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Which Version to Get - PS3 vs. Wii [CLOSED]
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#1 Posted: 02:33:56 27/10/2011 | Topic Creator
I don't have Skylanders yet (because being an adult with no money is like that smilie), but I'd like to get it soon/whenever I can. You guys have had some experience with it and I'd like your help deciding which version to get. I've got a Wii and a PS3.

I've heard there are battery issues with the Wii's portal of power; does the PS3 portal have the same problem? Is the PS3 version equivalent to the Wii in terms of gameplay and quality? Are there any definitive reviews of the PS3 version that you could link me to?

Thanks for the help, guys. smilie
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#2 Posted: 02:50:37 27/10/2011
Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to be a big help but I can say this. . . I believe the PS3 and Xbox360 PoP (Portal of Power) has a USB connector to it which in turn means that it simply connects to the console.

With either versions, you're getting better graphics vs the Wii and possibly better space capacity as well.
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JeremyTheDragon Green Sparx Gems: 317
#3 Posted: 03:08:53 27/10/2011
PS3. Because Spyro's origin platform is PS1. Best to play it on Playstation platforms.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#4 Posted: 03:14:21 27/10/2011 | Topic Creator
Zackieo: That's good to hear. smilie Though I'll be the first to say that I don't give a whit about graphics. smilie Everything looks the same as it did back in the SNES days to me and the only time I was ever impressed by graphics was carrying around a piece of trash while playing a Half Life 2 demo on my PC. smilie

Jeremy: If I had any system loyalty, I might agree with you, but.... smilie Skylanders was developed for the Wii first, and I've seen games in the past that don't make a good transition from one console to the other, which is my concern with this one.
Zackeio Yellow Sparx Gems: 1733
#5 Posted: 03:19:40 27/10/2011
Well, I guess the real question to ask you then is: Which controller do you prefer? Which one feels more comfortable to hold, the PS3 or the Wii? I believe the Wii allows the classic controller to be used as well.
Everyday that you wake up . . . is a good day.
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CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#6 Posted: 03:19:56 27/10/2011
I don't have either version of the game, but seeing how the 360 and PS3 versions of the game are near identical (apparently), I can weigh in a tad bit about it. The Wii version on the other hand, I haven't had any sort of experience with.

First off, battery issues:

I recall the PS3 having the same battery issues, though to a shorter extent (I remember Dark having said it lasted 12 hours). If you had an Xbox, I would certainly recommend that, since it doesn't require batteries, and it doesn't lag like the PC version. From what I've heard, in the Wii version, there can be a slight delay in the toy registering on the portal, and of course there's a bit of a graphical downgrade.

It really depends on your preferred system. I recall you having said that you aren't extremely fond of the Wii. Though I can't say much, since I don't have either version.

I'll link some reviews down below of the PS3 version.

So as you can tell, I'm recommending the PS3 version of the game, since it's probably the one I'm most familiar with, seeing how everyone is saying that it's almost exactly like the 360 version.

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut if you decide to get it for Wii and never get a game for the PS3, I'll gladly take it off your hands. smilie *shot*
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#7 Posted: 04:22:31 27/10/2011 | Topic Creator
Now, now, CAV, we've been through this: Batman hates all other systems, so we need that PS3 to keep Bruce Wayne from punching us in our sleep. And Kratos, too. Heaven knows, he's murdered enough things and we'd like to keep him safely in his games, thank you. smilie

So far, it's looking like the PS3 is the better bet, especially given that the Wii and I are not friends despite my best efforts. smilie I'm a bit dismayed about the portal problem, though. I'm guessing one just has to feed it batteries to keep it working, yes?
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#8 Posted: 05:50:11 27/10/2011
PS3 hands down! The controls are better and of course the graphics are FAR superior to the Wii's. As for the portal, just put some rechargable energizer batteries in that bad boy and you're set.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#9 Posted: 07:38:29 27/10/2011 | Topic Creator
Do the rechargable batteries recharge via the connection to the system? I've been curious about that since the portal doesn't have a plug (that I know of).
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#10 Posted: 07:59:25 27/10/2011
I had the same problem- eventually decided on the Wii version, even though I hate the remote.

