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Too Early? [CLOSED]
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3297
#51 Posted: 08:13:21 08/02/2012
Definitly too early
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#52 Posted: 15:57:39 08/02/2012
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: LevanJess
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.

Well, what you're forgetting is that the Skylanders from SA will be sold well into the release of Giants because Giants itself doesn't offer many new Skylanders. They could postpone the Wave 4 release until November, and people would still buy them because they work with Giants.

All the Skylanders will be released before the sequel is released anyways, that is if they change Wave 4's release date.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#53 Posted: 16:16:54 08/02/2012
Quote: Kariana
Anyone else think this was way to early for the sequel to be revealed? Yes, I am looking foward to this game very much, but I was not expecting this game to come out this early, I was expecting at least another year and a half for Skylanders Giants to be revealed.

No. Not at all.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#54 Posted: 16:28:05 08/02/2012
Far too early.

It just looks like more of the same. But not even "more of the same but better". Just more of the same, and nothing else. And before anyone says "BUT THERE ARE NEW LEVELS":

1) The Adventure Packs already provided that.
2) The environments shown look identical to past environments. There are WAY too many reused assets for my liking.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
deathcrow Green Sparx Gems: 272
#55 Posted: 17:13:50 08/02/2012
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Far too early.

It just looks like more of the same. But not even "more of the same but better". Just more of the same, and nothing else. And before anyone says "BUT THERE ARE NEW LEVELS":

1) The Adventure Packs already provided that.
2) The environments shown look identical to past environments. There are WAY too many reused assets for my liking.

Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#56 Posted: 17:54:29 08/02/2012
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Far too early.

It just looks like more of the same. But not even "more of the same but better". Just more of the same, and nothing else. And before anyone says "BUT THERE ARE NEW LEVELS":

1) The Adventure Packs already provided that.
2) The environments shown look identical to past environments. There are WAY too many reused assets for my liking.

The new game will be released a full year after the first one. Many, many games in the past and present do the same thing.

The full complement of "old" figures will be released about 6 months prior to this new release.

The adventure packs provided one level each. Not a big deal when compared to what a totally new game will provide.

The environments shown are just that. What they have SHOWN us. You have not seen enough to comment intelligently regarding "reused assets" as you call them.

I don't even know why you are complaining, really. It's not like Activision is going to be trolling the Dark Spyro forums, see that sonicbrawler182 thinks it's too early for a new game release, and immediately stop production. You are wasting your time crying about it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:54:50 08/02/2012 by Himewad
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#57 Posted: 18:11:27 08/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Far too early.

It just looks like more of the same. But not even "more of the same but better". Just more of the same, and nothing else. And before anyone says "BUT THERE ARE NEW LEVELS":

1) The Adventure Packs already provided that.
2) The environments shown look identical to past environments. There are WAY too many reused assets for my liking.

The new game will be released a full year after the first one. Many, many games in the past and present do the same thing.

The full complement of "old" figures will be released about 6 months prior to this new release.

The adventure packs provided one level each. Not a big deal when compared to what a totally new game will provide.

The environments shown are just that. What they have SHOWN us. You have not seen enough to comment intelligently regarding "reused assets" as you call them.

I don't even know why you are complaining, really. It's not like Activision is going to be trolling the Dark Spyro forums, see that sonicbrawler182 thinks it's too early for a new game release, and immediately stop production. You are wasting your time crying about it.


Your first point may be true. But in most cases, while games of the same franchise name may be released yearly, the franchises usually have different development teams. This was actually true for Spyro before Skylanders. Skylanders, however, just has the one development team.

One level, or one world?
And even so, that's not to say that they couldn't fit more onto them in the future. And the Adventure Packs also provided new mechanics. Something this sequel isn't providing thus far (and I doubt it will. If your sequel has some new mechanic, you would talk about as early as possible).

I don't need to see more. I've been a gamer for years. I know from experience that if a game is released really soon after it's prequel, it has a lot of re-used assets. Considering this is a 3D game (with two versions in development), they won't have time to create much new material.

