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Is Kaos a terrible enemy when compared to Gnasty, Ripto, Red and the Sorceress [CLOSED]
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#51 Posted: 17:58:41 10/08/2011
I suppose this topic is "special" because the Skylanders fans responded in kind to Summer's opening post and then the disinterested/haters started calling them out over that response, asking for justification which wasn't needed, and it all just snowballed from there. *shrug*
Kiro Blue Sparx Gems: 765
#52 Posted: 18:15:49 10/08/2011
Ripto is an awful looking villain. But, play the game,isn't he still well-made?
I don't plan on buying the new game, as it just doesn't appeal to me. Looks like I'll never have a say for that antagonist either.
"I find this to be particularly.... particularly.....sheep dung."
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#53 Posted: 18:29:54 10/08/2011
Hey, now there's a good point: villains aren't always supposed to be pretty. smilie

You can always watch the inevitable playthroughs and cutscenes that get posted to YouTube, Kiro. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#54 Posted: 23:03:28 10/08/2011
Quote: Razz
I suppose this topic is "special" because the Skylanders fans responded in kind to Summer's opening post and then the disinterested/haters started calling them out over that response, asking for justification which wasn't needed, and it all just snowballed from there. *shrug*

I was referring to the OP. There have been tons of topics with similar OPs and nobody had a problem with those topics. I didn't see a problem with this topic, and I didn't even sense any anger from Summer. So I fail to see why the first few posts were saying this topic was such a problem.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#55 Posted: 23:34:08 10/08/2011
So was I. Reread my comment there because I don't think you got what I was saying.

And it is worth noting that you seem to have one foot in the hater camp for this game, as it were. What you see as inoffensive may not be so to the two or three of us who do legitimately look forward to this game and who are getting really sick of it constantly being bashed (which it has been from day one, hence the problem with this topic; it's yet another snarky, needless post about how much the game "sucks" for one reason or another and we've frankly seen enough of that).
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#56 Posted: 00:06:40 11/08/2011
^ i agree with Razz's post.

when people like Summer flame things because of a design, isn't it obvious people will call him/her down? ripto wasn't the best looking villain either. does that mean he's terrible? same with gnasty, too.

NOW it seems the skylanders haters are finding SOME excuse to hate the game. childish, no? hating a design and saying a villain is horrible JUST because of a design. once again, was ripto and gnasty horrible? villains aren't SUPPOSED to look cute. when someone mentions the word "villain", the first thing that pops into everyone's mind usually isn't cute.

and people DO have a right to call others down for their opinion, just as much as they have a right to post their opinions. i've said that quite a bit, and i STILL see people saying "SHUT UP, U NO PPL CAN HAVE AN OPINION?!?!!!!!11!". is it THAT hard to understand? (not directed at anyone, of course...)

i mean, i can understand if you don't care for the game because you can't afford it, don't like the idea of the toys, etc. but hating it because of spyro's (and whoever else) design is just plain ignorant. if design mattered, i would HATE DotD with a burning passion. but it's alright, IMO. and many people seemed to love it (it even seems a bit overrated). and also, i've heard that people are sending death threats to activision because of his design. "I H8 SPYRO'S DESIGN SOOOOOOO MUCH!111! I'M GOING TO SEND DEATH THREATS TO ACTIVISION!!! smilie " overreacting, much? (once again, not directed at anyone)

pfff i'm going to hear it...
but i love it all smooth
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:37:26 11/08/2011 by LevanJess
Kiro Blue Sparx Gems: 765
#57 Posted: 02:16:15 11/08/2011
You can always watch the inevitable playthroughs and cutscenes that get posted to YouTube, Kiro.

Very true. I'll check it out,see if it's worth it. Thanks Razz.
"I find this to be particularly.... particularly.....sheep dung."
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#58 Posted: 03:25:51 11/08/2011
It's better to have comedic villains or gut wrenching ones, Take Light from Death Note, you rooted for him but as the series went on he just become more ruthless and evil
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#59 Posted: 08:28:38 11/08/2011
Quote: Razz
So was I. Reread my comment there because I don't think you got what I was saying.
And it is worth noting that you seem to have one foot in the hater camp for this game, as it were. What you see as inoffensive may not be so to the two or three of us who do legitimately look forward to this game and who are getting really sick of it constantly being bashed (which it has been from day one, hence the problem with this topic; it's yet another snarky, needless post about how much the game "sucks" for one reason or another and we've frankly seen enough of that).

