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Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4598
#25301 Posted: 19:40:41 16/11/2022
I had a dream last night that I created a thread that single-handled restored activity on this site back to its peak. Please help me remember what the topic was about.
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25302 Posted: 01:03:51 17/11/2022
15 game winstreak in ow. went from silver 4 - silver 1 - gold 3 - plat 5

only quit cause tired :(
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4107
#25303 Posted: 01:15:20 17/11/2022
i think i mentioned my silver dragon mini i bought a couple of weeks ago. i think ill finally have time to give it a rough paint job soon!

edit: wth i got a notification that i made too many posts to this board within the last 24 hours that has never happened before what caused it did something change
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:29:35 17/11/2022 by ThunderEgg
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2544
#25304 Posted: 06:24:06 17/11/2022
posst periods or making topics? i think the limit for new topics was supposed to be 5 every 24 hours if there was a post limit for posts that would be knew and very weird.....................ALSO today was a wednesday and so it is my day but...........yo was it a weak and sleepy day i was just completely absent mined for the most part i had no work that needed immediate attention but i thought i could be more of a .............existence at least lol.
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25305 Posted: 21:48:28 17/11/2022
Found out how Americans pronounced Oregano today smilie.
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2544
#25306 Posted: 23:44:58 17/11/2022
^^^^please tell me!! this is one of those words i COMPLETELY avoid saying because i dont want to look stupid i pronounce it as if it were japanese or something in my head and i dont remember the last time i heard someone around here say it oh-re-ga-no and i just KNOW that is not how it is supposed to be done
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
Skyhunter Diamond Sparx Gems: 9233
#25307 Posted: 00:22:50 18/11/2022
I don't know about anyone else, but as an American, I've always pronounced it "or-eg-an-oh". Of course, now I'm second guessing, wondering if I'm the one pronouncing it wrong...
It doesn't matter if the bars are iron or gold, a cage is a cage.
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25308 Posted: 02:22:45 18/11/2022
Okay so Oregano is orginally a Spanish word, in most of the world it's pronounced like the British way in this video.

Other examples: https://www.collinsdictionary....spanish/oregano (dont listen to the danish one)

Now in Italian the emphasis is different, the emphasis is put much more on the ri sound, which is probably where the non-American pronunciation comes from.

While the American way you could argue is more correct, it sounds out of place in english imo which is why I don't like it. It just reminds me of someone trying too hard to impress a waiter at a Mexican restaurant. The Italian way also just sounds way better ngl.

I'm not an expert on linguistics so I could be wrong, but this is just what I figured out from looking at oregano pronunciations for an hour while procrastinating.

Tldr; It's completely up to you. Both are valid for different reasons.
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10344
#25309 Posted: 11:05:43 18/11/2022
Twitter is out of 99% of its employees on a friday GET ****ING READY
(What I need is never what I want)
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4107
#25310 Posted: 03:03:37 19/11/2022
i've seen people talking a lot about mastadon or cohost. dont know much about either site
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25311 Posted: 06:00:35 19/11/2022
^ Mastodon: It's definitely not a Twitter replacement, it's a lot closer to forums where you have a seperate identity/account for every server you join. So if you want to to talk about VCR Repair, you join an server for VCR repair but then hey, you also want to talk about Spyro, so then you have to find a server for Spyro and make a seperate account for that, and so on. I think the account system and servers leaning to extremism while filter most people, I saw some Pixiv artists talking about a Mastodon instance so I joined and I think I'm on a few lists now. Meanwhile the most popular (english) art instance is extremely over moderated, like having to tag eye contact, food and all caps.

Can't say much about Cohost, gonna try it now.
EDIT: Okay I'm in the trenches, so far it's a surprisingly neat site. It's absolutely tiny though and the navigation is kinda meh, actually finding content is kinda weird. Once you get the hang of the UI it's like a mix of Tumblr and Twitter, it feels pretty homely and the whole site has a 2000's feel to it. I really like the democratic approach the admins have taken, they seem to value user input on rules and how the site is handled so that's cool. If the community sticks and becomes bigger I can see it becoming a great site.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:22:41 19/11/2022 by skylandersfan60
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25312 Posted: 08:30:04 19/11/2022
New pokemon game is fun. I like the open world a lot more than I thought I would. Just wish the game had more than 2 years of development because it's super unoptimized and glitchy
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25313 Posted: 20:57:32 20/11/2022
I feel like I've seen an increase of anti-lgbt sentiment on the internet and it makes me miss 2000's epic pwnage athiest culture. At least those guys supported trans rights.
YesterdayFemmey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1221
#25314 Posted: 21:23:25 20/11/2022
^definitely seeing more anti-lgbt recently, but i don't think 2000s atheists represented half as well as late 2010s liberals. different experiences maybe, but the majority of what i saw from 2000s atheists was "lol god isn't real anyway, who cares what the bible says" and that doesn't change anybody's minds.
How many centuries have I spent in this utterly failed life?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25315 Posted: 22:14:34 20/11/2022
Quote: skylandersfan60
I feel like I've seen an increase of anti-lgbt sentiment on the internet and it makes me miss 2000's epic pwnage athiest culture. At least those guys supported trans rights.