Aaaaaaaand that last sentence is where you come off as immature and butthurt. I am not crying about this. I am criticizing it. You should know that people actually make a living out of that. I do it as a hobby, for now.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#58 Posted: 18:22:33 08/02/2012
I do not understand many of you??? Too early ....why???
I'm ready for more Skylanders action aren't you?

What we should wait 3-4 years between releases?
Freak by then we will be playing on the Wii-Z, Xbox 980, and the Playstation 5! haha
I am being a little sarcastic but really...I think people should be a little more excited here!

You do not have to play Skylanders Giants if you really feel it's too early!
All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 18:23:37 08/02/2012 by JAP28
bisylizzie Emerald Sparx Gems: 3913
#59 Posted: 18:27:06 08/02/2012
Well, it gets over the whole "kids being bored of the game when the last wave is released" thing, huh?
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#60 Posted: 18:28:22 08/02/2012
First of all, presumptuous isn't hyphenated. Secondly, you spelled it wrong even without the hyphen. Probably both mistakes were made because you are a tool.

"One level or one world?" Ummm ... it's one level. Or, more accurately, it's one chapter. There are 22 chapters in the original game, and 4 additional chapters that can be purchased one at a time. You end up spending more for 4 chapters than you did on the entire game, so pardon me if I think it's a better use of my money to actually get more game play for my buck.

Immature and butthurt? What the heck does butthurt mean? Keep using that one. That'll get you far.

Aaaaaaaaaand you say you're not crying, but it sure seems like it. You have stated on multiple occasions in this forum that you think it's too early for a sequel. Quit your yappin'.

*waits patiently for sonicbrawler182's response*
CopiousTurtle Green Sparx Gems: 240
#61 Posted: 18:47:42 08/02/2012
I expected to hear of another Skylanders game for the first time at E3 in June, to be honest. Well, I think this is the reason they decided to move up the release of the remaining figures from summer to spring.
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#62 Posted: 18:59:25 08/02/2012
Quote: CopiousTurtle
I expected to hear of another Skylanders game for the first time at E3 in June, to be honest. Well, I think this is the reason they decided to move up the release of the remaining figures from summer to spring.

Yea, no doubt in that. Why would you drag out the old game to a month before the new one is released. Gotta get those Chinese factories going full bore to make all these money grabbing figures available.
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#63 Posted: 19:04:34 08/02/2012
Quote: Himewad

I don't even know why you are complaining, really. It's not like Activision is going to be trolling the Dark Spyro forums, see that sonicbrawler182 thinks it's too early for a new game release, and immediately stop production. You are wasting your time crying about it.

Your point?

Is there a problem with people expressing a negative opinion? I could really say the same thing about how you guys praising the game this soon isn't going to make them feel all happy. You seem perfectly fine with everyone going "YEAH MAN I'M SO PUMPED FOR THIS GAME" but the moment someone says a negative thing about this game, we have to get the SWAT team in and talk about how "complaining" isn't going to make it go away?

This is what we call "hypocrisy".

Quote: JAP28
I do not understand many of you??? Too early ....why???
I'm ready for more Skylanders action aren't you?

What we should wait 3-4 years between releases?

I don't want more Skylanders action if it's going to be the same game as last time. I want to see improvements over the first game. They made effort in making Skylanders. Great. Now I also want to see effort to make this game even better. Releasing the game this soon practically promises that nothing will change.

First off, nobody said about waiting 3-4 years. I mentioned only waiting about 2. Second, it's so they can fix bugs, add more things, and make the game overall better, and much more worth the wait. THAT is why it's actually a good thing to see a longer development cycle, and why I'm sometimes actually happy to see a game delayed.


Aaaaaaaaaand you say you're not crying, but it sure seems like it. You have stated on multiple occasions in this forum that you think it's too early for a sequel. Quit your yappin'.

