darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure > Will they increase eventually increase the max level?
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Will they increase eventually increase the max level? [CLOSED]
UncleAl88 Red Sparx Gems: 10
#1 Posted: 18:45:45 02/11/2011 | Topic Creator
Has anyone heard or read anything on this?
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13067
#2 Posted: 18:49:10 02/11/2011
I doubt that will happen. But I'm hoping it will in the sequel.
gambitraven Green Sparx Gems: 133
#3 Posted: 18:49:49 02/11/2011
Quote: alicecarp
I doubt that will happen. But I'm hoping it will in the sequel.

same here
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
rob7274 Green Sparx Gems: 113
#4 Posted: 23:44:36 02/11/2011
I hope so.
If you read the back of the adventure packaging it mentions future skylanders games like they already have them planned.
I cant remember what it says for sure though
With all the hints in game too and a big interactive website I reakon there will be new upgrades (or different skill tree availible) for characters and higher levels
Im New (Skylanders Fan)
Not enough room for all my Skylanders so just my fav: smilie
riverhippo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1049
#5 Posted: 03:42:49 03/11/2011
I read the back of my starter pack and my pariate seas adventure pack and nothing implied future games. However, sequels, new characters, and new abilities for the characters we already have sounds totally possible.
Slivers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1387
#6 Posted: 04:46:21 03/11/2011
I would assume the Figures are agnostic to level and abilities; simply having a bar code like read to communicate. This means a future game could easily read/write info needed for additional levels and abilities gained and levels within. The tricky part, is how the original game would handle the extra data with rendering the upgraded Skylander from the second game incompatible.

However, that isn't that hard of a detail to work out and it would truly surprise me if Activision had not already planned for it. You do not put the cost of this game, and more importantly cost of plastic molds, marketing, advertising, demo days, etc in to anything except future franchises. And franchise in the gaming industry means more than two to three years.
Psykostevo Red Sparx Gems: 66
#7 Posted: 06:01:06 05/11/2011
Let's all hope so
rob7274 Green Sparx Gems: 113
#8 Posted: 11:31:18 05/11/2011
Quote: riverhippo
I read the back of my starter pack and my pariate seas adventure pack and nothing implied future games. However, sequels, new characters, and new abilities for the characters we already have sounds totally possible.

Sorry I may have misread.

I think it was somewhere in the lower left corner on the back (small print).
Im New (Skylanders Fan)
Not enough room for all my Skylanders so just my fav: smilie
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#9 Posted: 11:35:48 05/11/2011
"Works with the original Skylanders Spyro's Adventure video game; sequel games may require different peripherals."

From the back of my Drill Sergeant package
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