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darkSpyro - Spyro and Skylanders Forum > The Legend of Spyro 3D [CLOSED] > So, will there ever be any spyro shows movies or books?
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So, will there ever be any spyro shows movies or books? [CLOSED]
Epic7 Red Sparx Gems: 25
#1 Posted: 16:21:30 29/12/2010 | Topic Creator
I'm pissed about the cancel of the movie, but do you think there will ever be any thing other than games about smilie?
I got the password to my old account. I am Spyro_987
spyrocynderfan7 Ripto Gems: 783
#2 Posted: 20:12:49 29/12/2010
sure hope so
SuperSpyroFan Diamond Sparx Gems: 9269
#3 Posted: 22:33:44 29/12/2010
Quote: Epic7
I'm pissed about the cancel of the movie, but do you think there will ever be any thing other than games about smilie?

I doubt it, but who knows...
spyrocynderfan7 Ripto Gems: 783
#4 Posted: 04:17:51 30/12/2010
I wouldn't count on it though
no wings5 Blue Sparx Gems: 804
#5 Posted: 20:31:21 30/12/2010
i hope like hell i'll live to see a spyro T.V show. but i doubt there will be one
every saint has a past,
every sinner has a future.
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