

13 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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OFFICIAL "I Just Bought" Thread [STICKY]
stoat2337 Gold Sparx Gems: 2270
#5301 Posted: 23:12:37 13/10/2013
Can't wait to see how Heisenberg looks on that Portal!
TheGooch Blue Sparx Gems: 709
#5302 Posted: 23:16:51 13/10/2013
Quote: stoat2337
Can't wait to see how Heisenberg looks on that Portal!

Nice! I was wondering who would catch it first. smilie
--- Knowledge + Control = Privacy
My new favorite web browser add-on.
Seiki Platinum Sparx Gems: 6150
#5303 Posted: 23:39:20 13/10/2013
Got Wii Dark Starter
LC Hex
Nitro Magna Charge/Free Ranger
Once in my dreams, I rose and soared. No matter how I'm knocked around or beaten down, I will stand up restored.
SkylanderDrew Blue Sparx Gems: 663
#5304 Posted: 23:41:45 13/10/2013
toys r us: starter pack w/light hex and zoo lou as free items. also got legendary grim and free ranger. Picked up a Crystal Sully and zurg disc for my infinity collection also....

target: nitro magna/rattle shake and light smoulderdash

walmart: enchanted loop,countdown, roller brawl, slobbertooth, lightcore star strike, Tower of Time adventure pack, Fiery Forge battle pack. Also scored a disney infinity Woody that someone else didnt do a good job of hiding....
"im just buying extras to TRADE or GIVE my friends"
Katallina Green Sparx Gems: 123
#5305 Posted: 02:18:04 14/10/2013
EB Games:
-- Dark Edition Starter
-- LC Hex (so glad that got sorted out.)
-- Roller Brawl
-- Zoo Lou
-- Countdown
-- Lightcore Smolderdash
-- Lightcore Grim Creeper
-- Lightcore Star Strike

-- Nitro Magna Charge & Rattleshake

Toys R Us:
-- Legendary Free Ranger
-- Legendary Lightcore Grim Creeper

-- Hoot Loop (they didn't have EHL in stock, though.)

Amazon (on the way)
-- Skylanders Swap Force Collectors' Guide
-- Tower of Time Adventure Pack

I still need to get Fiery Forge, check my *local* walmart for EHL, and then pick up the reposes I feel like getting (quite fond of Pop Fizz's new one and I'll probably get Lightcore Flashwing since I love Flashwing in general and have her two versions from Giants.) Kinda wish I'd only grabbed the Legendary Grim Creeper--although I suppose I can use the other one to try a different tree. Didn't want to risk not getting *any* version of him because I think he is cool.

Overall I'm quite pleased with how today went. smilie_
Favorite Skylanders: smilie smilie smilie
Most Wanted: smilie smilie smilie
CTFdad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1439
#5306 Posted: 05:14:10 14/10/2013
Nice haul everyone. Here's ours...
[User Posted Image]

TRU had two full isles of SF at 8AM. It was a mad house once the door opened and it seemed the people (including myself) in line were the true die hard fans and purchased one of each. My son and I went to Target next and they weren't even setup. All the characters were still in shipping boxes. We had one of the clerks unbox each one until we found Nitro Magna Charge w/Rattle Shake. We then went to Walmart find EHL and they had a small section dedicated for SF. Like everyone here they didn't have any on the shelves. We ended our hunt there and just ordered EHL online. Should get it by Thursday. We came home unboxed eveything and played for 9 hours. Unfortunately Pumpkin Eyebrawl is not an in game varient in SF smilie

We are going to wait to get Dark versions from Game Stop and enjoy the ones we have now including the 100 plus figures from the previous games lol. Their graphics look so much better in SF.
"Shut up and take my money already!"
bigslam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1448
#5307 Posted: 10:07:02 14/10/2013
So here is my haul