this is why I think the next gen is gonna be all conservative
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2544
#25316 Posted: 23:24:01 20/11/2022
^i agree with that actually and from what i have seen the younger generation is getting pretty anti-LGBT and stuff and apparently there have been studies on this headed that direction but though the one i read was about womens rights and feminism stuff specifically and the younger generation of voting men leaning toward conservative options in favor of candidates who are promoting equal rights for women and further development for women in the work place i can completely believe if the same is happening for LGBT and that is very very not okay
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
YesterdayFemmey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1221
#25317 Posted: 17:12:46 21/11/2022
idk surveys say more gen z identifies as lgbt+ than any other generation, more millennials do than any generation before them, and so on.
How many centuries have I spent in this utterly failed life?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25318 Posted: 01:09:03 22/11/2022
Honest thoughts on poka man scarlet.

I think gameplay wise it's been the most fun time I had with pokemon in a while. The gameplay loop is very fun and seeing your favorite pokemon pop up in the open world is very exciting.

Although a lot of the game can get very samey. A lot of the areas look identical and aren't very distinct. Like you have desert and grass area. There's not that many distinct attractions like past games. Like a power plant or a hot spring or a bridge.

Cities are also wastelands. Cities in past games were cool because most buildings were interactive and felt like a place people could live in. However in sv most buildings are there just for design. However the game is not lifeless like other open world games. There are a lot of npcs I cities and even some in areas. Like at least 4.
Performance wise it's probably the worst performing pokemon game ever. Like there are times where either my controller either don't respond or my character gets stuck standing still. This game also crashed on me once for flying to another area. I don't really care about graphics but some places are just a texture of brown.

I love how they handled the story in this game. It's 3 separate paths where you can tackle the bosses in the 3 separate paths whenever you want. You want to level scale? Just go to an area or boss thats mid level. A harder experience? Go to a harder boss or area. There's also a normal route that the game tells you which feels pretty good. It really does feel like an adventure instead of a linear story because it perfectly evens out each of the 3 stories so the game isn't a main story and 2 side quests.
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4107
#25319 Posted: 20:30:57 23/11/2022
wth is goncharov. why does this exist as a meme
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10344
#25320 Posted: 12:45:49 24/11/2022
Quote: ThunderEgg
wth is goncharov. why does this exist as a meme

Someone found a misprint of Gomorrah merch where it was spelled like this, and people started treating it like some cult classic movie that never existed but joked with "oh you don't know goncharov? then you're not a true mafia movie fan" and it spiraled into this unreality fandom with blorbos that don't truly exist even as fictional characters either

here's the real funny part: the joke is that it's a lost Scorcese movie. Scorcese didn't even direct the "real" Gomorrah
(What I need is never what I want)
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25321 Posted: 06:25:05 26/11/2022
Having a nightmare of a time downloading PS2 pkgs on my hen super slim.
Edit: Was browsing nopaystation and did a triple take when seeing the japanese title of Spyro 2. Too much fanfiction.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 08:43:44 26/11/2022 by skylandersfan60
ShadowMewX Diamond Sparx Gems: 8218
#25322 Posted: 18:27:55 27/11/2022
Quote: StormDragon21
Quote: ShadowMewX
Quote: StormDragon21
I voted my first time :3

Yay! That's awesome! smilie

Hey Shadmé, how’s life been?

