

12 Years of Skylanders, Have You Played Any?
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Spyro Creations! [CLOSED]
MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#1 Posted: 19:23:30 18/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Hi! Here is a place where you can put cool Spyro Ideas! Comics, New Skylanders or anything else!

I'm starting off the spree with this...


A skylanders comic...

smilie I am the KING OF SKYLANDS!!!!!!

smilie NO!! You are a fool who goes easy on their pain with pity fireballs and big 'scary' horns that don't do anything! I am the QUEEN OF SKYLANDS!!! I kill my enemies painfully making them fear my wrath so they never return!! I!!!!! Assassinated all the creatures in the darkest corners of Skylands!!! I should rule it!!!

smilie I defeated a whole troll army on my own with nothing but my mace!!! The TROLL CRACKER!!!! I should be king of this land!!


smilie well... under YOUR! leadership... the CORE WAS DESTROYED!!!!!!! I should be the King as I know how to successfully co-ordinate a war!!

smilie but you would still be a lumbering piece of cold junk lying underground if I!!! hadn't burrowed into you! Or you would be an Arkeyan slave doing someone's housework!


smilie ACTUALLY!!! I got the Eternal Undead source and the Magic Source! I single-handedly dogded every single laser!!! and killed every single minion!!! without dying. When you tried you just got pasted by CHOP-CHOP!!!!!!!!

smilie WELL!!! All of this and that! Kaos would've just destroyed it all again if I!!! Hadn't single-handedly killed him!!!

smilie Actually! I was just sent out of my armor... trapped by Eon... then sent to this lonely planet!!! But now I am back!! AND I WILL BE KING OF SKYLANDS!

smilie You're making me soo maaaadddd!!!!! I am the strongest and I will be the KING OF SKYLANDS!!!


smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie I AM KING OF SKYLANDS!!!!!

smilie STOP!!!

smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie WHAT!!!!!

smilie The portal masters are the Kings of Skylands! We have been foolish apprentices!! We are just its protecters!!! We will never be kings!! So STOP!

smilie Well!!! I!!! am a real Portal Master and I!! will be the King of Skylands!!!

smilie Spyro is right!! We've all been foolish apprentices but only a REAL portal master can be the king! Not Kaos! The one portal master that saved this land should be the KING!!!

smilie <mutter-mutter> OK Then!

smilie YOU FOOLS!!! You have only opened the throne to me! Now I will --- AAAAHHHH!

smilie [blows smoking rocket launcher] LICENSED TO DRILL!


-:[ALL SKYLANDERS]:- Aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!!

smilie You may have seen the last of me! But you haven't seen the last of the DARKNESS!!!!! (x_x)


People can talk about the creations and say their opinion [if someone calls yours rubbish maybe he doesn't like what it is based on.]


I might use some cool creations for some of my fan-fictions
Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:25:04 18/05/2012 by MaleforSxC
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#2 Posted: 09:05:54 19/05/2012
cool that awsome great job!!!!!!!!!!!! smilie smilie
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#3 Posted: 10:35:52 19/05/2012
can you please make one with whirlwind in it please if you can!!
MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#4 Posted: 11:05:03 20/05/2012 | Topic Creator
Whirlwind/Lightning Rod coming up!

smilie tempest Clouds gogogo!
smilie Hmmm! Very impressive!
smilie Did I pass?
smilie yes... now try to combat me. I won't use my lightning strike though! smilie
smilie FEW!

An hour later

smilie oh my god! That super-charged rainbow blasted my mind! Now let's test your clouds!
smilie Ok! raargh!
smilie That caused a tempest! You are very impressive! Let's go for a break now!

