Just like

But with a hand over somebody's face.
It could be very useful.
Gold Sparx
![]() |
#1601 Posted: 01:24:22 21/08/2014
You should make a smilie for /facepalm
Just like ![]() But with a hand over somebody's face. It could be very useful.
now its time to get funky |
Arc of Archives
Yellow Sparx
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#1602 Posted: 00:50:12 23/09/2014
Nothing to suggest, I just want to say that the way modded messages have an alert is nice, since it'd make it easier to notice them
My new account. |
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1603 Posted: 01:24:36 23/09/2014
Yeah, Because I didn't even know I had a moderated message.
I think at the top on the yellow box, it should show a 'red number 1' near the settings section. Saying MM. It's not a big deal, but it would be useful. Because I go to the view posts section in settings everyday, and I don't even notice the MM. |
Arc of Archives
Yellow Sparx
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#1604 Posted: 01:37:04 23/09/2014
^ Huh? I got an alert for two modded messages, a 2 in a red box next to my username in the yellow box. I don't know how long it's been there, I just wanted to say it's a neat addition.
My new account. |
Platinum Sparx
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#1605 Posted: 03:31:02 23/09/2014
I recently got a Cleanup MM, but never got a notification on that. I'm guessing it's only the severe MM that are notified.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Gold Sparx
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#1606 Posted: 11:20:29 25/11/2014
A search bar for topics and users.
Hello There, Old Friends! |
Yellow Sparx
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#1607 Posted: 00:26:53 01/12/2014
Noah, I'm really liking the elements thing on the top. Just don't forget the light & dark elements
Spread those positive vibes |
Diamond Sparx
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#1608 Posted: 02:18:43 15/12/2014
Having a Konami code Easter Egg for the front page.
bash fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1609 Posted: 11:07:38 23/12/2014
The power to tag other users in your posts so you can alert them to visit the thread you have created or an important message... For example placing the "@" symbol in front of the username you'd like to alert, so: @dark52 and their name will transform into a blue link colour which will therefore lead to their profile and at the same time alerting them to the conversation or thread you have created... Is this ok dark52? I got this idea from another forum I visit.
All we had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ! |
Edited 2 times - Last edited at 11:08:58 23/12/2014 by bash fan
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1610 Posted: 04:03:45 30/12/2014
Quote: bash fan
I personally like the idea, though this has been suggested previously and about two times actually. Nothing's happened yet, maybe if you could link the topic into dark's guestbook he might do something about it. Here is a previous topic of the same suggestion, I think it would be great to get a red notification on the top next to the settings in the top yellow bar. If Dark52 can add this maybe in a next update of the forum. ![]() |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 07:55:22 07/01/2015 by whirlwind fan
Green Sparx
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#1611 Posted: 11:49:42 30/01/2015
On the game pages add stats of the skylanders
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911 |
Emerald Sparx
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#1612 Posted: 12:32:23 30/01/2015
you never saw me |
Green Sparx
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#1613 Posted: 22:53:14 31/01/2015
I suggest updating the villains page on trap team
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911 |
Platinum Sparx
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#1614 Posted: 22:55:35 31/01/2015
Dark already mentioned on the villain page comments that he will be adding more details to that page sooner or later.
"Soon all of Skylands will tremble at the awesome might of Malefor, the Undead Dragon King!" |
Diamond Sparx
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#1615 Posted: 00:19:08 06/02/2015
When people want to change usernames how about you make it so they would lose all of their gems? It's like making a new account but you don't have to worry about ban bypassing.
Green Sparx
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#1616 Posted: 07:10:32 06/02/2015
How about if someone gets gnorced than they lose a certain amount of gems.
