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Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#251 Posted: 04:42:55 29/07/2013
Yeah. Love the Crack-a-lackin idea. Also, if I may make my own bio for him (you can choose which to use... or combine 'em!)

Being Chinese, he of course speaks it fluently, and loves Chinese New Year. He also has a mad crush on Jadewing. A total pyromaniac. When he talks, he shouts at the top of his lungs. Hangs out with Boomer a lot, and they go make stuff "get blowed up" on a regular basis... except sometimes the stuff is the apartment building, you get the idea.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#252 Posted: 14:45:45 29/07/2013 | Topic Creator
^That's great I'll just combine them! I would use Google Translate for when he speaks Chinese, but I don't know if I can type Chinese letters on here.....
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#253 Posted: 17:55:27 29/07/2013 | Topic Creator
Episode 19: Night Shift Works the Night Shift (With Trigger Happy)

(Trigger Happy, Pop Fizz, Gill Grunt, and Terrafin walk into Game Stop.)

GILL GRUNT: Excuse me, you guys got any sales going on?
MABU CLERK: Buy two get one free

(He walks over to the others, who are looking at a poster.)

GILL GRUNT: Okay, we had enough money to buy three games, and since we get one free, we can get four games! One for each of us!
POP FIZZ: But, we only brought enough money for two games. So three games. One of us doesn't get one.
GILL GRUNT: How do we decide who doesn't get a game?
TRIGGER HAPPY: Mario Kart tournament?
TERRAFIN: That's what you always use to settle things!
POP FIZZ: Spitting contest!
TRIGGER HAPPY: How about no
GILL GRUNT: How about we all find a game we want and last one to the counter doesn't get their game?

(They all run off to find a game.)
(Trigger Happy starts digging trough the Xbox bin like a maniac.)
(Terrafin jumps up and down while slapping around PS3 games.)
(Pop Fizz goes into beast mode and climbs up the shelf of Wii games, only for it to fall over.)
(Gill Grunt uses his jet pack to fly over to the 3DS games, only to accidentally knock most of them over with his harpoon.)

MABU CLERK: No! Please don't!

(The bin of Xbox games Trigger Happy is in falls over and knocks over the PS2 games.)
(Gill Grunt falls out of his jetpack, knocking over the 3DS games and and jet pack starts flying all over the place knocking things over.)
(Terrafin accidentally punches the wall, knocking it over along with all of the games on it.)
(Pop Fizz crawls out from under the Wii games only to knock down another rack on top of him.)
(The Mabu Clerk pulls the fire alarm, causing all of the Skylanders to stop in their tracks.)

MABU CLERK: You guys destroyed the whole store! There are only three games left that aren't broken!
TRIGGER HAPPY: What are they?
MABU CLERK: They're Wii U games
TERRAFIN: The one console we don't have

(They get up and walk away.)
(Pop Fizz drops a penny in the clerks hand.)

POP FIZZ: Take care of yourself!

(He leaves.)

POP FIZZ: Triggs, if you can shoot coins, why don't you spend them?

(Later that day, Trigger Happy gets a call about a mission and goes to Spyro's apartment to ask some questions.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: I have to break into this troll hideout, take down as many trolls as I can, take away their giant bomb, and get rid of it without hurting anybody.
TRIGGER HAPPY: I know! And I need to pick a partner, but I can't think of any one! Almost all of the Skylanders are on a mission!
SPYRO: Well, I have one right now so can you wrap this up?
TRIGGER HAPPY: Really? Okay well, can you think of anyone?
TRIGGER HAPPY: Who? Who is it?
SPYRO: Night Shift.
TRIGGER HAPPY: That guy who never leaves his room?
SPYRO: Yeah. He's done one mission, with me and Sprocket, and was so good I had trouble keeping up! He doesn't talk very much, but is a very strong fighter. You'll have a lot of trouble getting him to come with you. I gotta go, ask Sprocket for any help with Night Shift.
TRIGGER HAPPY: Oh you know I will!

(They leave.)
(Trigger Happy approaches Night Shift's apartment.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Seven different "Do Not Enter" signs? This place is like Alcatraz accept he's choosing to stay in.

(Trigger Happy hesitates then knocks on the door, no answer.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: C'mon, I know you're in there!

(He knocks again with no answer.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Unless you're watching Gravity Falls there is no excuse for you not to answer!

(He knocks and the door swings open and Night Shift pulls him inside to his very dark and messy apartment and throws him on the dusty couch.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Okay, thanks for "inviting" me into your home. So, uh, how are you?
NIGHT SHIFT: ..........
TRIGGER HAPPY: Okaaaaaay, well I have a question for you! Can you guess what it is!
NIGHT SHIFT: ........
TRIGGER HAPPY: Was there a question mark after that silence?
NIGHT SHIFT:........
TRIGGER HAPPY: Okay well, I was wondering if you would go on a mission with me? I need someone stealthy, but also very brutal and strong in combat! That's yooooooouuu!
NIGHT SHIFT: ........
TRIGGER HAPPY: Was that a yes? A no? Or something else? Will you just answer the question!

