If the guy did it himself, and said that we would be like "hey, that's cool!". It's a clever way for fix the problem if you are into collecting packaged and want a complete collection that they may never "complete" otherwise. But it is being passed off as real with some things that don't look right.

I point to UncleBob as an example, as I recall he did a custom do-it-yourself glowie Cynder in package and swapped her into the single package for Cynder. It was a cool idea and looked really good given he collects packaged figures. And he never claimed it was "real". Nothing wrong with that.
Unreallystic Emerald Sparx Gems: 3054
#17 Posted: 15:36:24 13/04/2015
I'm in the 'whatever' camp...I don't see the point in collecting traps, having a different mold doesn't affect gameplay. If you want one of each for a villain so all villains are accessible - fine, but I would have just bought them all at launch when they were essentially half off.
- Unreall
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#18 Posted: 17:53:01 13/04/2015
Quote: Unreallystic
I'm in the 'whatever' camp...I don't see the point in collecting traps, having a different mold doesn't affect gameplay. If you want one of each for a villain so all villains are accessible - fine, but I would have just bought them all at launch when they were essentially half off.
- Unreall

I agree with you, they don't provide any change to the gameplay.

But since I decided to have two traps per Element (excluding the Kaos one) I also decided to look for my favorite molds.
That's why there are different sculpts: simple choice. smilie
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
skygrin Blue Sparx Gems: 852
#19 Posted: 23:38:35 13/04/2015
I bet what happened was, it fell out of the 8 pack, some employee was a ninkonpoop, they put it in a tech trap package, and glued it together.
smilie gottee
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2721
#20 Posted: 03:59:56 14/04/2015
looks fake
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#21 Posted: 04:18:59 14/04/2015
Interesting theory skygrin...except the holder molds hold the Traps very chance of them falling out.

Anyways ...skylandsfan i hate to be a buzz kill...but after looking at that pic you posted...he didn't buy that from Best Buy....its faked...sorry.
I can understand everyone wanting a single pack of the Tiki Tech Trap...can't tell you how many times i over heard kids an parents when the 8 - Pack was in Target an Toys R Us...if it wasn't...*you can't get that, you only have 10 dollars to spend.* or *thats over $40!!! your not getting that...pick something else.* ...they go on and on....and some where very unkind to there kids...i won't type those.

His first mistake was putting the Trap that came out of that mold holder in the photo....that mold holder is to the Torch Trap's. Here is how he did it...also i have not glued any of them closed. And yes i still have all my packages. smilie
[User Posted Image]
The Holder Mold for Tiki Trap...
[User Posted Image]
In Tech Single Pack in Torch Mold Holder...
[User Posted Image]
Close up shot...
[User Posted Image]

And last...what a single Tiki Tech Trap package would look like when you go looking for one(hopfully they will release it soon)....with a little photoshop work of course. smilie
[User Posted Image]
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 16:38:48 14/04/2015 by Phoenix_Lord
Iganagor Emerald Sparx Gems: 3552
#22 Posted: 07:55:11 14/04/2015
^ Thats what I thought...
Summoning a STUNFISK
1. Go to a beach - 2. Fall flat on the ground - 3. Recite Stunfisks fart-cry
4. Flop 618 times - You have a STUNFISK!
Drek95 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4761
#23 Posted: 08:05:25 14/04/2015
^ ^ Couldn't have said it better.
”Gulp, lunch time!”
Current Number of Champions of the Skylands: 154
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:15:52 14/04/2015 by Drek95
TheShadowDragon Ripto Gems: 2886
#24 Posted: 00:49:08 15/04/2015
I guess the Tech Totem Traps will never have their own real single packs. Ah, well. So much for that.
skygrin Blue Sparx Gems: 852
#25 Posted: 22:44:48 15/04/2015
Quote: Phoenix_Lord
Interesting theory skygrin...except the holder molds hold the Traps very chance of them falling out.