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911 |
Yellow Sparx
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#1617 Posted: 06:15:19 06/03/2015
Quote: Crookshanks
I done that. TWICE! |
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1618 Posted: 11:48:06 09/03/2015
Quote: drobot007
I don't see the point. Being gnorc'd already comes with particular consequences. And there's no point in losing gems in any situation, other then the Mod Applications, obviously. What about ripto'd users? They did severe damages and also broke the rules? Why don't they loose gems, too? Why are you just stating gnorcians, drobot? Just in case anyone takes my last sentence seriously, it was sarcasm. |
Platinum Sparx
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#1619 Posted: 12:00:44 09/03/2015
Quote: whirlwind fan
besides, they technically DO lose gems, iirc if you're suspended over gemday you don't get the weekly gems
self professed austGAYlian |
Platinum Sparx
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#1620 Posted: 17:05:15 09/03/2015
Quote: drobot007
Gems are supposed to represent how long you've been an active user on the site by contributing to your sparx rank and that's just about it. Taking gems away for being suspended not only paints a very slightly inaccurate portrait of your activity, but also in the end just doesn't mean anything. The risk of losing gems won't stop someone from breaking the rules unless they're a new user who cares about them. And once you reach Yellow or Gold sparx, where the ranks become much farther in between, you won't really care about them either. |
Green Sparx
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#1621 Posted: 20:03:43 14/03/2015
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911 |
Yellow Sparx
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#1622 Posted: 04:26:34 15/03/2015
Spread those positive vibes |
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1623 Posted: 08:26:32 16/03/2015
Quote: WilltheWizard
I understand drobot's trolling has caused a lot of disharmony for most people. But what makes you say "Drobot plz. -_-" about his suggestion? It doesn't seem like a bad suggestion to me? xD Though, it would require lots of patience, for dark. :) |
Yellow Sparx
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#1624 Posted: 15:54:05 16/03/2015
Quote: whirlwind fan
No, all I am saying is that he already made a topic for it. There is no need to put the link to that topic in the same section that this topic is in.
Spread those positive vibes |
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1625 Posted: 04:48:24 17/03/2015
Quote: WilltheWizard
Okay. |
Green Sparx
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#1626 Posted: 20:11:57 17/03/2015
Quote: whirlwind fan
Thanks for understanding me. I was trying to help
Add me on Fortnite: ElmoCaused911 |
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1627 Posted: 10:58:14 25/04/2015
I wouldn't mind having more text features in posts, I mean, wouldn't it be cool to style or color your text? Maybe more wide ranges other then your average bold, italic, justified, center, right, quote and et cetera. I think it would kinda seem cool, though it's not the most important suggestion as it's been ignored or denied countless times. But it's worth one more try, huh?
I recall the reason being why it's denied is because people may spam or take advantage of the feature, some how... But what do you think? I'm wording this very vaguely, aren't I? T_T |
Green Sparx
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#1628 Posted: 18:34:41 25/04/2015
That would be pretty sweet. I would facepalm my Magikarp
I'm a sky guy, for life. Currently playing NBA 2K15. Why did I use my master ball on Magikarp? Money makes the world go round, but I wish I had some |
Adria Emerald Sparx Gems: 4196 |
#1629 Posted: 19:34:35 25/04/2015
Collapsible spoilers were suggested in the past but I can't remember what the answer was, so I want to resuggest it.
Platinum Sparx
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#1630 Posted: 05:44:01 12/05/2015
Creating polls has been approved but will it be implemented any time soon? I think it could be used right about now.
Green Sparx
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#1631 Posted: 02:34:41 30/05/2015
Having the ability to post a post without having it to contain at least 5 characters, make it at least 1 since some posts can only be expressed in a word or so.
If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice. |
Emerald Sparx
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#1632 Posted: 21:11:03 16/06/2015
the ability to upload avatars to the gallery.I know it is probably stupid but I think it would be a nice touch.
Call me the penguin man for that is who I am. Also stan LOOΠΔ! Avatar by Trix Master |
Yellow Sparx
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#1633 Posted: 22:07:52 26/06/2015
Private topics!
Stick em up! Credit to big green |
Badwolfmichael Gold Sparx Gems: 2511 |
#1634 Posted: 21:26:52 14/07/2015
I want my text to be bigger.
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1635 Posted: 07:05:46 12/08/2015
Dark52, just a reminder. I don't know if you understand the idea, or maybe your just denying it because you don't like it. Could you please take time to understand and read what this idea is suggesting. Now, I've noticed a lot of forums have a 'Ping Notifier'. Basically looks like this: @whirlwind fan. Which gives us a notification showing the post and making us up to date with what's going on. I think this would be great because a lot of posts get ignored and I would like to know if I'm included in a discussion. I know this was requested several times, but never denied (I think). This feature will definitely make people (like me, who forget to check every single topic with a new post on it) to be more alert. Hopefully you can understand the point of this solution. Sorry for sounding like such a pain. I just think I'll make life a lot easier. Cheers. Also, here is just one of the many topics that introduce the Ping Notifier, just for anyone confused. //forum.darkspyro.net/spyro/viewposts.php?topic=104136
Emerald Sparx
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#1636 Posted: 12:28:18 09/09/2015
Deleting and editing posts on guestbooks and game pages.