(Night Shift nods.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Yes! Thank you so much! We'll meet in the lobby at 7 PM tomorrow?

(He nods.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Thank you! You have no idea how much I-

(Night Shift points to the door.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Of coarse! I'll leave you too your boring and somewhat creepy loneliness! Maybe put up some posters with kittens in trees. Maybe get a gerbil, name it after someone from Star Wars.

(Night Shift points to the door.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Okay, I'm leaving!

(He leaps up and runs out of the apartment.)
(Trigger Happy enters the game room, where Sprocket and Chill are playing a Wii game and Fright and Rider are playing Dance Dance Revolution.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Hey ladies! Whatcha playin'?
CHILL: See these toys? You put them on this portal and they come to life in the game!
TRIGGER HAPPY: Really? That sounds lame, nobodies gonna waste money buying those figures! Anyway, Sprocket, can I ask you a question?
SPROCKET: I'm not gonna share spaghetti with you
TRIGGER HAPPY: That wasn't the question, but even if it was we would totally kiss when we both tried to eat the same noodle!
SPROCKET: That only happens with dogs!
TRIGGER HAPPY: Then Hot Dog will have a very good future, but I was gonna ask you if there was anything I should know about Night Shift before I go on a mission with him tomorrow
SPROCKET: Woah, you convinced Night Shift to go on a mission with you!?
TRIGGER HAPPY: Yeah, kinda hot isn't it?
SPROCKET: Anyway, well, he doesn't talk much.
TRIGGER HAPPY: You think I don't know that? Our conversation was so one-sided, I felt like I was in an episode of Phineas and Ferb!
SPROCKET: Well, he never gives up and he will stop at nothing to succeed.
TRIGGER HAPPY: Thanks for the heads up!
TRIGGER HAPPY: Rider, did your ostrich just beat you at Dance Dance Revolution?
FRIGHT RIDER: Naw, I let him win. I felt sorry for him. I am always caring about other people feelings!

(He winks at Chill.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Fright, you beat him didn't you?
TRIGGER HAPPY: That's what I thought. Good night guys!

(Trigger Happy goes to his apartment.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: I got a big day tomorrow so I should get some sleep! But I'm gonna watch a movie and eat Cheetos instead!

(He puts Kung Fu Panda in the DVD player and sits down on the couch with a giant bag of Cheetos.)

(The next day, Trigger Happy is eating a bowl of Trix when he hears a knock at the door.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Go away silly rabbit! Trix are for kids!
SPROCKET: It's me!

(Sprocket walks in.)

SPROCKET: There's something important I need to tell you about Night Shift.
SPROCKET: Well, um, if he gets like really mad at someone, and gets the opportunity to fight them, he goes all out, and when he does all out........
SPROCKET: The person he fights usually doesn't.......survive.
SPROCKET: And if you try to stop him, well then he does the same to you.

(Trigger Happy eats a spoonful of Trix.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Well that kinda sucks
SPROCKET: Just promise me you'll be careful, okay?
TRIGGER HAPPY: Are you worried about me?
SPROCKET: Well, um, I just thought you'd-
TRIGGER HAPPY: I'll be careful, I promise
SPROCKET: Thank you, and, one more thing?
SPROCKET: You're not a kid

(She takes his bowl of Trix and leaves.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Aw c'mon at least leave the bowl!
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 23:33:09 30/07/2013 by awesomerockets
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#254 Posted: 17:55:43 29/07/2013 | Topic Creator
(At 7 PM Trigger Happy is sitting next to Shroomboom in the lobby waiting for Night Shift.)
(Shroomboom is playing a Nintendo DS.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: What are you playing?
SHROOMBOOM: Plants Vs Zombies!
TRIGGER HAPPY: Can't you do that in real life? Being a mushroom and whatnot?
SHROOMBOOM: It's more fun to play it on my DS
TRIGGER HAPPY: Just a regular DS? Not a Lite, or DSi, or even a 3DS?
TRIGGER HAPPY: Dude, you gotta get a 3DS, the graphics and game quality is so much better!
SHROOMBOOM: No thanks!
TRIGGER HAPPY: Fine. Enjoy your 8-bit wonderland

(Night Shift enters the lobby.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: There you are! You ready?

(He nods and exits the building.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Thanks for "waiting" for me!

(He sticks his tongue out at Shroomboom and leaves.)
(Twenty minutes later, they pull up to the troll hideout on the docks it Trigger Happy's car.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: You could have let me turn on the radio!