This is what I mean. Please allow other people to share their opinions. darkSpyro isn't only going to have positive comments. By trying to filter out negative comments just because you don't like them sounds like you're a bit offended by our comments. If that's the case...............why? Why are you offended by an opinion that isn't even directed towards you? Because you don't agree with it? Big deal.

I'm not entirely sure if Brawler played Skylanders or not, but I have (I own the game), and I fully agree with him when he says it's far too early for a sequel to be announced. Skylanders was DECENT, sure. But there are several things in the game that can be improved, and many more things that can be added on.

Simply adding one or two more things into the sequel isn't an improvement. It's just adding stickers onto a previous product. This is the same thing that would be done with CoD. People complained about that game never changing and it was perfectly fine to do so. But it's not ok to do so with Skylanders?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 19:10:12 08/02/2012 by CAV
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#64 Posted: 19:13:20 08/02/2012
Original game was in development for 2.5 years. "Giants" is just a rehash of the same stuff with maybe one or 2 new things added. If anyone cannot see that this is a blatant cash grab, then you really need to open your eyes and open your mind. Too soon? Nah, not for raking in all kinds of mad fat cash.

I am going on year 13 (yes, longer than some of you have been alive) for D3. I am used to waiting. Just don't make me wait and then release garbage!
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#65 Posted: 19:15:42 08/02/2012
Well, sometime waiting for a game doesn't make it better.

D3 is nice, but for what I tried, I did expect more, but anyway.
Monsinour Blue Sparx Gems: 972
#66 Posted: 19:17:48 08/02/2012
Quote: Reimu
Well, sometime waiting for a game doesn't make it better.

D3 is nice, but for what I tried, I did expect more, but anyway.

D3 isnt out yet and the beta is soo effed up that i honestly have no idea when it will be released.
My kids own :
useless pieces of plastic
Not only that, we passed up 3 of them that we didn't have today. Uselesd carp...
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#67 Posted: 19:22:50 08/02/2012
Quote: Reimu
Well, sometime waiting for a game doesn't make it better.

Sometimes =/= All the time
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#68 Posted: 19:23:27 08/02/2012
Well yeah, I said sometimes?
Madel Blue Sparx Gems: 584
#69 Posted: 19:23:50 08/02/2012
Quote: Monsinour
Original game was in development for 2.5 years. "Giants" is just a rehash of the same stuff with maybe one or 2 new things added. If anyone cannot see that this is a blatant cash grab, then you really need to open your eyes and open your mind. Too soon? Nah, not for raking in all kinds of mad fat cash.

^ This.

Activision loves its cash cows. Just take a look at Guitar Hero and you'll see that. They pumped out Guitar Hero games so fast and had so many different versions (Aerosmith and the 80s for example). Guitar Hero was eventually run into the ground. I'm hoping this doesn't become the case with Skylanders.
That's why all the Gryffindors sing: Weasley is our king.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#70 Posted: 19:54:13 08/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
First of all, presumptuous isn't hyphenated. Secondly, you spelled it wrong even without the hyphen. Probably both mistakes were made because you are a tool.

"One level or one world?" Ummm ... it's one level. Or, more accurately, it's one chapter. There are 22 chapters in the original game, and 4 additional chapters that can be purchased one at a time. You end up spending more for 4 chapters than you did on the entire game, so pardon me if I think it's a better use of my money to actually get more game play for my buck.

Immature and butthurt? What the heck does butthurt mean? Keep using that one. That'll get you far.

Aaaaaaaaaand you say you're not crying, but it sure seems like it. You have stated on multiple occasions in this forum that you think it's too early for a sequel. Quit your yappin'.

*waits patiently for sonicbrawler182's response*

Oh. My. This is just terrible. I made a minor spelling mistake due to a finger slip. I am completely undignified now. I am sorry. You are right. I am clearly a complete retart now...................
(Obvious sarcasm is obvious. BUT, may I point out that you called me a tool - what if I had some sort of visual impairment, for example, dyslexia? Do yourself a favour, and don't try to take explicit shots at people you don't know. Next time, you might have bigger consequences waiting.)

