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100% achievements? [CLOSED]
nintendofreak Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#1 Posted: 04:14:51 05/11/2011 | Topic Creator
Anyone have 1000/1000 yet, took me 4 days which was surprisingly easy.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#2 Posted: 15:44:24 05/11/2011
I'm trying ridiculously hard not to finish this game too soon, since usually achievements become the only reason I continue playing a single player game after I finish it (i.e. Prototype, Mass Effect 2).

As a result, I'm only halfway complete with the achievements.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 15:45:19 05/11/2011 by CAV
Psykostevo Red Sparx Gems: 66
#3 Posted: 23:14:42 05/11/2011
I've been going back and getting 3 star finishes on the levels. So far I have refused to complete the game on purpose. I'm saving the rest for later after I get the others levels 100% done and the heroic challenges.
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#4 Posted: 23:22:33 05/11/2011
I'm the opposite, I wanted to finish the story but still have an incredible incentive to get my 3 stars on all levels as I am a completionist.

That said, how can you get 100% when not all of the expansion levels are available and you need all of the chars to access all of the heroic quests?
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#5 Posted: 14:50:37 06/11/2011
I can't seem to get the trophy for having all ability upgrades even though two of my skylanders are maxed out and the fairy lady has no more upgrades for them. Help?
BerryShaker Blue Sparx Gems: 540
#6 Posted: 07:02:28 07/11/2011
^ I think this is a known bug for one of the platforms, I saw some other posts about this. Don't think there's a resolution yet.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:02:48 07/11/2011 by BerryShaker
nintendofreak Yellow Sparx Gems: 1089
#7 Posted: 02:56:16 10/11/2011 | Topic Creator
Quote: Ammers
I can't seem to get the trophy for having all ability upgrades even though two of my skylanders are maxed out and the fairy lady has no more upgrades for them. Help?

Try maxing out one of the characters that came included with the game, cause when i maxed out one that did not come with the game, I didn't get it. But the next one happened to be included with the game and I got the achievement.

I don't have 100% completetion i only have all the achievements since I still need 3 mroe types of skylanders, fire, undead, and life.
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