darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure > Help me Delete my Skylanders to Level 0!!??
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Help me Delete my Skylanders to Level 0!!?? [CLOSED]
Makaveli1004 Red Sparx Gems: 13
#1 Posted: 20:21:56 17/10/2011 | Topic Creator
I what to delete my Skylanders to level 0 cause the 3ds version I bought was already played by someone else, and please don't tell me to go back to the store cause that is not an option.

Tried to search myself but can't find any info on my question..
Makaveli1004 Red Sparx Gems: 13
#2 Posted: 20:27:39 17/10/2011 | Topic Creator
Thanks really useful..
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5214
#3 Posted: 20:32:45 17/10/2011
I never tryed this before but, I think you can reset your skylander toy.
The games I play speak to me!
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 20:34:48 17/10/2011 by dragmundis
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#4 Posted: 20:37:01 17/10/2011
There should be an option somewhere, is there something in the manual about it? If there's a menu where you can see all your Skylanders stats on the 3DS version then it should be on there somewhere.
Makaveli1004 Red Sparx Gems: 13
#5 Posted: 20:37:52 17/10/2011 | Topic Creator
Oke but how to reset is my question? so tell me how you think I can do that
Quikwix Green Sparx Gems: 134
#6 Posted: 20:38:54 17/10/2011
On the Wii version on the menu which lets you change hats, nickname, Ownership, Upgrades and stuff there is a "reset" option. Should be one for the N3DS version to if you look in game
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#7 Posted: 20:41:21 17/10/2011
^ As Quikwix said.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#8 Posted: 20:42:14 17/10/2011
Quote: Makaveli1004
Oke but how to reset is my question? so tell me how you think I can do that

That's what I mean, it should be on the same menu as your Skylanders stats.
Makaveli1004 Red Sparx Gems: 13
#9 Posted: 20:43:50 17/10/2011 | Topic Creator
Oke to bad, it's not on the 3ds, or I just can't find it cause I also cannot give them a Nickname or Ownership enz..
dragmundis Platinum Sparx Gems: 5214
#10 Posted: 20:44:39 17/10/2011
Oh! your talking about the 3DS version? Sorry, I thoght you meant the Console version.
The games I play speak to me!
Makaveli1004 Red Sparx Gems: 13
#11 Posted: 20:46:32 17/10/2011 | Topic Creator
I don't want that magnet bull.... I don't mess with my stuff like that
spyroid101 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3793
#12 Posted: 20:57:04 17/10/2011
My only suggestion would be to read the game manual and see if it says anything about it, or maybe shoot a question to tech support or something...
My DA: http://spyroid101.deviantart.com/
DragonCave: http://dragcave.net/user/spyroid101
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/spyroid101?feature=mexp
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:57:33 17/10/2011 by spyroid101
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#13 Posted: 21:10:17 17/10/2011
My suggestion: Return it, say it was defective. I see no other choice you'd be willing to take.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#14 Posted: 21:15:11 17/10/2011
Quote: Makaveli1004
I what to delete my Skylanders to level 0 cause the 3ds version I bought was already played by someone else, and please don't tell me to go back to the store cause that is not an option.

Tried to search myself but can't find any info on my question..

There's already used copies out there?
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14424
#15 Posted: 21:20:39 17/10/2011
Can't see a way to do it on the 3DS version, sorry. I've asked Activision support to see whether it's just well hidden or actually non-existant.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Prysom Ripto Gems: 131
#16 Posted: 21:25:57 17/10/2011
There are ways, but I'm not exactly sure if they are allowed within the parameters of the EULA (Assuming a 3DS is bound to such).
Makaveli1004 Red Sparx Gems: 13
#17 Posted: 21:28:44 17/10/2011 | Topic Creator
Thanks Dark52, oh well maybe I'll take them to my fried who got the ps3 version, and reset them to level 0, assuming the ps3 version is the same as Wii version.
dark52 Spyro the Admin Gems: 14424
#18 Posted: 01:23:00 19/10/2011
Yep, they confirmed there's no way to reset using the 3DS version.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#19 Posted: 01:57:37 19/10/2011
Only in the console version huh?
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
NaruKami1313 Red Sparx Gems: 81
#20 Posted: 02:04:41 19/10/2011
That's kinda cheap, but whatever, I probably won't plan to reset unless I sell them, which won't happen anytime soon. I'm also gonna get the PS3 game anyway.
~Skylanders I have~ smiliesmiliesmiliesmilie
Avatar by nitendofan92
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#21 Posted: 18:29:33 19/10/2011
I've just realised, the 3DS version isn't linked to the toys. The characters must be saved onto the game itself.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#22 Posted: 00:36:12 20/10/2011
^If that's the case, then I suggest deleting the entire file and starting over.

Quote: dark52
Yep, they confirmed there's no way to reset using the 3DS version.

That's a big problem.
anverc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1342
#23 Posted: 17:47:39 20/10/2011
Quote: bionicle2809
I've just realised, the 3DS version isn't linked to the toys. The characters must be saved onto the game itself.

Not necessarily true... The 3DS version saves a cache of your characters and then saves this data back the next time you put this character on the portal. This is caused by the major difference between the 3DS portal and the console portal being that the consoles are connected all of the time whereas the 3DS version saves you pocket space and batteries by only interacting through IR when you're talking with Wendel.

As far as the OP, you're all correct, the 3DS can't reset toys, you need to do this on the console versions (you can also try the web version, i'm not sure if that can reset or not)
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#24 Posted: 18:29:34 20/10/2011
Quote: anverc
Quote: bionicle2809
I've just realised, the 3DS version isn't linked to the toys. The characters must be saved onto the game itself.

Not necessarily true... The 3DS version saves a cache of your characters and then saves this data back the next time you put this character on the portal. This is caused by the major difference between the 3DS portal and the console portal being that the consoles are connected all of the time whereas the 3DS version saves you pocket space and batteries by only interacting through IR when you're talking with Wendel.

I suppose, but when you switch a character you don't need to put the character you want to remove off the portal so you could do something in the 3DS and then put the same figure on the console but because the toy doesn't always need to be on the portal, you won't have the things you did on the 3DS saved on the toy.
anverc Yellow Sparx Gems: 1342
#25 Posted: 19:26:13 20/10/2011
Quote: bionicle2809

I suppose, but when you switch a character you don't need to put the character you want to remove off the portal so you could do something in the 3DS and then put the same figure on the console but because the toy doesn't always need to be on the portal, you won't have the things you did on the 3DS saved on the toy.

correct - what happens in this case is that the next time you place the toy on the portal, on the 3DS, your progress on both games is merged together.

You can actually have your friend play with Dark Spyro on the Wii (for example) while you're playing with him on the 3DS and you'll both be adding to the total XP, etc of that Dark Spyro - once you resync with the 3DS you'll notice you gain the XP, etc from the Wii on the 3DS and that the toy gains the stuff earned from the 3DS.

Here's an example:
Put DS (level 0 in this example) on the 3DS portal to bring him to life in the 3DS
Put DS on the Wii portal and play with him (while you do this, play with him on the 3DS as well)
Earn 100 XP on the Wii
Earn 100 XP on the 3DS
Now, remove DS from the Wii portal and on the 3DS go talk to wendel and resync DS on the 3DS
- What you'll notice is that DS now has 200 XP on both the 3DS and the Wii
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8590
#26 Posted: 19:28:48 20/10/2011
Yes, but only if you sync it to the 3DS which is what I was talking about. That could be very easily to forget to do.
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