Enchanted Hoot Loop
Zoo Lou
Light Core Star Strike
Light Core Smoulder Dash
Nitro Magna Charge
Rattle Shake
Legendary Free Ranger
Legendary Light Core Grim Creeper
Lava Barf Eruptor
Super Gulp Pop Fizz
Slobber Tooth
Dark Wash Buckler
Dark Blast Zone
Dark Mega Ram Spyro
Dark Ninja Stealth Elf
Dark Slobber Tooth
Light Core Warnado
Light Core Hex (FREE)
Terra Bite (FREE)
What should I do with these skylanders . I wonder ???
Skyylanders Green Sparx Gems: 353
#5308 Posted: 14:42:25 14/10/2013
Our Family went out later than normal for Swap Force Debut; Started at Gamestop and then did a quick run to TRU, Target & BB (nothing we needed). We had our Pre-orders at GS and devoted much of our business there but here's the recap:

Roller Brawl
LGD Grim Creeper
LGD Free Ranger

Nitro Magna Charge / Rattle Shake Dbl Pack

Dark PS3 Starter Bundle: DK Blast Zone, DK Wash Buckler, DK Stealth Elf, DK Spyro & DK Slobber Tooth
3DS Starter Bundle: Volcanic Eruptor, SF Rattle Shake & SF Free Ranger
LC Hex (S2)
LC Star Strike
LC Smoulderdash
LC Flashwing
LC Grim Creeper
LC Warnado
SF Hoot Loop
SF Magna Charge
Slobber Tooth
Pop Thorn
Bumble Blast
Zoo Lou

Blizzard Chill
Lava Barf Eruptor
Super Gulp Pop Fizz
Mega Ram Spyro
Knockout Terrafin

Tower of Time Adventure Pack
Fiery Forge Battle Pack
bigslam Yellow Sparx Gems: 1448
#5309 Posted: 18:30:22 14/10/2013
Got smilie & smilie
What should I do with these skylanders . I wonder ???
SkylanderDrew Blue Sparx Gems: 663
#5310 Posted: 22:47:51 14/10/2013
Quote: Skyylanders
Our Family went out later than normal for Swap Force Debut; Started at Gamestop and then did a quick run to TRU, Target & BB (nothing we needed). We had our Pre-orders at GS and devoted much of our business there but here's the recap:

Dark PS3 Starter Bundle: DK Blast Zone, DK Wash Buckler, DK Stealth Elf, DK Spyro & DK Slobber Tooth
3DS Starter Bundle: Volcanic Eruptor, SF Rattle Shake & SF Free Ranger
LC Hex (S2)
LC Star Strike
LC Smoulderdash
LC Flashwing
LC Grim Creeper
LC Warnado
SF Hoot Loop
SF Magna Charge
Slobber Tooth
Pop Thorn
Bumble Blast
Zoo Lou

Blizzard Chill
Lava Barf Eruptor
Super Gulp Pop Fizz
Mega Ram Spyro
Knockout Terrafin

Tower of Time Adventure Pack
Fiery Forge Battle Pack

SO what 2 guys did you get for free???
"im just buying extras to TRADE or GIVE my friends"
Lash Blue Sparx Gems: 820
#5311 Posted: 23:07:50 14/10/2013
I went to the midnight release at TRU, Target at 8:00 am, GameStop at 9:00 am, and Sam's club this afternoon. Here's my haul...

Hoot Loop
Legendary Free Ranger
Legendary Lightcore Grim Creeper
Lightcore Flashwing
Lightcore Grim Creeper
Lightcore Smolderdash
Lightcore Star Strike
Lightcore Warnado
Manga Charge
Rattle Shake
Roller Brawl
Triple pack with Blizzard Chill, Mega Ram Spyro, and Zoo Lou
Triple pack with Lava Barf Eruptor, Slobber Tooth, and Super Gulp Pop Fizz
Tower of Time adventure pack with Pop Thorn
Fiery Forge battle pack with Bumble Blast and Knockout Terrafin

Double pack with Nitro Magna Charge and Free Ranger

Dark Starter Pack
Dark Blast Zone
Dark Slobber Tooth
Dark Spyro
Dark Stealth Elf
Dark Wash Buckler

Sam's Club
Anchors Away Gill Grunt
Big Bang Trigger Happy
Heavy Duty Sprocket
Rip Tide
Star Strike
Twin Blade Chop Chop

I also ordered Enchanted Hoot Loop from Walmart.
Lashie on Lost Islands.
Loloichi Green Sparx Gems: 355
#5312 Posted: 17:36:53 15/10/2013
Snagged the Enchanted Hoot Loop, Fiery Forge and Tower of Time.
I have a boxed Polar Whirlwind and a loose Scarlet Ninjijni to trade! Message me please! <3
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#5313 Posted: 19:23:15 15/10/2013
From Gamestop I preordered the Dark Starter and Tower of Time.

