But to the point, I finally ordered Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure from an Amazon seller, and received it earlier today. I thought I had ordered the PS3 version of the game, but I found out not long after opening the package and double-checking with Amazon that I actually ordered the Wii version. I am guilty of STUPIDLY not paying attention. Geez...
Well, I have been mulling whether to return it and get the PS3 version when a question came to mind: Does the Wii version and its portal work with the Wii U? I've essentially moth-balled my old Wii and would rather not get it out just for this game.
So yeah, while I know Wii games can be played on the Wii U, does the same hold true for Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure. I'm considering keeping it AND maybe getting the PS3 version as well. There is a part of me that wants to keep playing Spyro on Nintendo consoles.