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Overrated characters and underrated characters [CLOSED]
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#101 Posted: 03:39:43 21/11/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: LightSpyro13
Why air is the saddest element:

1. smilie Sonic Boom!

2. smilie Whirlwind

3. smilie Sonic BOOM!!

4. smilie (Jet Packateer path only).

5. smilie SONIC FREAKIN' BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. Don't forget 1, 3, & 5.

Well this is just your opinion. Seems a lot of people might agree, furthermore leading me to think air is very underrated smilie.
DinoHex Blue Sparx Gems: 735
#102 Posted: 06:01:36 22/11/2012
Personally, I think the only three characters that still genuinely don't get enough credit are Chop-Chop, Eruptor, and Wrecking Ball. Boomer and Sprocket have enough fans now that I wouldn't consider them underated anymore. However Chop-Chop, Eruptor and Wrecking Ball still continuously get badmouthed (or in the case of Eruptor, completely forgotten about) despite being really fun. In story mode, I'd say Wrecking ball is my favourite magic character from the original game, Eruptor on the Wii version at least is lots of fun to play as despite being pretty slow, and Chop-Chop is still my favourite Skylander out of all of them, and not because of his dumb wow-pow. Series 1 Vampiric warrior Chop-Chop on the Wii and 3DS versions of Spyro's Adventure is how Chop-Chop is supposed to be played, and he's incredible once you get good as him.

I also don't see why people are saying Dino-Rang is overrated. It wasn't long ago that everyone hated his guts. I also don't see how anyone can call Flameslinger overrated with a straight face since he's still not that popular despite how awesome he is. It's just he has a very vocal fanbase.
smilie smilie and smilie: The three greatest Skylanders out of them all.
WUMBOSIMPSON Yellow Sparx Gems: 1424
#103 Posted: 06:04:51 22/11/2012
Long posts don't get you any better of a rep...
cry baby, I am
DinoHex Blue Sparx Gems: 735
#104 Posted: 06:25:41 22/11/2012
When I make a post, I say everything I have to say. I'm not going to shorten it just because people are too lazy these days to read something longer than two lines.
smilie smilie and smilie: The three greatest Skylanders out of them all.
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#105 Posted: 06:27:34 22/11/2012
^ That's why I take forever to respond to PMs. I like long posts, rather than just "Fright Rider, Sunburn, Camo" etc. WAIT, I'm adding to that problem right now... *headwrench*
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:29:44 22/11/2012 by Nibelilt
garnado Green Sparx Gems: 208
#106 Posted: 17:32:22 22/11/2012
I agree Dinohex Wrecking ball, chop chop, and eruptor are pretty underrated, and while I don't find their attacks to be total showstopper I really like them aesthetically. I also believe Lightning rod, Jet vac, Zap, and sonic boom are fairly underrated.

I don't find any skylander particularly overrated, except I never quite understood why people found Cynder so overpowered.
camoses Blue Sparx Gems: 768
#107 Posted: 16:33:15 24/11/2012
Hex and ghost roaster are very underrated, and dino rang is stupid and overrated.
The great cornholio!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#108 Posted: 16:51:18 24/11/2012
I agree that Hex and Ghost Roaster are underrated, and still in my opinion, Dino-Rang is underrated, he is really strong on Grand Boomerang Master, has a great design, and is NOT stupid.
camoses Blue Sparx Gems: 768
#109 Posted: 20:57:01 26/11/2012
The undead element and air and tech element as a whole are all pretty damn underrated.
Everyone hates on boomer but I don't think hes that bad, but with no upgrades he kinda sucks
And sonicboom and drill sergant.
The great cornholio!
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#110 Posted: 22:17:16 26/11/2012
^ Yes, except Undead is pretty much rated as it should be, I would actually say Undead is a little overrated, but Air and Tech are most definitely underrated.
camoses Blue Sparx Gems: 768
#111 Posted: 22:34:13 26/11/2012
Ya i actually do kinda agree now that i think about it the undead isnt that underrated. look at cynder shes overrated as ****
The great cornholio!
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#112 Posted: 07:36:37 29/11/2012

smilie Stump Smash At first I didn't want him, but later gave him a chance. He's a lot better than how people make him out to be, I find him a lot of fun and is one of my all-time favorites.

smilie Gill Grunt Probably the least popular of the Starter Pack guys, hardly anyone likes him. Not my favorite Water guy but still a cool character, better than smilie Trigger Happy at least.

smilie Chop Chop He's really good on Vampiric Warrior and is kind of fun, I can see why everyone hates him though.

smilie Wrecking Ball, Probably my least favorite Magic guy (along with Double Trouble)

smilie Zook Some people hate him for his stats and weird design, I find him really fun.

smilie Eruptor He's really slow and all, but still amazing and really cool.