Hectic as usual! Being an adult on my own is hard, lol. It's been nice to be distracted by Pokemon Scarlet recently, though.
Let's bust bunsen burners and bounce!
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4107
#25323 Posted: 22:58:01 28/11/2022
Quote: Bifrost
Quote: ThunderEgg
wth is goncharov. why does this exist as a meme

Someone found a misprint of Gomorrah merch where it was spelled like this, and people started treating it like some cult classic movie that never existed but joked with "oh you don't know goncharov? then you're not a true mafia movie fan" and it spiraled into this unreality fandom with blorbos that don't truly exist even as fictional characters either

here's the real funny part: the joke is that it's a lost Scorcese movie. Scorcese didn't even direct the "real" Gomorrah

oh my god i didnt know about this misprint thing thats hilarious
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25324 Posted: 02:46:14 29/11/2022
subathons are one of the scummiest ways to scam people
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25325 Posted: 09:25:54 29/11/2022
My little sisters are obsessed with Hatsune Miku, my ps3 has become a Project Diva machine.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25326 Posted: 16:20:36 29/11/2022
Quote: skylandersfan60
My little sisters are obsessed with Hatsune Miku, my ps3 has become a Project Diva machine.

They're gonna be obsessed with osu
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25327 Posted: 04:56:32 30/11/2022
Oh absolutely, I'm fully expecting to hear Unravel followed by 45849534 mouse clicks in a year from now.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25328 Posted: 05:21:17 30/11/2022
people online who know nothing about the acting industry think that voice actors and actors are different. if you were to ask most voice actors at a convention or if you meet one and ask "how do I get into voice acting?" most of the time they are gonna say that you should get into theater acting and try to get as many roles as possible. if you're a plumber and only limit your plumbing to just toilets while rejecting other jobs along the way you are just wasting time and money. plus a lot of people think voice acting is just about range. a lot of huge roles such as genie, Nathan drake, and woody are not much different if there is one at all than an actor's "real" voice. voice acting is not entirely just being random cartoon villain who sounds like a smoker. there is also commercial voiceovers, audio books, etc. however that's not to say that every voice actor was pursuing acting first. we live in an age where people can do it as a hobby and get roles in anime or genshin before having a camera in front of their face.
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25329 Posted: 00:41:11 03/12/2022
One of the main reasons I go on this site is I like to collect old devices and this is the only site that consistently works on everything. I'm currently browsing on Samsung Dolfin Browser 1.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25330 Posted: 11:34:10 03/12/2022
I miss pre COVID restaurants
skylandersfan60 Gold Sparx Gems: 2701
#25331 Posted: 03:44:21 05/12/2022
I hate all the Kanye discourse, he's showing so many signs of psychosis and people are taking everything he says 100% seriously and shunning him. People don't understand how any mental illness that isn't anxiety or depression works, because you can't UwU Tiktok girl-ify bipolar disorder, people with it are still vilified. Dude is not in full control of his actions and is being taken advantage of by dumb right wing grifters like Alex Jones. I'm going to ignore literally all Kanye news now, it's way too depressing.
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25332 Posted: 19:09:28 05/12/2022
Read watchmen for my anthropology class after having it on my shelf for 5 years. I love how each major character are in the right depending on who you talk to. And how the book can still be relatable to this very day. I also love how weird and cartoony the ending was for such a down to earth story

Ozy is my favorite character because of how[
how bat**** insane he is. His plan the entire book was hiring scientists and comic writers to create a giant alien psychic squid to kill half of new York so world peace can be obtained by uniting humanity. But in order to do that he had to set up a murder Mystery where superheroes were getting offes one by one and to make himself not look sus he hires a hitman to shoot him and puts a poison capsule in said hitman's mouth. He then sees the hitman after a meeting with his secretary. Avoids the bullet allowing it to pierce his secretary and then beats the **** out of the guy he hired to shoot him. But that's not all because when asked about "what would happen if you didn't dodge the bullet?" He says that he would have caught it. Then when silk appears with a gun. He doesn't just dodge the bullet or disarm her. He instead goes for an epic high kick, gets shot, but then reveals that he did infact catch the bullet because he's so ****ing insane and egotistical that he needed an epic moment to show how dominant he is. He was also willing to nuke his cat for like no reason.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 19:56:26 05/12/2022 by somePerson
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2544
#25333 Posted: 23:06:58 05/12/2022
come on japaaaaaan UGH
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25334 Posted: 08:18:13 06/12/2022
Being the only one in my friend group who knows what Paris by night is and how it globally connects refugees together with boomer music and skits
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4107
#25335 Posted: 00:22:45 07/12/2022
making sure everyone sees my dotd screensaver topic!!! IM SO HAPPY
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Iceclaw Hunter Gems: 10229
#25336 Posted: 21:13:59 08/12/2022
Quote: skylandersfan60
I hate all the Kanye discourse, he's showing so many signs of psychosis and people are taking everything he says 100% seriously and shunning him. People don't understand how any mental illness that isn't anxiety or depression works, because you can't UwU Tiktok girl-ify bipolar disorder, people with it are still vilified. Dude is not in full control of his actions and is being taken advantage of by dumb right wing grifters like Alex Jones. I'm going to ignore literally all Kanye news now, it's way too depressing.