In Perilous Pastures -- 3 hours later

smilie That was a lovely picnic! Let's go for a stroll... even though you don't have legs...
smilie OK!
Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:26:28 31/05/2012 by MaleforSxC
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#5 Posted: 11:11:44 20/05/2012
great job!! smilie
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#6 Posted: 12:02:51 20/05/2012
skylanders batte

smilie hey lets have a battle round guys

smilie ROAR!! lets bring it on skylanders

smilie cool who are we all vsing??

smilie where all on our own teams

smilie lets start right NOW!! { bone wall on all skylanders }

smilie HA!!! to weak{shoting on all skylanders}

smilie So weak zook { rainbow shot on all skylanders }

smilie you call that good watch this { rolling on all skylanders }

smilie hey smilie who won????

smilie for my idea it looks even i think we all won where going to be great to fight smilie huh guys what do you think?

smilie Rock n Roll where going to win Yay!!

smilie great i'm reddy what about you zook

smilie i'm super reddy HA!!

the next story is going to be coming u soon with the skylanders fight smilie
MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#7 Posted: 12:37:07 20/05/2012 | Topic Creator


This is random!!
Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:14:30 01/06/2012 by MaleforSxC
MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#8 Posted: 15:22:43 01/06/2012 | Topic Creator
I made a Skylander and I'm also going to post a comic!

I bring to you a really cool Skylander!


Name Skiáskotein
Species Shadow Vessel
Gender Female
Element Undead

Catchphrase Shadows of Darkness!
Others Dark Shadows! -- Shadows lie in the Dark!

Appearance Wraith-like in appearance with a ghastly, horned skull that floats at the top of Her form. She has a great sword with ancient writing embedded in its hilt and it has ice coating it to the rim. There are blood red balls of fear that float around Her like flies to Manure. She also has golden cuffs lined with spikes made of Heavy Duty Plasma.

Story Skiáskotein was once a Dark Sorcerer who meddled with the stings of reality itself by performing a ritual which granted her with eternal life and power. Her body however, grew old and eventually died, leaving her a wreck of a life-form. She had herself cremated by sending mind signals to Her few friends who did it and burnt Her body. Her soul then rose out of the ashes a great and powerful Shadow Vessel with a cursed skull which held her mental energy. Then these golden cuffs appeared that held her life force. She decided to use her new form to bring terror to all of Skylands. However, eventually she grew very tired and wished for her existence to end. This couldn't be done by any but Double Trouble, who could use his Magic to undo the curse upon her. Double Trouble ordered her to follow Cynder around and help her with any tough foes but not under any condition to attack her or any innocent civilians. Skiáskotein follows this order zealously in the hope that eventually she will be rid of this accursed existence and just let all her suffering end.


Dark Hold: Grab onto enemies and leave a dark mark [primary]

Shadows of the Wind: Twist around in a great tornado and send out shadows at all enemies [secondary]

Raw Darkness Shout: Roar at enemies with Raw Darkness and burn holes in their very existence [tertiary]

Death Cuffs fall of and the shadow vessel turns into a tornado and disappears. Then the skull falls on the ground and lies there with glowing blue eyes as if it is staring at the Portal Master.

Other Info: Skiáskotein has a secret crush on smilie Ghost Roaster.

How'd ya like it? smilie
Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#9 Posted: 15:35:21 01/06/2012 | Topic Creator
The Demise of Spyro in Skylanders --- smilie took the charge path but smilie took the flame path!

smilie You won't get MY eternal undead source! You can't beat my evil undead minion!

smilie bring it on big-head

smilie HA HA HA HA HA! [charge]

smilie WOAH! [dodges/shoots fireball]

smilie [repeats attack sequence- gets a tiny bit of Spyro's health off-]

smilie WOOOO! [charges with Ibex Wrath Charge/kills smilie ]

smilie dang it! My evil SKULLY MINION! Undead Spell of ultimate destruction!

smilie this is easy! I just fly like this! [flies and doesn't hit a single laser]

smilie WHAT! Oh... I mean... ohh soddit! MINION!!!!

smilie My Sword is yours! [does spinning combo]

smilie AAAGGGHHHH! [shoots fireball and it bounces off shield]

smilie HA! [does spin combo and hits Spyro]

smilie AAGGHH!! That hurt! [charges up Daybringer Flame]

smilie Haaaaaaaaaa! [leaps forwards and does Cursed Bone Brambler]

smilie [lets loose daybringer flame] [gets hit by bone brambler] *dies*

smilie [stands from combo] [gets hit by Daybringer Flame] *dies*

smilie WHAAAAAATT!!! YOU KILLED TWO OF MY MINIONS YOU--- oh... you're dead!