I've heard that the PS3 PoP can be plugged into the PS3, though I'm not 100% certain.
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
scottehx Platinum Sparx Gems: 6038
#11 Posted: 08:31:07 27/10/2011
In the UK the PS3 has a max resolution of 720P and the Xbox360 has 1080P, is it the same in the US?
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#12 Posted: 12:10:19 27/10/2011
Quote: Razz
Now, now, CAV, we've been through this: Batman hates all other systems, so we need that PS3 to keep Bruce Wayne from punching us in our sleep. And Kratos, too. Heaven knows, he's murdered enough things and we'd like to keep him safely in his games, thank you. smilie

......................You lost me.

Is this saying that Batman's preferred choice of system is PS3, and he hates all the others? If so, then why am I holding a copy of Arkham City that has an Xbox 360 headline on the top of the front cover? smilie

And where did that come from anyway?
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:10:37 27/10/2011 by CAV
PikaSpyro Green Sparx Gems: 250
#13 Posted: 13:40:24 27/10/2011
I'd probably recommend the PS3 version. I could say get the Wii version, but the remote may not work too good for a game like that. <<;
Read my GB.
Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#14 Posted: 14:52:23 27/10/2011
The wii Controller is just fine for Skylanders. The only diffrence is the PS3 has slightly better graphics and I think in the last level there is 1 tiny difference in 1 puzzle, also each version has 1 hat that is a version exclusive:

PC - Bowler Hat
Xbox - Cowboy Hat
PS3 - Straw Hat
Wii - Happy Birthday Hat

Each has the same stats ( +2 Crit, +2 Armor).

I have had no issue with the Wii version except the batteries they provided (3 x AA) did not last long so I had to replace them once and its been fine ever scince. Get it for the console you feel more comfortable using or that is plugged in more. (The only time you need to "move" the wii controller is a small shunt forward to put keys in gates and to shake it a little for opening chest dand hats.

Or if the graphics really will bother you go for the PS3, they just look a little sharper for PS3/Xbox but I am sure you can find some Screenshots or LP's which will show the diffrence.
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#15 Posted: 14:58:54 27/10/2011
I don't see what's wrong with the Wii controls either. PS3 graphics are slightly better, but not that much.

I can't answer which is better, as I still haven't been able to test out my PS3 copy (curse you, non-HD TV! I shoulda known getting a Japanese console would cause some sort of problem at least.....). But my advice would be get the one you prefer the console for smilie
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Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#16 Posted: 16:08:16 27/10/2011 | Topic Creator
The problem with the Wii controls is specifically with the Wii hardware itself. If you have to sit right in front of the tv, the censor bar won't read what you're doing. I've tried for years, and there is no easy or comfortable way to place the censor bar so it'll read what I'm doing with the controller, so I flat out gave up on it. I'll play Wii games that involve using the controller on it's side (painful as that is) but every other kind of Wii game is a no go for me (which is okay since there really aren't any Wii games of the usual variety that I'm interested in, it seems).
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#17 Posted: 16:20:28 27/10/2011
Ah, I see. I have that problem with certain games, thought not Skylanders (except for the shooting parts).

I'd recommend PS3 for you then smilie
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Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#18 Posted: 16:20:56 27/10/2011
Other then the games that NEED the cursor on the screen I have had no issues with my wii like that. Zelda:Twilight Princess I can play without it directly at the screen (though I do need to aim for the bow and hookshot) as an example. I did forget to mention that you need to aim for when your in turrets for a sort of shooting minigame.

Not sure what Wii games your playing but when you get past the gimmik games that are just "Look I can move the controller and the games moves" (FPS's don't count as gimmik). Then I find that most Wii games just use the Movement and pointing at the screen to enhance the gameplay and you can sit more confortably with the controller not always pointed directly at the screen.(By enhance the gameplay I mean like with zelda you can move to swing your sword and aim with the bow, its not a game BASED around the fact that you move the controller like Mario Party 8 would be)
MermaidKelly Green Sparx Gems: 444
#19 Posted: 16:37:49 27/10/2011
Quote: Quikwix
The wii Controller is just fine for Skylanders. The only diffrence is the PS3 has slightly better graphics and I think in the last level there is 1 tiny difference in 1 puzzle, also each version has 1 hat that is a version exclusive:

PC - Bowler Hat
Xbox - Cowboy Hat
PS3 - Straw Hat
Wii - Happy Birthday Hat

Are you sure about the cowboy hat? I played on my friend's PS3 and she had the cowboy hat! I put it on all my characters! smilie
smiliesmiliesmilie smiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#20 Posted: 16:39:39 27/10/2011
Quote: RadSpyro
I don't see what's wrong with the Wii controls either. PS3 graphics are slightly better, but not that much.

