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!Favorite Skylanders Of Each Element! [CLOSED]
terranakari Green Sparx Gems: 468
#1 Posted: 17:41:58 20/01/2012 | Topic Creator
I saw the "Best Skylander of Each Element" topic and noticed people where listing their favorite, so i thought i'd make this topic to go with the other one lol. YOU CAN NAME SKYLANDERS THAT ARE NOT OUT YET OR ONES YOU DONT HAVE! =D 'cuz I know there are tons of people on here that LOVE camo and sunburn lol

(you can also name more then one skylander if its a close tie!)

Magic: All except Wrecking Ball, I just LOVE them <3
Tech: Drobot and Drill Sergeant
Water: Zap
Fire: Sunburn~~
Air: All except Lightning Rod, Im seriously tied between the other 3 <3
Undead: Cynder
Life: Stealth Elf and Camo
Earth: hmmm i dont particularly like any of the earth skylanders, but since i need to list one ill list Dino-Rang, cuz he's pretty cool. Just not a favorite lol.

I'd love to see your favorites as well! You can even list some of you favorite items if youd like!!

My favorite items are the Health Potion, the Time Attatck(hourglass thingy) one, and idk what Sparx does yet but i know i want him rly bad! and the winged boots, which help nonflying skylanders fly! smilie

<looks to me like Darklight Crypt and Dragon's Peak got their items right lol, the other two are still good though.>
We finally have all the skylanders from SA and SG! Still working on SSF & STT.

Proud Skylander Mom! To our little skyfamily. <3
Necrophia Red Sparx Gems: 52
#2 Posted: 20:15:41 20/01/2012
Undead: Hex
Magic: Wrecking Ball (Is cute in-game)
Fire: Ignitor
Life: Stealth Elf
Wind: Sonic Boom
Tech: Boomer (Happy Trigger is a close second)
Water: Gill Grunt
Earth: All of them except Dino-Rang. I can't really decide one. Terrafin maybe
--Sorry for the unexpected poor english--
TorchSheep Emerald Sparx Gems: 3376
#3 Posted: 20:53:28 20/01/2012
Magic: Spyro smilie
Earth: Bash smilie
Water: Gill Grunt smilie
Fire: Sunburn
Tech: Trigger Happy smilie
Undead: Chop Chop smilie
Wind: Whirlwind smilie
Life: Camo
"I have my own system, don't get involved"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:48:56 21/01/2012 by TorchSheep
DarkSpyro12345 Green Sparx Gems: 148
#4 Posted: 21:04:33 20/01/2012
Magic: Dark Spyro
Earth: All I can't decide
Water: Slam Bam
Fire: Sunburn
Tech: Drobot and Drill Sergeant
Undead: Chop Chop and Cynder
Air: Sonic Boom
Life: Stealth Elf
Got: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie Want: smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:05:43 20/01/2012 by DarkSpyro12345
Brony Blue Sparx Gems: 660
#5 Posted: 21:10:26 20/01/2012
Magic: Wrecking ball
Tech: Drobot
Water: Zap or Slam Bam..
Fire: Sunburn
Undead: Hex
Life: Camo
Earth: Dino-Rang
PinkWater Yellow Sparx Gems: 1059
#6 Posted: 21:53:49 20/01/2012
All the dragons and Wrecking Ball.

I DARE YOU TO PROVE ME WRONG! ...Actually don't. I'm quite biased.
C1nder Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10583
#7 Posted: 21:55:58 20/01/2012
Magic: Spyro
Water: Zap
Tech: Drobot
Fire: Eruptor
Air: Sonic Boom
Undead: Hex
Life: Stealth Elf

