darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure > series 2 legendary questions in this game
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series 2 legendary questions in this game [CLOSED]
dbxl Green Sparx Gems: 182
#1 Posted: 17:50:12 10/12/2012 | Topic Creator
So I've read alot and still kinda unsure about this->
Can S2 legendaries be played in this game? The packaging says it doesn't. But for example, stealth elf, I read she comes up as S1 version in the game, not with new colors. Just want to be sure...
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#2 Posted: 17:53:33 10/12/2012
Yes, they can be used but they come up as their regular counterpart. I think they did it so people don't expect them to come up as Legendary characters in SSA - much like the LightCore characters.
sonsilv2 Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#3 Posted: 18:46:41 10/12/2012
i didnt know lightcores worked nor legendarys(only play as !ORIGINAL! charecter
Victormaru Green Sparx Gems: 251
#4 Posted: 19:12:47 10/12/2012
Legendary and LightCore Skylanders are compatible with Spyro's Adventure as long as they're Series 1 figures, although they'll appear as their regular counterparts as bionicle2809 had stated. I've tested this myself. I've actually been playing with my Legendary Stealth Elf on Spyro's Adventure recently and it just looks like a regular Stealth Elf.
Occupation: Skylander Hunter
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