Fins, of fury!
hardcoreignitor Gold Sparx Gems: 2583
#113 Posted: 23:31:10 08/12/2012
Even though smilie is my fav Skylander, he is kinda overated. smilie smilie and smilie are way to underated. And i havent seen much love for smilie either.

hey lois, i’m dustah from mudda 3
zap18 Gold Sparx [online] Gems: 2530
#114 Posted: 23:33:41 08/12/2012
Overrated: smilie
Stupid, not fun, overshadows others, weak,
And Either way, Depending on which path you chose,
She will only have one good attack and one crappy attack
Salsa is best monkey
Amiibos or skylanders? Not sure this time around
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#115 Posted: 16:52:05 24/12/2012
Quote: zap18
Overrated: smilie
Stupid, not fun, overshadows others, weak,
And Either way, Depending on which path you chose,
She will only have one good attack and one crappy attack

Me to she has a crappy design, stupid attacks, unfair speed (in co op she takes all the cash when your an non upgraded voodood), overrated, dosent deserve an L at all!
slambam104 Gold Sparx Gems: 2464
#116 Posted: 14:43:16 28/12/2012
I think drill sergeant is Way underated just because of his damage
LampShadeHead Green Sparx Gems: 145
#117 Posted: 19:54:02 31/12/2012
smilie is overrated. he is really fun to play as, but he is really slow and is easily surrounded by enemies, and his starfish attack has a delay on it, and you can't move while charging it.
31/37 still need:legendary-spyro::legendary-chopchop::legendary-bash:smiliesmiliesmilie For Spyro's Adventure
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#118 Posted: 23:14:54 12/01/2013


Terrafin (by a smidge)


Camo (it's with everybody, Camo this Camo that, STOP TALKING!!!)



Trigger Happy

Sonic Boom

Drobot or Should I say..... DUMBOT!!

Voodood (by a smidge)


Trashwing smilie

Pop Fizz

Hot Dog (by a smidge, despite my icon)

Eye Brawl
Fins, of fury!
LegoLander Yellow Sparx Gems: 1760
#119 Posted: 00:35:44 13/01/2013
NINJINI!!! Everybody's all "Oh she's da best" and "She's so amazing" and I'm thinking, STFU!!!!smilie
The person who finally changed his Christmas avatar. Give me a cookie.
LampShadeHead Green Sparx Gems: 145
#120 Posted: 16:56:24 13/01/2013
Quote: LegoLander
NINJINI!!! Everybody's all "Oh she's da best" and "She's so amazing" and I'm thinking, STFU!!!!smilie

She's not even out, therefore it is unfair to say that she is overrated. If she comes out and is awful, that's another story.
31/37 still need:legendary-spyro::legendary-chopchop::legendary-bash:smiliesmiliesmilie For Spyro's Adventure
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#121 Posted: 18:24:22 13/01/2013
smilie is over and smilie is under.
Hello from Seattle

Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#122 Posted: 00:08:05 14/01/2013 | Topic Creator
I think Lightning rod is very underrated. He used to be moderately popular....but now I'm one of the very few people who likes him...
Ryanator20x6 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1848
#123 Posted: 12:07:33 14/01/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
I think Lightning rod is very underrated. He used to be moderately popular....but now I'm one of the very few people who likes him...

