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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders Toys and Merchandise > Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated
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Our Collections so far :) *Post Pics and brag about your Skylanders!!!* updated [STICKY]
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#1 Posted: 05:57:48 08/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Leaving the thread open for you to post. I will no longer be updating our pictures. Not worth the time or effort. Can't ask a question or post anymore without my head being ripped off.
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
Edited 6 times - Last edited at 03:53:40 26/06/2012 by Vhraina
Dragonhope Gold Sparx Gems: 2992
#2 Posted: 06:02:05 08/12/2011
I would like you to know that you have one of the most awesome displays I've seen. Is this really your standard setup? Like they're all placed together like that?

Myeap, I'll post mine but I'm too much in shaaaaaaaaame D:
Gaccha! Tanoshii dyueru dattaze!
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#3 Posted: 06:07:01 08/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Thank you smilie Nah, I just set them up like that. We'll keep them on our headboard until we finish collecting series 1 then it's off into a box for them. It's a way for us to also experiment with leveling both sides of the character as well as write a pvp/game guide for all four systems. And yes, we play on our huge TV in our bedroom. Wonderful way to wind down, playing Skylanders in the evening; especially doing PVP with the husband, lol. Drobot kicks major butt. Stealth Elf is pretty broken as well. But... none moreso than Terrafin. He can dodge practically anything! Dives under lasers, mows through boulders without the pickax, enemies (bah, what enemies?), and that voice sample... You know the one - brap-brap-brap-brap- brabrabrabra brupbrupbrupbrup... too cool smilie

I say go for it and post your collection! Owning any Skylanders at all and having your own personal collection is awesome in it's own right. smilie
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:12:02 08/12/2011 by Vhraina
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#4 Posted: 15:06:42 08/12/2011
here is my collection, everything crammed into one picture... smilie
[User Posted Image]

..and the three spyros with stat cards...
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Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:54:48 13/12/2011 by kappapopm
DantheDragonBoy Green Sparx Gems: 404
#5 Posted: 16:32:54 08/12/2011
Nice collection guys smilie
And here's mine smilie

[User Posted Image]

[User Posted Image]
Ignitor and Dark Spyro added to the collection.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:38:13 08/01/2012 by DantheDragonBoy
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#6 Posted: 17:38:35 08/12/2011
No pictures, I'm afraid, but I have all of the figures (sans Flameslinger, Drobot and Stump Smash), including Dark Spyro and the Legendaries, and the Adventure Packs. I have the Volcanic Vault, and the PS3/3DS versions.
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
JAP28 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1097
#7 Posted: 17:57:40 08/12/2011
My small collection.....

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All Current Skylanders just no pearl smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#8 Posted: 19:57:32 08/12/2011
Wow, some impressive collections. This will all be nostalgic someday. So don't do something stupid and regret it later on.
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#9 Posted: 21:56:03 08/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Very cool collections! I love seeing so many people enjoying a hobby together smilie We'd love to become more involved in the community here and get to know you guys smilie If any of you play the online game, are we allowed to give our number out here? Maybe we can help some of you out with our island. We have max upgrades for the actual island size and are working on some of the last ones for the totems (tree, sun, sheep, and cornucopia), and also the amount of plants to be found is ridiculous smilie

@ GameMaster78 You are actually what inspired us to collect in the first place. And nope smilie we still need a sealed 3DS copy. My husband and I both play and both have a 3DS, so we each needed our own copy. Need about 7 more figures and the Ghost Roaster set (along with sealed game copies) and we will have a double of everything smilie We have been looking everywhere for a Silver Skylander, and we are jealous lol. We go out at least four or six days a week to get our exercise in and it has been a wonderful hunt. It has been a great excuse to get out and lose the excess baby weight from our son (178 at birth down to 145 *cheers*), and it gets us talking and having fun. Our son loves to sit and watch us play too, so it is just as well that we are collecting for him.
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#10 Posted: 21:56:39 08/12/2011
If you mean by trading the game in, I don't ever trade my games in, I'd be ripping myself off. Plus, the game can't be traded in, from what I understand (at least at Gamestop here in the US).

Nice collections, peeps. Keep it growing.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#11 Posted: 21:57:24 08/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Also, for those who can't buy a second copy of figures but want to keep them for collectors sake, you can use the PoP like they do in the stores. Even the multi-packs! The characters will still summon and you can keep your character mint smilie
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#12 Posted: 05:03:49 10/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Just got more Skylanders for the boxed setsmilie

[User Posted Image]
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#13 Posted: 05:09:15 10/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Yay! only four more 3 packs and two more singles to get then we will have the entire set of SLers, and then we can work on getting the guide, posters, and games (need unopened 360, ps3, wii, 3ds, and pc smilie )
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#14 Posted: 11:44:40 10/12/2011
Aah! I wrapped all of them up for the kids for Christmas, so can't photo them.

I took a photo some time ago but that was when I had quite a few less.