(They exit and car and start walking up the pier towards the hideout, ducking behind barrels on the way.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: If you see a troll, take it out, but try not to draw any attention to yourself. Okay, there's one over there, now I'm gonna shoot it and knock it into-

(Night Shift leaps up from behind the barrel and punches the troll into distance.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Or you could do that!

(Trigger Happy runs up to them and they approach a small hut on the edge of the pier.)
(Trigger Happy peeks through a window and sees about fifteen trolls talking inside drinking coffee.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: This must be Starbucks for the green and lumpy. Let's take 'em out!

(Triggs runs inside and shoots two trolls into the wall using super coins.)
(He takes one of the coffee cups and dumps it on the floor.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Didn't your mothers tell you to drink decaf?

(He aims at a troll and shoots, but misses due the a shake.)


(A troll tackles Triggs and pins him to the table.)
(Night Shift sends the entire hut flying into the air with a giant uppercut.)
(Trigger Happy kicks the troll above him in the face and tumbles out through the window, landing on the pier before the hut tumbles into the water.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Ya know, next time you do that, could wait until AFTER I EXIT THE BUILDING!

(Night Shift continues down the pier towards the hideout.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: I accept your apology!

(Trigger Happy follows.)
(Night Shift grabs a troll from behind, bites it on the neck, and throws it into the water.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: What did he taste like?
NIGHT SHIFT: .............
TRIGGER HAPPY: I'll take that as yummy in my tummy

(Trigger Happy slaps a troll it the back of its head with his gun knocking it down.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Notice how I can actually fight too!

(Night Shift punches a troll from behind knocking it into the water.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: It's kinda funny now none of the troll security are turning around to see if anyone's behind them!

(Night Shift punches another troll and it slides forward, bumping three trolls up the pier.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Dude, if you're gonna bowl with them, throw the troll hard enough so it knocks them down!

(A troll leaps forward with a wrench and Night Shift deflects the hit, then pushes it off of the pier.)
(Another one whips out a gun and aims it at Trigger Happy, who shoots it out of it's hand, then shoots it into the water.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Looks like there's one little troll left!

(The troll takes out a flare gun and shoots it into the sky.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Of coarse he's the one with the flare gun

(A wave of trolls emerge from the hideout.)
(Trigger Happy shoots the flare gun troll into the water.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: If you're as good as they say you are, I'd like to see that now!

(Night Shift teleports forward, sending a blast barreling into some trolls, knocking most of them into the water.)
(He spins around and punches five more trolls into the water.)
(He grabs a wrench from a troll attempting to attack him, then launches it and a couple more into the water.)
(He throws the wrench forward taking out two more.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Holy sheep!

(Trigger Happy lowers his guns and watches in amazement.)
(Night Shift grabs a troll and throws it into more trolls, knocking four into the water.)
(He holds up the last troll and repeatedly slams him on the deck, punches him, and chucks him into the water.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: You just took out like thirty trolls by yourself! They didn't even get an attack in!

(Night Shift gestures for Triggs to follow him and he does.)
(The approach the door and start looking for a way in.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Because of that flare gun guy, they know we're here! They have to be heavily guarding the bomb! Look! There's a ladder leading to the roof, let's go!

(They climb the ladder onto the roof.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Look for a way in!

(Night Shift rips punches through the roof and drops inside the factory like building and onto a stack of crates.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Or you could make one

(Trigger Happy jumps through onto the crates.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: It looks like one of those mail warehouses in here! I wonder what's in the crates?

(Trigger Happy pries a crate open with his gun to reveal a small bomb inside.)
(He checks some more and sees more bombs.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: There are bombs in every single one of these crates.

(Night Shift leaps down onto the floor, exposed.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: What are you doing!

(Night Shift points to the bombs.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: We only have to get rid of the big one! We can't get rid of all of these bombs, it's impossible!
NIGHT SHIFT: Nothing is impossible when you really care!

(Night Shift approaches a group of trolls and punches them all knocking them across the warehouse.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Night Shift! If you're not careful you'll blow up the whole hideout!

(Night Shift charges through the warehouse taking out trolls.)
(A troll tackles Trigger Happy to the floor from behind.)
(Trigger Happy kicks it away and begins to run after Night Shift.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: We weren't even supposed to be seen! All of the trolls know we're here and are after us! There's a small chance we'll pull off our assigned mission! There's no way we can get rid of all of the bombs!

(Night Shift reaches the giant bomb and begins to push it towards the middle of the warehouse.)


(Night Shift get is in the middle and snatches a flamethrower from a troll and punches it away.)


(Trigger Happy dives forward and grabs his arm.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: You can't just blow up all of the bombs! The explosion will be so big it'll destroy the village nearby here! You'll kill innocent people!

(Night Shift punches Trigger Happy in the face, sending him flying across the warehouse.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: You'll kill more then you save by doing this!

(Night Shift launches a blast at Triggs, who dodges it.)
(Night Shift points the flamethrower at the bomb, and Trigger Happy shoots it out of his hands and it goes flying to the top of a stack of crates.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: I can't let you do this!