I should get him. He looks nice.
Hello from Seattle

ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#124 Posted: 23:25:05 03/02/2013
I agree that Lightning Rod is extremely underrated. He is actually my favorite Skylander. For overrated,I'd say smilie and smilie.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 10:57:31 04/02/2013 by ClayFace
MoonHorizons Gold Sparx Gems: 2826
#125 Posted: 22:49:22 12/02/2013
smilie needs to be smashed. She is the worst looking character ever.
the more obscure your favorite cartoons are, the more refined your taste is
onslaught Blue Sparx Gems: 721
#126 Posted: 21:50:44 19/02/2013
Overrated ninjini
Underrated boomer lightning rod voodood gill grunt hot head prism break bash eruptor wham shell terrafin crusher double trouble drobot sunburn tree Rex dino rang flameslinger zook camo
Swarm shroomboom fright rider ghost roaster trigger happy ignitor stump smash chop chop chill
Hot dog jet vac Spyro zap sprocket drill sergeant whirlwind sonic boom wrecking ball warnado slam bam

None thumpback eye brawl stealth elf bouncer Flashwing pop fizz hex cynder
<(".<) (>".)> Two Kirbys.
ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#127 Posted: 23:26:12 19/02/2013
^ Bouncer and Hex aren't that popular.
That's a load of people in underrated.
onslaught Blue Sparx Gems: 721
#128 Posted: 23:41:09 19/02/2013
Hex dont care for that's why in none and bouncer here some popularity for
<(".<) (>".)> Two Kirbys.
skylandersbros Blue Sparx Gems: 898
#129 Posted: 21:39:06 21/02/2013
smilie is underated. His tail swip does 80 damage per hit 240 charged up. smilie is overrated because he is super weak!
Born for adventure smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie what up!
ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#130 Posted: 23:07:54 21/02/2013
^ No body cares about Eruptor except Activision.
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#131 Posted: 13:15:22 07/03/2013
Ok, Camo is not overated and terrafin is not underated!

smilie I dont get the point why people pass him. He is very powerful and he has a fun and cheerful personality and the best skylander design ever.

smilie I HATE this guy! He has no haters but me and he is patetic at his gameplay and ugggg i jest hate this guy! I swear check many people and they will all like him
GamingMaster_76 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1271
#132 Posted: 13:41:56 07/03/2013
Underrated: Eruptor, Eruptor, Eruptor, Eruptor, Eruptor,
I think every other SA character has at least some kind of mild following now but Eruptor has a very small one online. Lightning Rod deserves more love in my personal opinion as well.

Counting Giants characters, Shroomboom is dearly underrated- he's most certainly Wrecking Ball's situation all over again but I'm afraid that he won't become popular any time soon. And Bouncer and Swarm are the only Giants nobody seems to talk about, which is a shame since in my own opinion they're the best of them.

Overrated... Eye-Brawl and Hot Dog. There are a few more who are overrated but none nearly as much as those two are right now. I found both boring to play but they have huge followings. Thumpback is not too far from crossing that border, but his popularity seemed to drop somewhat after he was actually released, plus the Thumpback fans weren't constantly going on about him and putting down the Ninjini fans. smilie

Long posts don't get you any better of a rep...

For the record, if we had a Karma system here, I would give DinoHex double rep by logging into my other account just to +1 again. I cannot freaking agree with him enough on Chop Chop and I actually never use him in Giants now because his buffs made him boring to play.

Spyro's Adventure nailed him, I actually started playing as him again straight after I got to boot up the PC version and it was so much more fun that my heart actually ached a bit thinking about his differences in Giants. He also likes Sprocket and Chill and a bunch of other Skylanders that are all awesome, and sadly just like Chop Chop became too strong for me to find them fun(S2 Flameslinger, Stump Smash, Hex are all considered broken down certain paths and characters like Zap and Warnado are now too weak in Giants' metagame to stand a chance in it unless you are pretty frikin good using them).

I wish there were more weak Skylanders, as those are always the most enjoyable to play with. I often pick the weaker paths for everyone who isn't middling anyway just because the strongest Skylanders always annihilate everything in their path, which just makes it "Hold down this button", not actually playing a game. Go play Chop Chop and only Chop Chop through the whole of Spyro's Adventure- just the journey of getting better with him is fun but once you become really good at using him it feels like you've mastered something, which is a quality too many Skylanders lack, and it's a wonderful feeling just like vurping.

... Wait. Now I'm doing what you would -1 Rep him for. *hides*

P.S. I realize how late this is
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 13:51:46 07/03/2013 by GamingMaster_76
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#133 Posted: 12:06:13 14/05/2013
Quote: GamingMaster_76
Underrated: Eruptor, Eruptor, Eruptor, Eruptor, Eruptor,
I think every other SA character has at least some kind of mild following now but Eruptor has a very small one online. Lightning Rod deserves more love in my personal opinion as well.

