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Is Kaos a terrible enemy when compared to Gnasty, Ripto, Red and the Sorceress [CLOSED]
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#101 Posted: 06:58:56 14/08/2011
Quote: Razz
That may well be. I'm starting to realize that half of my fervor for Skylanders is a reaction to the hate. From the outset, everyone treated it like it was the end of the world. So I decided to love it just to spit in their eye, more or less. smilie Yes, it does look vaguely interesting and I will be buying, but I'm not exactly super gung-ho about it. I'm much more excited by things like Tomb Raider and the next Mercy Thompson book. Skylanders, like all of Spyro outside of the Insomniac three, is pretty much just something bright and shiny I kick around to stave off crippling boredom/depression (and I've picked up a lot of bad habits from being in this fandom so long; all my watchers are there for the Spyro D: ).

I play the original Spyro series and AHT, just for the simple fact that I enjoy them very much. I'm also finding out more interesting and different games than Skylanders myself.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#102 Posted: 07:20:10 14/08/2011
I've been replaying the original Spyro games and they are quite fun. smilie And I love AHT (though not entirely for the obvious reasons smilie). Skylanders is how I'm killing time while I wait for more Tomb Raider and Sly 4 news. smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#103 Posted: 08:46:20 14/08/2011
Quote: Razz
I've been replaying the original Spyro games and they are quite fun. smilie And I love AHT (though not entirely for the obvious reasons smilie). Skylanders is how I'm killing time while I wait for more Tomb Raider and Sly 4 news. smilie

I've stopped playing them for the time being, I want to leave them for a couple of years now, just to have a break from them, I've come to the point where I'm not appreciating them as much. AHT is the best non-Insomniac game in my opinion, it just lacks a few things that's all. But still $50 just to kill time? Really? That's up to you I guess. I'm very interested in Tomb Raider, but I want them to calm down on the level side of it, and focus more on freeroam now, I think that levels are old school in modern games. I've never really played Sly, apart from a demo of the second one that I got as a cheat on Ratchet 3, and seen gameplay of Sly 1. It looks alright, I need to try it out.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#104 Posted: 09:09:49 14/08/2011
I usually break them out every few years for a replay, which is what's happening now. As for killing time, well...some adults just get weird with age (especially the ones who work from home, like me). smilie I read books I hate for fun and, honestly, I paid around $130 in total for the LoS games which were absolute dreck, so I'm figuring Skylanders can't be any worse than that or EtD. It looks like my kind of brain dead fun, the sort of game I enjoy for the colors and music when I don't have the mental energy to play one of the ones I really love that requires thinking, being emotional, or lots of reading. Also, I always wanted a Spyro figure and Stealth elf looks fun. smilie

I'm an old gamer and I rather like levels (so long as you can go back if you miss something). The new TR looks like it will be a bit of free roaming, though. From what I've read, you'll get to move around the island as you open up new areas.

The Sly games are a lot of fun and definitely worth looking into. I usually replay Sly 2 once a year around Christmas because I love the story and gameplay so much.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#105 Posted: 09:30:57 14/08/2011
Quote: Razz
I usually break them out every few years for a replay, which is what's happening now. As for killing time, well...some adults just get weird with age (especially the ones who work from home, like me). smilie I read books I hate for fun and, honestly, I paid around $130 in total for the LoS games which were absolute dreck, so I'm figuring Skylanders can't be any worse than that or EtD. It looks like my kind of brain dead fun, the sort of game I enjoy for the colors and music when I don't have the mental energy to play one of the ones I really love that requires thinking, being emotional, or lots of reading. Also, I always wanted a Spyro figure and Stealth elf looks fun. smilie

I'm an old gamer and I rather like levels (so long as you can go back if you miss something). The new TR looks like it will be a bit of free roaming, though. From what I've read, you'll get to move around the island as you open up new areas.

The Sly games are a lot of fun and definitely worth looking into. I usually replay Sly 2 once a year around Christmas because I love the story and gameplay so much.

Fair enough, I'm kind of doing the same as you are, but on a real low scale, years ago I got rid of a few platform games which now I regret doing, so now I have to pay around £12 in total to get those four back again, I know it's nothing, but if I didn't get rid of them in the first place, that £12 could be saved for something else. I don't really like to spend my money that much, call me tight, but I like to be careful rather than blow it all in one go.

I like the style of levels too, especially in Tomb Raider, but something tells me that it wouldn't go well with today's gaming. Especially now that some want larger areas and such.