...How can I be in the hater camp when I am still considering buying the game? And I find it difficult to hate things in general anyway.

How the heck is Summer's post offensive? She simply said "just don't like the looks of him". That is not bashing. It's simply expressing an opinion. You of all people should know that, seeing as you you bash things quite often. Summer's post is in no way comparable to a lot of your own bashing posts. And nobody ever said those were wrong or offensive. It makes you look hypocritical, the way you say other people bashing is wrong (even though Summer did nothing of the sort), while you bash things yourself. smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#60 Posted: 08:35:09 11/08/2011
I think the fans of this game are being too personal about it, whenever someone bashes Skylanders. I would just ignore it.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#61 Posted: 09:18:03 11/08/2011
Super: It'd be easier to ignore if it wasn't literally everywhere. I was browsing the dA groups earlier today and found no less than three Skylanders haters groups, saw almost all of the classic Spyro groups promoting hate of the game, and found only two pro-Skylanders groups (both of which I started back in February). At this point, almost all of the commentary about the game is negative, so of course it's starting to wear on those of us who like the game. It's been over six months. You'd get sick of it, too, if you were in our shoes.

SonicBrawler: That would ring more true if I hadn't seen you saying you were going to buy the game just so you could break it, not play it. Most of your comments read as pessimistic bordering on hating when it comes to the game, at least everything I've seen you saying lately.

I'll say it again: Summer's post is offensive because she started this topic just to say something else nasty about the game. Yes, it's a small thing, but see my above posts. Admittedly, I'm not the one who first said Summer's post was "offensive", that word came into the conversation from you and others. I thought it was pretty pointless and silly when I first saw the topic and couldn't resist poking at it in kind.

As for me bashing things, oh yeah, you bet I do, and I don't dispute anyone else's right to do the same. However, if you're going to make disparaging comments about something on a public forum, it goes without saying that someone might call you out on it. I fully expect people to call me out on my negative comments and I'm cool with it. So is Summer, apparently (she sure hasn't been back here to defend her original statement). The only people I've really seen get up in arms about this thread for real are the Skylanders haters who decided that other people expressing their opinions (and those unpopular opinions at that) needed shouting at. It smells a bit rank to me.
Kiro Blue Sparx Gems: 765
#62 Posted: 13:12:56 11/08/2011
Kaos certainly looks the part as a villain,if you ask me. Looks like something that'd pop up in A Hero's Tail to my eyes.
"I find this to be particularly.... particularly.....sheep dung."
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#63 Posted: 15:17:45 11/08/2011
lol you guys just keep on going....
Team Drago
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#64 Posted: 17:04:32 11/08/2011
I was joking about buying the game to destroy it, and I thought I had made it purrrr-ity clear that I was joking. smilie

And it's hardly hating. I'm simply being critical. Just because I point out some things I think could be done better, doesn't mean I hate it. If I hated it, I would never of said anything positive about the game, and I have mentioned some things I like about it.

Ah, but you hold no proof of that claim. To me, Summer just started a topic that asks for an opinion on something. It just so happens their own opinion was negative. But they weren't bashing anything. If they were trying to cause something, they would probably have posted guff meant to annoy others. But they didn't.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#65 Posted: 17:47:54 11/08/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
...I don't see what's wrong with the OP. Would the haters have said that the topic was a problem if Summer said she liked the design? No, they wouldn't actually. They'd disagree, but they wouldn't waffle on about the topic being problematic. It's a topic where people can express opinions on a matter. There are thousands of topics like this all over the forum. Lots of them open with a negative opinion, and nobody ever complained. What makes this topic so different?

As for Kaos, I think he just seems generic. Much like everything else in the game.

If Summer had said she liked Kaos from the looks of the game, no one would flip out on her how she hasn't played the game to know. But since she doesn't like the looks of Kaos.. Well, people are gonna get on her, which I find ridiculous.

