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Worst skylanders [CLOSED]
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#1 Posted: 17:15:09 28/12/2012 | Topic Creator
This topic is where you say who YOUR worst skylander is and say why.
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#2 Posted: 17:22:17 28/12/2012
Voodood. Weak, ugly, and did I mention overrated!
zap18 Gold Sparx Gems: 2530
#3 Posted: 18:17:10 28/12/2012
Wrecking Ball OR Flameslinger
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#4 Posted: 20:04:04 28/12/2012 | Topic Creator
well wrecking ball just takes some time to learn how to use
LTU Spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 4985
#5 Posted: 22:45:45 28/12/2012
All good.
Skylanders fan Emerald Sparx Gems: 3952
#6 Posted: 15:25:53 01/01/2013
Steath elf
Yep still around just not posting much anymore
Sleepy0429 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3345
#7 Posted: 16:10:09 01/01/2013
dark52 let me change my username you coward
fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#8 Posted: 16:20:05 01/01/2013
Bash. I hate how he looks and I'm terrible with him. I'd rather have Flashwing or Prism Break as my only Earth element instead of Bash.
LampShadeHead Green Sparx Gems: 145
#9 Posted: 01:17:38 02/01/2013
Why does everybody hate bash? Wham-Shell is the only one that I have that sucks. The game developers knew this, so they released him in a single pack, thus making him rare, and hiding the fact that he sucks.
31/37 still need:legendary-spyro::legendary-chopchop::legendary-bash:smiliesmiliesmilie For Spyro's Adventure
fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#10 Posted: 11:48:02 02/01/2013
Quote: LampShadeHead
Why does everybody hate bash? Wham-Shell is the only one that I have that sucks. The game developers knew this, so they released him in a single pack, thus making him rare, and hiding the fact that he sucks.

Sorry for bashing Bash (see what I did there?) He's good, I just don't like using him at all.
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#11 Posted: 19:53:42 04/01/2013
Ignitor, stealf elf, hex and terrafin. why? THEIR ALL UGLY AND OVERRATED!smilie
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#12 Posted: 20:20:43 04/01/2013
smilie is SOOOOO overrated.

Quote: fireofexile
Bash. I hate how he looks and I'm terrible with him. I'd rather have Flashwing or Prism Break as my only Earth element instead of Bash.

But isn't he like REALLY powerful?
Hello from Seattle
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:28:59 20/06/2013 by Ryanator20x6
fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#13 Posted: 20:33:00 04/01/2013
Quote: Ryanator20x6
Quote: fireofexile
Bash. I hate how he looks and I'm terrible with him. I'd rather have Flashwing or Prism Break as my only Earth element instead of Bash.

But isn't he like REALLY powerful?

Yep. He's actually one of my strongest Skylanders. He just feels really slow (unless I'm rolling of course, but then I can't attack).
LampShadeHead Green Sparx Gems: 145
#14 Posted: 04:07:46 07/01/2013
Rolling is an attack.^
31/37 still need:legendary-spyro::legendary-chopchop::legendary-bash:smiliesmiliesmilie For Spyro's Adventure
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:06:47 07/01/2013 by LampShadeHead
StalkerSnake Yellow Sparx Gems: 1926
#15 Posted: 16:14:12 13/01/2013
Flameslinger or Cynder...
Чем больше вы знаете, тем больше вы знаете
theimmortalmoo Red Sparx Gems: 59
#16 Posted: 07:41:10 15/01/2013
Didn't Know wham shell was rare...oh well.
I would have to say Wrecking Ball.
Steam :
Skylanders Giants on wiiu - Wiiu ID : theimmortalmoo
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#17 Posted: 06:49:03 18/01/2013
Sonic Boom, Camo, and Wrecking Ball.
Fins, of fury!
fireofexile Blue Sparx Gems: 703
#18 Posted: 12:07:53 18/01/2013
Quote: fireofexile
Quote: Ryanator20x6
Quote: fireofexile
Bash. I hate how he looks and I'm terrible with him. I'd rather have Flashwing or Prism Break as my only Earth element instead of Bash.

But isn't he like REALLY powerful?

Yep. He's actually one of my strongest Skylanders. He just feels really slow (unless I'm rolling of course, but then I can't attack).

I feel really stupid right now.
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#19 Posted: 14:31:09 27/01/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: LightSpyro13
Sonic Boom, Camo, and Wrecking Ball.

But Camo is really good you spam his A attack and if any one gets close just use the watermelon attack. Also both attacks can deal massive damage in a short amount of time. Also have you even been on both paths???
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#20 Posted: 09:35:13 28/01/2013
Voodood overrated? O.O he is underrated! if you want a overrated character looks at Camo.
what even is this site anymore lmao
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#21 Posted: 21:43:07 03/02/2013
Quote: weebbby
Voodood. Weak, ugly, and did I mention overrated!

