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Glitch? [CLOSED]
scream Green Sparx Gems: 182
#1 Posted: 14:58:22 24/08/2008 | Topic Creator
When I gathered enough people for the balloon I hopped on it and went to fight the one of the boss battles. But no matter how mch I hit the boss the hp wouldn't go down!!! Is this a glitch in my game or does that happen in all of them and you have to work harder to beat the boss?
Some are called to love some are called to hope but you were called to destiny some are called to be a lover some a hoper but you a savior, young Spyro.
Mewnaphy Gold Sparx Gems: 2750
#2 Posted: 15:55:42 24/08/2008
Are you talking about the first boss?If so,then you're probably doing it wrong.He can't get hurt by any of your attacks,but charging into him pushes him back.You need to keep on charging him so that he falls into the lava.
"Hence nothing remains except for our regrets"
scream Green Sparx Gems: 182
#3 Posted: 16:04:38 24/08/2008 | Topic Creator
Oh thanks!!!
Some are called to love some are called to hope but you were called to destiny some are called to be a lover some a hoper but you a savior, young Spyro.
zemie Blue Sparx Gems: 676
#4 Posted: 22:47:00 09/12/2008
Yaa, you have to knock him in the lava.
Click hereand here.
Cynder_fan Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#5 Posted: 13:15:15 10/12/2008
I know, its annoying that.......
Local technician who comes up with rediculous ideas
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