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Some new Skylanders launch listings, names and stock photos [CLOSED]
Okaps Platinum Sparx Gems: 6245
#1 Posted: 04:19:52 06/07/2011 | Topic Creator
(sorry if this is old news, I couldn't find any of the info anywhere else) I stumbled across this UK-based site yesterday and they have a listing of 12 Skylands singles that will be available on launch: http://www.centresoft.co.uk/pr...k-12-characters

  • Voodood (shaman with a polearm/staff, magic)
  • Zap
  • Drobot (cyborg dragon, tech)
  • Boomer (manic-looking goblin with dynamite, tech)
  • Stealth Elf
  • Stump Smash
  • Chop Chop
  • Prism Break
  • Bash (brown earthy lizard, earth)
  • Sonic Boom (the black gryphon, air)
  • Flameslinger
  • Eruptor

*Stealth Elf is the only one listed that is also available with a game

They also list "adventure triple assortment packs" which is just 3 different 3-packs of the above figures (Bash is in two of them, could be an error?). Compared to singles, it's a LITTLE cheaper to get 3-packs than 3 singles but there doesn't appear to be any other advantage other than convenience.

And there's also this "Pirate Seas Adventure Pack": http://www.centresoft.co.uk/pr...-adventure-pack

  • Terrafin
  • Pirate Seas
  • Hidden Treasure
  • Ghost Swords

The text on the page says "4 Additional figurines for added benefits and unlocking additional areas of the game."
Vague, but still more info than what was known before?

These all match Amazon's extremely basic listings - 12 single packs, 3 triple packs, and one adventure pack, so that might be everything we'll get at launch, excluding what exclusives Toys R Us has yet to show. Pretty good selection, IMO.
#all Spyros are valid
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#2 Posted: 04:22:46 06/07/2011
Now I want Drobot, Bash, and Sonic Boom so badly! And by shaman, does it mean polar bear/human?
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 04:24:27 06/07/2011 by Fireball
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#3 Posted: 05:47:48 06/07/2011
This isn't old news at all, Okaps! smilie

I'm loving the robot dragon X3

And I just noticed that Bash is like a wingless, brown version of Terrador :3
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 06:43:23 06/07/2011 by Aura24
The Commander Ripto Gems: 228
#4 Posted: 07:47:07 06/07/2011
Wish I knew who the Phoenix was. -.-
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#5 Posted: 12:12:20 06/07/2011
Quote: The Commander
Wish I knew who the Phoenix was. -.-

Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
spyrocrash Platinum Sparx Gems: 5012
#6 Posted: 14:18:48 06/07/2011
i got another dragon to add to my list smilie
Kittykat33 Green Sparx Gems: 103
#7 Posted: 15:14:47 06/07/2011
Cool. I know more of the names now smilie
What do you call a dog with no legs? Doesn't matter what you call him, he isn't going to come.
SequoiaDragon Emerald Sparx Gems: 3930
#8 Posted: 16:47:51 06/07/2011
YUSSH!! smilie More character stuff!

I'm just hoping that all the characters excepting dark Spyro can be bought on their own. I don't know if I'm reading wrong, but are they saying that more characters will be exclusive with certain things? I hope not... smilie
My book Harahpin is now on sale! smilie
arceustheprime Ripto Gems: 5362
#9 Posted: 23:53:58 06/07/2011
Sonic Boom <3 TAT NAME *Hums the song 'Sonic Boom' from Sonic CD*.
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#10 Posted: 00:09:51 07/07/2011
Sonic Boom's mah favorite. smilie
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#11 Posted: 02:07:47 07/07/2011
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
Firehead010 Green Sparx Gems: 316
#12 Posted: 15:24:47 09/07/2011
I hope they have a cat/dog character, or both!
Don't try to hard to get through life. No one gets out alive anyway. -Random
Thunderdragon14 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8109
#13 Posted: 06:40:48 10/07/2011
Quote: Firehead010
I hope they have a cat/dog character, or both!

They already do:
[User Posted Image]
Quote: Alydol
go back to whining about your fish
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#14 Posted: 07:49:48 10/07/2011
^That character's an enemy in the game.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
Fireball Emerald Sparx Gems: 3163
#15 Posted: 19:42:23 10/07/2011
Yeah, but aren't there characters for each species of enemy?
OblivionSkull21, up and coming indie developer
Aura24 Platinum Sparx Gems: 6561
#16 Posted: 21:34:56 10/07/2011
We don't know yet.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!"
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