I can't answer which is better, as I still haven't been able to test out my PS3 copy (curse you, non-HD TV! I shoulda known getting a Japanese console would cause some sort of problem at least.....). But my advice would be get the one you prefer the console for smilie

You do realize that Nintendo (Wii) is Japanese as well, right? Only Xbox, which is by Microsoft, is American.

As for the PS3 version, not only do I like having top notch HD graphics, but I also prefer collecting trophies (gamerscore if you're playing on xbox). I've seen them both. A rep demoed the Wii version at the Best Buy where I work, and I have the PS3 version myself. Simply going from standard to HD blu-ray is a massive visual difference. Framerate is also much better on le PS3.

And on the whole exclusive hat thing:
"PC - Bowler Hat
Xbox - Cowboy Hat
PS3 - Straw Hat
Wii - Happy Birthday Hat "

That is quite incorrect. I have all of those on my PS3 version as well as on the 3DS.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 16:42:27 27/10/2011 by Ammers
Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#21 Posted: 16:40:40 27/10/2011
I am not sure, thats info from my guidebook I think they might of had it wrong a bit as I am sure I got the cowboy hat to for my Wii
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#22 Posted: 17:32:31 27/10/2011
Quote: Ammers
Quote: RadSpyro
I don't see what's wrong with the Wii controls either. PS3 graphics are slightly better, but not that much.

I can't answer which is better, as I still haven't been able to test out my PS3 copy (curse you, non-HD TV! I shoulda known getting a Japanese console would cause some sort of problem at least.....). But my advice would be get the one you prefer the console for smilie

You do realize that Nintendo (Wii) is Japanese as well, right? Only Xbox, which is by Microsoft, is American.

As for the PS3 version, not only do I like having top notch HD graphics, but I also prefer collecting trophies (gamerscore if you're playing on xbox). I've seen them both. A rep demoed the Wii version at the Best Buy where I work, and I have the PS3 version myself. Simply going from standard to HD blu-ray is a massive visual difference. Framerate is also much better on le PS3.

And on the whole exclusive hat thing:
"PC - Bowler Hat
Xbox - Cowboy Hat
PS3 - Straw Hat
Wii - Happy Birthday Hat "

That is quite incorrect. I have all of those on my PS3 version as well as on the 3DS.

You misunderstand me - I have an imported Japanese PS3. Which is why I get the error, with a non-HD screen.

The only console I've ever had problems with is - Actually, the 360.
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Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:45:15 27/10/2011 by RadSpyro
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#23 Posted: 18:42:50 27/10/2011
Quote: RadSpyro

You misunderstand me - I have an imported Japanese PS3. Which is why I get the error, with a non-HD screen.

The only console I've ever had problems with is - Actually, the 360.

Aaah. But. Hardware and operating system-wise, all PS3s are the same, even between the old ones and the slims. Inside they're the same. The only difference is the hard drive memory size depending on the model and the language settings. PS3s are all manufactured the same way, and they are all made by a Taiwanese company overseas, so really every PS3 is imported. Your error might be a hardware problem or something in your video settings. Check to make sure you're on the current OS patch too.

The only reason I know any of that is because I sell video games for a living (which is an absurdly fun way to do so). Gotta know my stuff.

My old 360 was the only one that ever gave me problems either.
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 18:45:50 27/10/2011 by Ammers
RadSpyro Gold Sparx Gems: 2007
#24 Posted: 19:19:38 27/10/2011
Quote: Ammers
Quote: RadSpyro

You misunderstand me - I have an imported Japanese PS3. Which is why I get the error, with a non-HD screen.

The only console I've ever had problems with is - Actually, the 360.

Aaah. But. Hardware and operating system-wise, all PS3s are the same, even between the old ones and the slims. Inside they're the same. The only difference is the hard drive memory size depending on the model and the language settings. PS3s are all manufactured the same way, and they are all made by a Taiwanese company overseas, so really every PS3 is imported. Your error might be a hardware problem or something in your video settings. Check to make sure you're on the current OS patch too.

The only reason I know any of that is because I sell video games for a living (which is an absurdly fun way to do so). Gotta know my stuff.

My old 360 was the only one that ever gave me problems either.