(Night Shift punches him and he falls.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: I'm not the enemy!

(He rolls away, dodging Night Shift's punch.)
(Trigger Happy leaps up and sprints over to the giant bomb.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: I'm getting rid of this bomb in a way people don't die!

(He begins pushing it towards the garage door towards the back.)
(Night Shift punches Trigger Happy.)


(Trigger Happy shoots Night Shift with his gun.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: I'm not gonna let you do this!

(Night Shift punches Trigger Happy and he goes flying and lands on top of the bomb.)
(Trigger Happy throws a pot of gold down at him and begins to run on top of it, rolling it towards the door.)
(Night Shift teleports on top of the bomb and punches, only for Triggs to dodge it and slap him across the face with his gun.)
(Night Shift punches Trigger Happy, sending him flying into a small pile of bombs, causing them to explode.)
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 20:00:48 08/08/2013 by awesomerockets
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#255 Posted: 17:55:55 29/07/2013 | Topic Creator
(Night Shift picks up the flamethrower and ignites it.)
(Trigger Happy emerges from the debris, his guns glowing a bright gold.)


(Night Shift points the flamethrower towards the bomb.)


(He holds up his guns and shoots out a giant Golden Yamoto Blast, blasting Night Shift off of the bomb, and through the giant hole in the ceiling also caused by the blast.)
(Trigger Happy lowers his guns and turns back to normal.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Probably never going on a mission with him again!

(He turns around to see all of the trolls staring at him open mouthed.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Recognize the realness!

(Trigger Happy pushes the bomb to the garage door and outside.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Since none of the trolls have come back up, let's assume this body of water is very deep!

(He pushes it over the deck and it descends into the water.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Glad that's over!

(He walks back inside and over to the trolls.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Get rid of these bombs or you trolls will become like that wall over there!

(The trolls start rapidly tossing the bombs into the water.)

(The next day, Trigger Happy hears a knock at the door.)


(The door swings open and it's Night Shift.)


(He jumps behind the couch.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Don't hurt me!
NIGHT SHIFT: Good job Trigger Happy, you did what you had to do.

(He leaves.)

TRIGGER HAPPY: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed blasting off like Team Rocket!

(Spyro walks in.)

SPYRO: How'd it go?
TRIGGER HAPPY: We succeeded.
SPYRO: Great!
TRIGGER HAPPY: Make sure I never have to go on a mission with him again!
SPYRO: Sure thing!

go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 23:32:40 14/08/2013 by awesomerockets
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#256 Posted: 21:43:00 29/07/2013
Now that i think about it, He should be friends with boomer and not drill sergeant like doomslicer said.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#257 Posted: 09:06:30 30/07/2013
Also, after seeing Hoot Loop's gameplay, make him teleport randomly without warning (making for some uncomfortable situations), and make him mostly respond "Who?" and use his hypnosis all over the place.

Also, Fryno is a bad boy biker with a fiery temper... and the rest of the time he's playing with his toy unicorns (all MLP characters of course). And he also thinks his horn can use magic.

Pop Thorn/Gasteroid:
Wrecking Ball's BFFF (Best Freakish Friends Forever), Pop Thorn is insane and random, and everyone thinks he's a Pokemon or Gronkle, much to his rage. He has a habit, like Wrecking Ball, of eating other people. He also bloats up when scared or angry. He also loves Kirby.

Oh, and maybe a story when things get awkward when Fright learns that Night Shift is Hex's ex-boyfiend (I spelled it 'fiend' intentionally)?

And when Rattle Shake's around, giant spherical boulders tend to end up rolling towards him, and constantly referencing "natives" who are out to get him.

Also, Spy Rise ("My name is Spy. Rise Spy... Rise? Wait..."), along with his previously mentioned personality ideas, also has a bit of rampant paranoia. He also thinks he rivals James Bond in terms of being a ladies' man... but he really doesn't.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#258 Posted: 14:13:05 30/07/2013 | Topic Creator
I like that, they're great! I just don't think it would work to have Fryno like MLP, practically everyone else already does smilie He'd be a guy who blows up the TV whenever he sees a commercial he doesn't like
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#259 Posted: 19:55:17 30/07/2013
Awesome Rockets thats awesome! I loved the Phineas and Ferb joke. Also, in one episode can we discover that Night Shift secretly loves and is great at kareoke?

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#260 Posted: 22:27:12 30/07/2013 | Topic Creator
^He rarely talks, so I don't know if that would work, but I'll see what I can do smilie
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#261 Posted: 00:40:40 31/07/2013
Oh! Scratch the kareoke idea and make him a professional dancer instead! That would work way more.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#262 Posted: 01:14:40 31/07/2013
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Oh! Scratch the karaoke idea and make him a professional dancer instead! That would work way more.

