

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Skylanders Evolutionary
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2532
#1 Posted: 04:43:09 22/10/2016 | Topic Creator
[User Posted Image]
Been working on this idea for the last month or so of what i'd like the 7th Game to be like,
"Evolve your Skylanders Adventure!" -

The Darkness came back for revenge! Releasing Kaos & Glumshanks from their prisioned forms & unleashing the Magical power of Evolutions!, The Darkness evolved Kaos & soon the Academy was no more!, While The Darkness was Evolving Kaos some of that extraordinary magic got to some skylanders, The Evolutionary Squad suddenly got some new power to evolve themselfes into the most powerful creatures when they're doing justice throughout skylands! But without the academy The Evoulutionary squad had no hope to train their maleficent abilities, So Flynn, Cali, Spyro, Stealth Elf, Eruptor, Mags, Buzz & Tessa built the Skylanders headquarters in the M.A.P to train any Skylander to their maximum power!, But Kaos had trapped Persephone to give his Doomraiders ultimate power, Now it is up to you Portal Master to save Skylands before Kaos & The Darkness take over!

In this game there are 2 Sections of Figures, Section 1 Being whats Below [Which goes to 2017-18 & Section 2 Being only 2018] (Both of the series work in the game smilie )
There are
10 Villain Trainers
10 Evolvers
8 Reimagined Masters
10 Re released Creation Crystal - With 2 new classes - Equestrian & Doubles

Series 2
10 Lightcores - Basically Reposes that lightup & have a new wowpow!
2 Punny Guest Stars

Lilliac - "Rushed In! - Evolver
Mesmerelda - "I'm the one who pulls your strings" - SwashBuckler Trainer
Orb Power Star Strike - "Shoot for the Stars!" - Series 2
Lightcore Splat - "The Art of War!" - Lightcore Section 2

DreamCatcher - “You won't want this head in your head.” - Ninja Trainer
Air Crushed - "Whacking The Wind!" Evolver
Boomerang Fling Kong - "Monkey See, Monkey Doom!" - Series 2
Lightcore Air Crushed - "Whacking The Wind!" - Lightcore Section 2

Mab Lobs - "The Bad Mabu!" - Bowslinger Trainer
PowerCharge - "Powered Up!" Evolver
Destiny Drobot - "Blink & Dertory" -Series 3
Lightcore Ro-Bow - “Compute and Shoot!” - Lightcore Section 2

Chomp Chest - "The Treasure's Mine!" Smasher Trainer
Earth Strike - "Striking The Gold!" Evolver
Mega Power Golden Queen - "I Reign Supreme" - Series 2
Lightcore Dino Rang - “Come 'Rang or Shine!” - Lightcore Section 2

Count Moneybone - "Richest of The Skeles!" Quickshot Trainer
Frankenlander - "Frankenstein more like Frankenlander!" Evolver
Flame Thrower Chopscotch - "Chop till you drop!" -Series 2
Lightcore Count Moneybone - "Richest of The Skeles!" - Lightcore Section 2
Lightcore Papyrus - Guest Star - Lightcore Section 2

PepperJack - "Spice it Up!" Knight Trainer
Flareo - "Shoot it with Fire! Evolver
Heated Winged Trail Blazer - The Mane Advent! - Series 2
Lightcore Sunburn - “Roast N' Toast!” - Lightcore Section 2

Broccoli Guy - "Brocoli Guy Rules" Sorcerer Trainer
Ko-Smasher - "Smashing S-l-o-w-l-e-y Evolver
Tomato Roll Food Fight - "Eat This!" - Series 2
Lightcore High Five - "Buzz Off! - Lightcore Section 2

Chill Bill - "Was Good before it was Cool" Bazooker Trainer
WhirlPool - "Whirling Up The Water!" Evolver
Tide Monster Rip Tide - "Go Fish!" -Series 2
Lightcore Chill Bill - "Was Good before it was Cool" - Lightcore Section 2
Lightcore Undyne - Guest Star - Lightcore Section 2

Luminous - "Star Power!" Sentinel Trainer
Bright Light - Light it Up! Evolver
Lightcore Luminous - "Star Power!" - Lightcore Section 2

MaskerMind - "Prepare to be brain-drained!" Brawler Trainer
Unlit Tooth - "The Jaw's Unlit!" Evolver
Lightcore Unlit Tooth - "The Jaw's Unlit!" - Lightcore Section 2

Dark Lilliac
Dark Broccolli Guy
Dark Pepperjack
Legendary Chill Bill
Legendary Flareo
Trick or Treat Frankenlander
Festive MaskerMind
Evolved Luminous
Easter Hopper Ko-smasher
Cupid Mabu Mab Lobs

