

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Hunters: Spyro Fanatic

Forum Games
Title Author Posts Last Post
The above avatar presents an offer. Do you become their pet OR their owner? [CLOSED] redwes 48 21:33 16/01/2016
by Eevee88
You just found out the above user is your long lost brother/sister [CLOSED] Lunarz 42 23:07 15/01/2016
by Lunarz
List the pros and con of the above user [CLOSED] HeyitsHotDog 6 01:52 11/01/2016
by KeybasHedKey
Angel Or Devil? [CLOSED]
Pages: 1234567
Pumpkin Witch 318 16:36 10/01/2016
by sprocketrocket
Get The Gem 2! [CLOSED] Eruptor100 4 07:09 27/12/2015
by undeadmaster
What 3 items would you put in a chalk circle to summon the above user? [CLOSED]
Pages: 123
epicLLOYD 138 02:56 27/12/2015
by Starlight_Shine
You meet the above character in a dark alleyway [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
prextail202 60 02:09 25/12/2015
by sprocketrocket
Once Upon a Time [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
ShadowStorm 80 03:07 24/12/2015
by Starlight_Shine
Name Something That The Above Avatar Makes You Think About [CLOSED] LocoGuy107 586 01:02 22/12/2015
by KeybasHedKey
Count up by 5 till a gold spark posts [CLOSED] Windumup 49 01:50 14/12/2015
by thumper
Ship the user above with any skylander or pokemon [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
drobot007 75 20:57 04/12/2015
by BlackWing116
Boys vs Girls v.7.0 [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
PopFizzMagic 2500 23:53 26/11/2015
by Eevee88
One word sentence [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
Highfive37 61 15:02 25/11/2015
by Spyro Fanatic
Nine! [CLOSED] QueenChrysalis 31 00:50 21/11/2015
by Iganagor
Hundredth person to post gets a neat surprise! [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
night bomb guy 56 11:40 20/11/2015
by PwnageFTW
Count to 100 before a mod posts! [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
parisruelz12 2500 21:38 08/11/2015
by thumper
Last person to post Wins #5 Serious eddition(on request of MagicFizz XD) [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 3031323334
NINJAsk11 1668 15:11 07/11/2015
by darkwolf
Boys vs girls v6.0 [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
PopFizzMagic 2500 19:17 18/10/2015
by AvatariDragon
Rate the picture posted above [CLOSED] BlackWing116 21 02:22 08/10/2015
by DubstepSpyro
The above avatar approaches you and says the above signature... [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
awesomerockets 2500 01:16 06/10/2015
by PwnageFTW
Guess What the above user is gonna be for Halloween [CLOSED]
Pages: 123
Pumpkin Witch 102 04:37 25/09/2015
by KeybasHedKey
Every Hundredth Person to Post Gets an Epic Surprise! [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 1718192021
bonbonsalad 1017 19:00 16/09/2015
by mega spyro
get topic this over can 2499 posts [CLOSED] Badwolfmichael 10 01:33 13/09/2015
by Skyhunter
Rate the above user and say why [CLOSED]
Pages: 1234
PopFizzMagic 167 13:54 10/09/2015
by PopFizzMagic
who ever says the most random thing wins [CLOSED]
Pages: 123
Eruptor100 114 07:01 10/09/2015
by DubstepSpyro
can this topic get over 2499 posts [CLOSED] Dark Snap Shot 18 08:21 09/09/2015
by LittleWizard
Let's sing a song, one line at a time. [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
hardcoreignitor 88 11:16 08/09/2015
by DubstepSpyro
Raid Boss [CLOSED] Reverse0456 3 16:30 06/09/2015
by Reverse0456
What's the waifu? (SFW) [CLOSED] Sleepy0429 5 01:04 04/09/2015
by Sleepy0429
Let's get to 2,500 Posts! [CLOSED]
Pages: 123
LittleWizard 114 18:21 03/09/2015
by Qcumber
Would You Rather... [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
PwnageFTW 57 06:10 03/09/2015
by Camo22
You're trapped with the USER above! You...? [CLOSED] Badwolfmichael 39 03:19 02/09/2015
by Camo22
Kill the SuperH4x0r! [CLOSED] StormDragon21 1 02:27 02/09/2015
by StormDragon21
Would you pinch yourself if you.... [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
DS D 59 07:39 01/09/2015
by Camo22
What is the Above Avatar's Job? [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
BlackWing116 65 15:22 26/08/2015
by Luminous35
Judge the user based on their avatar: Reborn [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
Spyroboy 82 08:10 26/08/2015
by RaymanTwilight
Daily User thoght game! [CLOSED] PopFizzMagic 6 02:45 26/08/2015
by PopFizzMagic
A team of 3 characters to defeat Superman. [CLOSED] Metallo 34 21:14 25/08/2015
by xXBeavcoonXx
Boys vs Girls v5.0 [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
Mesuxelf 2500 18:56 17/08/2015
by darkwolf
gongaga game [CLOSED] ThroneOfMalefor 4 07:39 17/08/2015
by gary
ThE AwEsOmE sKyLaNdErS qUiZ oF dOoM [CLOSED] funnybone 47 21:18 10/08/2015
by mega spyro
Guess Who? [CLOSED] Luminous35 8 21:12 10/08/2015
by mega spyro
Give urself a most likely to title! [CLOSED] night bomb guy 30 04:43 10/08/2015
by isaac343018s
Skylander of the week [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
Dark Snap Shot 98 11:46 09/08/2015
by ImDoubleTrouble
Video Games - Ultimate Quiz League [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
14056 77 21:39 07/08/2015
by Luminous35
You're Banned! (Banning since April 2013!) [CLOSED]
Pages: 12345 ... 4647484950
Swap Force Fan 2500 15:41 01/08/2015
by darkwolf
Keep a Word, Drop a Word 2.0! [CLOSED] night bomb guy 37 19:03 31/07/2015
by Spyro Fanatic
Communicate in images! [CLOSED] night bomb guy 8 03:19 31/07/2015
by parisruelz12
Telephone [CLOSED]
Pages: 12
WilltheWizard 54 17:33 30/07/2015
by night bomb guy
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