darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure > Wave 3 - Speculation and guesses, nothing official yet
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Wave 3 - Speculation and guesses, nothing official yet [CLOSED]
DrVenkman1985 Green Sparx Gems: 292
#1 Posted: 03:48:24 02/11/2011 | Topic Creator
I'm just wondering, if anyone's thought that maybe Wave 3 will be ones that aren't on the character poster.
So like the red dragon and Chinese dragons for a start, anyone else thinking similar ?

Also anyone know anything about the characters that were in pre-production and didn't make it to the final "32"?

Think it'd be cool if we could get the Dark Kaos Skylanders as either exclusives or in this wave.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#2 Posted: 04:38:56 02/11/2011
The red dragon isn't a Skylander, he's an NPC character possibly for the Dragon's Peak Adventure Pack The Chinese Dragon skylander, well, we don't know who he is currently.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
C1nder Prismatic Sparx Gems: 10564
#3 Posted: 07:34:49 02/11/2011
I don't believe they'll release all of the characters for the second wave, leaving the remaining Skylanders for the third wave. That's just my opinion though.
gambitraven Green Sparx Gems: 133
#4 Posted: 20:08:09 02/11/2011
I think they are def waiting to sell how well this game sells. From black Friday to a few weeks after Christmas if this thing sells like hot cakes.If theres away to see how much profit this makes around that time will determine the outcome of this.
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#5 Posted: 23:49:38 02/11/2011
Wait. We don't even know all of the characters? Or I'm getting the wrong information
alicecarp Prismatic Sparx Gems: 13067
#6 Posted: 23:55:58 02/11/2011
^We do know them all, some of them just aren't available to buy yet.
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#7 Posted: 00:05:30 03/11/2011
Alright, thanks.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#8 Posted: 00:13:58 03/11/2011
But they could always bring new ones out. I mean, why stop at a second wave?
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#9 Posted: 00:14:58 03/11/2011
True. But I'd be really surprised, since from the start they said they had this exact amount. If they made another game, I can see them adding more though
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#10 Posted: 00:21:14 03/11/2011
But you have to remember that they may only say that to give people an idea of what they can do with the game. It's why DLC happens with other games. Developers get new ideas post-release, and add them later.

That, and I think stopping at Wave 2 defies the purpose of the toy concept. I figured it would be a long running thing, for at least a year. I think they would be better off without a sequel, and just focus on adding interesting new content. Otherwise, what was the point (from the consumer's point of view) in the toy concept? It may as well of been a standard, peripheral free game. smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
rob7274 Green Sparx Gems: 113
#11 Posted: 00:27:22 03/11/2011
I think they will release a new game every year or so (maybe less) and release new characters then with this Skylanders chacters working also.
I think they will up the level cap too and make the enimies harder in the next game.
Hope we get new maps via DLC too as once you finish the game theres not much to do.
Im New (Skylanders Fan)
Not enough room for all my Skylanders so just my fav: smilie
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#12 Posted: 01:45:09 03/11/2011
They can't bring whole new characters in the game like they want for multiple reasons. They need to be in the game first, or they will have to release them in a DLC/patch. I think they would rather work on a new game than changing that one. They can release the toys in different waves until the next game comes out maybe?
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#13 Posted: 02:37:49 03/11/2011
They have capability to do it with the PS3 and Xbox 360, but with the Wii and 3DS it would be hard.
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#14 Posted: 06:45:52 03/11/2011
what is 'black friday?'
Team Drago
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#15 Posted: 10:56:08 03/11/2011
Quote: Reimu
They can't bring whole new characters in the game like they want for multiple reasons. They need to be in the game first, or they will have to release them in a DLC/patch. I think they would rather work on a new game than changing that one. They can release the toys in different waves until the next game comes out maybe?