But I understand how pro-Skylander fans would get really defensive, since there's so much bashing around the game. I was like that for TLoS for a time, for the same reason. It all ticked me off.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:51:43 11/08/2011 by Darby
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#66 Posted: 20:22:24 11/08/2011
Heh, I'm glad that's a joke, then, SB. $70 is a lot to pay for a frisbee. smilie And apologies if my last comment didn't come out right or was snappish; it was 2:30am when I wrote it and I was dead tired.

I'm going to back this up a bit to straighten things out. Summer's post isn't offensive. "Annoying" is the right word to use to describe it. And "annoyed" is what all of us Skylanders fans are after over six months of little but whining from every other Spyro fan out there.

Despite what a lot of you are saying, Summer's first post bothered a lot of people and I think it was meant to. She asked a question and immediately answered it negatively, starting a new topic in "General" where everyone would see it and ensuring that everyone saw her unasked-for opinion on a topic she brought up. That's pretty much the definition of "bashing" right there. If you look back at the first responses, it's just a little snark fest (which are usually fun). It isn't until later that a few anti-Skylanders show up and start ragging on the fans for snarking. There's nothing you can say that will make me see that as anything but unfair, especially given that crap every Skylanders fan has had to put up with since February.

As a fan of the upcoming game, I have no haven where I can enjoy this game unharassed. I've had to block over a dozen people from my gallery for being jerks about it, supposedly professional gaming sites are whining worse than the most obnoxious Spyrotard about it, and even the Skylanders board here on dS is crawling with haters. It's to the point that people off-site are mocking dS for being a troll magnet right now. I know I'm not the only Skylanders fan who is absolutely sick and tired of being treated badly within this fandom just because I'm actually willing to give the new thing a chance.

If I started a topic that said "Is Cynder a good character?" and the first post was "No! She's a skank and a Mary Sue!" do you think anyone would let that slide? Of course not. But unlike here, nobody would argue with anyone who disagreed with my first post. Are you seeing where some of this is a bit unfair yet?

In short, we few Skylanders fans are sick of seeing nothing but griping about the game we're excited about and it's rather unfair to pick at us for calling out a few people in the one place we can do that when the overwhelming majority does nothing but complain about the game.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#67 Posted: 21:47:51 11/08/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
...How can I be in the hater camp when I am still considering buying the game? And I find it difficult to hate things in general anyway.

You find the game to be a rip-off, you claim you would buy it to break it (though that's most likely a joke), and you've already claimed before that you weren't buying the game.
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343
#68 Posted: 21:57:48 11/08/2011
For I know so far about Kaos he seems like a pretty decent enemy. he fits right in with the classic enemies of Spyro.

and this topic was indeed oh so obviously created in order to bash Skylanders. I for one like the look of the game. it's certainly something different and no one really knows how it will come out to be until october. so creating a topic and stating that you dislike the villain based solely on design is again an obvious attempt to bash the game or get others to start bashing the game.

thats likley what summers was looking for.

EDIT: damn, I posted a little after you did Razz. my comment was practically worthless to add compared to everything you just stated. I agree with all of that you said though. it's absolutly right. the way we fans of Skylanders are treated is entirly unfair.
Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 22:05:07 11/08/2011 by BlackNight12
LevanJess Emerald Sparx Gems: 3516
#69 Posted: 22:20:57 11/08/2011
Quote: Razz
Heh, I'm glad that's a joke, then, SB. $70 is a lot to pay for a frisbee. :D And apologies if my last comment didn't come out right or was snappish; it was 2:30am when I wrote it and I was dead tired.

I'm going to back this up a bit to straighten things out. Summer's post isn't offensive. "Annoying" is the right word to use to describe it. And "annoyed" is what all of us Skylanders fans are after over six months of little but whining from every other Spyro fan out there.

Despite what a lot of you are saying, Summer's first post bothered a lot of people and I think it was meant to. She asked a question and immediately answered it negatively, starting a new topic in "General" where everyone would see it and ensuring that everyone saw her unasked-for opinion on a topic she brought up. That's pretty much the definition of "bashing" right there. If you look back at the first responses, it's just a little snark fest (which are usually fun). It isn't until later that a few anti-Skylanders show up and start ragging on the fans for snarking. There's nothing you can say that will make me see that as anything but unfair, especially given that crap every Skylanders fan has had to put up with since February.