Name one person who raves about Voodood the way people do about thumpback, eye brawl, or Ninjini.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Fly Spyro Fly Green Sparx Gems: 446
#22 Posted: 17:36:59 09/02/2013
Dinorang, just put me out of my misery
Jakemouse Blue Sparx Gems: 690
#23 Posted: 13:09:38 10/02/2013
Hex, my girlfriend uses her. I just laugh every time she tries to put that bone shield up and utilize those skulls that come from the sky. She dies like every Chapter lol.
The Dream Team: smilie smilie smilie smilie
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#24 Posted: 17:11:39 10/02/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: ClayFace
smilie-Boring,not fun,weak on either path (Yes, I think she's weak on Pook Blade Saint,which everyone thinks she's overpowered on.),and everyone seems to think she is one of the best Skylanders.

I can see why you said this , but if you go down forest ninja it is always fun , but meanwhile with pook blade saint you beat everyone in a flash and some of you may disagree with what I'm about to say but that is no fun at all.
zixyminx Red Sparx Gems: 26
#25 Posted: 00:35:36 13/02/2013
Quote: GigaCamo
Ignitor, stealf elf, hex and terrafin. why? THEIR ALL UGLY AND OVERRATED!smilie

I have to disagree about hex. I have a maxed out level 10 Hex and she absolutely cains. As for Stealth Elf I have her maxed out but I have to say that I don't really understand the use of the elf- prop thing she does, or the disappearing thing...maybe that's just that I haven't got the hang using her yet though
zixyminx Red Sparx Gems: 26
#26 Posted: 00:38:07 13/02/2013
Quote: Jakemouse
Hex, my girlfriend uses her. I just laugh every time she tries to put that bone shield up and utilize those skulls that come from the sky. She dies like every Chapter lol.

Let me guess...
she stands right next to the enemies getting her a__ kicked while she's powering up the skulls? lol
Jakemouse Blue Sparx Gems: 690
#27 Posted: 01:41:21 13/02/2013
Quote: zixyminx
Quote: Jakemouse
Hex, my girlfriend uses her. I just laugh every time she tries to put that bone shield up and utilize those skulls that come from the sky. She dies like every Chapter lol.

Let me guess...
she stands right next to the enemies getting her a__ kicked while she's powering up the skulls? lol

Basically lol, or she'll just rush enemies spamming the orbs.
The Dream Team: smilie smilie smilie smilie
Madscience Red Sparx Gems: 39
#28 Posted: 19:55:14 17/02/2013
Uh, Flameslinger.

I picked marksman and am too lazy to reset him.
--- Visit this site. enter the link!

Terramatt Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#29 Posted: 19:47:52 19/02/2013
Quote: Madscience
Uh, Flameslinger.

I picked marksman and am too lazy to reset him.

Yeah Flameslinger really does suck, on both paths.
onslaught Blue Sparx Gems: 721
#30 Posted: 22:18:52 19/02/2013
Cynder not good with but I like cynder
<(".<) (>".)> Two Kirbys.
Thumpbackman Red Sparx Gems: 88
#31 Posted: 01:36:36 08/04/2013
Quote: LightSpyro13
Sonic Boom, Camo, and Wrecking Ball.

Those are two of the best skylanders...smilie smilie you just need to work with them....get used to them
Favorites... smilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smilie
Like my avatar? smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie..lovesmilie smilie
wreckingballbob Emerald Sparx Gems: 4565
#32 Posted: 06:36:45 08/04/2013
Quote: LightSpyro13
Sonic Boom, Camo, and Wrecking Ball.

They are some of the best characters...
Ninpire Gold Sparx Gems: 2951
#33 Posted: 22:15:10 08/04/2013
THUMPBACK GRAAHHH i hate him he's just so slow and and and i just dont like him i dont like how it takes him 10 seconds to finish a combo (even crusher is faster than him and my only complaint with crusher is that he is slow) you cant be to close with the chomp and the belly flop is takes too long and it cant be controled so i cant even use it as his attack to move faster
Heirumaru2286 Gold Sparx Gems: 2285
#34 Posted: 15:04:03 17/04/2013
Said it before, I'll say it, again...

Drill Sarge, Drill Sarge, Drill Sarge.

He's just....Bleeh. Gameplay sucks.

Just don't like anything about him, besides his MIRV drill missiles.

Out of ALL the Skylanders, he's just crappy.....
SkylandFollower Green Sparx Gems: 151
#35 Posted: 02:30:19 15/06/2013
I strongly dislike Terrafin, since he's very broken down both paths. Especially in Giants with his Wow Pow. He did not need a repose smilie

I dislike Drill Sergeant. I was looking forward to him for a while, but when I actually got him, he just wasn't for me... All of Tech for the same reason in fact... I don't mind Trigger Happy though.

