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Is this normal? [CLOSED]
The Gunslinger Ripto Gems: 477
#1 Posted: 15:50:03 30/07/2010 | Topic Creator
I bought this game used for 10 bucks. When I take me hands off the controller, Spyro still runs around albeit a bit aimlessly. Is this normal for the game or possibly because of something that happened to it prior to be sold back to the game store?
DarkCynder10 Emerald Sparx Gems: 3346
#2 Posted: 16:31:19 30/07/2010
Enter The Dragonfly is a very glitchy game. It does that to me all the time. It does weirder stuff, too. Like, secret areas, frozen enemies, skipping words in conversations, getting stuck in mid air, lost sound effects, choppy effects, and more. Just in general, the game is full of glitches, weather it's new, or old. So, don't get so surprised if something totally wrong happened. It should've been called Glitch World, or something. smilie
( ૭ ಠ___ಠ)૭
Sheep Gold Sparx Gems: 2009
#3 Posted: 16:50:18 30/07/2010
That happens to me too, but not only in this game, so I think it is because my left joystick is used too harshly and now don't center itself completely when I remove my hand.
My videos
Jade Wolf Green Sparx Gems: 420
#4 Posted: 17:46:36 30/07/2010
My analog stick has stuck up before on various games, but your problem is likely a glitch.
Edited 1 time - Last edited at 17:46:58 30/07/2010 by Jade Wolf
The Gunslinger Ripto Gems: 477
#5 Posted: 15:06:17 10/08/2010 | Topic Creator
I don't think its the analog stick...but this glitch is one that some of you haev found present even in your new copies of the game?
bionicle2809 Diamond Sparx Gems: 8603
#6 Posted: 15:46:41 10/08/2010
The game is glitchy, full stop... If there's a glitch in someone's game, then most likely it'll be on everyone copy...
GlitchGirl Green Sparx Gems: 256
#7 Posted: 19:23:19 11/08/2010
My game is a PS2 game, and it's loaded with useless and cool glitches... but never anything like that. So, since you bought it for $10.00, I'll say it's cause it was of something prior to your buying of it, that's why I prefer new games instead of used!
Heart the Warp Dragoness <3
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