smilie Man! I wanted to have a go!
Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:39:49 01/06/2012 by MaleforSxC
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#10 Posted: 13:27:32 02/06/2012
I find this topic interesting; is it limited to Skylanders?
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#11 Posted: 11:19:43 03/06/2012
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#12 Posted: 11:31:58 03/06/2012
Ha reddy FOR BATTLE:

smilie Well skylanders your so weak! haha
smilie Well kaos it looks like your learning ha!
smilie LEARNING!! huh what do you mean??
smilie YOUR SO WEAK!!!!
smilie I'm not Ok SHOW ME HOW GOOD YOU ARE!! huh!!
smilie Ok MINIONS!!! haha
smilie Yeah your so weak
smilie You Think your IT well your not!
smilie ROCK'N'ROLL
smilie Oh now your saying im weak huh YOU WILL SEE ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie Well YOU ARE btw you will never WIN
smilie Your so wrong about that!
smilie lets get on with it
smilie lets see how good you are!?!?
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#13 Posted: 23:41:40 03/06/2012
smilie now your all going to die!!!
smilie yep you sure are
smilie Oh now you saying that!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie LETS GET ON WITH IT!! smilie
smilie Ok we will, BUT YOU KNOW WHO'S GOING TO WIN ~ME!~
smilie Wow you think your going to WIN!!!
smilie WELL we sould start! smilie smilie AND THE EVIL ~KAOS!~
smilie OK MINIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie FINALLY!!
smilie YES FINALLY!!
smilie FIRE!!!! haha
smilie YAY!!!
smilie HAHA!!
smilie HAHAHAHA!!
smilie WE WON! WE WON!! yay
smilie Ok and the next comic it will be about all the skylanders getting save and sound!
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#14 Posted: 16:24:36 04/06/2012
I've made a Skylander for you all that i randomly thought of one day.

Name Blow-Foe

Species Tribal Squirrel

Gender Male

Element Life

Appearence He is a squirrel who is tall and thin and has tiny ears. He is around the same size as most of the other Skylanders. Feathers stick out of the sides of his head like fur would. He has skinny and long arms and short legs. He has yellow designs on his underbelly and a racoon-like eye design. his blow pipe has the same designs that appear on Blow-Foe's belly. is has a small hole from which he blows into and a slightly larger hole on the other end.

Story Blow-Foe was a newborn baby in a large tribe of Squirrels in an enchanted forest when, one night, a large group of drow invaded the forest in hopes to find the magic tree of nature. Realizing that the whole tribe would be driven out, blow-Foe's parents hid the baby in a tree far into the forest and carved a blowpipe and darts with the branches of said tree. Little did they know, however, that this tree was the enchanted tree! The drow, not wanting to look that far into the forest for the tree, soon captured all the squirrels and left. Granted withhe magic of nature that this tree gave to him and his blowpipe, Blow-Foe lived in solitude, apart of the occasional elf group that tried to find the tree. However, Blow-Foe protected this tree with life and shot the groups down with his enchanted darts. Eon admired his powers and his defending nature and recruited him as a Skylander. blow-Foe spends a minimal amount of time with the other Skylanders because they are driven away by his angering demeanor and defensive nature that he developed while he was in solitude.


Natural Blow Darts: Blows sharp, enchanted wood darts at his opponents. An upgrade makes them toxic.

Rain dance: Performs an ancient tribal dance that summons a storm cloud that follows and damages enemies.

Nature's song: Plays a natural tune that creates a field around him. Enemies trapped in this musical field will fall asleep, be unable to attack, and receive damage.

Hope you like it!
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:38:07 04/06/2012 by Bean Sprout
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#15 Posted: 21:21:23 04/06/2012
^Nice character! Really descriptive!
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#16 Posted: 21:26:53 04/06/2012
Quote: Waaksian
^Nice character! Really descriptive!

Thank you. This is my first original skylander, so i appreciate this comment.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#17 Posted: 21:28:22 04/06/2012
Quote: MaleforSxC
I made a Skylander and I'm also going to post a comic!

I bring to you a really cool Skylander!


Name Skiáskotein
Species Shadow Vessel
Gender Female
Element Undead

Catchphrase Shadows of Darkness!
Others Dark Shadows! -- Shadows lie in the Dark!

