darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Giants > Which Skylanders Should Have Been Legendary
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Which Skylanders Should Have Been Legendary [CLOSED]
TheBakonBitz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1360
#1 Posted: 03:57:22 27/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Pick which skylanders should have been legendary depending on how good they are in the game. Pick 4 from spyro's adventure and 4 from giants, also pick 1 from each element. Finally pick a legendary lightcore and a legendary giant.

My choices:

Legendary Jet-Vac/Giants: I think he is the best choice for air, Activision nailed this one.

Legendary Terrafin/Giants: He is almost invincible and his wow pow makes him so much more deadly.

Legendary Flameslinger/Spyro's Adventure: He is great if you use him right.

Legendary Stealth Elf/Spyro's Adventure: No competition, great choice Activision!

Legendary Voodood/Spyro's Adventure: I know smilie will be popular choice here but voodood is a great character when used correctly.

Legendary Sprocket/Giants: Sprocket gets a lot of hate but even though I don't own her she looks pretty deadly.

Legendary Fright Rider/Giants: These guys' speed and great attack power make them a deadly duo.

Legendary Wham Shell/Spyro's Adventurs: Nuff Said

Legendary Thumpback: My first choice was Hot Head, gold flames are awesome and he would look better, but my next choice is fire so that would work out so well :3

Legendary Lightcore Eruptor: He is sweet, having his mouth light up gold! Plus slap his wow pow in and you are good to go!

Post your pics in the comments below. Can't wait to hear them!
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 22:30:53 27/11/2012 by TheBakonBitz
czs716 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1440
#2 Posted: 04:20:27 27/11/2012
Available for trade: NIB Walmart Exclusive Drill Sergeant (Not Red), NIB Granite Crusher. PM if interested.
ace Gold Sparx Gems: 2982
#3 Posted: 04:28:55 27/11/2012
Air - difficult cause most of em are already blue but i'd have to say warnado. blue with gold spikes? yes please lol

Fire - Ignitor looks amazing! so I'm good, but Sunburn woulda looked cool

Tech - Dill Sergeant, not a fan of the character himself but the color scheme would be cool

Magic - Yeah Voodood

Water - Wham Shell, not because he is so rare but because i think it'd look sweet

Earth - Terrafin.......love Terrafin

Undead - Idk how he would look, but Ghost Roaster since he is one of my favorites

Life- .......honestly the blue and gold wouldnt look good on any of em other than Stealth Elf and MAYBE Camo

Light Core - Drobot, with a brighter light of course

Giant - Tie between Crusher and Swarm, i like Crusher. Not a fan of Swarm but i think he'd look interessting

Quote: czs716

i think this is a bit different since it is one of each element, a light core, and a giant, the other is what 3 pack you would suggest.
Praise Helix!!!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:30:38 27/11/2012 by ace
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#4 Posted: 04:32:00 27/11/2012
None. Legendary colors are terrible and a waste money. The only one I bought was bouncer.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
Kurui Ripto Gems: 191
#5 Posted: 04:48:16 27/11/2012
Boomer. I need reason to buy moar of Boomer. Also Ghost Roaster.
joerox123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1992
#6 Posted: 05:03:11 27/11/2012
Air: Lightning Rod.

Magic: Pop Fizz.

Fire: Sunburn.

Water: Wham-Shell.

Undead: Cynder.

Life: Stealth Elf.

Earth: Terrafin.

Tech: Drill Sergeant.
the road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantimeā˜ 
WUMBOSIMPSON Yellow Sparx Gems: 1424
#7 Posted: 06:35:06 27/11/2012
L-Whirlwind would be cool.
cry baby, I am
TheBakonBitz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1360
#8 Posted: 12:00:19 27/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Earth-Dragon
None. Legendary colors are terrible and a waste money. The only one I bought was bouncer.

Lol but L-Bash is your profile pic xD
PinkWater Yellow Sparx Gems: 1059
#9 Posted: 16:35:24 27/11/2012
Quote: Earth-Dragon
None. Legendary colors are terrible and a waste money. The only one I bought was bouncer.

High five, bro.

I DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG! ...Actually don't. I'm quite biased.
yokey25 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1298
#10 Posted: 16:51:07 27/11/2012
S:SA Air: Whirlwind
S:G Earth: Bash
S:G Magic: Pop Fizz
S:SA Tech: Drill Sergeant
S:SA Water: Slam-Bam
S:SA Fire: Flameslinger
S:G Life: Stealth Elf
S:G Undead: Hex
Giant: Eye Brawl
Light Core Prism Break
My favorite swap is Free Shift. As Shakespeare would say"Tis an awesome character."
Eyebrawl4616 Green Sparx Gems: 163
#11 Posted: 17:44:52 27/11/2012
I'm basing these totally off of how they would look.

S:SA Magic: Voodood. Imagine him with dark blue armor, gold skin, and a golden axe.
S:SA Earth: Terrafin. Dark blue back with gold underbelly.
S:SA Undead: Cynder. Dark blue back with gold underbelly, same as Terrafin.
S:SA Tech: Drill Sergeant. Mostly dark blue with golden bands and eyes.
S:G Fire: Ignitor. They hit the nail on the head with that decision.
S:G Water: Slam Bam. See above.
S:G Air: Warnado. Gold underbelly, dark blue shell with golden spikes.
S:G Giant: Eye Brawl. Gold eye and dark blue armor.
S:G Lightcore: Prism Break. Glowing gold crystals and dark blue rocks.
Missining: smilie smilie smilie smilie
Earth-Dragon Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#12 Posted: 21:54:33 27/11/2012
Quote: TheBakonBitz
Quote: Earth-Dragon
None. Legendary colors are terrible and a waste money. The only one I bought was bouncer.