I just put my favourites out of the ones I have X3
RocketBeast Green Sparx Gems: 326
#8 Posted: 22:39:05 20/01/2012
Magic: Double Trouble
Earth: Bash
Water: Gill Grunt
Fire: Sunburn
Tech: Trigger Happy
Undead: Ghost Roaster
Air: Whirlwind
Life: Stump Smash
Beastly Tiki Behemoth
Own: (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)
Ibishou Red Sparx Gems: 78
#9 Posted: 22:50:41 20/01/2012
Magic: Voodood
Earth: Terrafin
Water: Gill Grunt
Fire: Flameslinger
Tech: Trigger Happy
Undead: Hex
Air: None
Life: Stealth Elf
greenlantern511 Ripto Gems: 270
#10 Posted: 22:51:21 20/01/2012
Magic: Dark Spyro
Water: Zap
Earth: Dino Rang
Fire: Sunburn
Tech: Drobot
Undead: Legendary Chop Chop
Air: Whirlwind
Life: Camo
CynderFan1309 Gold Sparx Gems: 2235
#11 Posted: 22:52:50 20/01/2012
Magic: Double Trouble
Tech: Drill Sergeant
Earth: Dino-Rang
Air: Whirlwind
Fire: Ignitor
Water: Wham Shell
Life: Zook
Undead: Ghost Roaster
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#12 Posted: 23:37:21 20/01/2012
My Best/Favorite:

Tech: Drobot
Magic: Spyro
Air: Sonic Boom and soon to be Whirlwind
Life: Stealth Elf
Earth: Bash and Dino-Rang
Undead: Hex and soon to be Cynder
Water: Zap
Fire: Best right now: Flameslinger... Favorite and soon to be best-Ignitor
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
SpyroDawn26 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1257
#13 Posted: 23:55:25 20/01/2012
Magic: Spyro(To be more specific, Legendary Spyro)
Earth: Prism Break and also Dino Rang
Water: Zap
Fire: Ignitor
Tech: Drobot
Undead: Chop Chop
Air: Sonic Boom
Life: Camo
Make Pasta, Not War!
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#14 Posted: 00:05:17 21/01/2012
Magic: Spyro.
Earth: Dino rang
Undead: Cynder
Life: Stealth elf
Fire: Flameslinger.
Air: Sonic boom
Water: Gill grunt
Tech: Trigger Happy
"Was it a hot ghost?"
chriscross99 Green Sparx Gems: 168
#15 Posted: 02:17:12 21/01/2012
Okay here are mine:

Magic: Voodoodsmilie, Wrecking Ballsmilie and Spyrosmilie

Tech: Drobotsmilie

Water: Whamshell

Earth: Terrafinsmilie, Bashsmilie, Dino-Rangsmilie

Air: Sonic Boomsmilie, Whirlwindsmilie, Warnado

Life: Stealth Elfsmilie, Camo

Fire: Flameslingersmilie, Sunburn

Undead: Cyndersmilie, Ghost Roastersmilie
My collection so far: [smiliesmiliesmilie][smilie][smiliesmilie][smiliesmiliesmilie][smiliesmilie][smilie][smilie]
I want: smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie camo sunburn warnado whamshell
njd123 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1546
#16 Posted: 02:18:44 21/01/2012
Air: Whirlwind
Life: Camo
Undead: Cynder
Earth: Bash
Fire: Sunburn
Water: Zap
Magic: Spyro
Tech: Drobot

Yeah, the dragons.
I can't think of a signature.
Fireballz Green Sparx Gems: 298
#17 Posted: 03:40:09 21/01/2012
Fire- Sunburn
Water- Slam Bam
Life- Camo and Stealth Elf
Air- So hard to decide! Stuck between 3 except Lighting Rod. I think Warnado.
Undead- Cynder
Tech- Trigger Happy
Earth- Prism Break
Magic- Voodood
Skylanders I currently own- (smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)(smiliesmilie)(smilie)
terranakari Green Sparx Gems: 468
#18 Posted: 03:42:04 21/01/2012 | Topic Creator
loving your favs! keep em coming! smilie
We finally have all the skylanders from SA and SG! Still working on SSF & STT.