LAWL!! This made me crack up so much (in my head, I would've gotten some strange looks from my little brother and mom.) Also, when are the Legionaries gonna be added to the story.

P.S. I fixed karaoke for you.
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#263 Posted: 01:31:14 31/07/2013
You're probably right. There's just something so fun in making the macho-est of 'landers bronies :P
Make him frequently cuss (not actual words, just @#(*^@#&($^@#$@#%&^@#*-sorta thing. I've been doing it a lot in some of my newer drafts for certain characters. Also, maybe, the word "walker" is considered extremely offensive among the undead, so Hex uses it like a cuss word)
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#264 Posted: 03:06:30 31/07/2013 | Topic Creator
^That's great! smilie
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#265 Posted: 06:01:23 31/07/2013
Also, if it wasn't clear, I meant it;s fine if Fryno isn't a pony-lover. Also, reading my last post, I feel like the way i put things sounded kinda bossy, so of course, again, this is your thing and do as you see fit :)
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#266 Posted: 15:51:03 31/07/2013 | Topic Creator
Thank you!
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#267 Posted: 03:01:36 01/08/2013
I know that we really don't know much about Boom Jet, but, I just got an idea of what he could be like (based on the fact that he looks like he's based off of a football player).

Anyway, here's what I was thinking:
Boom Jet: He's like the typical high school jock, always showing off, and quite the player. I can't really think of anything else, so, maybe you can elaborate. Also, maybe wherever he goes, a crowd of girls follows him around yelling stuff most fan girls do.

P.S. When are the legendaries gonna be introduced?
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#268 Posted: 03:15:23 01/08/2013
I created a backstory for legendaries, but it's yet to be implemented.
Also, that's a good idea for Boom Jet. My idea for him is biased off a pretty stupid (but in a fun way) pilot in an old movie I saw, Edward Payton (might be spelled Peyton, I can't remember):
(that's him in front:)
[User Posted Image]
You can get a good idea of his personalit just by how he looks, but I think High School Jock is better. Also, maybe have him constnatly bragging about adventures that only fangirls could possibly believe.

Also, who we gonna make Gnarly's mafia buddy? We need some other 'lander to be mafia-ish. But who?

Also, how are we going to make Dark Stealth Elf? An evil clone, like Dark Spyro, or more of an alter-ego.

And I'm going to start back writing more Alt stories.

And again, can we migrate to the Spyro wiki or some unique wiki or somewhere less cluttered?
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#269 Posted: 03:32:34 01/08/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
I created a backstory for legendaries, but it's yet to be implemented.
Also, that's a good idea for Boom Jet. My idea for him is biased off a pretty stupid (but in a fun way) pilot in an old movie I saw, Edward Payton (might be spelled Peyton, I can't remember):
(that's him in frontsmilie
[User Posted Image]
You can get a good idea of his personality just by how he looks, but I think High School Jock is better. Also, maybe have him constnatly bragging about adventures that only fangirls could possibly believe.

Also, who we gonna make Gnarly's mafia buddy? We need some other 'lander to be mafia-ish. But who?

Also, how are we going to make Dark Stealth Elf? An evil clone, like Dark Spyro, or more of an alter-ego.

And I'm going to start back writing more Alt stories.

And again, can we migrate to the Spyro wiki or some unique wiki or somewhere less cluttered?

First off, thanks for telling me legendaries have at least been considered. Secondly, yeah, that would be really funny. Oh, that reminds me of a character from a show my little brother watches (that he forced me to watch, but I soon started liking it) where this guy tells all his fans these awesome stories about all his "adventures" and then the main characters come and have to let him keep his glory, but help him take out the enemies who invaded his home. Anyway, sorry about that but, about the mafia rhino, I was thinking either have Fryno or Grim Creeper be it, or just make him have a gang of mabus, who were like mutated into gigantic monster things. Fourthly, I don't think that Dark Ninja smilie is real because in the Q&A video we got answered, he didn't say anything had been said about any other dark variants. Lastly, I think we should, if we can't, we should at least move to the SSF forum when the game comes out.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:33:31 01/08/2013 by Rickorio
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#270 Posted: 07:20:56 01/08/2013
Quote: Rickorio
Quote: Doomslicer
I created a backstory for legendaries, but it's yet to be implemented.
Also, that's a good idea for Boom Jet. My idea for him is biased off a pretty stupid (but in a fun way) pilot in an old movie I saw, Edward Payton (might be spelled Peyton, I can't remember):
(that's him in front:)
[User Posted Image]
You can get a good idea of his personality just by how he looks, but I think High School Jock is better. Also, maybe have him constnatly bragging about adventures that only fangirls could possibly believe.

Also, who we gonna make Gnarly's mafia buddy? We need some other 'lander to be mafia-ish. But who?