As a fan of the upcoming game, I have no haven where I can enjoy this game unharassed. I've had to block over a dozen people from my gallery for being jerks about it, supposedly professional gaming sites are whining worse than the most obnoxious Spyrotard about it, and even the Skylanders board here on dS is crawling with haters. It's to the point that people off-site are mocking dS for being a troll magnet right now. I know I'm not the only Skylanders fan who is absolutely sick and tired of being treated badly within this fandom just because I'm actually willing to give the new thing a chance.

If I started a topic that said "Is Cynder a good character?" and the first post was "No! She's a skank and a Mary Sue!" do you think anyone would let that slide? Of course not. But unlike here, nobody would argue with anyone who disagreed with my first post. Are you seeing where some of this is a bit unfair yet?

In short, we few Skylanders fans are sick of seeing nothing but griping about the game we're excited about and it's rather unfair to pick at us for calling out a few people in the one place we can do that when the overwhelming majority does nothing but complain about the game.

Quote: BlackNight12
For I know so far about Kaos he seems like a pretty decent enemy. he fits right in with the classic enemies of Spyro.

and this topic was indeed oh so obviously created in order to bash Skylanders. I for one like the look of the game. it's certainly something different and no one really knows how it will come out to be until october. so creating a topic and stating that you dislike the villain based solely on design is again an obvious attempt to bash the game or get others to start bashing the game.

thats likley what summers was looking for.

EDIT: damn, I posted a little after you did Razz. my comment was practically worthless to add compared to everything you just stated. I agree with all of that you said though. it's absolutly right. the way we fans of Skylanders are treated is entirly unfair.

also, at you people who are all like "if summer said he LIKED the looks of kaos, no one would yell at him!"

Quote: LevanJess
^ i agree with Razz's post.

when people like Summer flame things because of a design, isn't it obvious people will call him/her down? ripto wasn't the best looking villain either. does that mean he's terrible? same with gnasty, too.

NOW it seems the skylanders haters are finding SOME excuse to hate the game. childish, no? hating a design and saying a villain is horrible JUST because of a design. once again, was ripto and gnasty horrible? villains aren't SUPPOSED to look cute. when someone mentions the word "villain", the first thing that pops into everyone's mind usually isn't cute.

and people DO have a right to call others down for their opinion, just as much as they have a right to post their opinions. i've said that quite a bit, and i STILL see people saying "SHUT UP, U NO PPL CAN HAVE AN OPINION?!?!!!!!11!". is it THAT hard to understand? (not directed at anyone, of course...)

i mean, i can understand if you don't care for the game because you can't afford it, don't like the idea of the toys, etc. but hating it because of spyro's (and whoever else) design is just plain ignorant. if design mattered, i would HATE DotD with a burning passion. but it's alright, IMO. and many people seemed to love it (it even seems a bit overrated). and also, i've heard that people are sending death threats to activision because of his design. "I H8 SPYRO'S DESIGN SOOOOOOO MUCH!111! I'M GOING TO SEND DEATH THREATS TO ACTIVISION!!! >:) " overreacting, much? (once again, not directed at anyone)

pfff i'm going to hear it...

... -_-
but i love it all smooth
Darby Platinum Sparx Gems: 5738
#70 Posted: 22:47:39 11/08/2011
That'd be more relevant if you aimed it at summer herself.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#71 Posted: 23:32:28 11/08/2011
At this point, I think we're aiming this at the Skylanders haters who won't leave us alone and haven't let it drop since February. I have great respect for people like LauraJ/Lawzy and xPippinx over on dA; they hate Skylanders, too, but instead of complaining and being rude, they are ignoring it, expressing their thoughts politely when asked, and making works dedicated to the Spyro stuff they really like (in their case, it's all iSpyro). This wouldn't be a problem if more people were like that.