Proud Skylander Mom! To our little skyfamily. <3
dragonmk Blue Sparx Gems: 761
#19 Posted: 04:48:31 21/01/2012
Magic Spyro any of them and wrecking ball
Water Gill grunt
Life Stealth elf and camo
fire SUnburn
Tech All of them
undead cynder and chop chop
earth all but dinorang
wind whirlwind
I havent updated since I don't particularly care but I have gotten all the skylanders except varients only ones are glow Warnado and WERDS
Whirlwind5598 Green Sparx Gems: 332
#20 Posted: 06:00:36 21/01/2012
Quote: greenlantern511
Magic: Dark Spyro
Water: Zap
Earth: Dino Rang
Fire: Sunburn
Tech: Drobot
Undead: Legendary Chop Chop
Air: Whirlwind
Life: Camo


DinoHex Blue Sparx Gems: 735
#21 Posted: 23:18:44 21/01/2012
My A-Team that I often use when replaying the 3DS game is...

Magic: Dark Spyro
Water: Gil-Grunt
Earth: Dino-Rang
Fire: FlameSlinger (my speed guy for the Hektore Challenges and the final boss)
Tech: Drobot
Undead: Hex
Air: Whirlwind
GRASS: StumpSmash
smilie smilie and smilie: The three greatest Skylanders out of them all.
Warnado13 Green Sparx Gems: 362
#22 Posted: 00:02:07 22/01/2012
These are out of the Skylandes that I own.

Magic: Wreaking Ball
Water: Gill-Grunt
Earth: Terrafin
Fire: Eruptor
Tech: Drobot
Undead: Ghost Roaster
Air: Don't own any...
Life: Stealth Elf
Skylanders: [smilie] [smiliesmilie] [smilie] [smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmilie] [smiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmilie] [smiliesmiliesmilie]
wanderist Platinum Sparx Gems: 7090
#23 Posted: 00:09:22 22/01/2012
Magic: Spyro
Earth: Prism Break or Terrafin
Water: Zap
Fire: Sunburn
Tech: Trigger Happy (would say Drobot but I haven't played as him and I have played as Trigger Happy)
Undead: Cynder
Air: Whirlwind
Life: Camo
porsche9000 Gold Sparx Gems: 2213
#24 Posted: 21:29:40 26/05/2012
Magic: Dark Spyro
Water: Zap
Tech: Drobot
Fire: Sunburn
Undead: Cynder
Air: Whirlwind
Life: Camo
Earth: Terrafin
pretty obvious but... yeah I'm not active here anymore
CrazyTankGunner Green Sparx Gems: 220
#25 Posted: 22:01:13 26/05/2012
Magic: L Spyro
Water: Slam Bam
Tech: Drobot
Fire: Flameslinger
Undead: Chop-Chop
Air: Sonic Boom
Life: Zook
Earth: Terrafin
smilie Smiley Face! smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie smilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smiliesmilie smilie smiliesmilie
Ed On Cynder Blue Sparx Gems: 770
#26 Posted: 23:39:03 26/05/2012
Magic: Spyro
Water: Zap
Tech: Drobot
Fire: Sunburn
Undead: Cynder
Air: Warnado (top favorite)
Life: Camo
Earth: Bash/Dino-Rang (use equally)
32/32 + Extra smilie and smilie
Skylander hunt complete, excellent job!
JuLeDoS Blue Sparx Gems: 653
#27 Posted: 00:00:42 27/05/2012
Why are we bumping this topic? Anyway,
Air- Lightning Rod
Undead- Ghost Roaster
Fire- Ignitor
Life- Stealth Elf
Water- Gill Grunt
Earth- Terrafin
Tech- Drobot
Are you my mummy?
hexthebeast45 Green Sparx Gems: 417
#28 Posted: 00:08:08 27/05/2012
Cheeseman Green Sparx Gems: 462
#29 Posted: 07:15:59 27/05/2012
Wham Shell
Stealth Elf
Skylanders: All of them. Boom!
Dunkin Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#30 Posted: 17:34:02 27/05/2012
Old topic but I'll post anyways.