Starter Packs
Regular: [User Posted Image] - Ps3, Ps4, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, X360, XONE, PC
Broccoli Guy
New Evolved Potal (Tablet TT Portal but larger & with the wires smilie )
Collection Roster
Dark: IMAGE COMING SOON - PS3, PS4, X360, Nintendo Switch, XONE
Dark Lilliac
Dark Broccoli Guy
Dark Chef PepperJack
Ultra Double Sided Poster
Evolved Portal
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 11:04:59 05/11/2016 by funnybone
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2532
#2 Posted: 04:43:21 22/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Reserved For Pics
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2532
#3 Posted: 04:43:36 22/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Wave *1 09/29/17
Starter packs
All StarterPack (PS3-4, X360-One, WiiU, Switch) - Lilliac, Broccoli Guy
Dark Starterpack - (Ps3,Ps4,X360,XOne,Switch) Dark Lilliac,Broccoli Guy & Pepperjack - Only @ Gamestop/Eb Games
Figures Singles & 2 Packs
Master Pepperjack - Single
Flareo - Single
Earth Strike - Single
Orb Power StarStrike - Single
Ko-Smasher - Single
Destiny Drobot - Single
Master Chill Bill - Single , 2 Pack Only @ Walmart W/ Evolved Luminous
Master Luminous - Single
Evolved Master Luminous - 2 Pack Only @ Walmart W/ Master Chill Bill
Legendary Master Chill Bill - Single Only @ Toys R Us
Lightcore Champion 3 Packs - Only @ Target
LC Smolderdash, LC Whamshell, LC Hex,
LC Snowderdash, LC Whamshell, LC Hex Chase Set
LC BumbleBlast, LC Eruptor, LC Drobot

Wave *2 10/07/17
PC Starter Set - Instant Lilliac & Instant Broccoli Guy
Master Mesmerelda - Single
Air Crushed - Single
Heated Winged Trail Blazer - Single
Frankenlander - Single
Legendary Flareo - Single Only @ Toys R Us

Wave *2.5 10/27/17
Trick or Treat Frankenlander - Single Only @ Gamestop/EB Games
Count Moneybone - Single Timed Exclusive @ Toys R Us until Wave 3

Wave *3 12/18/17
Powercharged - Single
Mega Power Golden Queen - Single
Master Masker Mind - Single
Count Moneybone - Single No Longer timed Exclusive
Tide Monster Rip Tide - Single
Master Dream Catcher - Single
Unlit Tooth - Single
Festive Masker Mind - Single
Lightcore Champions 3 Packs
LC Chill, LC Countdown, LC StarStrike
LC Legendary Chill, LC Countdown, LC StarStrike Only @ Toys R Us

Wave *4 01/29/18
Bright Light - Single
Boomerang Fling Kong - Single
Master Chomp Chest - Single
Tomato Roll Food Fight - Single
WhirlPool - Single
Cupid Mabu Mab Lobs - Single

Wave *5 03/16/18
Master Mab-Lobs - Single
Flame Thrower Chopscotch - Single
Easter Hopper Ko-smasher - Single
Lightcore Heroes
Lightcore Dinorang - Single
Lightcore Papyrus - Single (Guest Stars!)
Lightcore Undyne - Single (Guest Stars!)
Lightcore Sunburn - Single

Wave *6 04/6/18
Lightcore High Five - Single
Lightcore Unlit Tooth - Single
Lightcore Ro-Bow - Single
Lightcore Luminous - Single

Wave *7 05/02/18
Lightcore Scratch - Single
Lightcore MoneyBone - Single
Lightcore Air Crushed - Single

*More Variants will be added... Soon smilie
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:50:29 05/11/2016 by funnybone
SkyZeo Green Sparx Gems: 392
#4 Posted: 13:04:15 22/10/2016
I had the evolving idea first????
oh well, maybe we could collaborate?
smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie➤FAN MADE:
DreamTeam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1503
#5 Posted: 14:55:30 22/10/2016
Question! What did you use to make the logo?

Oh and This is a great idea BTW!
i dont know what else to say, xox
Also i dont really care for skylanders anymore
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2532
#6 Posted: 21:43:02 22/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: SkyZeo
I had the evolving idea first????
oh well, maybe we could collaborate?

Never saw your idea but i really like the logo
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2532
#7 Posted: 01:52:46 23/10/2016 | Topic Creator
Quote: DreamTeam
Question! What did you use to make the logo?

Oh and This is a great idea BTW!

Microsoft PowerPoint :3
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
Chill bill meme Green Sparx Gems: 274
#8 Posted: 12:12:36 25/11/2017
I that Idea already, Skylanders: Evolution
funnybone Gold Sparx Gems: 2532
#9 Posted: 02:09:44 30/12/2017 | Topic Creator
This came out last year, sorry buddy i got the idea first :/
Meh idk wut i am doing alive rn
Evolve Your Skylanders Adventure here!
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