But mostly, it's a fun way to let our imagination wonder what other characters will star in this title.
State a name, description of character (species), weapons and accessories, personality and backstory, and upgrades.
Also display what element it is. The 8 elements are Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Tech, Magic, Life, and Undead. You can create your own element if you want.
Try and find an image that could look like this character. Try drawing your own.
Slime Blob, a green blob monster, no weapons--uses body to mold into random shapes that strike the enemy, mostly angry and in a bad mood, all of his freinds have been anti-bacterialized in the clutches of kaos. In his microscopic world, Slime Blob was able to use his scientific smarts to grow himself giant--to the size of a new hero. Upgrades include: Supersize Blob, blob shooter, and liquidation (stealth).
Slime Blob's element is Tech.
![[User Posted Image]](http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2011/010/3/f/blob_monster_by_drawnout18-d36v7pd.jpg)