Faves are as follows..

Life: Camo and Zook
Undead: Cynder and Chop Chop
Magic: Double Trouble and Voodood
Wind: Lightning Rod
Water: Wham Shell and SlamBam
Tech: Trigger Happy (Legendary)
Earth: Bash

Some have toss-ups, like life its a Tie between Camo and Zook (I like them both). Undead would be a tie between Cynder and Chop Chop, and stuff like that.
Sometimes its hard to choose smilie
I <3 all Spyro games!smilie
DragonDog Ripto Gems: 1798
#31 Posted: 22:17:52 21/09/2012
All dragons, sonic boom, wercking ball, warnado
zook it up Gold Sparx Gems: 2262
#32 Posted: 22:28:12 21/09/2012
oh this is a hard one

air jet-vac [i like his chatacter and attacks]

life zook[ i really like him but there are some really cool life characters]

undead chop chop [really fun and powerful]

earth crusher [looks fun and i love hammers

fire hot head [fire is my fave element so im glad they made a really coll fire character]

water thump back [really cool with cool attacks]

magic pop fizz [beast mode looks fun]

teck drill sergeant
andy2467 Blue Sparx Gems: 880
#33 Posted: 23:18:59 21/09/2012
Quote: zook it up
oh this is a hard one

air jet-vac [i like his chatacter and attacks]

life zook[ i really like him but there are some really cool life characters]

undead chop chop [really fun and powerful]

earth crusher [looks fun and i love hammers

fire hot head [fire is my fave element so im glad they made a really coll fire character]

water thump back [really cool with cool attacks]

magic pop fizz [beast mode looks fun]

teck drill sergeant

oh thats so cool how do u know the giants and new skylanders symbols in ur signature please tell me!
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Nightwing8638 Red Sparx Gems: 86
#34 Posted: 11:52:10 22/09/2012
Magic: smilie Beast form
Tech: smilie Demolition Troll
Water: smilie Slime Serpent
Earth: smilie Sandhog
Fire: smilie Soul Of The Flame
Undead: smilie Undead Defender
Air: smilie Eye Of The Storm
Life: smilie Melon Master

Epic Paths!
smilie Motion Of The Potion smilie
Edited 3 times - Last edited at 12:01:50 22/09/2012 by Nightwing8638
Nibelilt Ripto Gems: 401
#35 Posted: 12:24:09 22/09/2012
Magic- smilie (Ultimate Spinner)
Earth- smilie (Crystaleer)
Water- smilie (Blizzard Brawler)
Fire- smilie (Pyromancer)
Tech- smilie (Undecided Path, probably go with the Wrench though! Tech Meleeist FTW!)
Undead- smilie (Undecided Path, no idea which to pick.)
Air- smilie (It will probably be the Jet Path if it gets either flight combos or infinite flight, it will be Vacuum Path if it has neither.)
Life- smilie (Nut Crafter)

As you can tell, I mainly enjoy the "niche" characters most people seem to dislike or never discuss. Sprocket is actually my favorite Skylander.
LightSpyro13 Blue Sparx Gems: 861
#36 Posted: 19:41:24 22/09/2012
Magic smilie (He's the most fun and is my only magic guy)

Water: smilie (fun to mess around with the sea slime & lightning)

Tech: smilie (an orange raving rabbid with guns, classic!)

Earth: All except for :lbh: (he's so boring, Regular smilie Bash is already powerful enough, actually more than enough)

Undead: smilie & smilie (awsome but a little overpowered)

Life: All except for smilie (he stinks! Why does everyone like this stupid green lizard? He's so overrated, like all dragons)

Fire: smilie (the only fire guy who is actually interesting, the others aren't very appealing)

Air: smilie (Way better than smilie!)
Fins, of fury!
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