Alright, I was just checking. But, that doesn't change an awful lot. They could add more data to future Adventure Packs if they wanted. And like I said, the Adventure Packs for the first game provided more interesting mechanics than this sequel seems to be offering.

"Butthurt" means you are acting like some sulky kid who just got spanked on the butt. It's a common internet phrase, especially on forums. I have seen it used countless times on this forum.

I said it once or twice. I've mainly been discussing WHY I think it's too early. I only expand on what I have said because other people wish to argue my points, such as yourself. This isn't crying, again, this is called an unbiased, critical attitude.

@CAV: No, I have not played the original game yet, but as you know, I am good at collecting a lot of data from video footage, and I can already imagine what it's like to play the game. I'd still like to play it though, so people will trust me a little more.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#71 Posted: 20:09:32 08/02/2012
Quote: Aura24
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: LevanJess
I know.
I'm talking about it's in production when they're not even done with the first one.

Well, what you're forgetting is that the Skylanders from SA will be sold well into the release of Giants because Giants itself doesn't offer many new Skylanders. They could postpone the Wave 4 release until November, and people would still buy them because they work with Giants.

All the Skylanders will be released before the sequel is released anyways, that is if they change Wave 4's release date.

I know, but what I mean is that it doesn't matter when the toys are released, they will always be available and will always work with Giants, so it doesn't matter when they're released; people will still want to buy them.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#72 Posted: 20:09:44 08/02/2012
Quote: sonicbrawler182
No, I have not played the original game yet, but as you know, I am good at collecting a lot of data from video footage, and I can already imagine what it's like to play the game. I'd still like to play it though, so people will trust me a little more.

So, you haven't even played the game? How can you form an opinion on whether or not it's too soon to release another game 8 months from now? *Facepalm*

Personally, I'm good at collecting a lot of data about people online, and I'll continue to think you are a tool based on what I've seen. I'll just go back to ignoring you now, since your opinion on this is based on what you "imagine" from video clips.

Gotta run now. My butt hurts.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#73 Posted: 20:19:58 08/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
Quote: sonicbrawler182
No, I have not played the original game yet, but as you know, I am good at collecting a lot of data from video footage, and I can already imagine what it's like to play the game. I'd still like to play it though, so people will trust me a little more.

So, you haven't even played the game? How can you form an opinion on whether or not it's too soon to release another game 8 months from now? *Facepalm*

Personally, I'm good at collecting a lot of data about people online, and I'll continue to think you are a tool based on what I've seen. I'll just go back to ignoring you now, since your opinion on this is based on what you "imagine" from video clips.

Gotta run now. My butt hurts.

Like I said, experience. Games in this day and age should spend at least two years in development if they are a sequel. Even more if it's the first in a series. There are cases where exceptions are OK, though.

My opinion is based primarily on what is shown in the trailers and what is advertised. When I said "I can imagine what it's like to play the game", I meant that I could easily imagine what it would be like if I was holding the control pad.

I want to see proof of your ability to collect data online. Because so far, it looks like you think I'm a tool simply because I have criticisms against Skylanders. Until you find out a ton of stuff about me without asking around, then I'll believe you.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#74 Posted: 20:51:47 08/02/2012
Quote: Himewad

So, you haven't even played the game? How can you form an opinion on whether or not it's too soon to release another game 8 months from now? *Facepalm*

Personally, I'm good at collecting a lot of data about people online, and I'll continue to think you are a tool based on what I've seen. I'll just go back to ignoring you now, since your opinion on this is based on what you "imagine" from video clips.

You're right. He hasn't played it. But I have. And my opinion is generally similar to his. So if you don't want to listen to him, at least listen to me. I played the game, so I know what I'm talking about when I say that this game has major room for improvement.