Instead, we've got an iSpyro group that broke it's own rules to post hate art, a general clasSpyro group that outright told its members to troll and harass both LoS and Skylanders fans, adult fans acting like spoiled brats when writing what are supposed to be unbiased and informative previews, bratty fans from all corners sending hate mail and death threats to the dev teams, at least two dedicated hate groups on dA, whining and complaining and harassment being delivered to any fan or group for the game... The list is nigh endless at this point and it's getting ridiculous. Do you guys even know what the few fans have? Two groups on dA I started myself, exactly one unmolested topic I can think of on the Skylanders board, and the knowledge that the game is actually succeeding hugely outside of this garbage pile that used to be our fandom.

Frankly, with this kind of behavior, I may miss Elora, but I hope that Activision never does a single nice thing for this fandom ever again. We sure as heck don't deserve it. And I hope Skylanders is a bigger success even than the Insomniac games if only because, at this point, we all deserve to have our noses rubbed in it for acting like we have been.
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#72 Posted: 23:43:15 11/08/2011
Quote: Razz
Frankly, with this kind of behavior, I may miss Elora, but I hope that Activision never does a single nice thing for this fandom ever again. We sure as heck don't deserve it. And I hope Skylanders is a bigger success even than the Insomniac games if only because, at this point, we all deserve to have our noses rubbed in it for acting like we have been.


Though I wouldn't really care if it's a bigger success than the older games or not.
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#73 Posted: 23:45:53 11/08/2011
Quote: Razz
At this point, I think we're aiming this at the Skylanders haters who won't leave us alone and haven't let it drop since February. I have great respect for people like LauraJ/Lawzy and xPippinx over on dA; they hate Skylanders, too, but instead of complaining and being rude, they are ignoring it, expressing their thoughts politely when asked, and making works dedicated to the Spyro stuff they really like (in their case, it's all iSpyro). This wouldn't be a problem if more people were like that.

Instead, we've got an iSpyro group that broke it's own rules to post hate art, a general clasSpyro group that outright told its members to troll and harass both LoS and Skylanders fans, adult fans acting like spoiled brats when writing what are supposed to be unbiased and informative previews, bratty fans from all corners sending hate mail and death threats to the dev teams, at least two dedicated hate groups on dA, whining and complaining and harassment being delivered to any fan or group for the game... The list is nigh endless at this point and it's getting ridiculous. Do you guys even know what the few fans have? Two groups on dA I started myself, exactly one unmolested topic I can think of on the Skylanders board, and the knowledge that the game is actually succeeding hugely outside of this garbage pile that used to be our fandom.

Frankly, with this kind of behavior, I may miss Elora, but I hope that Activision never does a single nice thing for this fandom ever again. We sure as heck don't deserve it. And I hope Skylanders is a bigger success even than the Insomniac games if only because, at this point, we all deserve to have our noses rubbed in it for acting like we have been.

Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#74 Posted: 00:00:07 12/08/2011
Actually, to be quite truthful, in terms of media exposure and industry anticipation, this game has already far outstripped even the Insomniac three. Activision is proud of this and, where the Insomniac games only ever got mentioned in gaming 'zines and LoS was generally ignored by everyone but Spyro fans, Skylanders has been showing up in places that no Spyro game has ever been (USA Today, for a start).
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#75 Posted: 00:01:20 12/08/2011
USA Today is the only place I can think of where the game was mentioned in a place unrelated to games. smilie
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#76 Posted: 00:01:29 12/08/2011
That's probably because Activision is doing it, they have a way with attention.
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#77 Posted: 00:02:21 12/08/2011
so in the end, everybody sucks. the end.

can i make a suggestion? can we stay on topic and not start a discurrion on every board here? you guys are pathetic for even trying, nobody wins in the end. you even said it yourself.
Team Drago
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#78 Posted: 00:02:54 12/08/2011
Quote: Skorpion216
That's probably because Activision is doing it, they have a way with attention.

.......Or it could just be that they're one of the largest third party publishers in the world and have the money to be able to advertise their products.......And they (hopefully) learned that only advertising one game for the entire year isn't a good idea for the other games that are being released under your name.

Quote: LyraDragon
so in the end, everybody sucks. the end.

can i make a suggestion? can we stay on topic and not start a discurrion on every board here? you guys are pathetic for even trying, nobody wins in the end. you even said it yourself.

