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must I get this game? [CLOSED]
funnyguy67 Green Sparx Gems: 284
#1 Posted: 14:34:40 22/07/2008 | Topic Creator
It's at my shop right now, do you think I should get it?
The mysteries of Spyro may be released soon.
BADavid Red Sparx Gems: 23
#2 Posted: 15:49:36 22/07/2008
Must you? In all honesty... no. Enter the Dragonfly isn't just a poor follow-up to the PSone classics; it's a bad game through-and-through. I am a huge Spyro fan and even after completing the original trilogy several times, I find myself unable to put up with EtD. You'd need the patience of a saint; Spyro moves so slow and the game is unbearably frustrating... it really has nothing going for it, no cool features or anything. Poor controls, camera, and graphics (the framerate is the worst in any game I have ever seen) make it almost unplayable, so I'd say that even if you're the most dedicated Spyro fan, steer clear unless you simply MUST complete your collection. But don't expect to enjoy it.
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#3 Posted: 15:00:26 23/07/2008
well spyro does look REALLY CUTE in this game!^-^ ^.^ smilie smilie smilie
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
Robo-Spyro Platinum Sparx Gems: 5994
#4 Posted: 11:15:44 27/07/2008
And there are lots of glitches. I think I should get this game, I should, I WILL!!! (BTW, if you don't know why the heck I am saying this, I'm actually funnyguy67)
no i will not write a signature for you
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#5 Posted: 05:29:02 02/08/2008
i got it i think it ok but not nessecary
not yr babe
Spyro2008 Ripto Gems: 1353
#6 Posted: 05:27:27 04/08/2008
Quote: Robo-Spyro
And there are lots of glitches. I think I should get this game, I should, I WILL!!! (BTW, if you don't know why the heck I am saying this, I'm actually funnyguy67)

Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#7 Posted: 14:53:40 04/08/2008
not yr babe
funnyguy67 Green Sparx Gems: 284
#8 Posted: 12:13:45 05/08/2008 | Topic Creator
Quote: Spyro2008
Quote: Robo-Spyro
And there are lots of glitches. I think I should get this game, I should, I WILL!!! (BTW, if you don't know why the heck I am saying this, I'm actually funnyguy67)


What do I fail at? Is this another one of those games and contests? Or do I fail at making the right decision?
The mysteries of Spyro may be released soon.
Last edited at 12:14:32 05/08/2008 by funnyguy67
Coocie2 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4249
#9 Posted: 05:18:17 14/08/2008
i dont think u should get it just like a side game
not yr babe
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#10 Posted: 22:38:47 02/10/2008
If its extremely cheap and you want to have it in your collection, get it. Its okay, but shame there are so many issues.
dragonlover Yellow Sparx Gems: 1122
#11 Posted: 02:29:37 08/10/2008
I really don't think you should. It's boring.
Supernatural is the key to the world of hot guys......
spyro22 Green Sparx Gems: 300
#12 Posted: 03:20:37 08/10/2008
don't if you do you are making a huge mistake trust me
Young dragon all our hope now lies with you When you wake up it will be a different world But know this you are not alone you have allies
Cynder09 Diamond Sparx Gems: 9885
#13 Posted: 00:05:38 10/10/2008
no it's not worth it! i regret buying it!
I live my life inside a dream, only waking when I sleep.
Yeah, I've been living in the state of dreaming, living in a make-believe land.
dingodile555 Gold Sparx Gems: 2674
#14 Posted: 22:05:27 11/10/2008
I should've bought A Hero's Tail instead but I don't think that game was out at the time.
So if you're a mega Spyro fan that wants to own every game, get it but make sure you don't spend too much money on it. It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it is still bad. Which is a shame, but there's no escaping the truth.

Sometimes games can be so bad that they're good, but ETD is so bad that it's bad. You can't avoid the problems. The loading times are so LONG it's painful. The gameplay is boring. Spyro moves extremely slowly.
The music is nice though smilie
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