Quote: NEW_SpyroLUVAThere were official announcements that it was a spinoff and a reboot.
Of course it's real and not fanmade, go to the Dark Spyro homepage and look at all the news.
Again, there was an official announcment that said he and the other characters will talk.
Of course those are opinions! Do I really need to explain why those are subjective viewpoints and not factual statements?!
It was officially said that Spyro was put into the game to be reintroduced to a new audience that's never seen him before. Also, it's pretty obvious from the reaction of the target audence to this game that Skylanders could succeed and flourish without Spyro.
People have done things like this where they make topics to flame Skylanders and got flamed bad.
There, proof enough for you? You'll have to look up the announcements and news on the Dark Spyro homepage or the news topic in the Skylanders thread (top of the topic list; it's a 'sticky' topic').
I don't recall that has been announced officially... when they are asked what is it actually about ,they usually respond something along the lines of ''it's a new universe,and Spyro just happens to be there in a new form to get attention =/''
And also I don't see how's that a good way to introduce him(as a character) to a new younger audience that hasn't heard of him before,cus if he's there for attention and money grab,then people who already know of the character are the first ones to notice and get intrigued...
When there's a group of 30+ playable chars in the game,they are introducing them all in a form of a new franchise,not just Spyro (he's just...there..as a cameo?)
You cannot call it a Spyro spin-off when there's 30 chars to focus on.
So are they trying to distract the fanbase with the new design,oh it's not Spyro but..it's still kinda Spyro?but he's a new new Spyro,and just for the new audience even tho we are putting his name into the title to attract older fans? but thats just so we can get extra money...and it's not ACTUALLY aimed at the older fans?what?
Now if they would make a normal GOOD just-Spyro game,that would make more sense and would attract both old fans and get new ones ...