We don't have to win.

Not to mention, we kinda are on topic. This topic was made to give a negative opinion on Kaos, and to a shorter extent, the game in general
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:04:38 12/08/2011 by CAV
semp123 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3232
#79 Posted: 00:43:18 12/08/2011
Quote: LyraDragon
so in the end, everybody sucks. the end.

Including and/or especially you.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 00:43:31 12/08/2011 by semp123
BlackNight12 Gold Sparx Gems: 2343
#80 Posted: 06:25:49 12/08/2011
Quote: Razz
At this point, I think we're aiming this at the Skylanders haters who won't leave us alone and haven't let it drop since February. I have great respect for people like LauraJ/Lawzy and xPippinx over on dA; they hate Skylanders, too, but instead of complaining and being rude, they are ignoring it, expressing their thoughts politely when asked, and making works dedicated to the Spyro stuff they really like (in their case, it's all iSpyro). This wouldn't be a problem if more people were like that.

Instead, we've got an iSpyro group that broke it's own rules to post hate art, a general clasSpyro group that outright told its members to troll and harass both LoS and Skylanders fans, adult fans acting like spoiled brats when writing what are supposed to be unbiased and informative previews, bratty fans from all corners sending hate mail and death threats to the dev teams, at least two dedicated hate groups on dA, whining and complaining and harassment being delivered to any fan or group for the game... The list is nigh endless at this point and it's getting ridiculous. Do you guys even know what the few fans have? Two groups on dA I started myself, exactly one unmolested topic I can think of on the Skylanders board, and the knowledge that the game is actually succeeding hugely outside of this garbage pile that used to be our fandom.

Frankly, with this kind of behavior, I may miss Elora, but I hope that Activision never does a single nice thing for this fandom ever again. We sure as heck don't deserve it. And I hope Skylanders is a bigger success even than the Insomniac games if only because, at this point, we all deserve to have our noses rubbed in it for acting like we have been.

Trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble, trouble! - Taylor Swift
LyraDragon Yellow Sparx Gems: 1283
#81 Posted: 10:59:25 12/08/2011
of course me too. but i thought this topic was to discuss if caos was a terrible enemy compared to the other enemies from the other games. but of course, thats just rediculous to say, since she/he hasnt played the game yet.
Team Drago
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#82 Posted: 13:40:18 12/08/2011
Razz, declare that on dA and see what responses you would get.

And maybe, just maybe someone that hates the game would understand the other side of the coin. smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#83 Posted: 17:02:15 12/08/2011
You can say that Kaos is terrible enemy, but only from a character design point of view, not from personality of the character or how they can attack.
A7XSparx Green Sparx Gems: 344
#84 Posted: 17:43:39 12/08/2011
Frankly, with this kind of behavior, I may miss Elora, but I hope that Activision never does a single nice thing for this fandom ever again. We sure as heck don't deserve it. And I hope Skylanders is a bigger success even than the Insomniac games if only because, at this point, we all deserve to have our noses rubbed in it for acting like we have been.

That, right there, is the utter truth. I don't know what happened, but the Spyro fandom turned into this toxic hurricane of hateful "fans". Now, can some of these people even bother to call themselves "Spyro fans" if they hate a gae just because he LOOKS different? It doesn't matter WHAT he looks like. Whether he's cute and sparkly-eyed in the classics, determined and dull in TLoS, or small and gremlin like in Skylanders, heck, he's still Spyro. That feisty determination in him never changed. He's still the same character, but in different styles.

It's like that in Spyro fanart too. Everybody draws him in different styles, and most people like the wide-variety of styles. Say Skylanders Spyro was by an artist with a different style. Would you guys HATE her just because she draws Spyro ugly? Just look at how I draw him. He looks like a freakin' zombie when I draw him, but people still like it because he's still Spyro, no matter what.