So he's a tool? At least he isn't trying to block out negative opinions about something he likes.
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#75 Posted: 21:10:49 08/02/2012
I'm not blocking anyone, CAV (not that I asked). And I didn't care for your hypocrite comment earlier, either. Last time I checked, this is a forum about a video game, and if you take the time to create an account, you probably like the game. I know, that's a pretty strong statement. For someone to spout off reasons (that don't even make sense, TBH) that a second game should not be released in such a forum seems the bigger offense to me. Especially from a guy that hasn't even played the original game. So you've played the game. Good for you. I still haven't seen a good reason why Activision shouldn't release a sequel. It's gonna sell. Who are you to say they should take more time in development? They make the game. They know what they're doing.
Rays Green Sparx Gems: 392
#76 Posted: 21:21:30 08/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
I'm not blocking anyone, CAV (not that I asked). And I didn't care for your hypocrite comment earlier, either. Last time I checked, this is a forum about a video game, and if you take the time to create an account, you probably like the game. I know, that's a pretty strong statement. For someone to spout off reasons (that don't even make sense, TBH) that a second game should not be released in such a forum seems the bigger offense to me. Especially from a guy that hasn't even played the original game. So you've played the game. Good for you. I still haven't seen a good reason why Activision shouldn't release a sequel. It's gonna sell. Who are you to say they should take more time in development? They make the game. They know what they're doing.

You just schooled him. Give me one up top.
Youtube account: KoopaBoo2
PortalMaster #517721
Skylanders owned: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#77 Posted: 21:27:54 08/02/2012
Quote: CAV
Quote: Himewad

So, you haven't even played the game? How can you form an opinion on whether or not it's too soon to release another game 8 months from now? *Facepalm*

Personally, I'm good at collecting a lot of data about people online, and I'll continue to think you are a tool based on what I've seen. I'll just go back to ignoring you now, since your opinion on this is based on what you "imagine" from video clips.

You're right. He hasn't played it. But I have. And my opinion is generally similar to his. So if you don't want to listen to him, at least listen to me. I played the game, so I know what I'm talking about when I say that this game has major room for improvement.

So he's a tool? At least he isn't trying to block out negative opinions about something he likes.

Oh wow you've played Giants already??? Damn I'm Jelly. So are you testing it like an alpha/beta type deal or were you at the press release?...Can you talk about it?
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#78 Posted: 21:31:02 08/02/2012
Quote: Rays
You just schooled him. Give me one up top.

I need a smiley for that
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#79 Posted: 21:49:05 08/02/2012
To re-cap:

Is this a blatant cash grab? You betcha!

Should the sequel offer more improved functionality? I say yes. Manipulating the environment by moving, throwing, smashing big things is fun but not exactly ground breaking (yes, people, the pun was intended, sigh!)

Will Activision lose punters with this? I bonified guarantee it.

Will I buy it? Sadly, yes. I only enjoy a certain type of game. Case in point, people have complained for years about the Lego adventure games being cookie cutter (although each one is different and innovative in its way) but I bought all of them. Twice!

The bottom line is I still hope beyond hope that Money for Jam, err..., I mean Toys for Bob, will add some cool gameplay to the fold and make it a more worthy successor (instead of just suck).
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:49:41 08/02/2012 by chaosworrier
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#80 Posted: 22:14:14 08/02/2012
Quote: Tigorus

Oh wow you've played Giants already??? Damn I'm Jelly. So are you testing it like an alpha/beta type deal or were you at the press release?...Can you talk about it?

We were talking about who played the original Skylanders.....
Himewad Yellow Sparx Gems: 1819
#81 Posted: 22:21:58 08/02/2012
Quote: CAV
Quote: Tigorus

Oh wow you've played Giants already??? Damn I'm Jelly. So are you testing it like an alpha/beta type deal or were you at the press release?...Can you talk about it?

We were talking about who played the original Skylanders.....

He just wanted in on the fun. Too bad it was a fail.
Tigorus Emerald Sparx Gems: 3589
#82 Posted: 22:22:33 08/02/2012
Quote: CAV
Quote: Tigorus

Oh wow you've played Giants already??? Damn I'm Jelly. So are you testing it like an alpha/beta type deal or were you at the press release?...Can you talk about it?