Next, my brother-in-law and I hit up Target and got the Nitro Magna Charge/Rattle Shake pack.

We then made our way to TRU where I did the bulk of my shopping to try and get a total close to what I needed for this Gill Grunt thing (hopefully it's a combination of all purchases made in the time frame instead of $100 all in one purchase). From there I got Legendary Free Ranger, Legendary Grim Creeper, S2 Pop Fizz, Roller Brawl, Lightcore Smoulderdash, Lightcore Warnado, Lightcore Star Strike and Countdown.

Went to Wal Mart for EHL

Finally, got to Best Buy when it opened at 11 to use a gift card to get Fiery Forge

Overall, way more than I planned on buying on day 1. Way to go, TRU and your special Gill Grunt!
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
Lash Blue Sparx Gems: 820
#5314 Posted: 20:51:48 15/10/2013
Just picked up Night Shift, Boom Jet, Grilla Drilla, and Fire Kraken at TRU. They are officially out tomorrow. Along with the non swappers.
Lashie on Lost Islands.
SkylanderDrew Blue Sparx Gems: 663
#5315 Posted: 22:46:26 15/10/2013
i was just there and as usual they have no clue. Thanks.....
"im just buying extras to TRADE or GIVE my friends"
icecube7731 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1298
#5316 Posted: 23:49:27 15/10/2013
I just found Rip Tide and Scorp along with the other series 2/3 characters from wave 2 at Sam's Club.
37skylanders bsmilie rsmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
28skylanders + minis(no smilie)
SSF: All minus dark STT: All standard
Swap Force Fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 4124
#5317 Posted: 01:03:09 16/10/2013
Sounds like Sam's Club released Wave 2 early...sneaky!
Spyro7850 Gold Sparx Gems: 2656
#5318 Posted: 01:24:46 16/10/2013
Got the Xbox starter + LC Hex + Roller Brawl.

Getting Magna Charge on Nov. 15th.
#1 Roller Brawl fan
"Ness, you'll always be the best character in Smash."
-Brawl in the Family, Comic #599
AzureStarline Emerald Sparx Gems: 3539
#5319 Posted: 02:10:17 16/10/2013
Picked up all of Wave 2 at TRU this afternoon smilie
Favorites: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#5320 Posted: 04:21:51 16/10/2013
Launch Day Haul:


Nitro Magna Charge\ Rattle Shake Double Pack
Mega Ram Spyro (just couldn't pass him up! It's Spyro! smilie)


Picked up my 360 Dark Edition Starter Pack and free LC Hex (finally! smilie) So....
Dark Slobber Tooth
Dark Spyro
Dark Free Ranger
Dark Blast Zone
Dark Ninja Stealth Elf

Went to two Walmarts, but no luck with Enchanted Hoot Loop! smilie

Toys R Us:

Legendary Free Ranger
Legendary LC Grim Creeper
LC Warnado
LC Smolderdash (last one on shelf)
Hoot Loop
Magna Charge
Tower of Time Adventure Pack
Fiery Forge Battle Pack

(Had some nice chats here with other skylander collectors and fans. smilie)

(Now just waiting for my Special Editon Gill Grunt... smilie)


Finally found Enchanted Hoot Loop!


(Signed up for the PowerPro Membership and Skylanders Adventure Club)

Zoo Lou
Blizzard Chill
Lava Barf Eruptor
Slobber Tooth
LC Flashwing
LC Star Strike
LC Grim Creeper
Super Gulp Pop Fizz
Mega Ram Spyro (for my mom)
Roller Brawl
Free Ranger

(the clerk's reaction was absolutely priceless when I set down the twelve packs on the counter! smilie Best part of the day! smilie)

(now just waiting for two coupons for free skylanders! smilie)

And that was my Launch Day experience. smilie
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
CTFdad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1439
#5321 Posted: 04:38:21 16/10/2013
Hunted for Wave 2 tonight at my local tru, but I wasn't as lucky as other ds members. I had a $10 rewards coupon that was going to expire so I ended up getting Mega Ram Spyro and Big Gulp Pop Fizz for $8.26 due to the buy 1 get the 2nd at 40% off promo going on.