The only thing I DON'T like is how Spyro is being sold. He went from a videogame to some toy-collectable. But seeing that the game is doing well before it even has come out yet, it's a bit obvious that regardless of looks or character deletion, it's a good game to try out. smilie
Sparx: Eeeeeeewwww, what's that...THING on your head?!
Persephone: It's a button. If you press it you get free coffee! smilie
Sparx: YAAAAY! smilie
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#85 Posted: 21:01:31 12/08/2011
Quote: A7XSparx
Frankly, with this kind of behavior, I may miss Elora, but I hope that Activision never does a single nice thing for this fandom ever again. We sure as heck don't deserve it. And I hope Skylanders is a bigger success even than the Insomniac games if only because, at this point, we all deserve to have our noses rubbed in it for acting like we have been.

That, right there, is the utter truth. I don't know what happened, but the Spyro fandom turned into this toxic hurricane of hateful "fans". Now, can some of these people even bother to call themselves "Spyro fans" if they hate a gae just because he LOOKS different? It doesn't matter WHAT he looks like. Whether he's cute and sparkly-eyed in the classics, determined and dull in TLoS, or small and gremlin like in Skylanders, heck, he's still Spyro. That feisty determination in him never changed. He's still the same character, but in different styles.

It's like that in Spyro fanart too. Everybody draws him in different styles, and most people like the wide-variety of styles. Say Skylanders Spyro was by an artist with a different style. Would you guys HATE her just because she draws Spyro ugly? Just look at how I draw him. He looks like a freakin' zombie when I draw him, but people still like it because he's still Spyro, no matter what.

The only thing I DON'T like is how Spyro is being sold. He went from a videogame to some toy-collectable. But seeing that the game is doing well before it even has come out yet, it's a bit obvious that regardless of looks or character deletion, it's a good game to try out. smilie

In my case, it's mainly to do with the gameplay, LoS didn't have the gameplay that I enjoyed, therefore I dislike it, simple as.
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#86 Posted: 21:45:31 12/08/2011
Quote: CAV
Quote: sonicbrawler182
...How can I be in the hater camp when I am still considering buying the game? And I find it difficult to hate things in general anyway.

You find the game to be a rip-off, you claim you would buy it to break it (though that's most likely a joke), and you've already claimed before that you weren't buying the game.

Finding it a rip-off doesn't mean I hate it. I just think the whole toy thing is unecessary from a consumer standpoint. The characters could of been put in the game normally, as well as the Adventure Pack stages.

As I said before, that was a joke.

I'll admit, I was being a bit hasty. But even then, I didn't hate it, I just wasn't interested enough to want to buy it.
And Razz, don't worry about offending me around here. Very few things offend me. And I didn't get a hostile vibe from your post at all. smilie

I kind of want to join in on more of the discussion, but so much has went on here, and I've got too much on my mind to think straight. <.>;
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 21:50:02 12/08/2011 by sonicbrawler182
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#87 Posted: 22:05:28 12/08/2011
There you go, CAV. smilie I've also included in my journal post a link to an article in which the executive producer of Skylanders pretty just told the fanbrats to deal with it and that they don't care since we're not their demographic. Bravo!
Jackson117 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3875
#88 Posted: 02:19:13 13/08/2011
I've claimed my disgust of the game, really I'm just being a hypocritical jumping on the bandwagon guy.

Aside from it being a Spyro spin-off even if it didn't have spyro i would of got it as it's in the same style that peaks my interest
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#89 Posted: 23:13:21 13/08/2011
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Finding it a rip-off doesn't mean I hate it. I just think the whole toy thing is unecessary from a consumer standpoint. The characters could of been put in the game normally, as well as the Adventure Pack stages.

As I said before, that was a joke.

I'll admit, I was being a bit hasty. But even then, I didn't hate it, I just wasn't interested enough to want to buy it.

That's technically hating on a part of the game. I'm doing the same thing seeing how the 3DS port is being sold for the exact same price of $70. Even Amazon is selling it a bit too expensive ($60).

I noted that.

Quote: Razz
There you go, CAV. smilie I've also included in my journal post a link to an article in which the executive producer of Skylanders pretty just told the fanbrats to deal with it and that they don't care since we're not their demographic. Bravo!

sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#90 Posted: 23:17:19 13/08/2011
Quote: CAV
Quote: sonicbrawler182
Finding it a rip-off doesn't mean I hate it. I just think the whole toy thing is unecessary from a consumer standpoint. The characters could of been put in the game normally, as well as the Adventure Pack stages.