We were talking about who played the original Skylanders.....

Ah I misinterpreted, sorry bout that. I just assumed we were talking about the new game. I must have missed something...too much cold medication. Wow SB182 hasn't played Skylanders....weird. So SB182 are you simply unable to play or just not interested? Based on how passionate you seem I just assumed you've played.
DinoHex Blue Sparx Gems: 735
#83 Posted: 22:26:36 08/02/2012
It's an odd feeling for me. Honestly, I haven't had this much fun in the gaming world in a long time. As frustrating as hunting for the figures is, it's a great feeling when you finally find them, and overall makes the hunt worth it. I'm really not in a hurry for the Skylanders experience to end, so I'm glad they're making a sequel and new toys so quickly. I don't know if I'll go for the re-released versions of old figures or the light up ones, but I'm totally willing to go for another round of toy hunting for the new ones. I bet the employees at EBGames and Toys R Us are mad though, because it means they'll have at least another year or two of this madness to deal with. smilie

I've had the 3DS game and the Wii game since November, and I'm only now really getting around to the Wii game. I've mostly just played the 3DS game until now, aside from a few times I tried the Wii game out for brief periods of time. Now I'm getting much deeper into the Wii game than previous attempts to get into it, so I'll probably be busy with the Wii game until close to the time that Giants comes out. In my eyes, I want Skylanders to keep going. Sure it's expensive, but I can afford it. It's brought new life to an industry that's been growing stale to me, and I'm all for its continuation.
smilie smilie and smilie: The three greatest Skylanders out of them all.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6253
#84 Posted: 22:27:54 08/02/2012
Quote: Tigorus
Quote: CAV
Quote: Tigorus

Oh wow you've played Giants already??? Damn I'm Jelly. So are you testing it like an alpha/beta type deal or were you at the press release?...Can you talk about it?

We were talking about who played the original Skylanders.....

Ah I misinterpreted, sorry bout that. I just assumed we were talking about the new game. I must have missed something...too much cold medication. Wow SB182 hasn't played Skylanders....weird. So SB182 are you simply unable to play or just not interested? Based on how passionate you seem I just assumed you've played.

He wasn't interested.

And no matter how hard you try, you won't get him to change his mind. I know.........I tried. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#85 Posted: 23:59:27 08/02/2012
Quote: Himewad
I'm not blocking anyone, CAV (not that I asked). And I didn't care for your hypocrite comment earlier, either. Last time I checked, this is a forum about a video game, and if you take the time to create an account, you probably like the game. I know, that's a pretty strong statement. For someone to spout off reasons (that don't even make sense, TBH) that a second game should not be released in such a forum seems the bigger offense to me. Especially from a guy that hasn't even played the original game. So you've played the game. Good for you. I still haven't seen a good reason why Activision shouldn't release a sequel. It's gonna sell. Who are you to say they should take more time in development? They make the game. They know what they're doing.

I joined this site on October 2010. The first Skylanders was announced on February 2011. Go figure.

I never said they shouldn't make a new game at all. Just not so early. If it was a Summer 2013 release date or later, I wouldn't criticise the release date.

@CAV: You are half correct. I am not interested in Skylanders - at it's demanding price level. However, hopefully, the release of Giants will result in a price drop for Spyro's Adventure, in which case, I may buy the 3DS Starter Pack. I may also be able to get the Xbox 360 version free of charge.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Purple n Spyro Ripto Gems: 1096
#86 Posted: 00:01:45 09/02/2012
Yeah it's too early but I hope it's not so overpriced!
Rays Green Sparx Gems: 392
#87 Posted: 00:04:41 09/02/2012
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: Himewad
I'm not blocking anyone, CAV (not that I asked). And I didn't care for your hypocrite comment earlier, either. Last time I checked, this is a forum about a video game, and if you take the time to create an account, you probably like the game. I know, that's a pretty strong statement. For someone to spout off reasons (that don't even make sense, TBH) that a second game should not be released in such a forum seems the bigger offense to me. Especially from a guy that hasn't even played the original game. So you've played the game. Good for you. I still haven't seen a good reason why Activision shouldn't release a sequel. It's gonna sell. Who are you to say they should take more time in development? They make the game. They know what they're doing.