For some reason I am not particularly fond of Pop Fizz's face. It seems off...
"Shut up and take my money already!"
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#5322 Posted: 06:13:08 16/10/2013
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]
[User Posted Image]

I wasn't going to even bother posting pictures but once my brother, son and I set our day one haul on the table we decided it was worthy of a few pictures.

So there is basically 5 sets of everything: Wife's set, brother's set, son's set and My sealed and open set. ( a few figures are more then 5 only because of the BOGO deal at the time needed such)
Overall it was a crazy fun day, unsure if we are keeping everything as having singles and triples of the same figure is overdoing it at this point, will plan out some returns soon enough once we return from our trip.

Not pictured in my brother dark edition and maybe a figure or two, along with disney Infinity tru exclusives of skully and mr incredible.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:14:57 16/10/2013 by SlayerX11
diddy50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2554
#5323 Posted: 06:54:54 16/10/2013
Geez, How much did all of that cost you Mr. Bill Gates. I send my sympathy. R.I.P. WALLET
SlayerX11 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3488
#5324 Posted: 07:01:17 16/10/2013
Quote: diddy50
Geez, How much did all of that cost you Mr. Bill Gates. I send my sympathy. R.I.P. WALLET

Not all of it was my money, if it was oh god. it's just a combo of 5 ppls worth is all smilie
diddy50 Gold Sparx Gems: 2554
#5325 Posted: 07:03:32 16/10/2013
Quote: SlayerX11
Quote: diddy50
Geez, How much did all of that cost you Mr. Bill Gates. I send my sympathy. R.I.P. WALLET

Not all of it was my money, if it was oh god. it's just a combo of 5 ppls worth is all smilie

Ah, ok then...Whew. smilie
Burning Gnorc Emerald Sparx Gems: 3463
#5326 Posted: 12:35:11 16/10/2013
Bought the A-Z of Skylands. Comes with a guide and Trigger Snappy, for some reason.
finnsllc Blue Sparx Gems: 902
#5327 Posted: 16:00:56 16/10/2013
TRU this morning. [User Posted Image]
NEW JERSEY USA. Ok, go ahead, I've got popcorn now.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#5328 Posted: 16:07:48 16/10/2013
great finds all of you, gah! i hate it- i hate it to wait!
RumpleLover Emerald Sparx Gems: 3067
#5329 Posted: 16:16:15 16/10/2013
Got the PS3 regular starter today, plus a Polar Whirlwind! smilie

Congrats! smilie
"How you can see the man behind the monster, I will never know."
"But that monster's gone... The man beneath him may be flawed, but we all are."
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#5330 Posted: 19:11:26 16/10/2013
My brother in law went to TRU today and found Wave 2. I had him pick me up a Grilla Drilla and Boom Jet (and had him use my rewards # on mine so I can get closer to the $100 total). Waiting for Legendary of Night Shift and Jade Kraken, since I think they look better than the normal. Might stop by there and see what other Wave 2 I might want right now.
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
thumpinator Gold Sparx Gems: 2419
#5331 Posted: 19:34:20 16/10/2013
Just ordered ssf with hoot loop and LC star strike smilie
Mage0069 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1785
#5332 Posted: 20:17:34 16/10/2013
Just nabbed wave2 swappers going to best buy now

[User Posted Image]

Also not sure why it's upside down either strange.
Need Nitro Magna Charge
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:35:19 17/10/2013 by Mage0069
Eggers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1305
#5333 Posted: 00:36:45 17/10/2013
Ended up going to TRU myself to see if I made a good call on having my bro-in-law get the swappers for me. Turns out, it was a great call because when I stopped by there was only a Riptide and Scorp left. Decided to pick them up, then got a S1 Zap and S1 Prisim Break for next to nothing at a second hand store.
Rainbows are nature's rainbows!
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#5334 Posted: 13:57:30 17/10/2013
Just got..