The extra charaacter data (models, textures, etc) could easily be put on the new toys. Then, it could be transferred onto your system's internal or external (if you use one) memory unit when the Portal of Power reads it. As I said countless times on previous topics, these toys are basically USB keys or SD cards in disguise, and even the developers admitted to this in an old ScrewAttack interview. Heck, the Portal of Power could just stream the new character data, though actually saving it to the system's memory would be more preferable.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#16 Posted: 10:59:00 03/11/2011
Would take a lot of space on the console, and would be harder to work with the compatibility with other consoles. Also, it could mess up the achievements as well. Also, streaming the whole character from a toy would be more risky for the lag and for the bugs.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#17 Posted: 11:05:05 03/11/2011
Actually, each new character would just take a couple of KB. That's not much at all. And it could easily be multi-console compatible. The save data would save onto the toy, as normal, but only the extra data to let the game know this character exists would go on your hard drive.

And it wouldn't mess up achievements. DLC never effects achievements (from my experience anyway), and this is basically DLC coming from the toy. The achievements weren't designed to consider characters past Wave 2, so any characters past that, would have no effect on achievements.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#18 Posted: 11:08:23 03/11/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
The achievements weren't designed to consider characters past Wave 2, so any characters past that, would have no effect on achievements.

Where did you get that info? All characters have an effect on the achievements (all announced characters). You can have each achievement with any of the 32 characters plus the legendaries and Dark Spyro as well.

I really don't think they will release new toys for that game and will rather work on another game. Less problems. And like I said, they can release the toys in different waves until the next game is ready, they have enough characters to do it.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 11:09:29 03/11/2011 by Reimu
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#19 Posted: 11:33:33 03/11/2011
I said Wave 2, meaning all currently unreleased characters. I believe all announced new characters will be in wave 2. Those characters effect achievements. New characters don't have to be designed to work with achievements. And they could design them to work properly if they needed to.

And making a new game requires much more time and effort than making updates to an existing one. They claimed this game would be one with hours upon hours of replay value, and they claimed they would continue to expand it's features for a while, so releasing a sequel would render the original obsolete. I'd understand if they made a sequel in like, five years, but a sequel isn't needed on existing platforms. A WiiU and PSVita port would be nice, but a sequel would defeat the purpose of the toy concept being used.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#20 Posted: 11:36:46 03/11/2011
I think the wave 2 is only Hex, Wrecking Ball and Dino Rang no? It's what we found in another thread.

Also, adding new characters would take more than a few kb. You need to import new sounds, animations, attacks, lore tablets, information and a whole new model.

Maybe they can do that, but the toys would be more expensive, they will need to change a bit the technology, the one currently in place can't support that much data + the saved stats.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#21 Posted: 11:49:45 03/11/2011
Maybe they changed their plans. I just remember them saying the second half of their characters being released in 2012.

I've seen new characters been added to other games, and they usually are a few KB. And I have seen whole level packs be a few MB, which is still small considering the content you get. So I highly doubt new characters would be that bad in terms of memory.

I haven't seen the specs for the current toys, so I don't know how much memory they can store. But, I do know that newer toys can be built with more memory capacity.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Archae Emerald Sparx Gems: 4192
#22 Posted: 12:39:44 03/11/2011
"Black Friday" is the day after Thanksgiving here in the US, it's (supposedly) the biggest shopping day of the year.
(Puts stores "back in the black," meaning they are making profits again. YMMV.)
Gunter glieben glauten globen...
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:40:53 03/11/2011 by Archae
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#23 Posted: 13:03:04 03/11/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Maybe they changed their plans. I just remember them saying the second half of their characters being released in 2012.

I've seen new characters been added to other games, and they usually are a few KB. And I have seen whole level packs be a few MB, which is still small considering the content you get. So I highly doubt new characters would be that bad in terms of memory.

I haven't seen the specs for the current toys, so I don't know how much memory they can store. But, I do know that newer toys can be built with more memory capacity.