Lol but L-Bash is your profile pic xD

It's a dragon, he's earth, and at the time I didn't see anyone else using that pic so it was really just a way to get people to know it was my post without looking at the name per say.
Glad heroic challenges are gone. Imagine doing 165 per skylander. That's 27225 challenges. No thank you.
TheBakonBitz Yellow Sparx Gems: 1360
#13 Posted: 22:20:32 27/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: Earth-Dragon
Quote: TheBakonBitz
Quote: Earth-Dragon
None. Legendary colors are terrible and a waste money. The only one I bought was bouncer.

Lol but L-Bash is your profile pic xD

It's a dragon, he's earth, and at the time I didn't see anyone else using that pic so it was really just a way to get people to know it was my post without looking at the name per say.

I know, just teasing you :3 I wasn't gonna get legendary until I decided it would eb cool to do nightmare mode with only legendary!
sharktank Green Sparx Gems: 469
#14 Posted: 23:36:59 27/11/2012
Air: jet vac, but should have been his lightcore
Life: stealth elf for sure
Fire: ignitor is cool
water: wham shell
tech: I like trigger happy as the legendary
Earth: tera fin or dinorang
Magic: all would look good
giant: eye brawl would be neat
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:38:05 27/11/2012 by sharktank
Tyris01 Red Sparx Gems: 23
#15 Posted: 02:22:21 28/11/2012
Magic: Voodood personally, but I understand why they did Spyro
Tech: Legendary Drobot would have made me happy, but Trigger Happy is a good 2nd, so I'm fine with it.
Earth: Bash. They got this right the first time.
Undead: Cynder for top slot, ESPECIALLY if Magic is Spyro.
Fire: Ignitor is perfect.
Water: Ditto Slam-Bam
Air: Lightning Rod, by far. Yes, he's already got light blue and yellow, but if they made Chop-Chop of all color schemes into a Legendary, this guy would have been fine. I can understand Warnado not being one since he wasn't reprinted. Other than that, Sonic Boom!
Life: Stealth Elf is perfect.
mega spyro Emerald Sparx Gems: 3957
#16 Posted: 00:41:10 10/12/2012
magic: smilie (I really want to try the other path out on him)
earth: smilie (it would be cool for like gold semi-transparent wings)
water: smilie (It would be cool)
fire smilie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (my favorite ever!)
undead: smilie (it would be cool)
tech: smilie (always more BOOM!)
air: smilie (so darn cool!)
life: smilie (hes fun to play as to bad he got kicked off the team)
LC: smilie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Giant: smilie ( he is a giant smilie!)
ZapNorris Ripto Gems: 5109
#17 Posted: 00:46:14 10/12/2012
Water: smilie
Tech: smilie
Earth: smilie
Magic: smilie
Fire: smilie
Undead: smilie
Life: smilie
Air: smilie
Kiroq Gold Sparx Gems: 2328
#18 Posted: 01:20:31 10/12/2012
These are my opinions:-

Water - L-Wham Shell
Fire - L-Flameslinger
Tech - L-Drill Sergeant
Magic - L-Voodood
Air - L-Jet Vac (this is perfect)
Earth - L-Dino-Rang
Life - L-Zook
Undead - L-Fright Rider (but only if they didn't colour in Fright, just Rider)
Giant - L-Eye Brawl (again only if they didn't do the eye)
L-LC - L-Flashwing
smilie Fools! I've had it up to here with your incompetence! Actually no, even higher..up to HERE!
Peridot Weapon Blue Sparx Gems: 947
#19 Posted: 03:52:39 10/12/2012
Whichever character was rated the WORST for each element in terms of overall ability should have been the Legendary in my opinion. Made no sense to start with Trigger Happy, who already had "maximum" stats across the board in everything other than Health.

Or maybe a term other than Legendary - but I'd like to see those stat boosts going to the figures that actually NEED them, instead of making the broken MORE broken.

Still waiting for Legendary "why was my defense lower than all other 47 Skylanders?" Gill Grunt where his Defense will increase from 6 to 36. smilie
Corroded Arceus Green Sparx Gems: 390
#20 Posted: 09:20:18 10/12/2012
Water: Gill Grunt since Spyro and Trigger happy got one
Fire: Eruptor, imagine how sweet he'd look if he was blue, or they should have at least made Ignitor's fire blue.

That's all really. I like all the others.
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#21 Posted: 20:41:46 10/12/2012
Fire: Flameslinger
Water: Wham-Shell
Tech: Drill Sgt. or Sprocket
Magic: Pop Fizz
Air: Warnado
Life: Camo
Earth Terrafin
Undead: Fright Rider
Giant: Hot Head
Lightcore: Eruptor
Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
jet-vac6000 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1718
#22 Posted: 19:30:10 11/12/2012
I think that L-Stealth Elf was so worthy of becoming a Legendery!
Tempest Yellow Sparx Gems: 1807
#23 Posted: 19:52:04 11/12/2012
Magic: Voodood
Earth: Dino-Rang
Water: Wham-Shell
Fire: Sunburn
Tech: Drobot
Undead: Cynder
Air: Warnado
Life: Camo
Giant: Thumpback or Swarm
LightCore: Pop Fizz
New Skylander: Flashwing
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