Appearance Wraith-like in appearance with a ghastly, horned skull that floats at the top of Her form. She has a great sword with ancient writing embedded in its hilt and it has ice coating it to the rim. There are blood red balls of fear that float around Her like flies to Manure. She also has golden cuffs lined with spikes made of Heavy Duty Plasma.

Story Skiáskotein was once a Dark Sorcerer who meddled with the stings of reality itself by performing a ritual which granted her with eternal life and power. Her body however, grew old and eventually died, leaving her a wreck of a life-form. She had herself cremated by sending mind signals to Her few friends who did it and burnt Her body. Her soul then rose out of the ashes a great and powerful Shadow Vessel with a cursed skull which held her mental energy. Then these golden cuffs appeared that held her life force. She decided to use her new form to bring terror to all of Skylands. However, eventually she grew very tired and wished for her existence to end. This couldn't be done by any but Double Trouble, who could use his Magic to undo the curse upon her. Double Trouble ordered her to follow Cynder around and help her with any tough foes but not under any condition to attack her or any innocent civilians. Skiáskotein follows this order zealously in the hope that eventually she will be rid of this accursed existence and just let all her suffering end.


Dark Hold: Grab onto enemies and leave a dark mark [primary]

Shadows of the Wind: Twist around in a great tornado and send out shadows at all enemies [secondary]

Raw Darkness Shout: Roar at enemies with Raw Darkness and burn holes in their very existence [tertiary]

Death Cuffs fall of and the shadow vessel turns into a tornado and disappears. Then the skull falls on the ground and lies there with glowing blue eyes as if it is staring at the Portal Master.

Other Info: Skiáskotein has a secret crush on smilie Ghost Roaster.

How'd ya like it? smilie

Cool character - very original. i have never seen anything like it.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#18 Posted: 03:53:57 05/06/2012
got a other one:

smilie Yes where safe and sound back home!
smilie it's better home then being in KAOS'S house!!!
smilie yep it sure is!
smilie YA where back home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie I'M GLAD TO BE HOME!!
smilie so i'm I
smilie oh it's getting dark!
smilie it looks like bed time!!!
smilie yep it must be!
smilie well then...
smilie bye! guyz
smilie BYE!!!
smilie smilie smilie smilie BYE
smilie Well the next comic will be about skylands!!!! fun and games!!!
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#19 Posted: 03:58:00 05/06/2012
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#20 Posted: 20:00:23 05/06/2012
This is a duel between smilie (pulver dragon) and an smilie (nut crafter) that has been possessed by smilie .

smilie "RrrrrrrAWWWR!!" [slams Bash with both stumpfists]

smilie "OWWW! What are you doing!"

smilie "Kaos..... Kaos will rule.... All hail Kaos..... GAAAHHHHRRRRGG!" [spits out two spiny acorns.]

smilie "Jeez!" [deflects both acorns with tennis tail.]

smilie "Ruraaa.... K-A-O - AHHH!" [gets hit in side by Bash's Stone Projection.]

smilie "Stumpy! What's happening to you?"

smilie "Kaos... K-kaos... KAOS WILL RULE!" [ spits out meganut and push it in Bash's direction.]

smilie [ summons stone projection shield] "Did Kaos... possess you?!?!?!!"

smilie {sputters ans sweats like mad] RAGAAAHH! [vigorously burps out multiple acorns, two at a time]

smilie "WHOA!!" [rolls in the colossal boulder and dodges the acorns]

smilie [jumps on the rolling Bash and repeatedly attacks with stumpfists]

smilie "Ahhh!" [squirms and hits stump smash with tail]

smilie "RAARRGAHHHKAAAOOOSSSSGAAA! [stumbles and slips off bash]

smilie [sees opening and rolls into his ball]

smilie "YAAHH!" [rolls into stump smash with all the force the colossal boulder can handle]

smilie *CRASH* "GHarrrrg..." [feints with a thud]

smilie [walks into area and sees bash and stump smash] "BASHH! WHAT IN THE NAME OF SKYLANDS IS GOING ON HERE!!?!?!?!?!?!?"

smilie "It's not what it looks like!"

Hope you like it. Thank you!
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#21 Posted: 12:50:40 07/06/2012
One day....