Big agree. Like yeah obviously people with psychosis won't always talk like that, people who believe that stuff aren't always necessarily psychotic, and sure it doesn't excuse what he's saying, but it's so obvious that he's having a psychotic breakdown. It's unfortunately very very easy to believe that stuff when your psychosis reaches its absolute low point and you're not being treated.

I hate people saying "he should be killed" because it's obvious that they only care about mentally ill people when they're not being ~problematic~ and so many people's first reaction to a mentally ill person showing bad symptoms is always "he should die" "he should be locked up". People always claim they support mentally ill people until someone starts showing the really bad/untreated symptoms that don't match up with what they think a ~neurodivergent~ person is like.

What he needs is help and treatment and to stay away from social media/interviews until he gets help.
Twinkies and 2hus
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:21:17 08/12/2022 by Iceclaw
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2544
#25337 Posted: 00:28:24 09/12/2022
^i remember hearing a while back from one of his agents supposedly or something in the news that he IS seeing a therapist but thing with Ye is that we really dont know what he is doing behind the scenes for all we know he is medicated and he is in therapy and its just not working which is an even bigger problem best bet for people is to not get so worked up about it because this is Ye
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12263
#25338 Posted: 11:35:06 09/12/2022
The **** happened at the GotY awards?
Bifrost Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10344
#25339 Posted: 12:18:47 09/12/2022
Quote: Spyro Fanatic
The **** happened at the GotY awards?

Anti-semite kid ****ed up BAD at his attempt at a takeover
well at least it ended with something interesting
(What I need is never what I want)
LeewweewoowheeH Gold Sparx Gems: 2544
#25340 Posted: 21:59:20 09/12/2022
^is that what it was cause i could barely tell what he was trying to do it was that bad
YO! thanks for the party and the maserati yall rocked my body but now im gone BYE! skylandersfan60
ThunderEgg Emerald Sparx Gems: 4107
#25341 Posted: 22:01:24 09/12/2022
how about that crash game

still need to catch up on game awards disk horse
I AM ETERNAL! (banner by skylandersfan60)
Spyro Fanatic Hunter Gems: 12263
#25342 Posted: 08:39:14 10/12/2022
It nice waking up, feeling like ****, then finding out one of the kindest people you’ve know for years has stage 4 cancer.
YesterdayFemmey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1221
#25343 Posted: 21:33:16 10/12/2022
Omg, Spyro Fanatic, I’m so sorry to hear that

It’s indescribable how difficult it is to go through that with a loved one. Please make sure you’re taking good care of yourself.
How many centuries have I spent in this utterly failed life?
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 12:02:01 11/12/2022 by YesterdayFemmey
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25344 Posted: 17:01:43 12/12/2022
People fall for companies using gender and identity to promote their game. But people are selective when it comes to saying which ones they think isn't greed and corporate. It's quite interesting
YesterdayFemmey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1221
#25345 Posted: 18:03:40 12/12/2022
^It’s not all that complicated, really. Does the company or an employee of the company have a recent or ongoing discrimination or harassment lawsuit? Plus one for corporate. Is the game’s development led by someone who is a part of the group the game represents, or do they have a history of supporting or representing this group prior to it becoming popularized as a corporate strategy? Plus one for sincere. Etc., etc.
How many centuries have I spent in this utterly failed life?
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25346 Posted: 19:17:49 12/12/2022
I mean companies have a strategy of hiring quotas and needing diversity. Every company ever will have bad apples that are involved with scandals because that's just ingrained within our current society. Harassment isn't a problem with one company. It's a problem with the entire industry. And thinking that one person represents an entire company is humanizing corporations which might blind people into feeling sympathy or anger for emotionless money making machines. Because saying that someone should support one company over others is proof that the companies psyops is working.