Counting Giants characters, Shroomboom is dearly underrated- he's most certainly Wrecking Ball's situation all over again but I'm afraid that he won't become popular any time soon. And Bouncer and Swarm are the only Giants nobody seems to talk about, which is a shame since in my own opinion they're the best of them.

Overrated... Eye-Brawl and Hot Dog. There are a few more who are overrated but none nearly as much as those two are right now. I found both boring to play but they have huge followings. Thumpback is not too far from crossing that border, but his popularity seemed to drop somewhat after he was actually released, plus the Thumpback fans weren't constantly going on about him and putting down the Ninjini fans. smilie

Long posts don't get you any better of a rep...

For the record, if we had a Karma system here, I would give DinoHex double rep by logging into my other account just to +1 again. I cannot freaking agree with him enough on Chop Chop and I actually never use him in Giants now because his buffs made him boring to play.

Spyro's Adventure nailed him, I actually started playing as him again straight after I got to boot up the PC version and it was so much more fun that my heart actually ached a bit thinking about his differences in Giants. He also likes Sprocket and Chill and a bunch of other Skylanders that are all awesome, and sadly just like Chop Chop became too strong for me to find them fun(S2 Flameslinger, Stump Smash, Hex are all considered broken down certain paths and characters like Zap and Warnado are now too weak in Giants' metagame to stand a chance in it unless you are pretty frikin good using them).

I wish there were more weak Skylanders, as those are always the most enjoyable to play with. I often pick the weaker paths for everyone who isn't middling anyway just because the strongest Skylanders always annihilate everything in their path, which just makes it "Hold down this button", not actually playing a game. Go play Chop Chop and only Chop Chop through the whole of Spyro's Adventure- just the journey of getting better with him is fun but once you become really good at using him it feels like you've mastered something, which is a quality too many Skylanders lack, and it's a wonderful feeling just like vurping.

... Wait. Now I'm doing what you would -1 Rep him for. *hides*

P.S. I realize how late this is

I agree Hot dog is Overrated but Swarm is defenitly the most OVERRATED Giant ever!
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#134 Posted: 18:08:12 15/05/2013
Long posts don't get you any better of a rep...

ClayFace Blue Sparx Gems: 835
#135 Posted: 23:14:01 15/05/2013
I know people are going to kill me for saying this but Camo is underrated.
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#136 Posted: 11:18:42 17/05/2013
Wreaking ball is underrated!
Imaginators is making it revive.
LloydDXZX Yellow Sparx Gems: 1637
#137 Posted: 11:20:58 17/05/2013
And... WHIRLWIND IS POWERFULL!!! I can tell you! My brother bought her and I thought he was making a mistake but now, he beat my 3 giants full upgraded lvl 15!!! My L-Bouncer, Gnarly Treerex and Treerex! And Stealth Elf is really powerfull in story mode!
Imaginators is making it revive.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#138 Posted: 20:59:11 17/05/2013
Quote: GigaCamo
Quote: zap18
Overrated: smilie
Stupid, not fun, overshadows others, weak,
And Either way, Depending on which path you chose,
She will only have one good attack and one crappy attack

Me to she has a crappy design, stupid attacks, unfair speed (in co op she takes all the cash when your an non upgraded voodood), overrated, dosent deserve an L at all!

I agree that Stealth Elf is a bit overrated, but she's still pretty fun to play.

Also, I agree the Air element is underrated. We started out with Whirlwind, Sonic Boom, Lightning Rod, and Warnado. All four awesome in their own right. Then they replaced Warnado with Jet-Vac. Another badass. The Air giant is pretty cool too. Not a big bug fan, but he's still cool. I hope the Swap-Force Air champions are awesome, although what I've seen so far of Swap Force, I'm not getting my hopes up.
jckelsall Blue Sparx Gems: 624
#139 Posted: 06:38:09 23/06/2013
Overated: smilie, smilie
Underated: smilie
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#140 Posted: 04:15:58 24/06/2013
Quote: LloydDXZX
And... WHIRLWIND IS POWERFULL!!! I can tell you! My brother bought her and I thought he was making a mistake but now, he beat my 3 giants full upgraded lvl 15!!! My L-Bouncer, Gnarly Treerex and Treerex! And Stealth Elf is really powerfull in story mode!