I will look into them soon, perhaps next year.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#106 Posted: 10:06:46 14/08/2011
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Yes, it doesn't sound like Sonicbrawler is hating on it completly, to me, he is just generally talking about it in a more realistic way instead of from the developer's point of view, of them trying to talk about it in ways of trying to sell it to you, and I think that SB is talking about it in reality.


The developers will try to sugar coat everything (however, they forgot to in the ScrewAttack interview at E3, and actually proved my point about the toys being unecessary! smilie).

What I am doing, is looking under this coat of sugar, and thinking realistically, especially in regards to the toys (I have not really been speaking of the actual game that much, people seem to get touchy from me just talking about the toys as it is). And many other people will do that, especially the parents of the target demographic, which could greatly reduce how well this game does.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#107 Posted: 17:30:52 14/08/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Quote: SuperSpyroFan
Yes, it doesn't sound like Sonicbrawler is hating on it completly, to me, he is just generally talking about it in a more realistic way instead of from the developer's point of view, of them trying to talk about it in ways of trying to sell it to you, and I think that SB is talking about it in reality.


The developers will try to sugar coat everything (however, they forgot to in the ScrewAttack interview at E3, and actually proved my point about the toys being unecessary! smilie).

What I am doing, is looking under this coat of sugar, and thinking realistically, especially in regards to the toys (I have not really been speaking of the actual game that much, people seem to get touchy from me just talking about the toys as it is). And many other people will do that, especially the parents of the target demographic, which could greatly reduce how well this game does.

I don't see nothing wrong with you doing that, it has also helped me to notice that 'what could be downfalls' to the game, and extras. I still think they're gimmicks to make it sound a lot better than it is, but oh well. That's probably why Activision aimed it at kids, because they won't see the boring sides to it until they have it at home and play it for a few months or a year. That was the case with toys for me, I'd play it for a month and get bored of it easily, and would want a new one after a short while, and I was at the age of 8 or 9 at the time, that's why at that particular time, video games were the answer, for me to get away from the boring things like that.

But also, most teenagers, and maybe adults will automatically realize the downfalls to this type of strategy, if they have been through enough experience with toys, I always used to lose most of mine, and find them a week later, no matter how tidy I tried to be. I think that's one of Activision's lucky advantages and therefore makes it easier for them to ignore the fanbase and do this. I find it very ignorant more than anything, and I also think it was the developers/publishers fault for rebooting a game series and changing it's genre by completly ignoring the fans in the first place, so no wonder why so many fans get ignorant to this now.
Edited 4 times - Last edited at 17:37:59 14/08/2011 by SuperSpyroFan
Spyro Magic Blue Sparx Gems: 851
#108 Posted: 19:58:37 15/08/2011
^ I agree
I do it for the lawls bro.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#109 Posted: 22:00:16 16/08/2011
Quote: Razz
And, yeah, that DS price is kind of crazy. On the one hand, I can't fault them because the toys aren't cheap. On the other hand, I've had a problem with the price of all DS games since forever. They want you to pay $40 for something that's usually only $20 worth of game at best. It's ridiculous, especially for someone who remembers buying full console games for less than that. I don't think the 3DS version of Skylanders is going to do so hot, but not because of the game; the 3DS itself is tanking bad (as it should for being an overpriced gimmick). I'm kind of hoping they'll crack and release a regular DS version or something. smilie

The toys only cost $8. You're paying a full $30 extra than the normal price of a 3DS game. Do the math, and you'll notice my problem.

You do know that they lowered the price of the 3DS by a full $80.........right? It ain't that expensive anymore, and is now selling for the same price that the DSi was sold for just not too long ago. And I would play it for the games. I suggest everyone does that for every system. Forget the gimmicks.

The normal DS doesn't have the capabilities of the 3DS. Odds are the DS version would tank even worse.

And I'll be one to point out how I've actually enjoyed some of Vicarious Visions' games to some extent, whereas I don't like any of Toys For Bob's games. I trust VV much more, therefore would rather get the 3DS version if possible. It's just a personal preference for me.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:00:45 16/08/2011 by CAV
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#110 Posted: 00:11:31 17/08/2011
I didn't say the 3DS version wasn't a bit too expensive (did you miss my 3DS rant in which I stated that console price for a handheld game is ridiculous?), because it is. And I don't care if the price dropped on the system, that's still $160 more than I'm willing to pay for a gimmick that will hurt your eyes, especially when I've already got a DS XL that has dozens of games I haven't played (as opposed to the 3DS, which so far only has some games I already own on better systems). When they come out with a $100 3DS XL and at least 50 other interesting titles, I will be interested, but no sooner.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#111 Posted: 00:14:41 17/08/2011
You didn't say it wasn't expensive. You did however, say that it was understanable because the toys weren't cheap. Doing the math, you're paying $6 more than you would've if you were just to buy the game and toys seperately.