Anyways ...skylandsfan i hate to be a buzz kill...but after looking at that pic you posted...he didn't buy that from Best Buy....its faked...sorry.
I can understand everyone wanting a single pack of the Tiki Tech Trap...can't tell you how many times i over heard kids an parents when the 8 - Pack was in Target an Toys R Us...if it wasn't...*you can't get that, you only have 10 dollars to spend.* or *thats over $40!!! your not getting that...pick something else.* ...they go on and on....and some where very unkind to there kids...i won't type those.

His first mistake was putting the Trap that came out of that mold holder in the photo....that mold holder is to the Torch Trap's. Here is how he did it...also i have not glued any of them closed. And yes i still have all my packages. smilie
[User Posted Image]
The Holder Mold for Tiki Trap...
[User Posted Image]
In Tech Single Pack in Torch Mold Holder...
[User Posted Image]
Close up shot...
[User Posted Image]

And last...what a single Tiki Tech Trap package would look like when you go looking for one(hopfully they will release it soon)....with a little photoshop work of course. smilie
[User Posted Image]

My mom told me at toys r us that 2nd thing u said! I just want a tech tiki people!
smilie gottee
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#26 Posted: 22:55:30 15/04/2015
Quote: TheShadowDragon
I guess the Tech Totem Traps will never have their own real single packs. Ah, well. So much for that.

There's still wave 5.
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out!
ninja9351 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4924
#27 Posted: 22:57:30 15/04/2015
Quote: Phoenix_Lord
Interesting theory skygrin...except the holder molds hold the Traps very chance of them falling out.

Anyways ...skylandsfan i hate to be a buzz kill...but after looking at that pic you posted...he didn't buy that from Best Buy....its faked...sorry.
I can understand everyone wanting a single pack of the Tiki Tech Trap...can't tell you how many times i over heard kids an parents when the 8 - Pack was in Target an Toys R Us...if it wasn't...*you can't get that, you only have 10 dollars to spend.* or *thats over $40!!! your not getting that...pick something else.* ...they go on and on....and some where very unkind to there kids...i won't type those.

His first mistake was putting the Trap that came out of that mold holder in the photo....that mold holder is to the Torch Trap's. Here is how he did it...also i have not glued any of them closed. And yes i still have all my packages. smilie
[User Posted Image]
The Holder Mold for Tiki Trap...
[User Posted Image]
In Tech Single Pack in Torch Mold Holder...
[User Posted Image]
Close up shot...
[User Posted Image]

And last...what a single Tiki Tech Trap package would look like when you go looking for one(hopfully they will release it soon)....with a little photoshop work of course. smilie
[User Posted Image]

Sorry for the double post but I really don't see how it is rude to not let your kid buy what ever he wants you to buy. I work for my money and can't go to the store with $100 and expect to get a PS4
I make Skylanders videos-Go Check em' out!
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#28 Posted: 03:34:16 16/04/2015
I can understand your point ninja9351 ...those where just 2 samples of what i heard. Yes spending only what you have is fine...going to the store with $100 and expect getting a PS4 is out of the question...i would say you only have X amount spend that also. But what i heard these kids saying, they knew Skylanders....and so did the parents knowing how Activision works with there crapy distribution techniques...(sending 100 to one store and 20 to another ...or less) They have been doing this long enough they know the marketing plan of each region. Getting the item that is a bit more then what they have to spend requires working out a deal with the kid...but thats just how i would do it. smilie
Also telling he/she only has 10 bucks(heard that one a lot) when they know how much skylanders just wrong to me...not to mechin' saying it loud enough for most of the people in the area hear just wrong in my book...but thats just me. smilie
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10537
#29 Posted: 12:13:25 16/04/2015
Yeah, but to be fair, you're not going to question your parents if you want to negotiate. 'We don't have enough money' is the oldest copout in the book and you'll get called a selfish greedy kid if you try to do the math and say it isn't true. It's better to just negotiate switching chores to afford things or if the kid is old enough start borrowing in exchange for helping them more around the house.
(What I need is never what I want)
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