Whirlwind: Ha! You call that power!? (using rainbow of doom)
Sunburn: Yes! (using fire breath)
Cynder: Why do you 2 always fight?
Both: Umm...
Cynder: Do you like each other? (evil laugh)
Sunburn and Whirlwind: NO! (both blushing)
Cynder: Ha your blushing!
Sunburn and Whirlwind: (attack)
Sunburn: Now back to fighting
Whirlwind: What were we fighting about?
Sunburn: Nothing
Whirlwind: Oh ya

2 new skylanders I made

Name: Volcanic
Element: Fire
Gender: Male
Picture: Soon
Description: A big red and blue fire dragon with purple wings and a head that looks like cynders evil form head in los
Other: Likes whirlwind and is sunburns rival for her love

Name: Sky
Element: Air
Gender: Female
Picture: Soon
Description: A blue air dragon with black wing tips
Other: Likes sunburn and is whirlwinds rival for his love
pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:32:42 08/06/2012 by porsche9000
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#22 Posted: 04:29:14 08/06/2012
Story #1: Great! I enjoyed that a lot.
Story #2: It would of helped to know who Mage was, but it was still great.
Story #3: Good story, but that's cruel!
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#23 Posted: 04:46:28 08/06/2012
Quote: Bean Sprout
Story #1: Great! I enjoyed that a lot.
Story #2: It would of helped to know who Mage was, but it was still great.
Story #3: Good story, but that's cruel!

I loved #1 too, #2 it would help to know who mage is, #3 good but very cruel. Cynder would never do that to Spyro
pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:47:27 08/06/2012 by porsche9000
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#24 Posted: 05:02:26 08/06/2012
Quote: porsche9000
Quote: Bean Sprout
Story #1: Great! I enjoyed that a lot.
Story #2: It would of helped to know who Mage was, but it was still great.
Story #3: Good story, but that's cruel!

I loved #1 too, #2 it would help to know who mage is, #3 good but very cruel. Cynder would never do that to Spyro

Oh, and i liked your skylanders as well. A little longer explanation would of helped, but they are still awesome.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#25 Posted: 05:04:26 08/06/2012
Quote: Bean Sprout
Quote: porsche9000
Quote: Bean Sprout
Story #1: Great! I enjoyed that a lot.
Story #2: It would of helped to know who Mage was, but it was still great.
Story #3: Good story, but that's cruel!

I loved #1 too, #2 it would help to know who mage is, #3 good but very cruel. Cynder would never do that to Spyro

Oh, and i liked your skylanders as well. A little longer explanation would of helped, but they are still awesome.

OK I will fix it tomorrow
pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#26 Posted: 05:29:12 08/06/2012
Quote: shorty
Quote: Bean Sprout
Story #1: Great! I enjoyed that a lot.
Story #2: It would of helped to know who Mage was, but it was still great.
Story #3: Good story, but that's cruel!

#1: Glad you liked it....I myself really dislike that story. After I wrote it I hated it. smilie Still love the idea though.
#2: Mage is my fan Skylander. Was really just too lazy to put a description.
#3: Random idea...and just a possible out come...I have crueler ideas for Cynder.

Still Cynder wouldn't do that
pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#27 Posted: 06:33:07 08/06/2012
Yeah, it's called a fandom. And original ideas like that are so much better than "AND CYNDERP HELPED SPYRO AND DEY LIVED HAPPILY EVAR AFTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!". That idea is far too user used..

Alas I liked the stories as well. Interesting take on the Drobot one too, it's my favorite.
but i love it all smooth
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#28 Posted: 06:55:26 08/06/2012
Quote: shorty
Quote: Bean Sprout
Story #1: Great! I enjoyed that a lot.
Story #2: It would of helped to know who Mage was, but it was still great.
Story #3: Good story, but that's cruel!

#1: Glad you liked it....I myself really dislike that story. After I wrote it I hated it. smilie Still love the idea though.
#2: Mage is my fan Skylander. Was really just too lazy to put a description.
#3: Random idea...and just a possible out come...I have crueler ideas for Cynder.

Yea, there is nothing wrong with using your imagination to write something random. I do it all the time.

