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Everything we know about Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure (17/09/2011) [STICKY] [CLOSED]
Gill_Grunt Blue Sparx Gems: 798
#2451 Posted: 14:43:07 29/06/2012
Quote: t7gga
posted earlier today by oneofswords #useless (love you really Dan)


[User Posted Image]

236 and a bit days to go

NB: copyright remains with the original owner. the image above has been provided under the terms of copyright law fair use for the purpose of news reporting

That's a fancy countdown thingamabobber. smilie
37/37 blue smilie, 3/4 Sidekicks,Red smilie | Giants 4/8 | Newlanders 7/8
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#2452 Posted: 15:15:21 29/06/2012
wait,236 days?it's coming out next year?
spyro and sonic Diamond Sparx Gems: 8325
#2453 Posted: 15:30:38 29/06/2012
That picture was taken a while ago. It's not current.
Ignitor101 Blue Sparx Gems: 719
#2454 Posted: 15:43:20 29/06/2012
Cyndark Blue Sparx Gems: 612
#2455 Posted: 09:23:14 04/07/2012
Skylander alarm clock
drake8888 Gold Sparx Gems: 2032
#2456 Posted: 03:04:12 23/07/2012
I also found an iPhone case on the same site. Definitely going to get it!
smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie
R.I.P. smilie
Cyndark Blue Sparx Gems: 612
#2457 Posted: 06:39:50 23/07/2012
The book of elements: Fire and Water and The mask of power: SPyro versus the mega monsters come out 10 january 2013
crystalhero37 Platinum Sparx Gems: 5375
#2458 Posted: 08:17:21 23/07/2012
Quote: Cyndark
The book of elements: Fire and Water and The mask of power: SPyro versus the mega monsters come out 10 january 2013

yay! love skylander books! (do you have a link to it? I remember aura24 had a topic about, but i can't find it)
Drobotdude Blue Sparx Gems: 622
#2459 Posted: 21:43:23 15/08/2012
We still don't know the magic giant
Blink and Destroy!
TheSpyrofan12 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3182
#2460 Posted: 21:44:08 15/08/2012
His name is 'Ninjini'. I think.
Bring the Fanta
Storm Green Sparx Gems: 187
#2461 Posted: 01:31:41 19/08/2012
Is it just me or does Ninjini possibly look female?
Twists of Fury!
princessluna409 Green Sparx Gems: 469
#2462 Posted: 12:51:47 21/08/2012
Nijini probably IS female smilie
Mah life be like pugs
My dream is to be a pretty princess in a rainbow castle
Drobotdude Blue Sparx Gems: 622
#2463 Posted: 13:40:32 21/08/2012
Who knows?
Blink and Destroy!
Reaganag Blue Sparx Gems: 878
#2464 Posted: 12:07:17 23/08/2012
Quote: princessluna409
Nijini probably IS female smilie

Awesome avatar by nintendofan92!
Have waves 1,2,3, and 4
Matteomax Platinum Sparx Gems: 5378
#2465 Posted: 18:27:32 30/08/2012
I recommend that everyone paying attention to this topic turns their attention to the Giants section..
Will still be checking the forums every now and then!
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