Indeed they are, but the problem I have comes with having no HD television - I come across the 'You cannot play this game at the current output setting' problem. I've been on several sites, and the only solution to this is to either try and use certain games to get around the problem, or, alternatively, purchase a HD TV.

I will get one eventually - In the new year though smilie

It's a shame really, I'm sure the 360 is a great console and all, but it just doesn't click for me.
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Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#25 Posted: 19:20:15 27/10/2011
Not all Wii PoP's have battery issues. Mine doesn't. smilie
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#26 Posted: 20:08:24 27/10/2011
Good idea. Hahah. After this year manufacturers will stop making DVDs. HD will be the new standard and everything will be switched over to blu-ray.
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#27 Posted: 20:13:00 27/10/2011
Quote: Ammers
Good idea. Hahah. After this year manufacturers will stop making DVDs. HD will be the new standard and everything will be switched over to blu-ray.

After this year? You just guessing or is this true?

I personally wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that our TV refuses to play Blu-rays.
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
Ammers Green Sparx Gems: 126
#28 Posted: 20:27:10 27/10/2011
Quote: TheWereCat
Quote: Ammers
Good idea. Hahah. After this year manufacturers will stop making DVDs. HD will be the new standard and everything will be switched over to blu-ray.

After this year? You just guessing or is this true?

I personally wouldn't mind if it wasn't for the fact that our TV refuses to play Blu-rays.

It's very true. DVDs are already being phased out and it will continue into next year until everything is in blu-ray format. The Best Buy where I work doesn't even carry standard TVs anymore, only HD and 3DHD, and most movie releases are only available in either blu-ray or a blu-ray/DVD combo pack, with no regular DVD option by itself.
Cyndark Blue Sparx Gems: 612
#29 Posted: 22:08:43 27/10/2011
I would say ps3
It's not like your missing out on much not buying the wii version - a birthday hat?

Also unrelated but theres a new non playable character in the game who I think you may like smilie
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#30 Posted: 23:35:33 27/10/2011
Quote: Razz
The problem with the Wii controls is specifically with the Wii hardware itself. If you have to sit right in front of the tv, the censor bar won't read what you're doing. I've tried for years, and there is no easy or comfortable way to place the censor bar so it'll read what I'm doing with the controller, so I flat out gave up on it.

Odd, because it works for me unless I'm directly in front of the TV.
Okaps Platinum Sparx Gems: 6245
#31 Posted: 04:59:04 28/10/2011
I personally don't like Wii's motion controls when they're added "just because." It's annoying to be playing a video game, then the flow of the game is disrupted because you have to shake the controller for whatever reason to meet some sort of nonexistent "must wiggle controller" criteria (same goes for touch screen on the DS). Good and bad ways to implement it, but most ways (particularly third party) don't do it right.

My choice was between Wii and 360 (don't have a PS3, and my PC isn't very good and would just overheat), and picked 360 just because I didn't like motion controls. Then I found out that the 360's portal was wired, which was an awesome bonus.
All of the controller-wiggle controls on Wii like opening chests, using keys, etc(somewhat often) are replaced by the right stick on the other consoles, and things like the cannons(rare) which use the censor bar are replaced by the left stick.

I'd go with whatever controls you like, the controls have a bigger impact on enjoyment than slightly different graphics IMO.
#all Spyros are valid
TheWereCat Yellow Sparx Gems: 1000
#32 Posted: 08:14:15 28/10/2011
Is the Wii portal wireless? If so, you're saying I have to use batteries for both the remote and the portal?! Dear God, the price just mounts up.
"It's time to call in the big guns."
Own:smilie smilie smilie smilie
riverhippo Yellow Sparx Gems: 1049
#33 Posted: 13:39:58 28/10/2011
My experience with the PS3 PoP has been unsatisfactory. Everything else about the game is awesome. So if paying extra for batteries doesn't phase you, I'd get the PS3 version. Otherwise, an ugly remote and a more powerful PoP might be what the Wii version has for it.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#34 Posted: 16:54:25 28/10/2011
Quote: TheWereCat
Is the Wii portal wireless? If so, you're saying I have to use batteries for both the remote and the portal?! Dear God, the price just mounts up.

The Wii portal is wireless, and therefore has to use batteries. smilie

Same with the 3DS version.
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#35 Posted: 13:44:58 04/11/2011
I played through nearly all of the game on a single set of batteries on the Wii and I am very "completionist" and played several levels quite a few times to try to get more rewards, etc.