Also, how are we going to make Dark Stealth Elf? An evil clone, like Dark Spyro, or more of an alter-ego.

And I'm going to start back writing more Alt stories.

And again, can we migrate to the Spyro wiki or some unique wiki or somewhere less cluttered?

First off, thanks for telling me legendaries have at least been considered. Secondly, yeah, that would be really funny. Oh, that reminds me of a character from a show my little brother watches (that he forced me to watch, but I soon started liking it) where this guy tells all his fans these awesome stories about all his "adventures" and then the main characters come and have to let him keep his glory, but help him take out the enemies who invaded his home. Anyway, sorry about that but, about the mafia rhino, I was thinking either have Fryno or Grim Creeper be it, or just make him have a gang of mabus, who were like mutated into gigantic monster things. Fourthly, I don't think that Dark Ninja :se: is real because in the Q&A video we got answered, he didn't say anything had been said about any other dark variants. Lastly, I think we should, if we can't, we should at least move to the SSF forum when the game comes out.

You've inspired an even better mafia idea!
Let's have an episode of what really goes on with General Robot and the Mabu Defense Force, behind the 'landers backs :P
Grim Creeper? Dang, one of my fav newlanders and I completely forgot about him.

Yeah, most recent idea for the Legendaries:
Legendaries are magical statues/robots/automatons (which is sorta along the canon explanation) created with duplicate personalities of their original counterparts, except they may have little or no emotions (basically like Nobodies in Kingdom Hearts).

Of course, that's not so funny sounding, so let's make them emotionless but really, really annoying. And maybe one did get emotions... but that sorta ended in partial insanity.

Dark SE is real (she appeared in a gaming magazine), that video just didn't confirm any Dark variants (other than the nature of Stealth Zones, it revealed next to nothing). Besides, the Beings of Avarice that dwell beneath the earth and... I mean, Activision, probably wouldn't mind lying to our faces.

Also, yeah, that's the pilot. Licensed, but hasn't had anyone ride in his plane for over 3 years, despite his bragging. It doesn't help that he loses his map half-way through the flight.

Yeah, let's move to SF forum. actually, and I've said this a lot, but I'd like to move to a blog or wiki or database or something, and post all our stories, so it's easier to find them and ideas and make new ones.

Grim Creeper:
Dramatic and imposing, Grim likes to scare people. He frequently dons a black robe and takes his scythe and pretends to be the real Grim Reaper (a distant relative). He's kinda gothic and macabre. His scythe has a mind of his own, and he refers to himself in third person... actually, I can't seem to think of anything funny for him...

Also, since I like to think of this as a parody-sitcom/soap-opera, let's make Hex have a crush on someone. I'm thinking
A. Night Shift
B. Grim Creeper (depends on how we make his personality)
C. Rattle Shake
D. Zoo Lou (assuming Zoo Lou's a boy. Either way, let's make Zoo Lou be considered extremely attractive by the opposite gender... despite being a big hairy and more or less mindless beast).

Oh, and Riptide's a stereotypical pirate-wannabe.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:29:27 01/08/2013 by Doomslicer
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#271 Posted: 13:02:18 01/08/2013
Gnarlys Mafia-Friend has to be A. A variant and B. A character with guns. Legendary Trigger Happy could work, but if we arent counting legendaries, maybe Red Drill Sargent?

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#272 Posted: 13:30:24 01/08/2013
We aren't doing monocolor variants as far as I'm aware of. There are too many of them, and they lack unique looks or powers ingame. Other than perhaos a joke of wrecking ball painting himself chrome-purple and the others debating his existence, I think we'll leave them out.

No, we've already got personalities for all the variants (DSE and NitroMC excepting), Molten does help with his schemes though.
I remain convinced that General Robot and his gang of Mabu are the best choice. Good point with the guns though. Maybe the one "glitch" legendary is Trigger Happy, who ended up being a ruthless crime lord in his spare time.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#273 Posted: 13:58:57 01/08/2013
What I was think is that DNsmilie could've been one of those drow/elf enemies, than while fighting some of the MDF she got severely injured, and got perminant amnesia. Also, about the legendary who got emotions, I was thinking legendary trigger happy. Also, an idea for how the legendaries came into existence: The legendaries were created from statues of gold and blue arkeyans, and when the originals of the legendaries touched the statues, the statues scanned them, and then morphed into the legendaries. But the one smilie touched was defective, so it actually gained emotions. And about the mafia thing, I really think that we should either put Fryno or Grim Creeper. Also, that Grim seems perfect.
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#274 Posted: 15:19:53 01/08/2013 | Topic Creator
^I think Grim Creeper, Fryno is already pretty developed. Oh, and Doomslicer sorry it's taking so long to get to the Spyro Wikia, I'll try to get there soon
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Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#275 Posted: 18:18:20 01/08/2013
Grim Creeper should be a loner what about Free Ranger
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#276 Posted: 18:24:50 01/08/2013
Hey rockets, whenever you do can you post it on this topic so I will know when to switch to the Spyro, but, don't you think we should put this on the Skylanders Wiki.
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#277 Posted: 22:43:58 01/08/2013 | Topic Creator
^We think the Spyro one is better. And I think I will keep typing on here still when I move. I will type on here, then copy and paste it there. I'll try it for a bit and if it doesn't work right I'll just type it there and copy/paste here. Or just there
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#278 Posted: 23:34:04 01/08/2013
K, thanks for telling me.
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#279 Posted: 07:01:13 02/08/2013
Quote: awesomerockets
^I think Grim Creeper, Fryno is already pretty developed. Oh, and Doomslicer sorry it's taking so long to get to the Spyro Wikia, I'll try to get there soon