I promise a piccie soon after XMas.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#15 Posted: 17:32:20 10/12/2011
Quote: Vhraina
Very cool collections! I love seeing so many people enjoying a hobby together smilie We'd love to become more involved in the community here and get to know you guys smilie If any of you play the online game, are we allowed to give our number out here? Maybe we can help some of you out with our island. We have max upgrades for the actual island size and are working on some of the last ones for the totems (tree, sun, sheep, and cornucopia), and also the amount of plants to be found is ridiculous smilie

@ GameMaster78 You are actually what inspired us to collect in the first place. And nope smilie we still need a sealed 3DS copy. My husband and I both play and both have a 3DS, so we each needed our own copy. Need about 7 more figures and the Ghost Roaster set (along with sealed game copies) and we will have a double of everything smilie We have been looking everywhere for a Silver Skylander, and we are jealous lol. We go out at least four or six days a week to get our exercise in and it has been a wonderful hunt. It has been a great excuse to get out and lose the excess baby weight from our son (178 at birth down to 145 *cheers*), and it gets us talking and having fun. Our son loves to sit and watch us play too, so it is just as well that we are collecting for him.

Thanks for the compliment. I'm glad I was able to inspire someone else to do the same. In the case of this game, it's totally worth it. We can all look back and say we supported something that wasn't a huge trend in gaming, where others flocked to the AAA bandwagon (though I think this will hit AAA status in time due to popularity).

We can all give ourselves a round of applause, whether we own just the game, 1-2 figures, all the figures, or beyond.

I think if I ever pick up the PC version of the game, I will keep it sealed to say I have a sealed console version.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:34:58 10/12/2011 by GameMaster78
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#16 Posted: 23:07:37 11/12/2011
Cool guys they are all the guys that are out
spyro fan 8 Ripto Gems: 2948
#17 Posted: 00:34:03 12/12/2011
woah. where do people get the money for this stuff? I admire you all for your dedication to this (or maybe just being rich as hell)
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#18 Posted: 02:17:02 12/12/2011
Mom would not let me get that many doubles
Seth727 Green Sparx Gems: 185
#19 Posted: 02:33:43 12/12/2011
i dont think i can afford to buy so much of it. i have to save up for my trip to europe next year im in high school and im going on a culinary arts trip.
(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie )(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie)(smiliesmilie)(smiliesmiliesmilie)
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#20 Posted: 02:41:47 12/12/2011
You only need one of each skylander

Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#21 Posted: 06:03:37 12/12/2011
No! Impossible! I need seven of every Skylander! Three with each build, and then one at L:1 with no stats to round things out. Of these seven, two are open, and five remain in the package. After all, what if the national currency becomes Skylanders at the end of this recession? You'll look really silly for telling me I only need one.

... In any case, Vhraina and I added a boxed Flameslinger and a Brady Games guide to our collection today. 3/7 Flameslingers. lawl
Sunny Castanets Gold Sparx Gems: 2231
#22 Posted: 07:53:45 12/12/2011
I don't think I could justify buying more than one of each Skylander. My only exceptions are Drill Sergeant (since I went on a bidding spree on eBay and bought one too many!), and possibly Zap (since I'm ordering him in a triple pack with the three new ones, and it cost less than £1 more to get a triple pack than it did just to get individual packs).
Quote: Tashiji
Sunny, as always, you are so darn smart.
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#23 Posted: 12:55:09 12/12/2011
I might get two of some guy so i can get both pathes of upgrading

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Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#24 Posted: 02:43:37 13/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Just added a single bash! Gonna try for another boxed trio or two before the night is out.
Edit***Yay got three of our last four boxed set!
(Hex, zap, dino rang; sonic boom, stealth elf, wreckingball; boomer, voodood, and prism break)

Almost done!

**edit 12-13-11 got our boxed 3ds version smilie
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:49:40 13/12/2011 by Vhraina
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#25 Posted: 01:29:14 16/12/2011
HOW DO YOU AFFORD ALL OF THEM THERE 7.99 IN THE US DON"T KNOW WHAT COUNTRY YOUR FROM BUT YOU MUST HAVE ALOT OF$ TO AFFORD THAT oh and game master 98 where did you get that mis colored smilie
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#26 Posted: 01:56:27 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
By smart buys and tradeins to gametop. That and some people gift it to us smilie.
He got he micolored ignitor in a 3ds copy of the game.
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#27 Posted: 01:57:28 16/12/2011
Quote: Vhraina
By smart buys and tradeins to gametop. That and some people gift it to us smilie.
He got he micolored ignitor in a 3ds copy of the game.

