darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure > Dragon's Peak Villain originally planned as a Skylander
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Dragon's Peak Villain originally planned as a Skylander [CLOSED]
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#1 Posted: 01:38:54 24/03/2012 | Topic Creator
The villain of Dragon's Peak, Vathek, was originally planned to be a Skylander, but the role of the Undead Dragon Skylander was already taken by Cynder.


Vathek looks a lot interesting as a villain, woulda been neat if he was a Skylander though.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:52:10 24/03/2012 by Aura24
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#2 Posted: 02:09:18 24/03/2012
wow that is cool i wonder what his attacks would have been
Green Bean Machine
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#3 Posted: 02:11:53 24/03/2012
I personally would have liked him better. They should make him one in Giants.

Lord_of_Sheeps Gold Sparx Gems: 2352
#4 Posted: 02:17:45 24/03/2012

I knew it, I knew he was planned to be a skylander, score one for the Sheep.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go do the "I was right" dance. With maraccas.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#5 Posted: 02:53:37 24/03/2012
Maybe he will show up as a playable Character in Giants?
He's a statue now right???? haha Maybe not then!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#6 Posted: 02:54:18 24/03/2012
^They can probably say he escaped or something.

zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2250
#7 Posted: 12:04:04 24/03/2012
but that would not be a reason that he would become a skylander
Green Bean Machine
voodude Blue Sparx Gems: 715
#8 Posted: 12:12:51 24/03/2012
who cares if he was a playble character... i just want know why you can't fight him?!?!? he would be the best boss in the game
avatar made by TheSpyrofan12
Okaps Platinum Sparx Gems: 6245
#9 Posted: 02:29:30 25/03/2012
I love his design, and a wyvern would've been nice visual diversity since every playable dragon is a quadruped. And even with a slot available in Giants, they already gave him the position as a villain.

Going to mourn now...
#all Spyros are valid
D-Rex Blue Sparx Gems: 815
#10 Posted: 00:35:52 26/03/2012
Quote: zook it up
but that would not be a reason that he would become a skylander

They can set him free under the promise that he becomes heroic for Skylands.

He could be a reluctant Skylander.
Dragon15010 Blue Sparx Gems: 958
#11 Posted: 02:34:24 26/03/2012
Wonder if their roles were swapped?
Wiseman Green Sparx Gems: 333
#12 Posted: 02:37:59 26/03/2012
I know this is also related in the Giants thread, but I doubt they will release another dragon with them only turning out eight now figures, I'm guessing Zombie or Spirit Skylander for the other Undead.
** Avatar Creator - nitendofan92 **
spyrothe111 Ripto Gems: 3702
#13 Posted: 02:18:40 14/06/2012
Quote: voodude
who cares if he was a playble character... i just want know why you can't fight him?!?!? he would be the best boss in the game

He Is A Boss In The 3DS Version Though. smilie
Cynder Lover25 Gold Sparx Gems: 2332
#14 Posted: 15:41:53 14/06/2012
Quote: spyrothe111
Quote: voodude
who cares if he was a playble character... i just want know why you can't fight him?!?!? he would be the best boss in the game

He Is A Boss In The 3DS Version Though. smilie

yup he is i have it
Been here since 2012...still a gold sparx
mattun Green Sparx Gems: 204
#15 Posted: 16:16:55 14/06/2012
Put a goatee on him and say he's an opposite Skylander from another dimension. Valkilmerthek
NEW_SpyroLUVA Emerald Sparx Gems: 3308
#16 Posted: 17:05:26 14/06/2012
Quote: Whirlwind5598
I personally would have liked him better. They should make him one in Giants.

Like I said before: Vathek= Sweet Undead Giant
3 uses of teh Int@rw3bz: get info, waste time, and complain.
"Stick to your guns and keep on firin'!" - Max (Me)
EgoNaut Yellow Sparx Gems: 1730
#17 Posted: 18:24:36 14/06/2012
He's cool, but I'm still somehow happy to have Cynder as the Undead dragon skylander. I'm not even a massive TLOS nut like I used to be but it still felt kind of nice to see her again.
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Failinhearts Gold Sparx Gems: 2376
#18 Posted: 11:54:58 15/06/2012
Quote: JAP28
Maybe he will show up as a playable Character in Giants?
He's a statue now right???? haha Maybe not then!

Hes frozen like a skylander
SSA: 37/37. SG: 61/62. SSF: 73/75 STT: 42/78
Have left this forum, who knows if I'll come back...
A believer of Jesus Christ
Landerfan2012 Gold Sparx Gems: 2048
#19 Posted: 15:22:50 15/06/2012
Trap team and Gearshift on reservation
Ice Dragoness Diamond Sparx Gems: 7896
#20 Posted: 12:42:54 16/06/2012
He should have been swapped with Ghost Roaster.
I can't see why they couldn't have had two undead dragons.
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