Its all virtue signaling. But like that doesn't mean its bad. Because it's still normalizing minorites and lgbt or whatever.
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4598
#25347 Posted: 19:43:08 12/12/2022
Quote: somePerson
People fall for companies using gender and identity to promote their game. But people are selective when it comes to saying which ones they think isn't greed and corporate. It's quite interesting

I think it depends on how it is done, portrayal and context are very important. Disney advertising their "first gay character" and it is just a character mentioning being gay in a line that could easily be censored is not great - and nor are stereotypes or caricatures of groups good. However, not every example of diverse characters created by companies fall under this, especially in cases where these stories are given input by marginalized people or organizations like GLAAD. And you could even argue that Disney's method of this, regardless of how performative it is, still helps to normalize these concepts to a wider audience.
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
YesterdayFemmey Yellow Sparx Gems: 1221
#25348 Posted: 19:47:31 12/12/2022
Edit: this was in reply to sp, clank posted before i finished my reply.

Yeah, no, I definitely won’t argue that every company has its skeletons in the closet, except instead of being in the closet they’re working in cubicles like it’s nobody’s business. I also agree that harassment is a problem with the industry in general. And I definitely don’t think a single person should be seen as representing an entire company. My point was more so that if someone you trust is spearheading the game (I know of literally no examples, I don’t involve myself in the video game industry to know who the good guys are if there are any.) then you can probably trust that it’s not just about the $$$. On the other hand, if the CEO is being sued for sexual harassment and suddenly every game the company releases is about female empowerment in some way, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on.

I said I have no examples, but I did used to know of some video game companies led by women who started their companies with a passion for video games and a desire to make games that were more welcoming to and non-discriminating against women, such as Brianna Wu and Amanda Stenquist Warner, who co-founded Giant Spacekat. I would feel more comfortable with developers like them.

In general though, I think the video game industry is toxic, manipulative, and self-serving, and I definitely did not mean for my last reply to imply anything different.
How many centuries have I spent in this utterly failed life?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:49:02 12/12/2022 by YesterdayFemmey
somePerson Diamond Sparx Gems: 8823
#25349 Posted: 20:48:59 12/12/2022
Quote: Clank
Quote: somePerson
People fall for companies using gender and identity to promote their game. But people are selective when it comes to saying which ones they think isn't greed and corporate. It's quite interesting

I think it depends on how it is done, portrayal and context are very important. Disney advertising their "first gay character" and it is just a character mentioning being gay in a line that could easily be censored is not great - and nor are stereotypes or caricatures of groups good. However, not every example of diverse characters created by companies fall under this, especially in cases where these stories are given input by marginalized people or organizations like GLAAD. And you could even argue that Disney's method of this, regardless of how performative it is, still helps to normalize these concepts to a wider audience.

Tbh tho being able to complain about diversity and what is or isn't virtue signaling is pretty insane. Like we live in a world where some people are still executed for being gay while other parts complain about movies not being gay enough. The fact that we can complain about media not being diverse enough shows that the normalization of representation by brute force is working
Clank Emerald Sparx Gems: 4598
#25350 Posted: 00:01:13 13/12/2022
Quote: somePerson
Quote: Clank
Quote: somePerson
People fall for companies using gender and identity to promote their game. But people are selective when it comes to saying which ones they think isn't greed and corporate. It's quite interesting

I think it depends on how it is done, portrayal and context are very important. Disney advertising their "first gay character" and it is just a character mentioning being gay in a line that could easily be censored is not great - and nor are stereotypes or caricatures of groups good. However, not every example of diverse characters created by companies fall under this, especially in cases where these stories are given input by marginalized people or organizations like GLAAD. And you could even argue that Disney's method of this, regardless of how performative it is, still helps to normalize these concepts to a wider audience.

Tbh tho being able to complain about diversity and what is or isn't virtue signaling is pretty insane. Like we live in a world where some people are still executed for being gay while other parts complain about movies not being gay enough. The fact that we can complain about media not being diverse enough shows that the normalization of representation by brute force is working

It is sort of wild to think about. If you had told me ten years ago that media would be this diverse, I would not have believed you.

I still do believe it is important that representation is done properly, but I do sometimes believe people are weirdly overly critical of certain media with it. There is nuance in those discussions for sure, but a lot of people see it in black and white. For example, how a lot of people say Rocky Horror Picture Show is bad representation purely because they view it with a modern lens rather than putting it in its original context.
"*runs around like a headless gnorc*" ~Jaggedstar©
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