Whoa their :0 ! I knew female skylanders where unfairly overpowered but not that much.
HotDogAndZap Emerald Sparx Gems: 3531
#141 Posted: 04:01:12 25/06/2013
Quote: GigaCamo
Quote: LloydDXZX
And... WHIRLWIND IS POWERFULL!!! I can tell you! My brother bought her and I thought he was making a mistake but now, he beat my 3 giants full upgraded lvl 15!!! My L-Bouncer, Gnarly Treerex and Treerex! And Stealth Elf is really powerfull in story mode!

Whoa their :0 ! I knew female skylanders where unfairly overpowered but not that much.

'Cause it's GURRLLL POWAHHHH smilie

GURL POWA PEOPLE UNITE!!!! *fist-bump*
GigaCamo Emerald Sparx Gems: 4288
#142 Posted: 00:27:57 05/07/2013
Quote: GigaCamo
Quote: LloydDXZX
And... WHIRLWIND IS POWERFULL!!! I can tell you! My brother bought her and I thought he was making a mistake but now, he beat my 3 giants full upgraded lvl 15!!! My L-Bouncer, Gnarly Treerex and Treerex! And Stealth Elf is really powerfull in story mode!

Whoa their :0 ! I knew female skylanders where unfairly overpowered but not that much.

'Cause it's GURRLLL POWAHHHH smilie

Check EVREY single female in skylanders and there to overpowered
Mrmorrises Platinum Sparx Gems: 7158
#143 Posted: 03:42:54 05/07/2013 | Topic Creator
Quote: GigaCamo
Quote: GigaCamo

Whoa their :0 ! I knew female skylanders where unfairly overpowered but not that much.

'Cause it's GURRLLL POWAHHHH smilie

Check EVREY single female in skylanders and there to overpowered

Hex without her wow pow certainly isn't.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 03:43:50 05/07/2013 by Mrmorrises
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#144 Posted: 11:34:34 05/07/2013
Quote: MoonHorizons
smilie needs to be smashed. She is the worst looking character ever.

and yet theres some peeps who are totely the different

ovverated *MY OPINION*

air: smilie , he has too much attension, i dont hate him, but he is just , everywhare
life: yet smilie BUT i do NOT hate her, she's only everywhare, but what all of you say is : hate, nerf, too speedy, BUT guys, post this in the 'why do you hate a skylander topic'but not in the ovverated topic, ovverated means too much attension m, not if you hate/like a skylander..........
fire: smilie , do i need to say more, acti gives him too much love
tech: smilie he does not deserve all this attension, but this is wat acti likes....................
magick: i dont reely know , ninjini/spyro/wrecking ball......IDK
water : thumpback: too many people like him...........
undead: cynder/chop cho[/everyone of undead eccapt smilie and smilie nuff said
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#145 Posted: 12:33:00 05/07/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
Quote: GigaCamo

'Cause it's GURRLLL POWAHHHH smilie

Check EVREY single female in skylanders and there to overpowered

Hex without her wow pow certainly isn't.

All without Wow Pows - Overpowered females:


Only 2 that aren't, Sprocket and Cynder.
MugoUrth Ripto Gems: 3234
#146 Posted: 13:15:27 05/07/2013
Quote: Mrmorrises
I think Lightning rod is very underrated. He used to be moderately popular....but now I'm one of the very few people who likes him...

smilie Cloud-butt needs more love. smilie
NINJAsk11 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1124
#147 Posted: 14:30:47 05/07/2013
Quote: weebbby
Quote: Mrmorrises
Quote: GigaCamo

Check EVREY single female in skylanders and there to overpowered

Hex without her wow pow certainly isn't.

All without Wow Pows - Overpowered females:


Only 2 that aren't, Sprocket and Cynder.

all the females are powerfulll............
weebbby Emerald Sparx Gems: 4220
#148 Posted: 15:29:40 05/07/2013
^ In my mind, all but Sprocket and Cynder are. Sprocket is medium and Cynder is weak. (Opinion.)
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