Also, LevanJess, i completely agree with you. I love stories with random plot twists that can only come fromthe very depths of one's imagination...
And i think the first was the best, although they are all good.
Finally, LevanJess, I couldn't stop laughing when i read your comment, especially "Cynderp"
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 08:28:06 08/06/2012 by Bean Sprout
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#29 Posted: 12:17:55 08/06/2012
Quote: shorty
^ Your proof is where. smilie

Well sorry not trying to be rude
pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#30 Posted: 00:36:01 09/06/2012
I liked the idea and the way it was written wasn't that bad IMO.

Quote: Bean Sprout
Also, LevanJess, i completely agree with you. I love stories with random plot twists that can only come fromthe very depths of one's imagination...
And i think the first was the best, although they are all good.
Finally, LevanJess, I couldn't stop laughing when i read your comment, especially "Cynderp"

Same~ Especially when they're pretty good original ideas.
Oh thanks xP
but i love it all smooth
SpyraArtisan Blue Sparx Gems: 609
#31 Posted: 03:16:52 09/06/2012
(Based off a video my cousins and I made while at my grandmother's for easter with my Skylanders.)
(BTW: This is our version of all the Skylander's personalities... so... yeah. smilie
Spyro/Bash/Dinorang/Triggerhappy= me
Whirlwind =Cousin Tegan
ChopChop= Cousin Trebor

smilie: Hey Spyro can you poof me over to the Pirate Seas boat?
smilie: Poof? What?
smilie: You're Magic, right? You can poof me!
smilie: Poofing is so... "old fashioned".
smilie: Just because I'm "magic" doesn't mean I can "poof" you. I'm a dragon... I can FLY you there.
smilie: Oh...
smilie: Wow. I:

smilie: Hey Bash can you hurt him? /points at Dinorang/
smilie: Why I hurt him? He my friend!
smilie: Oh... hey Dinorang!
smilie: Don't bug me I'm sleepin'! >:V
smilie: Why do you always sleep?
smilie: Because he's tired-
smilie: Because it's what I do!

smilie: /hits Trigger happy/
smilie: MINE!! >8( /shoots at chopchop/
smilie: Aaaah! /runs off/
smilie: Bro, don't hurt the little gremlin-dog-thing, it hurts his feelings.
smilie: Why do you call everyone "bro"?
smilie: Because it's cool, and everyone says it-but don't take it because it's mine.
smilie: Ok then...

Hope you liked it. I'll try to get the videos up later.
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#32 Posted: 20:34:29 09/06/2012
Quote: shorty
I don't see why everyone likes my Drobot story. smilie
I love the idea but I hate the way I wrote it.

Don't question it, just accept it smilie.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Spyrofanboy101 Blue Sparx Gems: 519
#33 Posted: 22:25:37 14/06/2012
me:i am your bigest fan

spyro:no i am my bigest fan

me:yeah right and smilie
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#34 Posted: 04:55:27 16/06/2012

smilie I'm the best skylander ROCK'N' ROLL
smilie I'm the best skylander HAHA
smilie I'm the best skylander YEAH
smilie uhh...
smilie lets stop!
smilie *AGREE*
smilie *DON"T AGREE* haha
smilie STOP!
smilie YEAH STOP!!
smilie why are we fighting!
smilie maybe??...
smilie smilie because...
smilie OK STOP
smilie YES
smilie YES
smilie YES
smilie NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie Zook??
smilie fine i'm sorry i will stop!
smilie good *joy*
smilie Yay
:bash: YAy
smilie YAY
smilie Bye! smilie
smilie smilie
smilie whats wrong?
smilie nothing smilie
smilie and :bash: OK!!
smilie smilie
smilie smilie
:bash: smilie
smilie smilie
smilie smilie
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#35 Posted: 14:52:33 16/06/2012
Quote: whirlwind fan

smilie I'm the best skylander ROCK'N' ROLL
smilie I'm the best skylander HAHA
smilie I'm the best skylander YEAH
smilie uhh...
smilie lets stop!
smilie *AGREE*
smilie *DON"T AGREE* haha
smilie STOP!
smilie YEAH STOP!!
smilie why are we fighting!
smilie maybe??...
smilie smilie because...
smilie OK STOP
smilie YES
smilie YES
smilie YES
smilie NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smilie Zook??
smilie fine i'm sorry i will stop!
smilie good *joy*
smilie Yay
:bash: YAy
smilie YAY
smilie Bye! smilie
smilie smilie
smilie whats wrong?
smilie nothing smilie
smilie and :bash: OK!!
smilie smilie
smilie smilie
:bash: smilie
smilie smilie
smilie smilie

pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#36 Posted: 05:18:16 17/06/2012

smilie Hi Guyz
smilie uhh.. your talking to yourself smilie
smilie duh!
smilie don't be rude to smilie!
smilie Yeah CYNDER!
smilie THIS^ is just silly
smilie smilie
smilie Why don't we all love??
smilie Are you crazy
smilie smilie ok smilie
smilie FINNALY
smilie ya
smilie *confused* smilie
smilie what!
smilie what have you done!!
smilie CYNDER!!!!!!!!!
smilie oppps I left the fire on smilie
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
smilie oh NO!!!!!!!!!!

The next comic will be about what happens with the FIRE!!
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#37 Posted: 05:36:39 17/06/2012

smilie Ok
smilie FINALLY
smilie uhhh...
smilie whats wrong?
smilie wait where's the fire
smilie CYNDER!!!
smilie Yeah smilie
smilie You are a lier
smilie no!!
smilie you said there was a fire!
smilie oh yeah i might of
smilie what a waste!!
smilie Don't worry now
smilie yeah
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:06:50 21/06/2012 by whirlwind fan
whirlwind fan Platinum Sparx Gems: 5779
#38 Posted: 10:58:12 17/06/2012
This is like darkspyro

smilie Whats up?
smilie Nothing much you?
smilie I'm doing fine so what do you want to talk about
smilie maybe skylanders?
smilie sure I have 31/37
smilie cool I have 37/37
smilie Where did you get wham shell
smilie Game Stop for $35.50
smilie Cool! smilie
smilie Bye I have to go now smilie
smilie Bye!

Thats what I mostly see^
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:05:21 17/06/2012 by whirlwind fan
MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#39 Posted: 11:35:36 18/06/2012 | Topic Creator
WoW!!! These are quite a few great Spyro Creations! Remember you can post anything from Spyro! It can be Classic Spyro, Tlos or Skylanders!
Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:44:54 18/06/2012 by MaleforSxC
MaleforSxC Blue Sparx Gems: 649
#40 Posted: 09:03:36 19/06/2012 | Topic Creator
Quote: whirlwind fan
This is like darkspyro

smilie Whats up?
smilie Nothing much you?
smilie I'm doing fine so what do you want to talk about
smilie maybe skylanders?
smilie sure I have 31/37
smilie cool I have 37/37
smilie Where did you get wham shell
smilie Game Stop for $35.50
smilie Cool! smilie
smilie Bye I have to go now smilie
smilie Bye!

Thats what I mostly see^

That's funny!
Story Status - The Plan of thanatos - Chapter 19 is up --
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#41 Posted: 19:21:09 19/06/2012
I made a rather stupid(in a funny way) comic today in the DotD forum.

Feast your eyes...

Quote: Waaksian

Anyway, in this topic, we will make fun of Malefor's ridiculously demented voice, as well as numerous other things in DotD, starting with this stupidly long comic...

(In Malefor's Lair, by the gates...)
smilie "You ready?"
smilie "I'm scared."
smilie -_- *pushes smilie through door*
smilie "Wha- GAAH!"