It's fine. We still need to work out a system.

Also, maybe, most swabilities merely have the personality of the top half, but a few have unique powers. E.g. Free Shake becomes Cockatrice, and can turn people to stone, or something.

I dunno, I stopped writing for a while and now I'll need to start back getting my creative juices flowing.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#280 Posted: 11:38:53 02/08/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
Quote: awesomerockets
^I think Grim Creeper, Fryno is already pretty developed. Oh, and Doomslicer sorry it's taking so long to get to the Spyro Wikia, I'll try to get there soon

It's fine. We still need to work out a system.

Also, maybe, most swabilities merely have the personality of the top half, but a few have unique powers. E.g. Free Shake becomes Cockatrice, and can turn people to stone, or something.

I dunno, I stopped writing for a while and now I'll need to start back getting my creative juices flowing.

I don't think the whol, cockateice thing makes sense, or for any combo do get special powers.
Will171717 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1208
#281 Posted: 11:45:18 02/08/2013
Rattle Shake seems like a show off put that as part of his personality guys. Here could be a story the Grim Creeper is trying to make friends but he can't because he scares everyone away
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#282 Posted: 14:55:19 02/08/2013
Nah, Grim looks like a muppet (in my contorted opinion), and besides, he pales compared to certain others. Polar's our current scares-everylander-away character.
I guess the whole unique personalities for certain swaps probably won't work out.Maybe we can set up a blog or something (like, on an actual blogging site, not Wikia. I'm also considering going solo, posting my own stories elsewhere (but still helping out here), plus my control freak-side is kinda wanting to ignore everyone else and scream how horrible their ideas are (jking... more or less smilie).
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 14:56:49 02/08/2013 by Doomslicer
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#283 Posted: 19:20:43 02/08/2013 | Topic Creator
I had an idea that on Halloween night, undead Skylanders are much more powerful then usual
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hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#284 Posted: 19:54:25 02/08/2013
Yeah and if they get too angry they turn into Giant Mutated Scary Versions of themself with Scary Super Powers. Basically Undead Pop Fizz Beast Form X9000. So Cynder could distort dreams and give hallucinations that are very scary, Ghost Roaster gains a huge appetite for souls, Hex becomes a witch with an ugleh face, Chop Chop will have a scary deep laugh and a sword that can transform into monsters, Fright will become a mutant and Rider will become a headless horseman (or ostrichman i guess) and Eye Brawl will be able to give the evil ( and super duper scary) eye. Hows that?

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#285 Posted: 20:01:32 02/08/2013 | Topic Creator
I meant they would just be like much much stronger then usual
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
WashBuckler56 Green Sparx Gems: 321
#286 Posted: 20:23:38 02/08/2013
I LIKE it but i think at a random point smilie comes and blows smilies watier think off and shooter hand cuffs him in ep 5
GO smilie smilie smilie smilie
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#287 Posted: 01:57:24 03/08/2013
Quote: hardcoreignitor
Yeah and if they get too angry they turn into Giant Mutated Scary Versions of themself with Scary Super Powers. Basically Undead Pop Fizz Beast Form X9000. So Cynder could distort dreams and give hallucinations that are very scary, Ghost Roaster gains a huge appetite for souls, Hex becomes a witch with an ugleh face, Chop Chop will have a scary deep laugh and a sword that can transform into monsters, Fright will become a mutant and Rider will become a headless horseman (or ostrichman i guess) and Eye Brawl will be able to give the evil ( and super duper scary) eye. Hows that?