I joined this site on October 2010. The first Skylanders was announced on February 2011. Go figure.

I never said they shouldn't make a new game at all. Just not so early. If it was a Summer 2013 release date or later, I wouldn't criticise the release date.

@CAV: You are half correct. I am not interested in Skylanders - at it's demanding price level. However, hopefully, the release of Giants will result in a price drop for Spyro's Adventure, in which case, I may buy the 3DS Starter Pack. I may also be able to get the Xbox 360 version free of charge.

Maybe Skylanders Giants started being made 2 years ago.
Youtube account: KoopaBoo2
PortalMaster #517721
Skylanders owned: smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#88 Posted: 00:11:21 09/02/2012
@Rays: I doubt that. There is only one development team for Skylanders, to my knowledge. Well, one for the console version, and a 3DS team. But even if Giants was developed at the same time as the original, I would see that as a very bad sign.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#89 Posted: 00:14:36 09/02/2012
Yes, its way too early to be even marking release dates for the sequel. The first game is not even a year old, and they are going to say that there will be a sequel out in fall of this year?

This smells like trouble to me smilie .
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Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#90 Posted: 00:14:46 09/02/2012
There was multiple teams on that game, more than the 3DS and the other consoles devs.
Orbinated Gold Sparx Gems: 2751
#91 Posted: 00:17:05 09/02/2012
I have about 12 Skylanders (haven't bought any in quite some time) yet I still don't have the starter kit. So I never actually played the first game and now that the second game is coming out soon, I need to get the first game like now. :X
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8438
#92 Posted: 00:21:31 09/02/2012
Quote: Orbinated
I have about 12 Skylanders (haven't bought any in quite some time) yet I still don't have the starter kit. So I never actually played the first game and now that the second game is coming out soon, I need to get the first game like now. :X

...So you've spent like, $96 on Skylanders figures and yet don't own the game.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#93 Posted: 00:25:11 09/02/2012
Quote: Reimu
There was multiple teams on that game, more than the 3DS and the other consoles devs.

Can you name them? As far as I am aware, there is only Toys For Bob, and Vicarious Visions. And TFB are not the biggest company either.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#94 Posted: 00:28:49 09/02/2012
Xpec on the XBox version.
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sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#95 Posted: 00:30:51 09/02/2012
What role did they play? I doubt they did the coding for the characters, or did the level design.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Orbinated Gold Sparx Gems: 2751
#96 Posted: 00:34:55 09/02/2012
Quote: bionicle2809
Quote: Orbinated
I have about 12 Skylanders (haven't bought any in quite some time) yet I still don't have the starter kit. So I never actually played the first game and now that the second game is coming out soon, I need to get the first game like now. :X

...So you've spent like, $96 on Skylanders figures and yet don't own the game.

Pretty much. Seems pretty naïve but I plan on getting every single character and not everyone has money to be throwing around like that. I'm a patient person and have a huge passion for Skylanders. I'm eventually going to get the game so I have nothing to worry about, so until then, I'll buy some single skylanders to keep me satisfied.
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#97 Posted: 00:34:59 09/02/2012
The porting I expect.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7098
#98 Posted: 00:40:48 09/02/2012
Quote: chaosworrier
The porting I expect.

But they're not the development team. By the development team, I mean the people who build the game from scratch. As far as I am aware, only TFB and VV did this.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#99 Posted: 00:45:20 09/02/2012
Ok, I see. The webgame?
Ibishou Red Sparx Gems: 78
#100 Posted: 00:46:45 09/02/2012
They are rushing because of one very important point, other companies are not sleeping.
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