Undead in general, for the same reason as Terrafin. Everyone who isn't too mashy for me to enjoy just doesn't fit my playstyle. Lesser extent though.

Everyone in Air besides Warnado and Lightning Rod. Coming from someone who generally enjoys weaker characters, they're just underpowered.

All the Giants are pretty boring, in my opinion. They're just slower, stronger Skylanders, and they're all too similar to each other. The closest one I have to actually liking is Eye-Brawl, and I still hate its design and Eye Brawler path.

I don't like anyone in Magic besides Wrecking Ball(the avatar... let's just say that's because of a bet from a few months ago, I shouldn't even be here)...

But the worst Skylander to me is Spyro- that's just my opinion, I dislike all of his older games sans AHT and I find him incredibly boring down both paths... So he holds nothing to me...
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#36 Posted: 02:39:58 15/06/2013
ShroomBarf. I want to melt mine down and make a spear out of the melted plastic to stab cherries with when at fancy parties with the fancy drinks.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#37 Posted: 06:32:59 15/06/2013
Quote: zap18
Wrecking Ball OR Flameslinger

no, just no....

flaming Arrow+ hyper shot=: complate disater for the target, i tell you!

flaming dasH> turn around quikly and go shoot= a move as hell in pvp

SoulfulWolf Platinum Sparx Gems: 6291
#38 Posted: 04:25:56 16/06/2013
Sometimes I feel as I'm the only person who legitimately loves all the skylanders... (And yes, I do mean all 80 of them [Or more if Skylanders 4 really does become a thing,] even the not yet revealed ones!) The varied game styles and everything else is just great. When I didn't even really like a skylander at first, when I finally bought them (having to collect them all + re-posed + legendaries + in-game variants + Sidekicks + the platinum chest) I ended up loving them. When I first got into skylanders, I didn't really like Lightning Rod based on his design, but then I played with him and had a blast. Sunburn and Wham-Shell, two of the hardest for me to find, were "meh," but now, they're some of my favorites, and I don't even know why! Honestly the skylander I have a pet peeve with is Sprocket, I feel it takes to long for her turrets to set up, but I got over it and love playing as her in Giants. If I had to pick worst for each set: Prism Break in SSA for how clunky he can be (though again, I still love him too), Sprocket from SG for reasons mentioned before, and SSF is to be announced as I don't know all the characters yet, and haven't had the chance to play (though based on looks, PopThorn seems the least appealing to me... yet adorable at the same time.) Now if only I could actually PvP with my collection...
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 04:54:55 16/06/2013 by SoulfulWolf
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#39 Posted: 05:34:51 16/06/2013
Quote: Mitt rox
Quote: Sleepy0429

Shut up Sleepy, ur dumb. The real worst is Boomer and Zook.

Whoa bro, necrobump.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#40 Posted: 22:07:14 19/06/2013
Quote: GigaCamo
Ignitor, stealf elf, hex and terrafin. why? THEIR ALL UGLY AND OVERRATED!smilie

I no longer hate ignitor thanks to soul of the flame but the rest I still hate
Kevin16 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4524
#41 Posted: 23:29:25 19/06/2013
Come on guys, actually no Skylander is weak and stuff... they all have their own unique abillitys that makes them special smilie
what even is this site anymore lmao
ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#42 Posted: 14:34:08 20/06/2013
Sprocket is the worst Skylander overall but Drill Sergeant is probably the weakest in SSA.
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#43 Posted: 15:09:08 20/06/2013
i start to dislike stealth elf even now and bit, i playd waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many with her...........she is too good, i need a challange in fighting, not a flash and done!

but yes, i have to say lightnign rod, but that is my opinion becouse i am so poor with him, i know that i need to learn with him, but i am just poor with him.............voodood is a weak one too, but can be SUPER good if you upgrade his magick................
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#44 Posted: 15:52:03 20/06/2013
Quote: ClayFace
Sprocket is the worst Skylander overall but Drill Sergeant is probably the weakest in SSA.

I find that Drill sergant can do pretty well on Megadozer by utilizing keep away tactics.
Eevee88 Emerald Sparx Gems: 4790
#45 Posted: 22:44:07 20/06/2013
wham shell
Heading out, my liege? A commission, I presume? Then I shall accompany you. Just...ah, allow me to indulge in one more chapter...
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#46 Posted: 16:21:57 21/06/2013
wham shall is .......even if he was rare, that is what made him soo overated......
killerkid550 Ripto Gems: 15
#47 Posted: 18:36:24 21/06/2013
people are still on these
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#48 Posted: 20:26:39 22/06/2013
I think Wham Shell is pretty overrated myself.

Mostly back in the SSA days, now it's all about Thumpback.
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