The games was designed for the Wii and then ported to the other systems. So, although the polygons are a tad more complex on the other systems it is not very much more so. Also, supposedly, the colour scheme on the Wii is the correct palette and the others are slightly off.

The only time you need to aim your Wii remote at the screen is for the specific targetting challenges and then the game does not continue without you until you are ready. I personally find this more intuitive than targetting with a little joystick.
Soylent Green is People!
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GameMaster78 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3321
#36 Posted: 15:25:10 04/11/2011
I own every system dating back to the NES, as you can see here -

So there is no bias on my end, because I like all systems equally.

Having said that, I own the Wii, 360, and 3DS versions. Here is my collection.

I will say that now I don't think my son is crazy. He told me the last level on the Wii version was different, when he saw me playing Lair of Kaos on my 360. So it does have a puzzle that the Wii version doesn't.

The 360/PS3 version does look better than the Wii version naturally, but since you aren't a graphics whore topic creator, it should only matter if you want to experience an extra puzzle on the last level (PS3 and 360). With PS3, you're getting a wireless portal, like the Wii version. It's a blessing to own the 360 version, because I hate having to constantly replace batteries in my house. If it isn't the 6-7 Wiimotes, remote controls (to stereos and such), or the Wii sensor bar, then it's having to replace batteries in the 3DS and Wii portals now.

So go with whatever version you want. PS3 has an additional puzzle element to last chapter, plus better graphics (but gameplay matters more in my eyes). The Wii version is what it is. Missing one part of the final chapter.
Wii U: GameMaster1178, XBL: GameMaster1178, PSN: megax28
FireMeowth Emerald Sparx Gems: 3230
#37 Posted: 21:12:25 04/11/2011
I don't think the Wii version is missing a part - it's just got a different Wii-exclusive puzzle.
That's what I heard from other threads, at least.
DarkCynder_543 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5350
#38 Posted: 21:20:45 04/11/2011
I have the Wii version, but only because I don't have a PS3 or an Xbox360.
a true saiyan always sprinkles when he tinkles
spyrathedragon Gold Sparx Gems: 2683
#39 Posted: 03:12:44 05/11/2011
I only have a Wii and a PS2, so what do you think my only choice was?

I don't have an allowance, and my parents like to "save money", even though they keep buying things for me. I:

Lovatic for life. <3
The Peace Keepers
Psykostevo Red Sparx Gems: 66
#40 Posted: 06:23:06 05/11/2011
Quote: Quikwix
Other then the games that NEED the cursor on the screen I have had no issues with my wii like that. Zelda:Twilight Princess I can play without it directly at the screen (though I do need to aim for the bow and hookshot) as an example. I did forget to mention that you need to aim for when your in turrets for a sort of shooting minigame.

Not sure what Wii games your playing but when you get past the gimmik games that are just "Look I can move the controller and the games moves" (FPS's don't count as gimmik). Then I find that most Wii games just use the Movement and pointing at the screen to enhance the gameplay and you can sit more confortably with the controller not always pointed directly at the screen.(By enhance the gameplay I mean like with zelda you can move to swing your sword and aim with the bow, its not a game BASED around the fact that you move the controller like Mario Party 8 would be)

Best game do far for Wii (wasn't originally a Wii game) is Resident Evil 4. The game had a classic VR feel. Which most Wii games lack. Most wii games don't uniquely identify themselves with immersing you in the consoles controls.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#41 Posted: 18:03:45 05/11/2011 | Topic Creator
Okay, so I've got the PS3 version of the game now, but the portal doesn't hook up to the system. Is that right or am I missing something?
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#42 Posted: 18:06:49 05/11/2011
PS3 portal is wireless. It's working OK, right?
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#43 Posted: 18:41:21 05/11/2011 | Topic Creator
I don't know yet; haven't had a chance to play the game. smilie But we put the batteries in and it lit up, so hopefully it's working.
chaosworrier Yellow Sparx Gems: 1555
#44 Posted: 23:10:42 05/11/2011
Inside where the batteries are is a little USB dongle that you pull out and stick in to your console.

The dongle is only stored inside the portal for safe keeping and is non-functional there.
Soylent Green is People!
Definitive Doom Spreadsheet...of Doom:
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#45 Posted: 19:49:13 06/11/2011 | Topic Creator
Oh-ho! I will take a look at that when I can. Thanks. smilie
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