Malefor: "Arf blarng flast, ar vezts ahv narived!(At long last, my guests have arrived!)"
smilie O_o *cleans out ear with claw*
smilie "... It was easier to understand him with that dark crystal back at Warfang..."
smilie "Yeah... it was..."
Malefor: "Gar bloo emeh igsting poo ee?!(Are you even listening to me?!)"
smilie "What's that Mally, you want to have a tea party?"
Malefor: "Ruff?!(What?!)"
smilie *whispers in smilie's ear* "Are you serious?"
smilie *whispers back* "Just roll with it!"
Malefor: "Ars vy uhs ehying-(As I was saying-)"
smilie *British accent* "You want some tea, gov.? With scones?"
Malefor: smilie
smilie smilie "That actually wasn't funny..."
smilie "I'm talkin' here, goody two-shoes!"
Malefor: "... Eht's gust het dis uvahr weeth...(...Let's just get this over with...)"
(scary black mist thingy covers smilie)
smilie "smilie! NO!!"
smilie "GRRAAAHHH!!!"
Malefor: *laughs maniacally*
smilie "..." *begins laughing himself*
Malefor: "HaHaHa- Ruff? Orp vaffing!!(Hahaha- What? Sop laughing!!)"
smilie "What are we laughing at?!" *continues laughing like an idiot*
smilie smilie "GRAAAAHHH!!!" *smashes smilie against wall continuously*
smilie "Ow! Your a jerk, Malefor!"
smilie "Why wont you FIGHT BACK?!?!"
smilie "Cause you've left me nothing to fight for..."
Malefor: "Oo arv zuh wurl, dah tabau tat?!(You have the world, what about that?!)"
smilie "Just kidding! I was just being emotional! YAAARRGG!!" *blasts smilie with a lightning bolt*
smilie "GGAARRR!!"
(Cynder changes back)
smilie "That's for taking the snickerdoodles out of my cookie jar!"
smilie "That was smilie's doing, you moron!"
Malefor: *sigh* "Ee nu ee uolb av bee nah elh enpecor...(I knew I should have been a heath inspector...)"


smilie *reading final chapters of current age* "Hm, curious. I don't remember that being in the book..."
Ignitus: "... Can I have a turn now?" smilie
smilie "NO!!!" smilie
Ignitus: smilie

... Why the heck did I even write this?
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#42 Posted: 20:04:17 19/06/2012
Nice, Waaksian.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#43 Posted: 20:29:25 19/06/2012
I now present the first of many short stories! (This one will be in 2 parts.)

Crystals in the Cavern Pt. 1

Hugo sat on a flat rock and closed his eyes. He was enjoying the relaxing summer sun. This is nice. For the first time in a month, there hasn't been a problem to solve, a mission to fulfil, or a task to complete. All we have to do is relax and enjoy this day in a duty- free way. Just sit back, and -
The Mabu Bear reluctantly opened his eyes, only to see a short, white mole dashing straight into a tree.
"Diggs! I'm over here, you blind idiot!" he yelled.
"WHAT!?! Oh, shorry," Diggs said. "Anyway, aryoo familyar with the mine that we found that internal fire.. uhh.. err..."
"The eternal fire source?"
"Yesh! That thing. Well, we recently shent a teamy thing of molekin in that there mine, and gueshh what they found!" Diggs said. He was now waving his arms uncontrollably out of excitement.
"Diggs, this is supposed to be my relaxing day, and you are ruining that. So, do me a favor and GET ON WITH IT!" Hugo yelled.
"Ah, ok. Well, that team found a magic crystal ore." Diggs explained.
"Huh? Did you say a magic crystal ore?" Hugo asked. His previous temper had vanished at the mentioning of that rare item. "I thought those were very rare and only found in the deepest of caves?"
"They are," Diggs said. "We think a group of fire impsh found it anfd took it, but then got shquashed by a cave-in, as that part of the mine is where cave-ins are the mosht common."
"Did you retrieve the ore?!?!" Now Hugo was the one getting excited.
"Well, that's the problem," he began. "Jusht as the team shaw it, a cave-in occured. They were able to escape with no injuriesh, but now there is a thick wall of rock between ush and the magic crystal ore. However, I was thinking, 'maybe the shkylanders can get through that wall.' Sho, whattya shay? Can you shpare shome shkylanders, preferrably shome earth ones?"
"Well, Bash, Prism Break, and Terrafin are free, but Dino-rang is in Cali's medicine tent because of a case of Flue-monia. How about you take Eruptor inshtead- I mean - instead?"
"Alright. Let'sh GOOOO!!" Diggs yelled as he ran.
"No, Diggs! It's that way!" Hugo pointed in the opposite direction.
"Wha'? Oh, sorry." The mole turned around, not letting his mistake faze him.
End Of Part 1 Of 2
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
Waaksian Emerald Sparx Gems: 4906
#44 Posted: 22:08:57 19/06/2012
^Me likes.
Bean Sprout Blue Sparx Gems: 893
#45 Posted: 22:13:00 19/06/2012
Thanks! I will either post the other part later today, tomorrow, or the next day.
"No, John. It is pretty weird that ghosts have to pee."
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