Hex already has an ugly face!
Not that anyone other than Quigley would say that in her presence.
I gotta start back writing, I'm losing my creative talents...
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#288 Posted: 15:13:40 03/08/2013 | Topic Creator
I have a genius idea for the next episode! Some Skylanders have to babysit Quigley for the king and queen, at first he's an innocent stupid kid, then they learn what he's really capable of
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hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#289 Posted: 15:16:43 03/08/2013
Awesome Rockets, I love that idea! Maybe when he gets too bad they call the Skylands Baby Expert, Sonic Boom, to deal with him.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#290 Posted: 16:35:51 03/08/2013
LAWL! That would be really funny.
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#291 Posted: 16:41:25 03/08/2013
Lol, brilliant idea, except no one beats Quigley :P. Actually, even Bugs Bunny was outwitted by one character (Cecil, in the old shorts, in the new show he won though, so full of heresy). So we need one person who actually can hold his own against quigley.
Think people! We need someone who'd be hilarous (but believable to an extent) to rival Quigley.
A friend, upon reading this, instantly yelled "WILIKIN!"

Maybe the the wilikinchild ghost is a bit of a match in terms of cosmic powers (let's make her Quigley's girlfriend!).

Also, should we have the King and Queen know of their son's... abilities (and be somewhat terrified, being little more than puppets on the throne, controlled by him?), or blissfully unaware.
Back on topic of a foil for Quigley, hmmm... Blobbers? Maybe (we could have an epic Dragonball Z-style fight with two mabu going Super-Saiyan 3 or 4 on each other), but I'd rather some lander... Wrecking Ball? He's sweet and childish... until someone gets on his bad side?
Or maybe Quigley wins as usual...

Also, let's have more Glumshanks. How about a supervillain alter-ego, Trolane? And I still need to start writing my General Robot and his mabu-mafia story.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#292 Posted: 20:02:46 03/08/2013
I think Arbo would be a good match for Quigley. But make it like Family Guy with Peter and The Giant chicken Where they get into huge fights yet no one ever notices....

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
BigGuy0810 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1633
#293 Posted: 03:11:32 04/08/2013
Make Quigleys relationship with his parents like Vicky and her parents from The Fairly Odd Parents
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#294 Posted: 08:47:18 04/08/2013
Hate Fairly Odd Parents (long story), so don't know what that means.
Also, for my mafia story, Quigley is Big Q, the guy that General Robot and Gnarly Rex answer to. And Blobbers accidentally stumbles upon their hideout. Arbo? Haven't used him, maybe. Spooky Sally will be Quigley's girlfriend.

I got it! Octavius, AKA the Oracle! The soon-to-be-Quigley's-arch-rival. They constantly challenge each other in battles of wit and magic!
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#295 Posted: 13:39:46 04/08/2013
What BigGuy meant was that make the mabu king and queen fear quigley and do everything he says out of fear. I love the Big Q idea. Also, maybe octaviys has a secret agency devoted to Overthrowing Quigley. The Octavian Alliance, or TOA. It would be a ragtag team of NPC's like Arbo, T-bone, Gigantus, Diggs, Hatterson, and Jess le Grande.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#296 Posted: 15:54:28 04/08/2013
Hmm... nah, mostly because it'd only end up in one or two episodes. Octavius and Quigley are equals, neither calls in back up unless part of one of their grand, cosmic battles.

Also, Flynn has dormant Super-Saiyan abilities, or something :P
He could potentially rival Quigley, but never really got the intelligence level to figure it out.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
Rickorio Gold Sparx Gems: 2463
#297 Posted: 15:56:34 04/08/2013
Quote: Doomslicer
Hmm... nah, mostly because it'd only end up in one or two episodes. Octavius and Quigley are equals, neither calls in back up unless part of one of their grand, cosmic battles.

Also, Flynn has dormant Super-Saiyan abilities, or something smilie
He could potentially rival Quigley, but never really got the intelligence level to figure it out.

That is a really cool idea, we should go with it.
awesomerockets Emerald Sparx Gems: 4136
#298 Posted: 00:08:05 05/08/2013 | Topic Creator
I think Blobbers would be a perfect rival! I also think the parents think Quigley is a precious little child and know nothing of his abilities!
go to my guestbook now and sign a petition to get Freddie benson into smash
Doomslicer Gold Sparx Gems: 2037
#299 Posted: 03:27:32 05/08/2013
Yeah, much as I like the whole real-power-behind-the-throne idea, that'd probably be funnier (I'm so amenable!). But maybe, he's the one who controls their armies and economics, but they're too busy enjoying royal life to notice. Blobbers is currently on his way to becoming a major crime lord (i was inspired by this one episode of a certain cop show where one of the idiot police men main characters goes undercover and finds out he's humorously talented at planning hiests), but I can change that. But can we keep Octavius as well? We haven't used him, and I like the idea of a demigod-like creature being rivaled in power and wit by a 7-year old :P

Also, among other things, the mafia makes its money on Skystones matches, and of course, Quigley is the best player in-game.
Check out my fanfic Guide to Skylands, my DeviantArt, and my Minecraft skins in my GB!
sprocketrocket Emerald Sparx Gems: 3689
#300 Posted: 12:58:31 05/08/2013
for slobber tooth it would be fun if boomer found slobber tooth in the woods and a entire episode was based around that and slobber tooth became boomers pet
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