Scorp, riptide, grilla Drilla, fire kraken, boom jet, night shift, slobber tooth, countdown, LC grim creeper, LC smolderdash
Skyylanders Green Sparx Gems: 353
#5335 Posted: 14:35:26 17/10/2013
Are you talking about the GameStop Skylanders adventure Club Freebies?? Just got the email with printable coupon so those will be used for the next wave. LC Hex S2 was a freebie with the 3DS pack but that was all for us
czs716 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1440
#5336 Posted: 19:13:47 17/10/2013
Haven't made a Swap Force Post, so my release weekend haul is:
PS3 Starter
Nitro Magna Charge & Rattle Shake
Night Shift
LC Star Strike
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested.
flashwingftw Emerald Sparx Gems: 3332
#5337 Posted: 19:47:03 17/10/2013
Just picked up the rest of wave 1 I needed:

Firey Forge Pack
Star Strike
and Zoo Lou

Satisfied for now but wave 2 is coming out, sorry wallet, I don't think you will make it thru the next few weeks lol. Had to trade in a few games and I traded in my PSP too, I never use it anyway.
The PinkPrint is on iTunes now! #TeamMinaj
Been here for 3 years and still can't figure out why half of the people are so damn rude.
R.I.P to my wallet
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:49:40 17/10/2013 by flashwingftw
BashBigFan Yellow Sparx Gems: 1695
#5338 Posted: 21:23:35 17/10/2013
Just picked the lightcores of wave one and the triple packs... Will buy all the swappers of wave one ...
Kung Fu Man Gold Sparx Gems: 2120
#5339 Posted: 22:43:58 17/10/2013
Snagged a whole Flocked quartet for $50 apiece.
IWHBYD Yellow Sparx Gems: 1274
#5340 Posted: 00:30:31 18/10/2013
A few days late but here is my launch day haul, I have the 2 Nitro Magna Charge packs on their way to me as my local Targets didn't get any. Also my local TRUs don't have wave 2 so I'll probably just wait on it, I'm not in a big rush.

[User Posted Image]
Latest Purchases:
Owner of every Skylander released including variants all brand new in box.
Orohu Blue Sparx Gems: 704
#5341 Posted: 07:32:06 18/10/2013
Day One:
Dark Edition Starter, Lightcore Grim Creeper, Lightcore Star Strike, Zoo Lou, Free Ranger, Enchanted Hoot Loop
Fire Kraken, Night Shift, Roller Brawl, Legendary Lightcore Grim Creeper
Hot Dog 542 Gold Sparx Gems: 2872
#5342 Posted: 07:59:05 18/10/2013
[User Posted Image]

Swap Force!!!
Quote: Bimle
Why is it that so many people have hardons for dogs?
stoat2337 Gold Sparx Gems: 2270
#5343 Posted: 10:44:13 18/10/2013
The longest wait of my life ended last night!

[User Posted Image]
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3358
#5344 Posted: 10:46:48 18/10/2013
I-I-I don't have a fig yet..... UNTIL LATER ON TODAY.
dark52 let me change my username you coward
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#5345 Posted: 11:50:00 18/10/2013
I just got Free Ranger! he's the first swap*aside blast zone and wash buckler* i've ever touched!
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#5346 Posted: 15:53:39 18/10/2013
Quote: stoat2337
The longest wait of my life ended last night!

*Snipped Da Image smilie * wasn't that bad. but that was funny. smilie
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
ramster1221 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1957
#5347 Posted: 16:44:42 18/10/2013
Picked up all of the new Wave 2 figures at Toys R Us yesterday. Phew time for a cooldown for my wallet, it's sweatin pretty bad...... Till Black Friday.
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#5348 Posted: 20:29:14 18/10/2013
Ninja smilie
Knockout smilie
LC smilie
Phoenix_Lord Gold Sparx Gems: 2061
#5349 Posted: 22:40:20 18/10/2013
Quote: ramster1221
Picked up all of the new Wave 2 figures at Toys R Us yesterday. Phew time for a cooldown for my wallet, it's sweatin pretty bad...... Till Black Friday.

I got 25 so far....and my wallet isn't sweating...its screaming at me...*WOULD YOU KNOCK IT OFF*....Debit card said.. * thats it smilie ...i quit."
Also me more till Black Friday. smilie
Theres no SuperChargers Cards. So I'm making my own... smilie
Avatar made by...ME smilie
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