oh I thought you were a coupon hoard
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#28 Posted: 01:59:53 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
... that's not very nice to say...
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#29 Posted: 02:28:38 16/12/2011
don't you think you should use coupons still if you sold all that on ebay you would be rich not trying to be mean
Tashiji Yellow Sparx Gems: 1453
#30 Posted: 02:47:58 16/12/2011
A couple hundred dollars is a nice little bonus, but in the world of adults, which Vhraina and I both are, it won't make or break our budget in either direction if we keep a boxed collection of Skylanders during the Christmas rush.
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#31 Posted: 02:50:56 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
It's also a great thing to have put up in case of emergency or for a new car fund for the future smilie
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#32 Posted: 02:57:11 16/12/2011
hey i'm not in my adult years and is not making it there soon and I just thought ebay is where the money is I don't know why but in my area it is rare to find a single chopchop or bash I found mine in single packs but never saw them in singles again

edit 2 second after post literally not making there soon
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 02:58:19 16/12/2011 by the ignitor
PvtPlatypus Green Sparx Gems: 164
#33 Posted: 03:27:43 16/12/2011
My dad got me the game for Christmas. I was with him when he bought it, so that's how I know. xP Besides the standard 3 that come with the console editions, we bought Drobot and Zap. So my collection is tiny, although it's not gonna stay that way for long.
My collection - smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#34 Posted: 03:47:30 16/12/2011
I'm fixing to get a bunch of Skylanders for Christmas.. but my mom just can't find Whirlwind! She's ALWAYS sold out! ;____;

I envy you guys. D:
Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#35 Posted: 04:08:28 16/12/2011
WOW That is quite a collection I'm very jealous i will eventually be doing that aswell just waitng for sales and stuff i already got 1 voo doo free with my wii skylanders purchase
I found silver rang and silver boomer Which are my pride ang joy i'll get my girl friend to help me post them.

Not a big computer person

Can't wait to see more
Nice job
joseph235 Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#36 Posted: 04:16:24 16/12/2011
Quote: Vhraina
Here is my family's collection of Skylanders. We are still working on our boxed set to save up for our kids when they are old enough to appreciate them (also never hurts to have a rainy day fund.)
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We would love to have a Silver Skylander, but they are near impossible to find smilie and waaaay too expensive to buy on Ebay. But here we go smilie Meet our batch of Skylanders.

What Skylanders do you have?

Have you seen those awsome custom made skylanders yet?
Since you are a huge skylander collector i thought you might want to check them out if you havent already
Just google site, Jin Saotome’s Dangerous Toys tell me what you think i have a topic page on these figures
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#37 Posted: 05:34:33 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
Oh, we'd love to have a set. I'll polly dabble in making some articulated ones after the new year.
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#38 Posted: 06:32:04 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
All I have to ay is: dang ol' Bash. I was taking pictures to update and forgot his boxed figure! Now I have to redo all the pictures lol oi
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#39 Posted: 12:08:48 16/12/2011
i'm looking for a single smilie and he is not out yet in a single pack so i'm getting the 3ds one smilie is kind of like spyro but he has different stats
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#40 Posted: 12:17:39 16/12/2011
to much chit chat here lately... it would be nice if more people post pictures of their stuff...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:18:29 16/12/2011 by kappapopm
Vhraina Green Sparx Gems: 210
#41 Posted: 12:21:53 16/12/2011 | Topic Creator
I agreesmilie I love seeing how people re doingon their collections and building their favorite team. Our faves right now are
Life: Stealth Elf
Earth: Terrafin
Fire: Flameslinger/Ignitor
Water: Zap
Undead: Hex
Air: Whirlwind
Tech: Drobot

I'll post the new pics in a day or so after finals are over.
No longer an active member of DS. Will no longer be updating pictures. Not worth it.
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#42 Posted: 12:22:29 16/12/2011
Quote: kappapopm
to much chit chat here lately... it would be nice if more people post pictures of their stuff...

I don't know how to post pictures
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#43 Posted: 12:37:00 16/12/2011
upload your jpg picture here...

then press this icon (red circle for images) in your reply... copy&paste your link to your picture from the upload place.. [img]your link to your picture here[img]
[User Posted Image]

its that easy smilie
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 12:39:31 16/12/2011 by kappapopm
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#44 Posted: 12:49:14 16/12/2011
good after christmas you can see a picture MAYBE. im gettingsmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#45 Posted: 12:54:35 16/12/2011
you can post a picture now... then post new picture after xmas... dont have to wait a year for it smilie
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#46 Posted: 12:57:06 16/12/2011
no but my I only have smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie and i'm getting more after christmas
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#47 Posted: 13:03:02 16/12/2011
dosent matter how many you have, its picture that matter smilie
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#48 Posted: 21:09:20 16/12/2011
I just feel like a fool having 8 skylanders in a picture
kappapopm Ripto Gems: 1186
#49 Posted: 21:32:18 16/12/2011
Quote: the ignitor
I just feel like a fool having 8 skylanders in a picture

we all love skylanders here, nobody is a fool.. so dont worry about that.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 21:33:41 16/12/2011 by kappapopm
the ignitor Ripto Gems: 78
#50 Posted: 21:34:50 16/12/2011
yeah but you have all of them out so far but I just feel out not having everyone out
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