Few KB because they are implemented in the game before I think. Because a whole new model with new sounds, animations and all, I really doubt it would be only a few kb =/
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#24 Posted: 13:42:39 03/11/2011
Right, now, I'm looking at "package" I have for a Sonic fan game on my computer. Said package contains the official Sonic model and Super Sonic model from Sonic Colours, complete with many animations, sounds, scripts and everything.

The package is a mere 8,673 KB (Or around 8Msmilie. This is for two fully functioning characters, and it is a upk file, if that means anything.

And considering that these characters have physics and everything, they'd probably be a bigger file than a Skylanders character, and even then, this package is still an extremely small file.

So I highly doubt memory capacity would be an issue for making new toys.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Reimu Yellow Sparx Gems: 1076
#25 Posted: 14:34:23 03/11/2011
This is a large file for a 3DS or for a Wii, you have to keep in mind that these characters need to be compatible on all the consoles, and that they can't be streamed on the 3DS, if you know how the 3DS version of the game works.

Also, the compression on a PC might be different than on a console. So on the figure they will need to have the model for the 3DS, the model for the wii, and the models for X360/PS3. It is just impossible. You can't use the same model for each console. The only way would be to download them via xBox Live/PSN, but still, Nintendo is quite hard with DLC, and there's not a lot of space on the wii, same problem with the 3DS.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#26 Posted: 14:51:39 03/11/2011
For 3DS and Wii, you can save data to the SD card now, including any games downloaded from the eShop/Wii Shop Channel. They can be played directly from there.

That's only 3 models. My package example was 2, and it still was a tiny file. 3 models wouldn't be that bad at all, especially considering that the 3DS and Wii models would be less detailed, meaning less memory spent on these models. It's perfectly possible to fit these onto a figure, they just have to give it enough memory capacity. The physical size of the toy doesn't make a difference. It could still contain a huge amount of data.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#27 Posted: 16:06:54 03/11/2011
Quote: Archae
"Black Friday" is the day after Thanksgiving here in the US, it's (supposedly) the biggest shopping day of the year.
(Puts stores "back in the black," meaning they are making profits again. YMMV.)

ah, i see. thanks smilie
Team Drago
Slivers Yellow Sparx Gems: 1387
#28 Posted: 16:16:54 03/11/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: Reimu
They can't bring whole new characters in the game like they want for multiple reasons. They need to be in the game first, or they will have to release them in a DLC/patch. I think they would rather work on a new game than changing that one. They can release the toys in different waves until the next game comes out maybe?

The extra charaacter data (models, textures, etc) could easily be put on the new toys. Then, it could be transferred onto your system's internal or external (if you use one) memory unit when the Portal of Power reads it. As I said countless times on previous topics, these toys are basically USB keys or SD cards in disguise, and even the developers admitted to this in an old ScrewAttack interview. Heck, the Portal of Power could just stream the new character data, though actually saving it to the system's memory would be more preferable.

That size of new character data is likely far greater than what these toys are capable of housing; textures, renderings, animations, etc. I have also read that the storage system is more like RFID reading/scanning than it is like a USB flash drive.
Dragons-go-hrr Platinum Sparx Gems: 6991
#29 Posted: 05:21:21 04/11/2011
Quote: LyraDragon
Quote: Archae
"Black Friday" is the day after Thanksgiving here in the US, it's (supposedly) the biggest shopping day of the year.
(Puts stores "back in the black," meaning they are making profits again. YMMV.)

ah, i see. thanks smilie

I thought black friday was any day where the 13th of a month was on a friday? Maybe that's cause no one in NZ celebrates Thanksgiving... I don't even know when it is..
"Was it a hot ghost?"
riverhippo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1049
#30 Posted: 23:08:55 04/11/2011
the word black refers to the stock market colors. Black is positive and Red is negative. So black is actually a good thing in this connotation.
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#31 Posted: 10:41:40 05/11/2011
the more you know.
Team Drago
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