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who to buy next [CLOSED]
gambitraven Green Sparx Gems: 133
#1 Posted: 18:18:13 03/11/2011 | Topic Creator
I have Sonic Boom, Flameslinger and the basic so whos next I want to get Prism Break but asking for suggestions on my next.
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#2 Posted: 18:28:25 03/11/2011
Whirlwind is super fun! RAINBOWS HECK YES.
Archae Emerald Sparx Gems: 4192
#3 Posted: 21:15:20 03/11/2011
You need a life Skylander, see if you can get Stump Smash.
Gunter glieben glauten globen...
gambitraven Green Sparx Gems: 133
#4 Posted: 22:48:59 03/11/2011 | Topic Creator
yeah is there a bad need a life pun in there lol also does he play well and went to target and it looked like they had no figures
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#5 Posted: 23:00:01 03/11/2011
Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#6 Posted: 23:19:33 03/11/2011
Not tried Stump yet but Stealth Elf plays well, she is a quick meele fighter and can vanish and leave a Decoy while she goes behind and enemy and stabs them sevral times. She can clear enemys pretty quickly and she looks like she would be fun in the battle arena aswell.
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#7 Posted: 05:15:24 04/11/2011
^Yes, stealth elf. She's a TANK when you max her up. In the Kaos battle, I got rid of the three minions every time in a few seconds! smilie
"Was it a hot ghost?"
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