As I said before, that was a joke.

I'll admit, I was being a bit hasty. But even then, I didn't hate it, I just wasn't interested enough to want to buy it.

That's technically hating on a part of the game. I'm doing the same thing seeing how the 3DS port is being sold for the exact same price of $70. Even Amazon is selling it a bit too expensive ($60).

I noted that.

Quote: Razz
There you go, CAV. smilie I've also included in my journal post a link to an article in which the executive producer of Skylanders pretty just told the fanbrats to deal with it and that they don't care since we're not their demographic. Bravo!


I never knew you had to completely hate or despise something to oppose it, or see flaws in it.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#91 Posted: 23:37:23 13/08/2011
Didn't say you had to.

Read my post again. You'll see that I'm also opposing something about the game.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 23:37:41 13/08/2011 by CAV
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#92 Posted: 23:47:46 13/08/2011
But you said that I'm technically hating a part of the game, when I'm not. You didn't exactly say it, but you certainly implied it.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
CAV Platinum Sparx Gems: 6397
#93 Posted: 23:48:43 13/08/2011
Just like how I'm hating a part of it............more or less the same part. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#94 Posted: 23:52:32 13/08/2011
But why are you telling me I hate it when I know I don't?

Whether or not you hate it is irrelevant to whether or not I do. smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Skorpion216 Ripto Gems: 340
#95 Posted: 23:57:03 13/08/2011
Quote: CAV
Just like how I'm hating a part of it............more or less the same part. smilie

Quote: sonicbrawler182
But why are you telling me I hate it when I know I don't?

Whether or not you hate it is irrelevant to whether or not I do. smilie

Good lord. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#96 Posted: 23:59:10 13/08/2011

GOOD LORD, I scream loud when I want to. smilie
"My memories will be part of the sky."
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#97 Posted: 00:22:47 14/08/2011
I think the point of confusion with you and Skylanders, SB, is coming out because most of your posts really do read like you hate this game. I was honestly surprised when you said you didn't hate it; I can't recall seeing anything recently in which you weren't complaining about some aspect of it or another.

And, yeah, that DS price is kind of crazy. On the one hand, I can't fault them because the toys aren't cheap. On the other hand, I've had a problem with the price of all DS games since forever. They want you to pay $40 for something that's usually only $20 worth of game at best. It's ridiculous, especially for someone who remembers buying full console games for less than that. I don't think the 3DS version of Skylanders is going to do so hot, but not because of the game; the 3DS itself is tanking bad (as it should for being an overpriced gimmick). I'm kind of hoping they'll crack and release a regular DS version or something. smilie
sonicbrawler182 Platinum Sparx Gems: 7105
#98 Posted: 00:30:49 14/08/2011
People must be awful sensitive then.
My posts on games are almost always monotone (unless I'm joking around), and emotionless. Hate is an emotional feeling, so logically, that doesn't make sense to me.

I'm just being unbiased towards the game. I'm not going to bash it because it's not exactly what I expected (I like suprises! smilie), but I'm not going to cut it any sort of slack for any sort of reason either.
"My memories will be part of the sky."
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9624
#99 Posted: 06:39:05 14/08/2011
Yes, it doesn't sound like Sonicbrawler is hating on it completly, to me, he is just generally talking about it in a more realistic way instead of from the developer's point of view, of them trying to talk about it in ways of trying to sell it to you, and I think that SB is talking about it in reality.
Razz Platinum Sparx Gems: 6136
#100 Posted: 06:48:51 14/08/2011
That may well be. I'm starting to realize that half of my fervor for Skylanders is a reaction to the hate. From the outset, everyone treated it like it was the end of the world. So I decided to love it just to spit in their eye, more or less. smilie Yes, it does look vaguely interesting and I will be buying, but I'm not exactly super gung-ho about it. I'm much more excited by things like Tomb Raider and the next Mercy Thompson book. Skylanders, like all of Spyro outside of the Insomniac three, is pretty much just something bright and shiny I kick around to stave off crippling boredom/depression (and I've picked up a lot of bad habits from being in this fandom so long; all my watchers are there for the Spyro D: ).
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