Also the ping notifier thing. (maybe also some kind of alert that you get when you get quoted that you can turn off) And I love strikethrough I don't think it makes it too hard to read or anything. I know you declined it but it's so helpful. |
Dark Snap Shot
Gold Sparx
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#1637 Posted: 12:06:23 26/09/2015
Why was coloured text denied?
Also a suggestion An option when u make a topic so posts can have less than 5 letters Like in count to blank before blank posts 1 2 3 Instead of 1..... 2....... 3...... This would prob be only useful in forum games though Another suggestion Make spoilers one line. Explanation If there's pics under spoilers the tag is big. And what I'm saying is Make them this wide like dis And when opened they expand to the req size. I'm very bad at explaining
Psn-Zydren8cookie, FC 3024-5345-8692 |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 12:22:10 26/09/2015 by Dark Snap Shot
Diamond Sparx
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#1638 Posted: 01:51:55 13/10/2015
Spoiling images will make it turn into this
Insert image here Instead of this ![]() |
Emerald Sparx
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#1639 Posted: 20:41:21 18/10/2015
How about saving a draft of a long post?
Prismatic Sparx
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#1640 Posted: 07:41:34 19/10/2015
Could I suggest a facelift to the site's banner? It's still one of the super early screenshots from SSA, dated doesn't begin to describe it. With the Monstrous Isles level being perfect to pose characters it'd probably be pretty easy to ask someone or capture a screenshot of a similar pose to the current one.
SO I'LL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU WANT (What I need is never what I want) |
Emerald Sparx
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#1641 Posted: 05:43:18 16/12/2015
Is there any way we could have an ignore function?
Hahahahaha |
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1642 Posted: 12:33:09 27/01/2016
Quote: GaiaMemories
I know this is really old. But tbh I've been on other forums with this feature, and it's kind of stupid. If you want to ignore somebody just block/report them. If they're posting on the same topic as you and you don't like what they're saying, don't post on the topic. You can literally ignore someone without having to implement a feature. If they're harassing you on the game pages/forums then I think that's when the moderators get involved. Edit: I have more suggestions that haven't been focused on. Saving drafts of long posts? Implementing this feature will save from having to re-write long paragraphs, and sometimes my browser just glitches and goes back to the homepage. I think this will save a lot of time. Game page moderators? I don't scroll through the game pages, but ever since new Skylander franchise has came out, there's been more younger users coming on and having arguments. Having moderators that are broadly focused on that area will be good, considering most moderators focus on the forums. Characters limit removing? I mean, this isn't a big issue but it'd be nice not having to put that "filler" everytime. I don't see what's the problem with having less than 5 characters in a post? Again, annoyingly I'd like to remind you about the Ping Notifer. Having the option to tag other users in a disscusion without directingly telling them is an easier approach. Especially since I don't check every topic I have posted on. The idea has been talked about, I don't think it's been denied? And not to excuse people who don't like this feature, maybe Dark52 can make it so in the settings you can turn it on or off, just like subscriptions and BBCodes. That's all I have for now. |
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 01:11:29 31/01/2016 by whirlwind fan
Diamond Sparx
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#1643 Posted: 00:06:20 21/02/2016
Can you add Game Ids on profiles. It just seems more convenient to have a list of your Game Ids that you can set up in settings. Just add another section called "Personal Information" where you add your Gamer Tag, PNS account, NNID, or Steam. It can be viewed in a the "Personal" table beneath your birthday.
whirlwind fan
Platinum Sparx
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#1644 Posted: 10:59:03 28/02/2016
I think the birthday changing limit is stupid and pointless. Somebody please fill me in on why we need it?
Emerald Sparx
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#1645 Posted: 15:22:27 28/02/2016
^ I agree, or at least there should be a display/not display box in that section, as I like to only display mine on that day.
Blue Sparx
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#1646 Posted: 05:11:49 29/02/2016
Quote: whirlwind fan
I may be wrong, but I assume that it is there to prevent people from changing their birthday everyday. |
Spyro the Admin
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#1647 Posted: 11:14:04 29/02/2016 | Topic Creator
Yeah that was the case. I could probably add a display option where it only shows up in the birthday list rather than always visible your profile if that's the kind of thing you're looking for.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you. |
Emerald Sparx
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#1648 Posted: 13:45:08 03/03/2016
Personally I'd really appreciate the display option if it's not too much work. :)
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