Didn't say you had to care. Just letting you know.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:15:43 17/08/2011 by CAV
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#112 Posted: 00:40:12 17/08/2011
Ah, okay, that makes sense. I can personally justify spending $70 for 3DS Skylanders more than I can the $40 I wasted on Okamiden (which only made me wish I was playing Okami instead). But I do tend to think that all DS games are ridiculously overpriced regardless, so there's that. Frankly, you shouldn't be paying even half of what they charge for those weeny cartridges.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#113 Posted: 03:12:41 17/08/2011
To me, the size of the disc/cartridge that holds the game doesn't matter. The content within the disc/cartridge is what counts to me. With that logic, I could've protested Gamecube game prices because of the small disc. xD
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#114 Posted: 03:20:25 17/08/2011
I wasn't talking about the cartridge size being the problem. It's the content that isn't worth the money. Every single DS game I have ever played has been short, usually lacking in some department, and I have always felt like I wasted my money. I like New Super Mario Bros. DS a lot, but it's not worth $40.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#115 Posted: 08:03:56 17/08/2011
I don't think any video game is worth £40, £20 - £25, yes. But that's my opinion. I just completed a recently new game, Mafia II, and I thought it was really short, and there isn't that much content in the game, I'd say it's worth at least £20, good thing I decided to wait a year to try it out.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#116 Posted: 08:21:10 17/08/2011
I was just fine paying $45 for Portal 2, and $60 for Batman: Arkham Asylum. But, alas, most games aren't worth what they charge and I usually wait until I can buy them used or trade art for them.
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#117 Posted: 09:14:59 17/08/2011
Quote: Razz
I was just fine paying $45 for Portal 2, and $60 for Batman: Arkham Asylum. But, alas, most games aren't worth what they charge and I usually wait until I can buy them used or trade art for them.

My Dad paid £40 for Grand Theft Auto IV, we did enjoy the game, but we knew it wasn't worth that much. All the time, we always wait a year. After a year of waiting it comes to half price, which is reasonable for me, if it manages to get any cheaper, then that's good.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#118 Posted: 10:21:27 17/08/2011
I pretty much only buy games new if I think I'll like them or was looking forward to some aspect (I bought TEN and DotD new because I wanted to see how the trainwreck was going to keep going smilie ; bought Sly 2 and Sly 3 new because I looooove the Sly series and knew I'd like them; will buy Skylanders new because I like it enough already to want to give it a go right out the gate, etc.).
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#119 Posted: 19:33:09 17/08/2011
It would be difficult to price every single game by it's actual content, so they just go by console. I think it's a good thing, because if we priced games by content, RPG games or any other long game would be really expensive, and I'd hate to think how much LittleBigPlanet 2 would cost...
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#120 Posted: 20:11:47 17/08/2011
Quote: Razz
I wasn't talking about the cartridge size being the problem. It's the content that isn't worth the money. Every single DS game I have ever played has been short, usually lacking in some department, and I have always felt like I wasted my money. I like New Super Mario Bros. DS a lot, but it's not worth $40.

That's why I don't think a DS version of Skylanders would work. The DS can only do so much before cracking down. The 3DS has many more capabilities, and therefore will eventually have better games. They probably aren't worth $40, but at least they're a bit more worth it than DS games that have clunky controls and very poor graphics that make the N64 look like the PS3 in terms of graphics.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:12:17 17/08/2011 by CAV
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9612
#121 Posted: 20:30:08 17/08/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
It would be difficult to price every single game by it's actual content, so they just go by console. I think it's a good thing, because if we priced games by content, RPG games or any other long game would be really expensive, and I'd hate to think how much LittleBigPlanet 2 would cost...

I wouldn't care how much content is in a video game really, I would have a grudge spending full price on it anyway. I always like to look at the content and gameplay of a video game, afterwards I worry about the graphics, controls etc. Also, I think you're taking me too much for word for word.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 20:31:47 17/08/2011 by SuperSpyroFan
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